Magic (2)

Aiselin was disheartened.

Ever since she returned to the Ebelstein mansion, the servants were worried to see her perpetually gloomy expression, but she managed to force a smile.

It was her first time being so openly rejected by someone.

– ‘Miss Aiselin, there is nothing more you can learn from me.’

Derrick’s words were laden with meaning.

Young ladies whose magical skills had not yet fully matured often held a myriad of possibilities. However, Aiselin had a definite world of magic of her own.

She was following a growth curve akin to the very paradigm of noble-class rule-based magic.

Derrick, a wild-school magician, with his unrestrained use of magical power, might actually slow her growth.

Despite agreeing with Derrick’s opinion, she couldn’t just accept it.

‘Thinking about it, I’ve always just been walking the path of righteousness.’

She felt like she was blankly staring at birds outside a cage.

It is said that people long for what they don’t have. Aiselin, the girl who was the envy of all, ironically envied what everyone else possessed: that unrestrained freedom.

One need not look far. Her own sister, Diella, was the epitome of that freedom.

The young painter, who casually captured the world’s landscapes by splattering paint on a canvas, wielded magic in a free-spirited way, just like Derrick.

Born into a noble family but having absorbed the wild-school’s way of wielding magic, she seemed to be moving into a realm beyond Aiselin’s reach.

‘I want to experience magic beyond the system too…’

Aiselin mused to herself, staring blankly out the window.

From the large hilltop mansion of Aiselin, one could see the vast expanse of Ebelstein.

From the luxurious and splendid noble district to the various quarters where countless commoners struggled to make a living, and beyond the city walls, the plains and granaries stretched far and wide.

The world was so vast, yet Aiselin could count on one hand the times she had ventured beyond her cradle.

Born at the highest station, she could not descend to any lower place. That was the position of the girl.

“A letter has arrived from the main house. Prince Valerian will have his departure ceremony next week. Lord Raeg will also accompany him, so it seems it will be quite a grand event.”

“Yes, I’ve heard. It’s Valerian brother’s first departure ceremony, so I should prepare a nice gift…”

Upon hearing the news from the main house, Aiselin sighed deeply and gathered her complex thoughts.

The tale of the eldest and second sons of the Duplain family setting out to conquer the white labyrinth north of their domain had already reached Ebelstain.

The Duke of Duplain had entrusted the long-cherished project of pioneering the white territory to his two most reliable sons.

The white territory was full of perilous labyrinths. It was also believed to be filled with all sorts of treasures yet to be unearthed. Rumors were rife, especially about relics related to ancient necromancy and the staff of Rosin, a five-star summoner mage, lying dormant within.

Hoping for good news from her two brothers, she contemplated selecting a fine gift for their return.

“I should visit the marketplace. It’s an important gift, so I must see and choose it myself.”

Aiselin rose from her seat, gathering the hem of her pale blue dress.

She was too busy a person to sit idly by in sorrow.


“Is this not the seal of the Duplain family? Are you under the protection of the Duplains?”

“Not protection, per se… I once took on a commission from that family. This was a token of their gratitude.”

Derrick was showing the shopkeeper in the noble district the seal he had received from Valerian.

He had matters to attend to before heading to Denis’s mansion today.

“Seeing as it bears Prince Valerian’s emblem, it must indeed be an item you received from him… I can show you items that the Duplain family supplies exclusively.”

The noble district of Ebelstain.

The atmosphere was different from the commoners’ marketplace. No matter where one entered, antique carpets and curtains were the norm, the shops were fragrant with scented candles, and the displays were always immaculately maintained.

Food, magical supplies, armor, clothing, books… not a speck of dust on anything.

Considering the dust one must blow away in the commoners’ market, the disparity was palpable.

It was in a corner of this marketplace that the seal of the Duplain family was shown. The shopkeeper’s eyes widened in surprise.

The man he thought was a mere mercenary turned out to be connected to the Duplain family.

Merchants live and die by their connections.

If an opportunity to maintain even a slight connection with such a noble family arose, they would be prepared to offer everything.

“I’d like to purchase some magical supplies. Do you carry wands or staves as well?”

“We have plenty of magical supplies, but naturally, only the most expensive wands and staves. Can you afford such items that even nobles bring a hefty sum of gold to purchase?”

“Hmm… I’ll have to see the prices first.”

Derrick followed the shopkeeper to a space inside the store, seemingly reserved for VIPs.

Even the items displayed outside were premium, but the further inside one went, the more special the items appeared. It seemed the merchant’s personal collection was also on display.


Derrick’s eyes lit up as he entered the inner sanctum of the noble district’s shop.

Capes that smoothed the flow of magic, elixirs that replenished magic in an instant, and even a rare three-star spellbook were on display.

The merchant, brimming with rare goods, must have been proud of his collection. As Derrick looked around with curiosity-filled eyes, the old, portly merchant smiled contentedly.

“Duke Duplain has visited once or twice. He generously appraised these precious goods himself. Such treasures are hard to come by elsewhere.”

“How much for a wand or staff?”

“… Currently, there are only two items for sale in the shop. ‘Salas’s Eye’ from the Alronde Academy in the northern continent, and ‘Andante’ from the Drest Academy in the southwest. One is a wand, the other a staff. Both are worth hundreds of gold coins—a price akin to that of a decent manor.”

Magical weapons often bore unique names, mostly because renowned transmutation wizards poured their heart and soul into crafting them.

Alchemists and makers of magical weapons, elemental stones, and mana stones, those of the transmutation school, took great pride in their creations being called ‘masterpieces.’ Hence, the more famous transmutation wizards would bestow unique names upon their works.

While it was an eyesore to see grand names attached to mediocre works, famous creations were long talked about, elevating the reputation of their makers.

The most famous wand was ‘Dawn,’ crafted by the five-star transmutation wizard Dalrock, and the most renowned staff was ‘Empire’s Light,’ made by the six-star transmutation wizard Cohella.

‘Dawn’ was known to be owned by Lord Melverot of the North, and ‘Empire’s Light’ by Emperor Gertrel. Both were unattainable dreams.

“I’m not even aspiring for items of such caliber… but even the wand in this shop is outrageously priced.”

Magical weapons were items that only wizards of three stars and above could handle properly.

Rare as they were, those who desired them were all formidable figures. It was no wonder such exorbitant prices were formed.

“I knew they were expensive, but seeing them firsthand, I can’t muster the courage.”

Derrick nodded several times, gazing silently at the majestic staff.

Owning a magical weapon could lead to greater magical achievements.

Having reached the threshold of three stars, Derrick felt an intensified longing for a magical weapon.

Lost in thought while viewing the displayed weapons, Derrick soon left the shop as it was time for his next appointment.


– Thud, thud, thud.

Derrick strode briskly across the estate of Denis, located on the outermost edge of the Ebelstain noble district.

A personal estate of a third-generation noble lady would typically boast luxurious corridors. Elente’s estate was so filled with art that one could hardly tell if it was a residence or a museum.

However, Denis’s estate was surprisingly modest. It had a strong sense of being furnished with only the essentials, reflecting the lady’s style of controlling unnecessary expenses.

Derrick walked heavily across the corridor, followed by Bella with a troubled expression.

Bella, the maid who had served Denis the longest, asked Derrick to slow down with a worried tone, but he paid no heed.

Instead, the estate’s servants were wary of Derrick. After all, he was in a position to be confident.

Derrick was a talent personally sought and brought in by the Belthus family, who had pleaded with him to join.

He wasn’t begged to come; he was earnestly requested to, and he obliged. There was no need for him to be mindful of anyone.

Even Denis herself had come to the Raspa Cave, pleading with Derrick to please teach her just once. That fact would not change, no matter the future regrets.

– ‘It’s wise to keep close ties with the third-generation noble families. Depending on how the future unfolds, some will fall greatly, and others will rise.’

– ‘However, there’s no need to pledge full loyalty to any one place. It’s best to keep them yearning by playing your cards right. That way, your value increases, and you gain widespread recognition.’

This was the advice given by his mentor, Drest Wolftail.

As he meticulously examined the branching paths of the future, he advised Derek, a magician of commoner origin, to first and foremost associate with the nobility, for he was well-versed in the ways of the aristocrats.

“If you don’t particularly despise the nobility, there’s no harm in getting closer to them.”

Even the Duke of Duplain turned a blind eye to Derek’s magical realm. No matter how outstanding a commoner’s magical achievements might be, if they are on good terms with the family, they wouldn’t openly antagonize them.

Especially when it comes to the three major noble families, the significance is profound. If you owe them a debt and become their benefactor, the chances are greater that they will become a strong ally rather than an enemy in the future. Therefore, if you wish to elevate your magical realm further, it’s advisable to maintain amicable relations with the nobility.

In the end, there’s only one way for a commoner magician to reach high realms without any checks: have influential high-ranking nobles who even the nobility themselves fear as your backing.

Derek had already made some acquaintance with the Duplain and Belmierd families. That left only the Beltus family.

His insistence on teaching Lady Denise was largely due to this aspect. However, that wasn’t the only reason.

– “I hate magic.”

Denise had barely tasted the threshold of the discipline of magic, considering the profound world of magic merely as a show-off tool for tedious powermongers. Derek found her view utterly disagreeable.

Was it a scratch to his pride? If asked, Derek had to admit it. It was scratched.

To argue in front of a person immersed in magic all day that magic is nothing special, would inevitably make one’s blood boil.

How much life has she lived to discuss nihilism with such a detached view of the world? The privilege to speak of life’s vanity and the futility of time belongs to those like Drest, who have experienced a tumultuous life.

Having experienced disillusionment a few times, he wanted to correct the girl’s cynical view of the world.

Poor Denise, unaware of the profundity and beauty of magic. Thus, Derek was emitting a fiery will for the first time in a long while.

– Trudge, trudge, trudge.

Derek boldly walked into the heart of Denise’s mansion, ascended the central staircase of the main hall, and approached her bedroom, where she was likely asleep, and knocked.

“Miss Denise usually sleeps in the morning. She must be in deep slumber even now…”

“I see.”

– Thud.

And Derek nonchalantly opened the door and entered.

The sight of Denise, fast asleep in the darkness behind the thick curtains, caught his eye immediately.

Her silver-gray hair spread out like a blanket, and her breaths, soft and steady, with an unfinished romance novel by her side, made her look like a baby bird.

Watching her smack her lips as if enjoying a pleasant dream, one could tell that her sleeping figure was just that of an ordinary girl of her age.

Without hesitation, Derek walked in and shouted.

“Wake up! Wake up! The sun is high in the sky, miss!”


If he intended to make Denise a proper person, he had to start by advancing her waking time.

Derek, unfazed, raised his voice and entered the room, flinging open the heavy curtains that covered the windows.

The bright daylight of noon invaded Denise’s dark room without mercy.

“Kyahak! It’s blinding! What, what is this?!”

“Let’s air out the room and let in some sunlight this morning! Are we children of darkness?”

“Derek?! What is this! Oh, it’s the weekend! There’s no need to go to the Roséa Salon or any academic meetings!”

“Yes, it is the weekend. But the sun is high in the sky; we can’t keep sleeping, can we?”

“Shouldn’t we be able to rest on the weekends?”

Derek paid no mind to Denise’s raised voice.

The conversation had already reached the Duke of Beltus, and his letter of permission had arrived. At this point, Derek’s employer was no longer Denise but the Duke himself.

From noble mtl dot com

“Yes. We should rest on the weekend. I’m not saying we shouldn’t, Miss Denise.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“Even when resting, we should at least do the basics. Soak up some sun, wake up early for some exercise, and finish up the basic tasks. Wouldn’t that be nice?”


“Isn’t it just about doing the basic things right? I may have been employed as a teacher, but I am human too. As long as we stick to the basics, there won’t be any trouble, right?”

Denise already felt her mind becoming hazy. The sun was high, but for her, it might as well have been the middle of the night.

For Denise, who usually spent her weekends sleeping all day or reading novels, Derek’s disciplined lifestyle was nothing short of poison.

“Derek, you were employed as a magic teacher, weren’t you? You can’t dictate my life like this…!”

“Miss Denise. Do you know what the foundation of magic is? It begins with a healthy body and a sound mind! I was employed as a magic teacher, and I will do anything for your magical achievements!”

“That kind of logic, just attaching it wherever you want, won’t work on me…!”

Before Denise could finish, Derek placed the Duke’s letter on the table.

He had already been recommended by Denise and appointed as her magic teacher, with the Duke’s legitimate permission.

Who made that recommendation? It was Denise herself.

Denise’s complexion was turning pale.

“I’ll go over today’s schedule with you. First, get up quickly and have breakfast, then we’ll check the level of your exploratory magic. You’ll also need to practice elemental combat magic, so we’ll start with basic mana training, and there’s physical training in the afternoon. Physical strength is the foundation of everything.”

“…You’ve even made a timetable?”

“When I do something, I do it properly. The evening schedule is all set, so please take a look.”

The curriculum was so demanding that even the ambitious and determined Lady Ellente was exhausted by it.

Of course, he wouldn’t demand as harsh a schedule from Denise as he did from Ellente, but for Denise, it already felt like the entrance to hell.

“Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to handle all this alone. I’ll be right there with you, giving my all. Let’s strive together to become higher-level magicians. Having a pacesetter by your side is a great support, and I’ll show you just how much.”

“Derek… I’m, I’m sorry… I was too willful in the Raspa Caves, wasn’t I? I apologized before, but this time, I truly apologize sincerely. I respect your will, and I think your intentions are noble. So, will you accept my apology…?”

“Apology? Why would you apologize? It’s not good for the Lady of the Beltus family to bow so easily to a mere commoner. Please act in a manner befitting your status. A noble lady must always remain dignified.”

Derek’s eyes were already filled with madness.

Denise realized it. This boy wasn’t moving with a one-dimensional purpose like wanting an apology from Denise or wanting to break her pride.

Such concerns were not even on her mind. She was simply, purely, fulfilling her duty.

Thus, Denise was led by the hand of Derek out of the room, finished her breakfast, and began her magic training.

There was no way to refuse. Derek had been properly recognized and accepted as a teacher after undergoing the appropriate procedures by Duke Beltus himself. Even the servants could not stop him.

The boy, bundled up in his determination to properly recite how profound and wonderful magic was, paid no heed to Denise’s face, which was becoming more like that of a dying corpse.

“Miss Denise, try to awaken the feeling of materializing the shape of your mana. It might be a bit tiring, but if you practice it all day, you will succeed a few times.”

“Today, we shall run in the mansion’s garden. As I’ve said, physical strength is the foundation of everything. Don’t worry, I will run with you. There will be no harm.”

“Romance novels are fine, but it would be good to delve into books about magicians’ history in the next day or two. I will ask about the content during tomorrow’s lesson. You don’t need much, just skim through the history from the Alant War to the Dawn War. I will point out the parts you need to memorize.”

“Let’s also start the basic mastery training for transformation magic by tomorrow. It won’t be too difficult. However, since there’s a lot of repetitive mastery involved, you’ll need to focus for about three or four hours straight. Please get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

When she came to her senses, the sun had set, and the moon was up.

Clearly, a day had passed, but she could hardly tell how it had gone by.

Denise lay on her bed, her body aching all over.

Bella brought her a cup of herbal tea, known for its restorative properties, with a worried look on her face.

“Bella… I… can’t breathe…”

“Are you okay, Miss Denise? You should at least loosen your muscles before sleeping, or you’ll have muscle pain tomorrow.”

“I can’t live like this. Spending all day in the sunlight… My body will burn up like smoke and disappear…”

“Miss Denise…”

Bella wanted to say that people don’t die that easily, but fearing it would only make things worse, she simply bowed her head quietly.

“We must somehow dismiss that mad magic teacher. Even if it means examining the documents… as soon as possible…”

“Well… As I said, since the matter has been reported to Duke Beltus, the authority to dismiss that man essentially lies with His Grace.”

“Then I must propose it to my father…”


Bella’s expression darkened. Denise felt as though she understood the true meaning behind it.

Derek was a talent coveted by all three major families.

He was a catch that Beltus had managed to secure, and Duke Beltus would not easily hand him over to another family. He was sensitive to the tensions between families.

If only Derek would cause a scene or do some harm, they might find a pretext to send him away.

But Derek, the upright gentleman, always demanded things that were wholesome and correct.

The most terrifying people in the world are those who speak the truth. Because they cannot be refuted.

– Thump.

Just then, that very Derek opened the door to Denise’s room again.

Despite having spent the whole day overseeing Denise’s magic and joining her in physical training, Derek seemed to have not accumulated any fatigue at all.

Meanwhile, Denise had already become half a corpse.

“Miss Denise.”

“Eek…! What, what is it! Why haven’t you left yet, it’s so late?!”

Denise hugged her knees and pushed herself into the corner of the bed.

She trembled like a baby bird that had lost its mother.

“Is there still something left?! Haven’t I worked hard enough today…!”

“Ah, of course, we’ll wrap up for today. It’s not good for your health to overdo it.”

“Is, is that so…?”

“I’ll just check the schedule for tomorrow morning and then I’ll head back to my quarters. Before the sun rises tomorrow, you must learn to handle the magic imbued with yin energy, so please wake up before dawn. Understanding the subtle differences in that magic will be of great help in the future.”


“You don’t have to worry about oversleeping. I’ll come to wake you up early. If you go to sleep now, you can easily get more than five hours of rest.”

Derek clenched his fists and infused Denise with strength.

“Let’s keep up the strength tomorrow as well! Fighting!”

With that burning will, Derek politely bid farewell and returned home.

There would be no more seeing Derek today. Of course, with his iron-like stamina, he would be out of the mansion again before dawn, so it would only be a few hours.


It was too late to dismiss him now. Duke Beltus would never permit it.

She should have realized sooner that while hiring was at her discretion, dismissal was not.

Denise wanted to die.

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