Aiselin, Ellente (2)

It was only in the late afternoon that the commotion at the Belmiard mansion began to settle down.

When Ellente, who had naturally taken control of the situation from the Duke of Belmiard, began to direct the servants, everything proceeded smoothly.

As for the servants, they were so ashamed to face Ellente that they all hung their heads low, and the high-ranking retainers even knelt and bowed their heads to the ground, filled with those who apologized.

No matter how dire the situation was, the loyalists who had followed and trusted her so much that they would give their liver and gall, all turned their heads in unison… There was no way to recover from that.

Among them, the retainers who felt genuine shame offered to resign their positions and leave the mansion, or to give all their assets to Ellente and even place their lives in her hands.

Ellente smiled at the retainers who were bowing their heads in the central garden and said,

– “Although I was greatly saddened by the malice, suspicion, and contempt directed at me… given the situation, anyone would have had no choice but to be suspicious, and I too, by admitting my own guilt, confused and tested your loyalty… I will not hold each of those sins against you.”

Having inherited all the majesty of Belmiard, it was certain that she would reign as the de facto lord of this vast territory. At the words of the small girl, the retainers gathered at the scene could not help but widen their eyes.

– “Loyalty follows the heart of the lord. Although it will be difficult to gather up the contempt and sorrow I have received, I believe that the affection and trust we have built up over time will not collapse so easily. So, do not use the guilt and debt you feel to diminish yourselves, but rather to contribute more to Belmiard.”

And Ellente added with a difficult smile,

– “And if you have any strength left, help me a little too.”

Seeing Ellente say that she would erase all the contempt and scorn she had received, the servants and retainers gathered in the mansion began to shed tears.

They had come prepared to offer parts of their bodies or to give up all their positions… but Ellente embraced them all instead.

Even the mercy of the god Ruelon did not touch their hearts so warmly.

The servants and retainers gathered in the mansion realized that Ellente, who ruled coldly like steel, was also a person who knew how to warmly care for her people, possessing such a perfect character.

So they bowed their heads to the ground and endlessly cried out Ellente’s name.

Ellente awkwardly smiled and told them it was okay, then quietly turned and entered the main hall of the mansion.

As she walked down the corridor, she quietly followed the shadows where the sunlight did not reach.

When she entered the shadowed corridor, her gentle expression was gone, replaced by a cold, hardened face.

‘Things are roughly going as planned.’

Power is fleeting, and those who follow it can turn their heads at any time.

Even those who swear to believe and follow only Ellente in the world will turn their heads again if she falls to the bottom and starts floundering in the mud.

So, while she embraces them, she does not intend to give them her heart.

Ellente’s appearance, a bit colder than before, might be said to be more mature, but it feels somewhat lacking in humanity.

Nevertheless, even this icy woman still had parts of her that were fitting for a girl of her age.

‘There are not many people in the world worth trusting and giving your heart to.’

Ellente thought as she walked down the shadowed corridor, closing her eyes gently.

Many people who had passed by while she reigned over power disappeared into the shaded shadows.

However, one person she met at the end of it all strangely remained in her heart, causing her to shudder and momentarily stop in the corridor.

“Is something wrong?”


All morning, she had been busy dealing with various matters.

As she finally found some time to relax, the face of that man bloomed in her heart like a fragrance.

“…Come to think of it, where is Derek?”

Ellen thought for a moment, resting her chin on her hand.

Then she suddenly realized. Upon reflection, she had been thinking about Derek all day, except for the parts related to work.

She was aware that it was a bit dangerous, but truly dangerous things are known and still endured.

Ellen absentmindedly looked out the window while fiddling with her fingertips. Her face reflected in the glass was strangely flushed, making her doubt if this was really the same Ellen who once reigned at the top of Belmiard.

It hurt her pride.

Being in a position where marriage proposals flew in every day, she had long felt disgusted by those who tried to tie everything in the world to romantic tales.

However, when she came to her senses, she found herself being swayed by a single man, making her doubt if this was truly the image of the heir who would rule Belmiard.

She was the heir to the Count of Belmiard, destined to inherit the legacy and rule over the entire Belmiard territory.

Ellen, being a woman, naturally thought there would be times when she would be attracted to a man. She had even planned in advance how to view and handle herself when that time came. She was a perfectionist.

But everyone has a plan until they get hit.

This sudden feeling of affection, like a natural disaster, was bewildering, but Ellen regained her rational and logical demeanor after a dry wash of her face.

‘Personal feelings should not interfere with the journey of a ruler. I have consulted with my father, so he will surely give me his opinion…’

Indeed, she was the epitome of a ruler who could completely control even her emotions.

After maintaining silence for a moment, Ellen slowly thought with a rational and logical mind.

‘…So, where is Derek?’


“The Marquis of Belmiard is collecting his thoughts. For the time being, he will have his final conversation with the commander mage in the office.”

“…What will happen to Young Master Leonard?”

“Well… there are many possibilities. However, none of them are likely to be positive.”

Derek and Rodeia were sitting face to face, drinking tea in the guest reception room of the Count of Belmiard.

When she first arrived at the mansion, she was heavily armored in a large silver armor as big as her body, but after the situation was settled, she was only wearing a tight leather tunic and small bracers.

Seeing her always armed and ready to train anywhere, one could understand that this is what a hero who dominates the era looks like.

Despite her considerable age, Lady Rodeia had well-defined muscles on her arms and neck.

Having such a solid physique at an age when gray hair was starting to appear showed how extraordinary her efforts and hardships had been.

Lady Trisha, sitting demurely next to Rodeia, was completely different from the image she had shown at the Rosea Salon.

She sat with her hands on her knees, sweating profusely. The mischievous look she once had was nowhere to be seen.

There were rumors that Lady Rodeia was the fiercest tiger of the Renouel Viscount family.

It wasn’t hard to guess how strict she would be in educating her children.

“Trisha. You went to the Ravenclaw Baron’s house on your own and spread rumors about the necromancer. I have personally reprimanded you, but I understand you haven’t apologized to the Baron.”


“Do you not know how much danger can arise from recklessly dealing with necromancy? How much more disgrace do you plan to bring to my name before you come to your senses?”

“Th-that… I thought that since the Ravenclaw Baron knows how to handle necromancy and made significant contributions during the Duplain family’s disaster, it wouldn’t be too much to ask for such a request…”

“Why do you think you can make that judgment? I told you that decisions related to the affairs of Rodentz Island are made by the head of the Rodeia family. Are you already showing ambitions to climb to the top of the Renouel Viscount family while I am still here?”

“N-no, that’s not it…!”

“Apologize to the Ravenclaw Baron. Now, bow your head.”


Those who remembered the arrogant demeanor of Lady Trisha at the Rosea Salon and the Ravenclaw Baron’s house found it hard to imagine her bowing her head and apologizing.

It was curious how such a daughter came from someone like Rodeia, as she was authoritarian, arrogant, looked down on her subordinates, and disrespected her superiors.

However, when Rodeia glared at her with eyes that seemed ready to devour her, Trisha’s face turned pale, and she bowed her head.

“S-sorry… I was too thoughtless…”

“Not only are your thoughts short, but so are your words. How dare you, the second daughter of a remote viscount family, speak disrespectfully to a proper noble and head of a family? Trisha, do you plan to continue disgracing my name?”

“M-mother… He is just a noble in name from the outskirts, and you are soon to be appointed as the Marquess of the border and the head of a count family. When that happens, we won’t envy the Belmiard family…”

“So? Has my position already become that of a count? Seeing you talk back to the end, it seems you still lack education.”

“N-no…! Baron Ravenclaw! I-I’m sorry! I was very thoughtless…”

As soon as Rodeia clenched and unclenched her fists, Trisha broke into a cold sweat and apologized to Derek.

Derek, who was also in an awkward position, waved his hand and said it was okay.

“If Lady Trisha hadn’t provided information about the necromancer, it would have been difficult to properly handle the events that occurred at the Belmiard mansion. Please don’t worry too much.”

“Th-thank you, mother!”

“Even so, it doesn’t change the fact that your hasty decision was somewhat rude, Trisha.”

Rodeia sighed deeply and leaned back on the sofa as she spoke.

“When we return to the mansion, let’s do physical training together all night. Consider it a punishment.”

“M-mother… I have to return to the Ebelstein social circle today…! My personal servants are waiting at my private mansion…!”

“I’ll contact them. Don’t worry too much.”


Trisha pressed her knees with a pained expression as if she had been stabbed with a knife. However, thinking that talking back any further would only bring more harm, she bit her lips and held back her tears.

For some reason, Derek felt a bit sorry for Trisha and awkwardly looked away.

“Well, anyway. Baron Ravenclaw, your skill in dealing with necromancy is impressive. Personally, I was so impressed that I considered taking you as my lieutenant, but judging by the atmosphere, you don’t seem like someone who would accept such an offer.”

“I have many things left in the Ravenclaw territory. Having a place to return to is a blessing, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I’ll just express my regret. Still, since I’ve received information about the necromancers of Rodentz Island, I have to say a few more things.”

Lady Rodeia sighed deeply with her arms crossed. She seemed to imply that she hadn’t expected to talk this far.

“I killed numerous necromancers in the Rodentz Island subjugation operation. Let me tell you, I may seem like a reasonable person now, but my appearance on the battlefield is very different from what you think.”

It was Lady Trisha, sitting next to her, who shuddered at those words.

Trisha, her daughter, seemed to remember something, and as soon as the battlefield was mentioned, she shivered again.

“I hate necromancers. They killed my parents, my dearest friend, and even kidnapped and killed my firstborn son, Belopher. They ruined my life, so now it’s my turn to ruin theirs.”

Even though Leonard had taken the wrong path, he was still the youngest son of an earl.

The way she mercilessly wielded her blade even against someone of such noble status showed what kind of person she was.

“The massacre of necromancers on Rodentz Island was said to be a hellish scene. But, unfortunately, I felt the greatest joy on that battlefield. I beheaded those vile necromancers, smiled in the rising fountain of blood, chewed their intestines with my teeth, and used their severed limbs as firewood to roast boar meat. It was indeed a taste worthy of being called heavenly.”

From noble mtl dot com

There was not a single exaggeration in her words, as could be seen from Lady Trisha’s expression.

This hero of Rodentz Island, who appeared dignified, elegant, upright, graceful, and even noble, was by no means an ordinary human.

Only those who could be the most ruthless in front of their enemies could truly possess the qualities of a warrior.

By now, Rodeia was considered a demon from hell by all necromancers.

It was understandable why Leonard had gritted his teeth and tried to flee as soon as he heard her name.

She was the reaper who harvested necromancers and a wraith wandering the world for revenge.

“But you know, while investigating Rodentz Island, I found clues about the spiritual leader of those necromancers. I’m looking for a necromancer named ‘Sinia,’ the author of a high-level necromancy book that was said to be of the highest level.”

“…I heard that Lady Rodeia killed all the high-level necromancers who were the spiritual leaders of Rodentz Island.”

“Those three fools? They were quite troublesome, but there was an even higher-ranking existence that they worshipped. I have to find out who that faceless author is. It seems that he is the head of necromancy in the southwest.”

The author of the necromancy book wandering the world. ‘Sinia’ was obviously a pseudonym.

Rodeia seemed to know this well, as she didn’t seem to place much significance on that name.

“Judging by the level, it seems to have accumulated vast knowledge and experience that even 5-star magicians cannot fathom. It seems to have been active for quite a long time… Perhaps its level is beyond imagination.”

The meaning of those words was clear.

Somewhere on the continent, there was a 6-star necromancer. This hero seemed to be convinced of that.

Derek already knew that fact.

However, he couldn’t nod his head there. If he showed that he knew of that existence here, the inevitable question of ‘how did you know’ would follow.

It was impossible to give a reasonable answer to that question. It was clear that it would only arouse various impure suspicions.

Therefore, Derek kept his mouth shut.

“It’s not easy to catch that tail. If it really is a 6-star necromancer… Yes, the 6-star necromancy that only appeared in myths… It might have used ‘reincarnation’ or ‘soul theft’ to move to another body.”

“Is such a thing possible?”

“As you know, magic of that level transcends common sense and even rewrites the laws of the human world.”

Of course, no matter how skilled a 6-star mage is, it is impossible to use such high-level magic recklessly.

Even Drest, a world-renowned master of search magic, takes several months to use the 6-star search magic ‘Future Vision’ just once.

Using the greatest magic that can be implemented in the human realm was that difficult.

“At this point, my life’s goal is to tear that b*stard apart.”

With piercing eyes, Rodeia spoke directly.

This was the message she wanted to convey to Derek.

“If you find any clues or traces of him, send a letter to the Renwell family at any time. I will come running immediately, even if it’s on the other side of the map. Even if my legs are crushed, I will find him and pierce his intestines.”

The legendary being that all necromancers follow was the sworn enemy Rodeia had decided to kill.

In Rodeia’s eyes, there was a sharp aura that seemed like it could cut at any moment.

She was a demon who harvested the lives of necromancers.

That fact was unmistakably felt.


– Creak

“Where have you been? I see you were having a conversation with Lord Rodeia?”

Derek had just finished his conversation with Rodeia and was about to go out to the garden to catch his breath.

Elente, who had been pacing the corridor anxiously, lit up like a child when she saw Derek.

She laughed like that, then suddenly, as if startled, returned to a blank expression and cleared her throat a few times, as if realizing there were many eyes watching.

“Miss Elente. You must be busy with many things inside and outside the mansion.”

“No, this is nothing. The servants are working harder, and my father hasn’t given any other orders, so I can catch my breath a bit.”

“I see. That’s a relief. I was quite worried when you were under house arrest.”

“Worried, you say. Were you really worried about me?”

“…? Yes. Isn’t that obvious?”

As Elente walked across the corridor with Derek, she spoke while looking out the window for no reason.

“Why, why were you worried?”

“Yes? Well, I don’t think it’s something that needs to be explained in words…”

“Go ahead, explain it in words.”

“Isn’t it obvious? You were once my student, and you’ve been through a lot emotionally… Of course, from my perspective, I couldn’t help but worry a lot.”

“Hmm… I see…”


“I see. Alright.”

Although Derek’s attitude of seemingly chewing over his words was not entirely pleasant, Derek shook his head and spoke anyway.

“Since you mentioned you have some free time, I wanted to tell you that we at the Ravenclaw Barony are planning to open a training center soon.”

“I’ve already heard about that. Come to think of it, you are quite a busy person, and I’ve taken too much of your time with my personal matters.”

“No, it’s not that. In fact, I came here to ask you for a favor. I was wondering if you could visit the training center sometime soon.”

“Certainly, if the future head of Belmiard makes a personal visit, it would greatly help with the authority and prestige. Since I owe you, I should do at least that much.”

Ellente readily accepted Derek’s request. In fact, Derek did not expect to be refused.

Derek expressed his gratitude for her sincerity.

“Speaking of which, I suppose many noble ladies will visit the Ravenclaw training center.”

“Yes. Indeed. Lady Aiseline herself is planning to give etiquette lectures, so it is more popular than expected.”

“Really? Along with all the precious ladies from across the continent… and Lady Aiseline too…”

Ellente, resting her chin on her hand again, looked at Derek with a meaningful expression, her eyes half-moon shaped.

“Come to think of it, Derek, you are quite fortunate with women. How many of these rare noble ladies, whom one would cherish as a memory for a lifetime even if they met just one, have you taught?”

“If you call it fortune, it might be, but… it’s not necessarily a good thing.”

“Really? In what way?”

“The more distinguished and noble one’s background, the more one cannot treat them carelessly. In the social world, a small gesture or a trivial etiquette mistake can ruin one’s impression and make one seem insignificant. Lady Ellente, you would know this better.”

Derek maintained a polite tone as he conveyed his opinion to Ellente.

“The more noble they are, the harder it is to feel comfortable. And since I am human too, I can’t help but feel more at ease with someone I can be informal and comfortable with.”

“Is that so…”

Ellente, listening to Derek’s words, suddenly thought of Baroness Pelinne, who was nothing but a facade.

Indeed, the relationship between Pelinne and Derek was one without any barriers.

The problem was that there were too few barriers, but anyway, their relationship had a certain bond that high-ranking nobles could not interfere with.

They were comrades who grew up from the bottom together and went to battlefields on various life-threatening extermination missions.

In fact, the only one who could form such a relationship was Pelinne.

Ellente held her breath for a moment, then asked with difficulty.

“Derek. Do you, do you find me uncomfortable?”


The fact that his answer was slightly delayed already ruined it. Ellente couldn’t help but hold her breath.

From Derek’s perspective, he couldn’t say no, that he felt comfortable, or that she was like a friend. That would be a great discourtesy to a high-ranking noble.

Therefore, Derek gave the closest answer he could think of to the correct one.

“Although I have received a noble title, how could a mere lower noble from the outskirts dare to match Miss Ellente? You don’t have to try to elevate me too much.”

It was a response close to art, but Ellente held back her lips from pouting.

However, she couldn’t get angry either. Otherwise, she would just be a hysterical, picky woman. In that case, Derek would think of her as an annoying or troublesome woman. She didn’t like that either.

Her own appearance, unable to do this or that, was very unfamiliar. How could the future owner of Belmiord be so flustered by a mere baron from the outskirts?

Ellente pressed her temples and sighed deeply.

“Anyway, thank you for your consideration in many ways. I’ve finished my business, so I should return to the baron’s mansion.”

“Go, go?”

“Yes. Do you have anything else to say?”

“Ah, no… First, to your father… No… That’s not it…”

“The Duke of Belmiord seems to need some time to collect his emotions, so we should give him some consideration. I’ll just leave a letter.”

“Ah, no… But still… Don’t go yet…”

Ellente suddenly made a perplexed expression and said.

“I, I mean… um… I don’t know how to explain it…”


“Would you consider staying at the mansion for a few more days? I mean… just stay a little longer…”

Ellente wanted to keep Derek there. She felt that if she let him go to the Ravenclaw Baron’s mansion like this, it would take a long time before she could see him again.

“Hmm… I think I should go see Derek’s condition myself.”

Sitting in the office of the Ravenclaw Baron’s mansion, tapping her quill, Aiseline finally declared to the head butler, Delbritton.

The scheduled construction work was almost at its end, and most of the important tasks were nearly finished.

All that was left was to get final approval from Derek, the owner of the Ravenclaw Baron’s mansion. Everything else was almost done, with most tasks halted, waiting for Derek’s approval.

She had planned to get everything checked and finished when Derek arrived… but Derek was delayed more than expected.

She was worried that he might have gotten involved in something else at the Belmiord family.

If things were delayed any further, it would be troublesome, so Aiseline decided to pack all the documents that needed Derek’s approval into a leather backpack and head to the Belmiord family where Derek would be.

She would get the documents checked, confirm the tasks, and bring Derek back to the Ravenclaw Baron’s mansion.

After making that decision, Aiseline stood up from her desk.

‘Come to think of it… I haven’t been able to return to the Duplain Duke’s mansion recently. While I’m at it, I should visit my home too.’

Humming a tune, Aiseline began to stuff the documents piled on her desk into her backpack.

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