Wild Horse (3)

To the dear Miss Diela,

It’s been quite some time since late spring, but the nights still bring a chill. As you’re approaching an important time, I hope you’re taking care to stay healthy.

The reason I’m secretly writing this private letter with a quill is that it’s heartbreaking that you hold such animosity towards me.

Although I couldn’t show it openly in public, I have no reason to be hostile towards you, Miss Diela. Above all, I’m always anxious to dismiss this magic tutor named Derek that you’ve mentioned.

As you know, the Beltus family certainly doesn’t want to dismiss Derek. Thus, my desire to do so goes against the family’s wishes.

By conveying this intention, I feel as if I’ve exposed a weakness to you, Miss Diela. If you think this letter is a lie or a trick, you can take it and come directly to the Beltus family.

As you push this letter to my father, the noble lady of the Beltus family is reported to be engaging in acts that harm our household. Naturally, this would bring great disadvantage to my own standing as well.

The reason I reveal my vulnerability so openly is simple. It’s because our interests align.

As I’ve mentioned, I am desperate for someone, anyone, to take away this magic tutor named Derek.

However, I cannot make decisions about matters that affect the family’s real interests on my own, so I would like to make a proposal.

A magical duel.

I will stake Derek. Lady Diella, please wager something of equal value.

Considering that all three major families are coveting this magic tutor, a trivial wager won’t suffice for a duel, but in truth, it doesn’t matter. I intend to lose the duel on purpose anyway.

If the Duplain family wagers something valuable enough to convince my father, we can make this duel happen.

Losing the duel and thus handing over Derek is something I can bear. It will be seen as my oversight, but it’s much less of a backlash than blatantly going against the family’s will. That much I am willing to risk.

As I mentioned at the tea party, Derek is truly a good magic tutor and will become an even greater person in the future. But I am not yet capable of handling such a person.

A good tutor shines brighter when met with a good student. I hope someone as outstanding as Lady Diella can properly take this treasure named Derek.

Please do reply.

I must reiterate, as my standing within the family is at stake, please ensure this letter does not get leaked.



– Scratch, scratch

The dawn comes with only the sound of crickets through the window frame.

In the darkness, Denis’s hand was busy flicking the quill pen, leaning on a small candle.

He looked quite urgent, writing the letter while occasionally glancing towards the door or window, making sure not to be caught by anyone.

After all, he had to deliver this letter to Diella by any means necessary, as she was the only one who could take Derek away at this point.

‘I hope there’s nothing improper due to my haste… Let’s review it just once. Even if it’s a bit rough, Lady Diella will understand.’

Since there’s nothing good about the content of this letter being known, Denis wanted to finish quickly.

It’s practically evidence that Denis himself is actively opposing the will of the Beltus family. Even the family’s servants couldn’t be shown this content.

With that thought, he glanced towards the door.

That’s when he accidentally locked eyes with the head maid, who was patrolling the corridor late at night.



The head maid also looked a bit startled.

But she, in her own way, had been assisting Denis for a long time. Without showing any sign of panic, she whispered quietly to Denis.

“I, I felt a presence and thought perhaps there was an intruder, so I came to check.”

“I, this is… that is to say…”

“Oh, no, it’s alright. I’ve confirmed there’s no intruder, so I’ll be on my way. I apologize for… uh… breaking your concentration… I… please… keep up the good work with your writing!”


The head maid, considering Denis’s feelings, quickly walked into the darkness of the corridor. Her departure was almost like a flight.


Denis couldn’t help but fall into a distant and intricately delicate mood.


As the seasons changed, warmth began to creep into the southwestern regions of the empire.

The romantic and warm scenery of spring gradually receded, making way for a time when all nature turned lush green. The servants of the Duplain estate were bustling about daily in preparation for the impending heatwave.

– Squeeeak!

– Clatter! Clack! Clack!

Though every day was busy, today was bound to be even busier.

It was the day the family’s troops, who had set out to subdue the White Zone to the north of their domain, were returning for their first regrouping.

Valerian and Leig, who had brought back only the most trustworthy lieutenant and a few other soldiers who had distinguished themselves, were now entering the mansion’s gates.

The two sons, mounted on their large white horses, were splendidly dressed in thick armor.

Following the two were the soldiers and their uncle Flam, who had gone as their mentor. A mature four-star magician, he had accompanied the Duplain duke’s sons to impart knowledge of battlefield command.

Prince Valerian, leading the group, already possessed the full dignity of a nobleman.

“Father. The subjugation of the White Zone is still a distant task, but it was not without its successes.”

Valerian, who had returned after repelling the monsters of the White Zone and exploring several labyrinths, seemed to have grown a few years older in stature.

The Duke of Duplain, pleased with his eldest son’s appearance, rose from his office and approached Valerian, clad in armor, and patted him on the shoulder.

“It’s good to see you return in high spirits from your first battle.”

“No, as I mentioned, we’ve subdued a few labyrinths near the White Zone. The number isn’t large yet, but the monster population in the borderlands has been significantly reduced.”

“That’s right. You can’t expect to be full from the first sip. It’s enough that you’ve returned safe and sound. You must have learned a lot from Flam?”

“Yes. Uncle, a seasoned soldier, has indeed taught us much about leading the troops. I believe we can achieve even more in the second expedition.”

The Duke of Duplain also noticed Leig, standing firmly with his arms crossed behind Valerian.

The second son, too, had become much more solid than when he trained alone at the mansion.

The third great houses, Belmierd and Beltus, were impressive, but one reason they could never catch up to Duplain was the presence of a steadfast heir.

Robenalt, the eldest son of the Beltus family, was diligent in all things but lacked intelligence and capacity, and still had a long way to go.

The sons of the Belmierd family were all either wandering or had turned to religion, leaving the eldest daughter, Elente, to bear the brunt of the responsibilities.

Yet, the Duplain family was complete, from Valerian, Raeg, Aislin, to Diella, not a single character was missing, and rumors abounded that the family’s harvest of children was bountiful.

It was the reason why the Duke of Duplain could sleep soundly with his feet stretched out, even with the likes of the Grand Duke Beltus and the Marquis of Belmierd coveting the Duplain’s position.

“I have returned to the mansion with a few soldiers who have earned great merit in the subjugation of the White Zone. They have fought for the glory of our house, risking even their lives; please be sure to commend them.”

“Yes. Bring them to dinner this evening. Aislin and Diella have also come to the mansion upon hearing of your return. Be sure to see them before the meal.”

“Oh, is that so?”

It had been quite some time since he had seen the faces of his adorable younger sisters.

Valerian’s face brightened, but Raeg behind him wore an awkward expression.

Kind to everyone, Aislin was one thing, but Diella still seemed uncomfortably wary of Valerian.

It seemed that the awkwardness from the memories of his rambunctious childhood still lingered.

Whether it was Valerian or Raeg, both harbored a strong desire to reconcile with the adolescent girl, yet Diella’s attitude, still oddly uncomfortable, had not changed.

In the end, the two robust men would become flustered and embarrassed in front of Diella, their discomfort akin to a scene from a third-rate comedy.

“Don’t worry, Raeg. I’ve prepared my secret weapon.”


Valerian, seeing Raeg’s expression, seemed to read his mind and said,

“Do you not have the item we retrieved from the labyrinth during the subjugation of the White Zone? The clay of Rainteheim, that is.”

“Ah… That? I heard it’s quite precious, a thing that changes shape according to the will of the user. But I’ve heard it’s not very durable, not really practical…”

“Yes. I’ve fashioned it into statues of Diella and Aislin, remembering them on the battlefield.”

Valerian took out the statues resembling Diella and Aislin from the leather backpack carried by a servant.

“How about that? Completely different quality from the homemade dolls I failed with last time, right? It was my oversight to try to win my sisters’ favor with such a senseless item.”


“This, they will surely clap and be amazed at. It reveals not only the beautiful appearance of Aislin and Diella but also their dignified demeanor.”

The expression of the head maid watching from behind became wistful.

The statues, taking the form of the two girls, were so alike it was eerie, more chilling than astonishing. Their appearance was such that one could call them cursed dolls without exaggeration.

Raeg, examining the statues, wore a serious expression for a moment, then, looking Valerian in the eye, spoke confidently,

“Oh… This is wonderful, brother. Such a witty gift will surely delight them. When did you prepare such a thing?”

In truth, he was not much different from Valerian.

“Ha ha… How could I stop thinking of family, even amidst the busy battlefield. Returning to the mansion after so long, my heart feels at ease.”

Valerian’s face glowed with warmth, eager to meet his adorable younger sisters.

Still, he had to report everything. After all, the most important story had yet to be told.

“Anyway, the most important report remains. During the subjugation of one of the White Zone labyrinths, we discovered a magical weapon in its deepest part. It’s stored in the carriage; I’ve ordered the servants to move it to the warehouse.”

—“Oh, is that really so? If it’s an item from the labyrinth of the White Zone, it must be quite a luxury. I should check it myself.”

“…However, that is…”

Valerian’s expression turned slightly awkward. Leig too, was looking down.

Sensing something amiss with his two sons, Duke Duplain stroked his chin and asked,

“…Is there a problem?”

“…It was a sizable staff, and it seems to be an item used for necromancy. You might want to take a look at it.”

Duke Duplain’s expression gradually hardened.

He had heard that the treasures buried in the White Zone were often peculiar, but this one seemed especially ominous.



From noble mtl dot com

Denis abruptly opened his eyes in bed, and the chirping of the morning birds was streaming into the bedroom through the window frame.

It was morning. Or rather, it was dawn.

Ever since he started sharing his daily routine with Derek, waking up at dawn had become too natural. Lately, he would automatically wake up at the crack of dawn.

Now fully adjusted to Derek’s lifestyle, Denis felt a complex mix of emotions, but since he was awake, he had to get up.

Derek maintained such a precise routine that it made Denis wonder if he wasn’t a machine. Within five minutes of Denis waking up, Derek would open the door and recite the day’s training schedule.

Then, as always, Denis would grimace as if he had a mouthful of sand, gulp down a glass of milk, let his tousled hair hang loose, and go about his morning routine looking half-dead.

The sequence of events was so easy to picture that Denis wanted to cry the moment he opened his eyes.

In those five minutes before Derek barged in, he saw the lantern slides of his life. It had been a reasonably happy life.


But even after ten minutes, Derek did not barge in.

Only the sound of birds chirping peacefully filled the quiet and calm bedroom.

“…What? Did that machine-like man mix up his schedule?”

It was the first time the man, who had not missed a single appointment in the past few months, had shown such an erratic pattern.

Struggling, Denis got up and sat at the table in the center of the bedroom.

After stretching out his stiff body and yawning, the pleasant air of the early dawn filled his lungs.

Soon after, a maid came to check on Denis.

“Miss Denis, you’re awake. I’ll let the kitchen know to prepare breakfast.”

“Ah, yes, that… But, didn’t Derek come?”

“Yes, I was about to tell you. The captain of the Beldern Mercenaries, Jayden, has been gravely injured and urgently requested a day off. The Duke has granted it, so it seems your schedule will be clear today.”

It was indeed good news. It was the perfect opportunity to deliver the earnestly written letter to Diella.


“Yes. I’ve been told that the leader of the Veldern Mercenaries has a special relationship with you, and he has agreed to your request. He apologizes for the sudden change in schedule and promises to fill today’s gap by any means necessary.”

“No, it’s not necessary. There’s no need to fill it, no need to apologize.”

Denise suddenly envisioned a world bursting into bloom.

Nothing needs to be done.

The day’s schedule is completely empty.

She felt as if her whole body was soaked in honey, a delusion brought on by the sheer bliss of this moment, which she hadn’t experienced in months.

Derrick won’t come. That man, like a harbinger of hell, won’t show his face for the entire day.

She couldn’t believe it, even as she repeated it to herself. But it was the reality she faced. Derrick had not visited the mansion, even when it was time for training.

“This can’t be…”

With a dazed feeling, Denise quietly moved to the window to look outside. The expansive view embraced her.

This is life. This is what life is. The lost routine, those lazy days precious as gold and silver, had returned to the girl’s embrace.

Amidst spinning tears, Denise lay down on the bed.

“I’ll just skip breakfast.”

“Will you? Then I shall pass on the message.”

After sending the maid away, Denise took out all the great books she had bought but never read.

‘The Lady of Apfelroc’, ‘The Wolf Duke Loen’, ‘Honey and Love’, ‘The End of Seduction’, ‘The Star of Levantein’… She laid out countless masterpieces, pondering which to read first.

However, having set them aside for so long due to her training, she hesitated, unsure where to start. After all, Denise usually read books in the late afternoon or at night, not first thing in the morning when her mind was still a blur.


The girl lay back down on the bed.

She gazed up at the ceiling through the gaps between the scattered books.

The cool breeze of dawn fluttered the curtains at the window, filling the quiet room.


The young magician who remembered every little thing about Denise and worked tirelessly for her was gone.

The bedroom felt like a vast void with just one person missing. It made her realize how passionately he had worked.

“…What did I usually do at this time?”

Sometimes, when you’re engrossed in something for a long time, you can’t remember what your routine was like before it ended.

And so, Denise simply lay there, gazing quietly at the ceiling.

It was a day without Derrick.


– Squeak

‘Tears of Veldern’ was temporarily closed.

After returning to Ebelstain, Derrick had been too occupied with the tasks assigned by the Beltus family. He had stopped by the tavern a few times to check in, but the recent weeks had been so busy that he hardly made it to the tavern street at all.

Thus, upon his long-awaited return, as he opened the main door of the tavern, only the dust-laden counter greeted him.

Derrick nodded and then moved past the inner kitchen towards the door to the back room.

“I’m coming in.”

Saying so casually as he opened the door, he saw Jayden lying sprawled on the large floor of the back room, with Pheline tending to him.

The atmosphere was clearly not a good one.

“Oh, it’s been a while. As you can see, I’m not in a state to come greet you.”


Next to Jayden, who spoke with a leisurely voice, sat Pheline, her expression complex and demure.

Unlike usual, she hadn’t tied her platinum blonde hair back, but let it fall long and loose, draped in a cloak.

Derrick swallowed a hollow breath and sat down on a wooden chair in the corner of the room. Then he spoke quietly.

“Did you return from a dangerous task?”

“Heh… To think I’ve made even the busiest man rush over, I must be getting old.”

As Jayden raised his upper body, Derrick’s expression inevitably hardened.

“I’ve been to the White Zone Labyrinth.”

Struggling to sit up, Jayden was missing his left arm.

Only tightly wrapped bandages substituted its place.

“There’s something I need to say, Derrick.”

Jayden’s expression and voice became serious.

It was not a common occurrence.

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