Denise (2)

The giant Raspah cave on the hill of Ramhel had been neglected for quite some time.

In the past, it was a place where a labyrinth full of treasures lay, but a maze next to a metropolis like Ebelstain was bound to be conquered quickly.

Now, it was nothing but an empty labyrinth, yet merchants still shunned passing by this area.

It wasn’t exactly a traffic hub, and it was common for monster tribes that wandered nearby to enter the empty place.

There was no one who would bother traversing a place so rare with people and fraught with danger. Therefore, there was no better place for Derrick and Drest to hide.

Denise, who was quietly observing the entrance of the giant cave, had a relaxed expression, but Bella, the senior maid assisting her, was full of worry.

“Miss Denise, I think we should avoid going too deep. Let’s explore around the cave a bit, and if it seems hard to find, we should report back to the lord and visit with the private soldiers, shall we?”

She had rushed over, thrilled to be the first to pinpoint Derrick’s location, but it was somewhat dangerous for a noble lady to enter with just a few guards.

If Derrick was just around the cave, it wouldn’t be hard to meet him, but if they had to go deep inside, it was right to retreat.

However, Denise had no intention of turning back from this place.

“There might indeed be monster tribes… The interior is wide and complex, so it’s a bit dangerous to enter rashly. But still, Bella, if we go back to report from here, all my efforts will be for naught.”

“Is that so?”

“If we move the private soldiers in full force, other families will catch the scent. And that Derrick inside won’t want to deal with nobles who come with an army either.”

“So, you’re planning to go in?”

“Any more words would be nagging.”

Bella looked at the guards with a troubled eye.

The guards, who had a duty to protect Miss Denise, were also exchanging glances with each other. If Miss Denise were to be injured entering the cave, their lives would be as good as gone.

But whether they could stop Miss Denise was another matter. She was already checking her magical state and trudging into the cave. They had no choice but to follow.

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Denise, who manifested a sphere of light with magic to secure visibility, strode forward, and the guards hurriedly followed, beginning to guard the surroundings.

The servants worried whether she intended to go to the very depths of the cave.


Fortunately, it was just before venturing deeper. There, sitting alone on a wide, flat rock, was a man to be found.

His appearance had become much more haggard and weary compared to when he was seen from a distance at the magic dueling grounds.

His bushy white hair, unkempt, partially obscured his eyes, and his worn-out gear was not as well-maintained as usual.

It was impossible to guess how much he had suffered over the past week.

The magician sitting quietly on the rock seemed to have reached some sort of enlightenment.

He was neither dressed flamboyantly nor a figure of great authority. Yet, the presence he exuded while sitting quietly on the rock, waiting for someone, was indescribably imposing.

Certainly, he was different. Denis thought so as he approached the boy.

“What brings you to this humble place?”

The words offered were surprisingly polite and formal.

He looked straight at Miss Denis and spoke. The servants escorting Denis all swallowed their saliva dryly.

They were tense, having no clue who this ‘Derek’ was. However, Denis herself wore a confident expression upon seeing him.

‘He may look shabby and humble, but that’s probably because he’s immersed in training… He’s courteous and well-mannered, so he must be reasonable. He looked fine when I saw him at the magic dueling grounds, so it’s not far from what I expected.’

The magician before her was the very master that the Belmiard and Duplain families coveted so much.

If she could persuade him, the Grand Duke of Beltus could raise his voice at the tripartite agreement meeting. The Count of Belmiard and the Duke of Duplain would do anything for their daughter, so they might even propose some negotiations. For the Beltus family, there would be endless ways to utilize such a position.

If she could bring him to the Beltus family, all the credit would be Denis’s.

Denis cleared her throat for a moment and lifted her face, full of smiles.

“Mr. Derek… is that you…?”

Her expression was imbued with the innocence of a young lady unaware of the ways of the world.

Miss Denis, who had adjusted her attire in the carriage and even redone her hair on the way, was a picture of elegance. Her silver-gray hair, neatly brushed back, made her look like a work of art.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“I’ve found the right place…! I, I’m just… so nervous… I, I’ve lost my words for a moment… I’m sorry…”


“I, I wanted to meet you, Mr. Derek. I’ve been searching hard… just… to have a conversation with you, even if just once…”

Her dignified yet cautious demeanor, as she tried to maintain her composure, made Bella, who was quietly assisting her from behind, widen her eyes in a half-moon shape.

Indeed, Denis, now in the guise of nobility, seemed like a completely different person.


What is the art of captivating someone?

Denis, who had spent her days poring over the writings of great romance novelists and maintaining the dignity of a noble lady in society, had a firm philosophy on how to enchant someone.

First and foremost, one must be beautiful. With confidence in her appearance that could pierce the heavens, she had no flaws in this regard.

But not all characters in the world can be charmed by looks alone.

To make others want to follow and be with you, one must possess a dignity and charm beyond mere appearance.

Even Denis herself thought she wasn’t internally perfect. However, she had the skill to make it seem so.

Denis modestly clasped her hands together, her face blushing.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Mr. Derek in my dreams. There’s been quite the buzz among the ladies. They say there’s a skilled and reliable magic tutor, and if you learn magic from him, you can improve several levels overnight. He’s also personally admirable, truly a respectable figure.”

“That’s an overstatement. And those I’ve taught had my direct help, but many were already complete on their own. I can’t create qualities that aren’t there, and it’s difficult for me, a commoner, to accept such admiration.”

“Such humility is one of the reasons you’re highly regarded, Mr. Derek. Still, I really want to learn magic from you.”

Denis’s gaze, brimming with pure admiration, seemed to be covered in awe.

Anyone would feel their heart soften at the sight of the lovely girl’s reverent expression.

Men have a strong desire to be acknowledged. When a noble lady like Denis looks at them with pure admiration, their hearts melt.

Denis knew how to actively use her noble heritage and beautiful appearance.

No matter how skilled Derek was in magic and teaching, he was still just a boy of his age.

How could he easily dismiss the advances of a lady from the Beltus family? Denis, wearing her mask of innocence, spoke kindly to Derek.

But Derek was not completely swayed as Denis had anticipated, and he did not become a yes-man who nodded at whatever Denis said.

“Why do you speak in such a theatrical tone, Miss Denis?”


“I’ve heard a lot about you from Miss Aiselin and Miss Elente. They praised you as being sharp and wise.”

It was to be expected. Derek was well aware that Miss Denis was not as naive and pure as she seemed.

Bella, standing three steps behind Denis with her hands modestly clasped, managed her expression. If she were Denis, she would want to die of embarrassment right now.

But Denis was a strong-willed character. What could she do? It was known that even when aware, one could still fall for a beauty’s trick.

“Miss Aiselin and Miss Elente overpraised me. I’m just one of the three of the Rosea Salon, always striving not to be ashamed.”

“I see. I apologize for judging someone I haven’t met based solely on others’ opinions.”

“No need, Mr. Derek. It’s okay. You thought well of me.”

‘…Is Miss Denis’s pretense working…?’

Derek’s intentions were inscrutable.

The young magician seemed to be friendly towards Denis, yet also keeping a distance… It was unclear what he really wanted.

Denis felt the same but wasn’t swayed. She never thought he’d be an easy target. Not even Aiselin or Elente could hold on to him.

‘Now… how should I handle this…’

Denis looked at Derek quietly and consciously brought a blush to her cheeks again.

“Anyway, what I wanted to say is… the Beltus family is looking for a magic tutor. I came here personally because I really want to ask you to consider it.”

The young lady of the Beltus family did not come all this way after inquiring herself, did she?

No matter how talented one is, if they hail from the slums, they are but a commoner. The gap born from the inherent difference in status would surely weigh heavily as a burden.

Indeed, Derek wore a slightly troubled expression. He must not have expected to be found in such a secluded place, hidden away in training.

If it were merely a mercenary that was needed, there were plenty of substitutes. However, Derek was the only one sought after by the three major houses. Though Derek himself, holed up in this cave, seemed unaware of recent events in the Ebelstain social circles, this was rather fortunate for Denise.

After all, it was she who found Derek first among the three major houses. If she hesitated, the others would soon catch wind.

If she couldn’t persuade Derek today, things would only get more complicated. And Denise, who loathed complications above all else, was determined to leave with Derek today.

“I’m truly grateful that you’ve come to find a mere commoner mage like myself. However, as you can see, I’m not sure if I’m in a position to teach or do anything of the sort.”

“Is it because you’re focused on your magical training?”

“Yes. Right now, I’m facing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. My honest wish is to concentrate on my own training.”

There were exchanges of glances among the servants.

The young lady of the Beltus family had come in person, and he was rejecting her to her face?

There might be a grand reason, but to soften her request simply because he wanted to train himself was no easy feat.

Lady Denise was not of such a character, but if a noble lady set her mind to it, toying with a commoner was not a difficult task.

Yet, Derek had risen to a position where he was not easily trifled with. His origins were lowly, and his connections not outstanding, but he was a talent coveted by all the great houses.

To raise a voice in pride here would risk turning everything to water.

Of course, Denise was the kind of person who could smoothly handle such an affront, like a snake slithering through grass.

“Thank you for speaking so candidly, Mr. Derek. But I too am desperate.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. In the last magical duel, the efforts of Lady Aiselin and Lady Elente in their training struck me profoundly. You, having seen them up close, Mr. Derek, would know better than anyone how hard both are working to uphold the dignity of a noble lady.”

Lady Denise spoke with a firm expression and more earnestly than anyone else. Watching her, Bella was at a loss for words.

Denise knew precisely what moved people’s hearts: sincerity.

It was ironic that Denise spoke of sincerity, but at least her outward appeal was unmatched by anyone.

With clasped hands and moist eyes, her pleading look stirred the protective instincts in everyone.

Even Bella, who knew her well, found herself involuntarily swallowing dryly at the sight.

“Being left behind is a sad thing.”


“When everyone else is calmly advancing towards higher realms, being the only one left behind chips away at one’s self-esteem and wears down the heart. I won’t hide it any longer; I’m terrified of not being able to match the achievements of those two.”

Denise strode forward and took Derek’s gaunt, sunburnt hands in her delicate, pale ones.

Without hesitation, she clasped his hands, looked him in the eye, and appealed with all her heart.

“That’s why I’ve come to find you after all this searching, Mr. Derek.”

Denise asked with an unease that seemed to threaten her very collapse.

“Please, I beg of you. Save me from the swamp of anxiety where I fall asleep every night. By my own magical achievements alone… it’s too much to bear.”


Derek quietly observed Denise.

In the dark cave. Denise, with her eyes full of moisture, gazed at Derek with a distant longing.

She locked eyes with Derek for a long while.

How many men could withstand such a fragile and haunting gaze without flinching? Not only Bella but even the guards sworn to protect her couldn’t help but inwardly shake their heads.

Yet, Derek spoke softly.

“Miss Denise, it seems you hold no great ambition for magical achievements. You used a one-star light magic on your way to the cave, did you not?”

“What? You sensed that here?”

“Yes. While the amount of magical power is exceptional, it doesn’t feel as if it’s been honed daily. It’s not a matter of talent, but of will.”

Denise’s pupils dilated momentarily before returning to normal.

“What do you mean…”

“Miss Denise. With all due respect, it’s unwise to feign sincerity about magic in front of a sorcerer who is immersed in it.”

Derek was a man who could be said to be obsessed with magic.

Those whom Derek had taken the time to teach all shared one thing: whether it was Diella or Elente, they were all individuals who had sincerely devoted themselves to the achievement of magic.

“Some might take that as an insult.”

Confronted with his icy gaze, Denise had no choice but to realize.

She wore a thick mask, but this boy had seen right through it from the start.

“I’m not sure why you need me, Miss Denise. But it doesn’t seem to be for the sake of magical achievement.”

Derek dusted himself off and stood up. He had been so engrossed in magic that he barely slept, yet he managed to hold himself together.

“How can I undertake a task when I don’t even know what the client wants? I do not accept tasks that I cannot handle. It would be a great discourtesy to the client.”

With that, Derek bowed his head. It was a polite but firm refusal.

“So please, find someone more capable than a humble wandering mercenary like myself. That would be fitting for someone of your stature, Miss Denise.”

His manner was so perfectly courteous and formal that there was nothing left to say in response.


Denise felt as if she had been struck on the head with a hammer.

Her method acting, which would have astonished even the heavens, was rendered meaningless as she stood speechless. Soon, she felt a deep scratch etched into her pride.

She had braced herself, knowing that even Aiselin and Elente had failed to secure such talent.

But she had never imagined being so briskly kicked to the curb by Derek. Even a hint of conflict on his part would have spared her this feeling.

“No, how could I, a lady of the Beltus family, have gone to such lengths to find this place, and bowed my head so openly…?”

The source of that humiliation was certainly rooted in such aristocratic pride… But there was a bigger reason than that.

“How could I, looking so pretty, have tears in my eyes…??”

What’s the use in saying it, her axe disease was already severe.

“Well then, I shall go and finish today’s training.”

“Just, wait a moment. Mr. Derek. First…”

Before Denise could even call out to him, Derek, with a light movement, leapt from the rock and walked into the depths of the cave.

The servants watching were all wide-eyed. They had heard rumors of the boy who lived like a hermit, but they had no idea he was such a mystical figure.

“Should we… should we follow him in, miss?”

As Derek disappeared into the darkness, Bella quickly popped out and said.

If they were to follow, they had to move quickly.

However, Denise just stood there, smiling broadly.

“Miss Denise?”

“Hmm. I thought he was a person of clear conviction, but I didn’t know he was this immovable.”

Bella looked anxious.

“Yes, that’s how it turned out. I came here, tears in my eyes, wearing pretty makeup and fine perfume, and he just gave me that indifferent look.”

“Miss, please calm your anger, and think it over rationally. We should inform the main house of the cave’s location first…”

“Huh? Angry? Why should I be angry? It’s quite funny, Bella. Anyone would think I’m angry.”

Though she said so, Denise was only smiling with her eyes, while a cross vein throbbed on her forehead.

Bella swallowed dryly.

Honestly, she wondered if it was such a blow to her pride that her beauty didn’t work, but she had to keep her mouth shut for fear of repercussions.

Lady Denise was a person who found everything bothersome and was not easily motivated, but once she rolled up her sleeves, she was formidable.

“Just… a bit… stubbornness is kicking in… ehehe…”

Bella had to press her temples and endure the headache as she looked at Denise. Having spent a long time with her, Bella knew her well.

She was the type to bite down harder and chop more fiercely if there was a tree that wouldn’t fall.

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