Priest (3)

As Duke DuPlain was giving instructions to his steward Delron, the office door burst open.

The visage of Lady Miriel, fury reaching the tip of her head, and Prince Valerian, who had followed in an attempt to calm her, came into view.

“Delron. Step aside for a moment, please.”


After dismissing Delron, Miriel strode forward and sat down at the desk, facing Duke DuPlain.

“It seems you’ve returned from the southern social circle. It must have been a long journey; you must be tired.”

“That’s alright. More importantly, you’ve taken on a new home tutor for Diella…”


Duke DuPlain wore an expression that seemed to anticipate what Miriel was about to say.

As he glanced at Valerian, who had followed her, he rubbed his temples, as if troubled by a persistent headache.

“It was Aiselin’s selection.”

“Even so, how can you allow a commoner riffraff to be a tutor in the annex where Diella resides?”

– Bang!

Miriel slammed her hand on the desk, raising her voice. Her eyes bore into him with lethal intent.

She was the mistress of the DuPlain household. While the duke oversaw affairs within and outside the domain, managing this mansion was her role.

Though she had to leave for the social circle of the southern Cradle Count’s family, deeply connected to the DuPlain family, she had not expected such significant changes in her absence.

“Aiselin may tend to be too lenient in choosing people, but as a father, you should be able to dismiss them appropriately. We must consider the dignity of the estate. Don’t you agree, my dear?”

“I’m not particularly fond of appointing commoners either. However, as you know, all the well-bred magic tutors have put down their tools and left the mansion.”

“No matter what, you should at least bring someone of a certain status. How could you… How could you bring someone who’s been rolling around as a mercenary…! And not for any other position but as Diella’s tutor…!”

Miriel seemed to be fuming with anger. Duke Duplain put down his quill and said with a frown,

“As you are aware, finding a competent magic tutor is no easy task.”

“There should be at least some basic qualifications. That Derek or whatever his name is, that low-born, should be dismissed immediately, and… you should call Flam from the outskirts of the estate.”

Flam was Duke Duplain’s brother, managing the standing army that patrolled the outskirts of the estate and dealt with magical creatures. He was one of the few four-star mages in the Duplain family, though he had already attempted to teach Diella.

“Hasn’t Flam given up long ago?”

“That was when Diella was… wandering. Now she has come of age, her magic has manifested, and she has come to her senses.”

“To pull someone from an important post managing the standing army in the outskirts to be a home tutor? Do you think the estate operations always have to be so haphazard?”

“The education of the next generation is as important as the management of the estate. You can’t expect everyone to be as naturally gifted and capable as Valerian or Leig. There are plenty of lieutenants who can take over the management of the soldiers.”

With that, Miriel glared silently at Duke Duplain.

She was almost the only person who could look at Duke Duplain, the master of the ducal residence, in such a way. It was the stature that the mistress of the mansion held.

While she couldn’t meddle in the entire operation of the duchy, she was recognized for her independent authority over the management of the mansion.

Considering this, the Duke listened quietly to Miriel’s opinions.

“Teaching magic is not much different, whether it’s that low-born Derek or Flam!”

“Well, it’s not exactly the same.”

“What’s so different about it?”

“He has produced results.”

Duke Duplain stroked his beard several times and leaned back in his chair. Miriel held her breath at the sight.

“Results aren’t always everything, my dear.”

“Then what could possibly take precedence over that?”

“Men don’t understand the social circles of Ebelstain. They don’t realize how important it is to have the right tutor in that thin-ice environment.”

The men of the family, buried in estate operations and training, were not well-versed in the culture of the ladies’ social circles.

However, Miriel, the mistress, knew. In Ebelstain’s social circles, not only was it important which family one came from, but also one’s personal achievements, who they were tutored by, and how many acquaintances they had were also crucial in proving a lady’s refinement.

When the name of a renowned magic tutor from the continent is mentioned, it often leads to connections with others who share the same tutor, forming strong factions within the social circles.

In such a culture, how shameful it would be to name an unheard-of commoner as one’s tutor.

The exchange of words in Ebelstain’s social circles was as fierce as a warriors’ sword fight. Miriel did not want Diella to have such a significant weakness.

With a furrowed brow and raised voice, Miriel continued,

“That’s right. That low-born Derek has played his part well enough. I can’t deny that he has achieved quite a bit for a commoner. But now, it’s only right to assign a proper high-class mage as a tutor. It’s the correct direction for Diella and for our family as a whole.”

Duke Duplain narrowed his eyes and quietly observed Miriel.

Miriella’s concerns were not unfathomable. After all, if one were to debut in society only to be outcast, it would be meaningless.

Noble ladies become the face of their families in society.

There would be no worry if one were a perfect lady in every aspect like Aiselin, but if Diella failed to adapt to society, she might very well tarnish the name of the Duplain family.

“Mother. You’re too heated. Let’s calm down and talk about this again tomorrow.”

“Valerian. Step aside. Such matters must be concluded promptly, or they only worsen.”

Miriella seemed determined to settle everything. As the mistress of the manor, she was known for her decisive handling of all affairs.

“I won’t sleep at night unless I take responsibility and cast out that wretch.”

“In the end, isn’t it just about proving the worth of that commoner magician, Mother?”

At that moment, the second son of the Duplain family, Leig, entered in response.

He had rushed to the study as soon as he heard of the situation. As always, he entered the study with his robust frame, looking as though he had something important to say.

The Duke of Duplain’s eyes narrowed.


“I was out training. I apologize for not being able to greet you, Mother.”

“It’s good to see you’re healthy. We’ll deal with the pleasantries later. But… did you know about this magician named Derick?”

“Yes. He’s not a bad fellow, but he’s no match for the teachings of our uncle.”

Leig brushed off his arms and stood before the Duke of Duplain.

“Father. I will test the mettle of this Derick.”

“Arthur. The man is indeed a true magician. Perhaps when he matures, you, born of noble blood, might surpass him, but not yet.”


Leig was momentarily offended by the Duke’s assessment but held his tongue. The idea that he was less skilled in magic than a mere commoner was incomprehensible.

Leig was already proficient in handling several first-tier spells. While he hadn’t surpassed the second-tier barrier like Valerian, his mastery of first-tier magic was such that even Valerian would have to acknowledge his superiority.

However, if the Duke had made such a judgment, Leig could not simply shake his head in disagreement. He had to propose an alternative.

Then, an idea seemed to strike Leig, and the corners of his mouth lifted.

“What if… we test Diella instead?”

As Leig spoke, everyone furrowed their brows. It was a possibility they hadn’t considered.

“What do you mean?”

“If Derick is such an excellent teacher, then Diella, having received his instruction, must have achieved something remarkable. I will personally duel her in magic and verify her abilities.”

“What are you thinking, Leig?”

“Just as I said.”

The Duke of Duplain stroked his chin, lost in thought.

He has lived a life measuring the capacity of people. It was not difficult for him to see through what Leig was thinking.

Leig simply disliked Diella. He believed that her entry into society would only tarnish the family’s reputation.

Even if it meant disgracing her in public, or even dismissing a trusted mentor, pushing Diella back into the annex seemed like the right thing to do for the long-term prestige of the Duplain family.

However, if Leig, who was more hostile to Diella than anyone, could acknowledge her, then no one within the family would object. The Grand Duke Duplain couldn’t help but fall deeper into contemplation considering this fact.

“Father… what are you hesitating for…”

After all, Diella is struggling even to learn first-grade magic. To suggest a magical duel with Leig, who already commands a considerable number of first-grade spells, would be too cruel.

It would surely be nothing short of harming her. Valerian could not stand idly by.

“Leig! Learn to distinguish when to step in and when not to!”

“Brother! I do know the difference! It’s just that now… now is the time to step in!”

Leig raised his voice and approached the Grand Duke Duplain, speaking assertively.

“If Diella has truly achieved something worthwhile, then we can proceed as we are. But if the conclusion is otherwise, let’s dismiss that man Derek. That should suffice, right?”

“…There’s nothing wrong with what you’re saying.”


This time, Valerian slammed the desk. However, there was not even a flicker of emotion on the Grand Duke Duplain’s face.

Valerian clenched his teeth and was about to raise his voice again when he finally relaxed and spoke.

“It’s too harsh for Diella. You know that.”

“Yes. But if she intends to engage in social activities with a commoner as a mentor, she must have that level of achievement. There’s some merit to Miariella’s words as well.”

“But is there a need to verify that right now? Diella has just barely stepped out of the annex. She hasn’t been learning magic for long.”

“If we keep delaying, there will be no end. Time is not infinite. It’s precisely because it’s now that we must verify. So, what do you think, Miariella? Should we go ahead with Leig’s suggestion?”


Miariella was lost in thought for a moment, then looked towards Leig.

The robust second son, Leig, had always trained diligently. He was about to come of age, and his achievements were excellent; he was certainly not someone to be outdone by a girl who had just begun to manifest her magic.

No matter how skilled that man Derek was at teaching, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be.

Eventually, Miariella smiled, lifting the corners of her mouth.


Valerian called out to Leig, who was striding down the corridor after finishing his business.

Leig closed his eyes tightly, then opened them and turned to look at Valerian.

“Yes, brother.”

“What exactly are you thinking, Leig?”

“Is there something lacking in my explanation? It’s exactly as I said in the office.”

Valerian was clenching his teeth, but Leig paid no mind and spat out what he wanted to say.

“Do you really believe that rascal has turned over a new leaf? I can’t believe it, not even if the sky were to turn upside down. He’s merely enchanted by magic, wearing a mask. Rather than introducing such a child to society, it would be better to smear the Duplain family name with mud myself.”

“And you think it’s necessary to cut off a teacher who has finally come around?”

“Are you talking about that fellow, Derick?”

Leig, who always trusted and followed his brother, seemed unwilling to give in this time. His expression was resolute.

“Yes. I’ll admit where credit is due. The man certainly has a talent for teaching. But does that justify keeping that Derick fellow attached to Diella?”

“What are you implying?”

Leig walked slowly towards Valerian, his eyes gleaming, and said,

“Diella, that brat, is best suited to be locked away in the annex.”

Having said that so definitively, Leig turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.

Valerian clenched his teeth, wanting to shout something, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

It was Leig who had been most hurt during Diella’s malicious days. It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand that wound.

He leaned against the wall, pressing his forehead, and sighed.

Valerian is Leig’s brother and Diella’s elder sibling.

As long as these two propositions coexist, it seemed his worries would never fade.


– Bang

The next morning, as Derick was reading at the table in the guest room, the door swung open with a whoosh.

Derick, having already heard the footsteps, showed no surprise and kept his eyes on the book.

“Please knock.”

“Is that what you have to say right now?”

Diella strode into the room, sending a glance to the maids accompanying her to leave.

The maids, dripping with cold sweat, quickly closed the door and left for the corridor.

Diella then went to the opposite side of the table where Derick was sitting and threw down a handwritten letter from Duke Duplain himself. Derick roughly knew what it contained.

“If I lose this magical duel, you’re going to be fired.”

“I’ve heard. Lord Leig is already a mature 1-star magician, so it will probably be tough.”

“Is that all you have to say? You don’t care if you’re fired just like that?”

“I was employed to do a job, and I will complete it. I have been sufficiently compensated.”

Derick was not unaware of the gap between commoners and nobility. Therefore, unlike Diella, he appeared calm.

Despite Derick’s efforts in various aspects, Diella’s magic was growing slower than expected.

In truth, the pace of growth wasn’t all that bad, but it was insufficient to reach the targeted one-star magic in such a short period.

From noble mtl dot com

As things turned out, I had to face Raig with just the basic, unranked magic. Even with a variety of one-star spells at my disposal, it was a toss-up whether I could win against him. In other words, it was as good as a loss.

Derrick closed the book he was reading and, while tying his bootlaces, he said,

“Miss Diella, you might have started to feel it, but your magical power is already on track. You may not be able to cast one-star magic right away, but if you continue the way you’ve been doing and don’t neglect your studies, you’ll grow quickly. After all, you are born of the Duplain lineage.”

“…What does that mean? Why would you say that?”

“I’ve told you before. The magic of the Wild School is focused more on self-study than on tradition.”

Derrick spoke in his usual calm tone.

Diella felt both familiarity and strangeness when looking at Derrick.

The boy named Derrick was always like that. As Diella’s tutor, he stayed at the Duplain ducal residence, but he seemed ready to leave at any moment, light on his feet. It made sense, given he had lived his life as a wandering mercenary.

Diella pondered what to say, then trudged over and looked up at Derrick squarely. A peculiar wistfulness lingered in her gaze, which was usually absent.

“Derrick. I know… I’m not such an excellent student.”


“Still… I’d like you to keep teaching me magic. I don’t want anyone else.”

It was rare for Diella, who usually grumbled, to reveal her inner thoughts so directly.

She was like a stray cat with many scars. She growled and was wary of everyone, but she didn’t put up her claws unnecessarily once she opened her heart to someone.

However, just because you want something doesn’t mean you can always have it. Even Diella, who had lived wanting for nothing, had to understand that fact.

If there’s something you want, you must fight for it. If there’s something you don’t want to lose, you must struggle to keep it.

To the commoners at the bottom, this was an obvious truth. Now, even this girl had to understand it.

“I should tell you in advance that I don’t really know the basics or the finer rules of the magic duels among the nobility. I have a superficial knowledge of it, having heard bits and pieces. After all, I’m a mercenary who used to roam the battlefields.”

“So… you’re saying you can’t teach me about dueling?”

“That’s right. But I can teach you how to win in a fight.”

Derrick lowered his stance to meet Diella’s eyes and asked,

“Do you want to win?”

Diella was a girl who used to stare blankly at the walls from a bower covered in brambles.

Now, sparks flew in the eyes of that girl.


A few days later, a platform for a magic duel was set up in front of the Duplain mansion’s garden.

Among the nobility, a magic duel was akin to a refined event.

Even in the social circles of Ebelstein, where magic salons and exchange meetings were held periodically, people mostly watched the duels of advanced magicians. A magic duel was, in essence, one of the most representative ways to prove one’s achievements.

While it was quite common to have duels within a family, today was bound to be a bit more special. It was the first time Miss Diella herself would step onto the platform.

In the first duel, it is customary for the retainers who know a bit of magic to step forward as sandbags, but today, the one to ascend the platform was Leig, the second son of the Duplain ducal house. Despite his young age, soon to undergo the rite of adulthood, he was already a fully-fledged magician.

At high noon, with the sun beating down, Leig stood in his formal attire and cloak, a satisfied smile on his face.

The Duke and Duchess Duplain were watching from the large terrace attached to their private room, overlooking the garden, while the other retainers gathered near the platform, ready to observe the duel with due ceremony.

Sitting on the terrace, running his fingers along the rim of his teacup, the Grand Duke Duplain noticed Derrick sitting near the platform below. There was no sign of tension about him.

‘Has he given up, or is he confident? It’s hard to tell. Even as an outstanding mentor, he wouldn’t have anticipated this situation.’

That magician had a strangely calm demeanor, even in situations where others would swallow hard. Whether it was courage born from his many years as a mercenary, he was not one to panic, even in the most dire circumstances.

‘Indeed, he’s not someone to be dismissed too early.’

The Grand Duke glanced sideways at Mirella, snorted softly, and then turned his gaze back to the platform.

There, Leig, having completed all preparations, was pressing down on his wrists, a confident expression on his face.

Then, on the opposite side, Diela ascended the steps to the platform. Her abundant golden locks wrapped around her upper body.

As always, her pretty frilled dress and ribbon decorations symbolized her as the cute youngest member of the Duplain family. But today, she wore a russet robe over it.

The robe’s sleeves were a bit too large for the girl’s frame, hanging loosely. As a warm breeze swept across the garden, the hem of her robe fluttered gently in the wind’s direction.

Beneath the robe’s hood, Diela’s eyes emitted a resolute aura, faintly visible.


Seeing this, Leig had an intuition.

The girl had not come here today as the youngest of the Duplain family.

She came as Derrick’s disciple, and as a magician in her own right.

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