Ellente (5)

As Ellente crossed the corridor on her way out, everyone she encountered offered her words of comfort and encouragement.

Although it was Lady Aiselin who had garnered everyone’s attention by manifesting a second-class magic, Ellente had shown her exceptional magical skills without holding back.

Nobles who thought her struggle had its own worth smiled gently and offered their compliments, saying it was truly impressive.

They too had stopped by Ellente before going to speak with Aiselin.

Ellente was aware of this fact, but she greeted them all with a full, gentle smile, responding with grace.

“My magical achievements are still lacking. Next time, I must try harder to beat Lady Aiselin.”

“Even at your current level, there aren’t many in the Ebelstein social circle who can match Miss Ellente. Lord Belmierd would have been very pleased if he had seen you.”

“Thank you. Your words really give me strength!”

With genuine gratitude for the consolation from nobles whose names she couldn’t even recall, Ellente turned into the corridor.

The servants following her looked worried, but surprisingly, Ellente wore a carefree expression.

To the nobles crossing the corridor, the sight of her exiting along the hallway appeared dignified. For someone who had prepared so earnestly for the duel, her smile seemed remarkably steadfast.

It was around the time Ellente, having finished her brief exchanges, turned into a secluded corridor reserved for VIPs.

Before turning into the corridor, Derrick, who had been sitting on a wooden chair along the wall, stood up and greeted her.

Seeing Derrick, Ellente’s face brightened with color as she said,

“Did you see the duel?”


“Surprised? I’m someone who can admit defeat when it’s due.”


Ellente straightened her chest and spoke with a satisfied expression.

“It must have been too far for you to see clearly? You should have seen Lady Aislin’s expression.”

“What was it like?”

“It was… heh… her eyes were wide with disbelief. ‘To forfeit here?’ she kept repeating, looking at me as if she couldn’t comprehend. To see Lady Aislin, always so composed, with such a bewildered look was quite the sight. It’s far more satisfying than grinding one’s teeth in victory!”

Elente’s voice was full of excitement as she rattled on with her explanation.

Derrick glanced sideways at the servants lined up behind him.

Those servants, ever concerned about their master, met Derrick’s gaze with awkward faces.

Turning back to Elente, her expression was still one of contentment, her chest puffed out with pride.

“And then, you actually cornered Lady Aislin, didn’t you? Everything you predicted came true. You really are an expert in these matters, aren’t you?”

“That’s too kind of you.”

“Thank you, because of you, I got to feel this sense of superiority over Aislin… Today has been the best day!”

Lady Elente, laughing heartily, dusted off Derrick’s lapel and continued without hiding her satisfaction.

“Yes, Derrick. I can’t deny your abilities. I’ll have to pay you more than the promised gold coins.”


“So, how was the duel? The outcome wasn’t great, but… my magic skills weren’t too shabby, right? You know better now, having been my mentor. I learn quickly. But you’ll be the best judge of that, won’t you? If you’re going to nitpick and talk about improvements, we can do that once we’re back at the manor…”

“You were impeccable.”

At those words, Elente’s pupils quivered for a moment.

Lifting her head to look at Derrick’s face, his usual expressionless visage seemed oddly warm.

He was not one to give praise lightly. Even when dealing with nobility, he seldom spoke empty words.

Receiving such genuine praise left Elente speechless.

It was clear why Derrick was siding with her. He was showing consideration for her.

That meant, this boy had already seen through Elente’s tough facade.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Elente tried to respond but instead, she slumped down onto a seat along the corridor wall, her head bowed.

Without caring that her dress was getting disheveled, Elente brushed her face several times.

Before long, the girl’s shoulders began to tremble slightly.

“I actually wanted to win.”


“But the moment I cornered Aislin, I somehow understood. Even if I won here, I would never stop envying her. Just… I would always be like this… I’m just that kind of person.”

In Elente’s eyes, even Aislin, cornered and about to collapse, looked like a noble flower standing tall.

Relying on luck to win a practice duel wouldn’t erase the envy towards her. Such an ugly part of herself was unlikely to change. Because the girl named Aislin was, in herself, an insurmountable wall.

“Inferiority, perhaps the one aspect where I might surpass Lady Aislinn.”

Elente chuckled softly, then bowed her head and fell silent. She feared that any more words would only make her voice tremble.

As Elente stood trembling, face buried in her hands, Derrick quietly cast his gaze downward and eventually sat beside her.

After pondering what to say, he finally spoke without fuss, his voice nonchalant.

“Do you think I’m any different?”


To argue pointlessly that you are not wrong only leads to verbose explanations.

Knowing this well, Derrick simply stared into space, keeping her company in silence.

This gave Elente a moment to reflect.

What thoughts crossed the mind of this magician from the dark slums when she saw the noble family’s library filled with expensive grimoires, or the noble mansion brimming with dazzling luxuries?

It wasn’t hard to guess. It was merely a matter of whether one shows it or not, and whether one accepts it or not. Perhaps that’s what growing up is all about.

Elente looked up at Derrick with moist eyes, but Derrick, as if it were nothing new, said to her,

“So what if it’s a bit ugly?”


“Everyone just lives that way.”

Right or wrong. Good or bad. What changes with such judgments?

It’s just the way it is. It’s just a natural thing.

Derrick said this, simply sitting quietly beside Elente.

Comforting someone isn’t really a grand gesture.

After all, it’s not about having clear answers.

At the end of the deserted corridor.

Servants clustered like a wall, worried someone might pass by, shielding their master.

Even as she sat sobbing for a long time, no passerby could catch a glimpse of her.


“Wow, she’s really been cornered.”

From the spectator’s seat, sipping tea served by the servants, Lady Denise of the Beltus family was inwardly astonished.

Although everyone’s eyes were on Lady Aislinn, the protagonist of this duel, Lady Denise’s gaze was fixed elsewhere.

With a listless face, she watched the duel, inwardly certain that Lady Elente couldn’t hold a candle to Lady Aislinn.

Lady Denise was one of the trio from the Roséa Salon. Thus, she was quite close to both of them.

She also knew their magical capabilities better than anyone. Lady Elente’s magical achievements were indeed astonishing, but she was certainly no match for Aislinn in a fair contest.

Her gaze followed the white-haired boy as he left the training ground with Elente.

It was clear that the magic master Elente had brought with him had influenced him in some way. There was no other factor that could have grown Elente to the point of exchanging blows with Aiselin in such a short period.

Twisting the ends of her silver-gray hair, she was momentarily lost in thought.

She should rise from her seat and approach Aiselin to exchange pleasantries, but since Aiselin was surrounded by people, she felt no rush.

‘That mercenary’s price will surely rise. Ugh… I detest such nuisances…’

Lady Denise forced a vintage smile to hide her listless spirit.

But inwardly, she wanted to collapse on her seat and sigh deeply, foreseeing the inevitable events to come.

How precious is the existence of a capable magic master in this Ebelstein social circle.

His humble origins may hinder his path, but considering his abilities, it seemed he would soon shatter such prejudices and rise. If so, Duke Beltus, Denise’s father, would not leave him be.

Unlike Duke Duplain, who valued substance, or the generous Count Belmierd, Duke Beltus was an ambitious man who would grasp at anything necessary.

If a magic teacher began to make a name in the Ebelstein social circle, Duke Beltus would do whatever it took to have him in his grasp.

And often, it was Lady Denise who suffered, dragged along by Duke Beltus’s ambitions, for she represented the Beltus ducal house at the forefront of the Ebelstein social scene.

Regrettably, she considered this situation a great ordeal.

‘Ugh… If the three families start competing for that child, my headache will only worsen…’

Lady Denise was a commoner at heart and inherently lazy.

Born into the grand Beltus ducal family, she behaved like a rose in a greenhouse, but once home, she would lie down all day, doing nothing.

She would occasionally devour third-rate romance novels or wander aimlessly, believing time would pass, and without any other achievements, she could just cling to her family’s coattails.

Still, she couldn’t afford to be treated as a burden, so she occasionally played the noble, practicing her antique smile in the mirror, and exchanged meaningful words to let others mistakenly believe she was a mysterious figure.

In that regard, she was meticulous about self-management. She was willing to endure some hardship now to avoid future annoyances.

However, having noticed Derrick’s potential earlier than others, there was nothing she could do at the moment.

After all, he was currently working for Elente.

‘Hopefully, this doesn’t turn into a nuisance…’

With a deep sigh, she rose from her seat.

The crowd that had gathered to congratulate Aiselin had almost dispersed.

As a member of the same Roséa Salon, it was only proper for Lady Denise to add her own words. Despite her internal complaints, she knew she had to fulfill her duties as a lady.

Thus, she approached the podium, her face adorned with a noble smile, and said,

“Lady Aiselin, you have achieved yet another feat. Watching the duel, every moment was a thrill.”

“Oh, Lady Denise, such praise from you leaves me at a loss.”

“I must learn from your modesty. If only I could quickly master two-star magic as well.”

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, she thought it was time to return to her mansion and finish the book she had left unread. ‘The First Love of Lord Valepus,’ a third-rate romance novel, was clichéd to the point of nausea, but occasionally, its poignant dialogue struck a chord, offering a surprisingly delightful charm─

“─You are aware, aren’t you, Miss Denise? That this duel was not truly won by me.”

Miss Denise, who had been looking forward to sprawling out with a book upon returning to the mansion, was suddenly pierced by a question that snapped her back to reality.

As she glanced around, she realized that most of the people had left, and it was then that Aislinn posed her direct question.

Just as Miss Denise was well-informed about Miss Aislinn and Miss Ellente, so was Miss Aislinn about her.

She understood not only Miss Denise’s discerning eye but also, to some extent, the lack of enthusiasm within her. That’s why, from time to time, she would skip the customary pleasantries and cut straight to the point.

The girl may seem ever so graceful and kind, but she should never be underestimated. Denise knew this, yet she hadn’t expected such a sudden thrust to the heart of the matter.


“Seeing as you have no response, I take it you agree.”

“It seems Miss Ellente has put in a great deal of effort. However, the fact remains that your magical prowess far exceeds hers, Miss Aislinn. At least, that is what I believe.”

“Well… I was quite surprised during our encounter. To have improved so much in such a short period…”

Aislinn squinted her eyes as if bewildered, then spoke with a clearer voice.

“You learned magic from Mr. Derek, didn’t you…?”


A certainty seemed to settle in those eyes, and Denise had to take a deep, hollow breath from deep within.

It felt as though the situation was already becoming complicated.


As Aislinn politely bid farewell to Denise and turned to leave down the corridor, she called out to her personal maid.

The maid, following behind, bowed respectfully and replied, and Aislinn, as always, continued in her gentle voice.

“I need to prepare to send a letter back home.”

“Yes. I will have the quill and ink ready for you.”

Denise watched Miss Aislinn leave with a troubled expression.

The magical duel between the Duplain and Belmiard families that had captured everyone’s attention had concluded well.

Yet, Denise felt that all these events were merely the beginning of something more.

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