Journey (1)

– Creak

As the heavy iron door slowly opened, the air inside the archive escaped.

A heavy scent of dust, the smell of old paper, and a strange aroma emanating from the magic-infused tomes mingled together, tickling the nostrils.

The marble floor, touched by cautious steps, was quite cold.

The magic torches lined along the wall glowed softly with a blue light. The bookshelves illuminated by this light exuded a mysteriously mystical aura.

“…It’s beyond imagination.”

Derrick swallowed dryly.

Books adorned with all manner of gold and purple were densely packed.

Book spines engraved with strange patterns he had never seen before faintly glowed.

It was a sight so wondrous, it seemed impossible that such a place could exist in the world. A place like this could never be permitted to a commoner.

Derrick took a book from the shelf.

The cover was sheathed in soft leather, and the finely embroidered gold thread glistened splendidly.

Rustle, rustle.

The touch of flipping through the ancient tome. The heavy, old scent of paper tantalized the tip of the nose.

The densely inscribed letters on the fragile-seeming thin paper were all unfamiliar sentences.

“A three-star spellbook…”

A one-star spellbook is something even commoners could get their hands on if they pushed hard enough. Of course, it’s quite valuable, and getting one doesn’t mean you can master the magic within.

However, starting with two-star spellbooks, they’re not easily obtained unless you’re quite wealthy, and for three-star magic, the price is often as high as the sky.

There it was, a three-star spellbook adorning the bookshelf. Indeed, the library of a grand ducal family, ranked among the top three in the western continent, was different in every way.

Yet, being able to peruse a spellbook was one thing; mastering its contents was another matter entirely. Moreover, the library was filled with theory books based on the aristocratic school of regulation.

Of course, for Derrick, who was born with an innate sense for magic, adapting the theories of the regulation school to suit himself wasn’t too difficult. But at the three-star level, there were certainly parts that began to seem overwhelming.

“Definitely challenging.”

After flipping through the pages of a book on the reading stand, Derrick reached a conclusion. The realm of three-star was indeed not easy.

A three-star magician referred to individuals of noble birth who had mastered magic to an advanced level.

Among the nobility, such a level was respected, but among commoners, it was the kind of magician you might only see once or twice in a lifetime.

Derrick himself had hardly heard of any commoner-born three-star magicians. At most, he had only heard rumors about a three-star exploration magician named Tracy from the Ebelstein Magic Academy.

“It’s certainly worth staying a bit longer in the duke’s residence. Pheline would throw a fit if she heard.”

Pheline was the name of an archer who had been in sync with the Beldern Mercenary Band for quite some time. She detested nobles so much that she would scoff if she saw Derrick spending time in such a place.

But the desire for three-star magic was irresistible.

Right now, the theory was too complex and the use of magical power too intricate to even consider, but Derrick thought that if he gritted his teeth and dove in, perhaps he could make something of it.

“…Still, I can’t stay forever. After all, my magic must be geared towards practical use.”

Derrick mused quietly to himself as he looked at the spellbooks filling the shelves.


After the duel between Raig and Diella ended, Duke Duplain formally recognized Derrick as a member of the duke’s household.

Essentially, the owner of this vast duchy had personally stamped the certification, so no one in the duke’s household could object.

For the time being, Derrick’s role was to stay in the duke’s residence and pass on more magic to Diella.

“I’m now a one-star magician.”

After taking some rest, about three days later, when Derrick entered the annex where Diella was staying, her wounds had almost healed. Although she had bled a bit, it wasn’t a serious injury.

As Derrick, neatly dressed in his mercenary uniform, stepped into the room, Diella stood with her arms proudly on her waist, sporting a triumphant smile.

“…I thought you were deeply upset. When you lost the duel, your eyes were certainly brimming with tears…”

“Kyaa! Stop bringing up embarrassing memories I’m trying to forget!”

“It’s good to see you’re doing well. I saw you use one-star magic in the duel. You’re certainly growing fast.”

“Yes, of course!”

When Derrick gave her straightforward praise, Diella’s face lit up with a smile once again, her expression so bright it seemed she might bounce around the room.

She had been downcast right after her defeat, but since the duke had acknowledged Derrick and not cast him out, she seemed to have quickly bounced back.

“Didn’t I tell you? When I put my mind to it, I can achieve.”


“You seem displeased with my triumphant demeanor. As my mentor, Derek, you should be rejoicing in my success. Come on, lighten up.”

“What are you talking about? I am truly happy.”

“It doesn’t seem heartfelt…”

Diella pouted and peered at Derek, but his poker face, honed by many battles, was impenetrable to such a young girl.

After all, Derek had always been inscrutable, so Diella no longer bothered trying to understand him.

She just sighed deeply and flopped down onto her frilly bed.

“Anyway, after a hard-fought battle, I’ve secured my place, so you’ll have to teach me more magic, right?”

“It’s good to be enthusiastic, but for now, it would be better to continue training to handle magical power as you have been. Mastering a one-star spell is an achievement, but isn’t it difficult to wield it freely?”

“Hmm… You’re right about that. Compared to how you use magic, Derek, my movements are too restricted, and I feel exhausted after just one use.”

“That’s because your foundation is lacking. The basics of magic depend on how efficiently you utilize your magical power. The same spell can vary in output and efficiency depending on how skillfully it’s handled.”

Derek pointed this out.

However, he knew that satisfaction wouldn’t come easily.

Magicians have a temperament that craves higher achievements after each new accomplishment.

Having succeeded in using a one-star spell for the first time, Diella would naturally want to master all kinds of one-star spells. But studying spells beyond her level in various fields often led to a superficial understanding.

So, Derek had already thought about how to respond when Diella would inevitably start grumbling, asking to learn other one-star spells.

“Hmm… If you say so, there must be a reason.”

But Diella, resting her chin on her hand, replied in a listless voice.

Derek crossed his arms and quietly observed her. His eyes betrayed a hint of wonder.

Diella, noticing Derek’s expression, flinched and spoke up.

“Ugh. Why are you looking at me like that? Is it so surprising that I’m obedient?”

“I… I thought you would pester me to teach you more powerful spells. I had even prepared several strategies to handle it.”

“What do you take me for! Haven’t I always respected your words?”

Derek, resting his chin on his hand, said,

“The first time… you certainly poured dirty water over my head…”

“You still remember that?”

“Do people usually forget such things?”

Diella blushed awkwardly and averted her gaze.

Regardless, she couldn’t deny that their first impression was the worst, as she fidgeted with her fists on her knees, looking quite pitiful.

The so-called ‘dark history’ of a person has a mysterious power to make one want to bash their head against a wall or beat the blankets in frustration. Even for a noble lady, it was not easy to escape the sudden onslaught of shame.

Seeing her shiver and sweat profusely was uncomfortable even for an onlooker, so Derrick sighed deeply and sat down at the bedside table.

“Anyway, the magic lessons will proceed as usual… but I hear you’re going to be busier.”

“Hmm… Derrick, you’ve heard too. Starting next week, I’ll also have liberal arts classes. They say we’re starting to prepare for high society…”

“Isn’t that a cause for celebration? Having mastered first-level magic, it’s time to acquire the graces of a lady.”

“…To put it bluntly, I don’t want to.”

“…Still, you must.”

Diella raked her lush golden hair and sprawled on the bed. A cry of despair echoed alongside.

“Basic noble etiquette, foreign languages, geography, history, botany, piano playing, sewing… Do I really have to do all this?”

“It’s probably just skimming the surface at a preparatory level. After your coming-of-age ceremony, there will be much more to learn in earnest.”

“…How did my sister Aiselin manage all this?”

“That’s why she’s called the ‘Flower of Duplain’ and shines in the Ebelstain social circles.”

Aiselin Elenore Duplain.

Already building numerous connections beyond the northern walls of Ebelstain’s noble district, she was essentially the face of the Duplain family.

Rumors abound of numerous men, enchanted by her always dignified demeanor, lining up to propose, but she always declines with an awkward smile.

While the social circle is often seen as a place to find a good companion, she seemed to be working hard to build good relationships to benefit the Duplain family in the future.

She is a person cherished by everyone in the family. Even if I were a duke, I would be proud enough to chuckle.

“I just… want to study magic…”


“Still… this grand mansion and noble status aren’t gained for nothing… I suppose I must do what needs to be done…”

“Miss Diella…”

Derrick looked at Diella with a serious expression and said,

“…You’ve learned to say such admirable things…”

“…Derrick, you know too well how to prick one’s pride.”

“That’s a misunderstanding.”

From noble mtl dot com


Diella bounced up, propping her upper body with force, then sat on the bed, idly swinging her legs.

“Still, since you’ll continue to teach me magic for a while, I want to learn quickly. I’d like to use the first-level Ice Spear magic more skillfully.”

“There’s no need to rush. At this point, there’s no one to criticize you for learning magic from me.”

“Is that… really so…?”

Dielra suddenly wore a worried face. Derek knew well enough what she was thinking.

“Are you speaking of Duchess Miriela?”

“…Even though father has acknowledged you directly, mother is not someone who will just stand by.”

“Is that so?”

“Even if there’s no way to separate you from us right now, she will surely find a way somehow.”

Dielra, with an anxious expression, looked at Derek and voiced her concerns.

“She might try to tarnish your reputation… or create a reason to drive you out.”

“A reason… What could be the reason that Lady Miriela would want to drive me away?”

“Well… it’s because your ways are too far removed from the dignity of nobility. She might do it fearing it will become a flaw in high society later on…”

“Then it’s nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious… You say that because you don’t know our mother well.”

“Miss Dielra. Silencing Lady Miriela’s mouth is not as difficult as you think. Just remove the grounds for her argument.”

Derek, with his arms crossed, casually spoke as he lounged at the table.

“After all, isn’t Miss Dielra the one who holds the reins in this entire situation?”



– Chirp, chirp.

The morning at the duke’s mansion comes early.

By the time the chirping of birds climbed through the window into the room, the lower servants had already risen to tend the garden or inspect the mansion’s cleanliness.

There were various figures overseeing and managing them. The head butler, the head maid, the steward, the head chef… Each department had its own leader.

And it was the role of the lady of the house, the noblewoman, to gather all such individuals and oversee them once again.

– Thud, thud.

Duchess Miriela, who had come out early in the morning to check on the servants’ work status, was still clenching her teeth.

Ever since the last duel, Miriela’s expression had always been stern.

Having been slapped by the grand duke and receiving the sympathetic gazes of the servants, her heart was filled with nothing but worry for Dielra.

‘I can never accept such a lowly teacher for her. Even if the lord of the domain, my husband, has acknowledged him, I must speak the truth until the end.’

The fact that she couldn’t drive out that commoner teacher who was only influencing her beloved youngest daughter negatively always made her irritable. Therefore, the servants assisting her were inevitably tense.

‘That lowly teacher could never teach the etiquette of nobility. To see Dielra, who should always be lofty and full of grace, learning the filthy order of the gutter… I cannot accept it, even if it splits my head in two.’

She closes her eyes and imagines it. The humiliation Dielra would suffer, stepping into the aristocracy with frivolous words and actions.

Miriela could never tolerate that, and as she organized her thoughts to devise some method, she proceeded through the mansion’s hall.

At that moment, the youngest daughter, who had just passed through the central gate of the mansion, caught my eye.

As always, Diella led several servants, walking into the main house in her frilly dress adorned with pretty ribbons.

Miriel’s face brightened with joy at the sight of her lovely youngest daughter.

She had longed to see Diella’s petulant behavior and the bustling scene around her once again.

Though she may have been tainted by the coarse teachings of commoners, the fact that she was Miriel’s beloved youngest daughter, carrying her blood, remained unchanged. Miriel greeted her warmly, unable to hide her delight.

“Oh, Diella. You look beautiful as always!”

Miriel, as usual, opened her arms wide, expecting Diella to rush into her embrace, a smile brimming on her face.

However, instead of childishly rushing into her arms, Diella gracefully lifted the sides of her skirt and bowed her head.

“Did you have a peaceful night, Mother?”


“I’ve missed several opportunities to vent my frustrations, being confined to the annex while treating my wounds. I’d love to chat, but unfortunately, I have piano lessons starting this morning.”

Diella asked for Miriel’s understanding with a gentle smile, her demeanor as noble as a blooming flower, reminiscent of the grace of Aislinn.

“Oh, is that so?”

“I’ll come for tea in the afternoon. I haven’t even heard about what happened at the southern social gathering yet. But now, I must hurry to my etiquette class…”

Miriel was well aware that Diella had recently started her basic education classes. Although the content was merely preparatory, it had been hectic arranging for the related instructors. However, she was under the impression that Diella had not yet started her lessons in manners.

Yet, seeing Diella behave with such propriety, as if she were a completely different person, left Miriel momentarily dumbfounded.

Even if Miriel was taken aback, the servants were utterly shocked, as if their world had been turned upside down.

A servant on his way to repair the garden fence froze, spilling the planks he was carrying, unable to move a muscle.

What kind of girl had Diella been over the past few years? Was she not the one who would break dishes out of boredom and kick the servants?

Who in the world could have reformed the mind of such a tyrant? It was said that no one could even name a person capable of such a feat.

Yet, the girl respectfully greeted Miriel and then hurried up the stairs of the main hall.

“Oh dear. The planks are all scattered on the ground. Be careful not to hurt yourself.”

“Yes, yes… Mi, Miss Diella…”

Miriel could only stand there, mouth agape, watching the scene unfold.

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