Value (4)

It was the day after Diella, having completed her debutante preparations, visited the Roséa Salon.

The mansion inspection schedule was concluded, and the salon membership procedures were well underway.

For Diella, who was at odds with so many noble ladies, to extend her hand to the Roséa Salon was an exceptionally unusual event. Consequently, interest in Derrick, the man who had tamed and brought in this growling lion, soared to the heavens.

Rumors abounded that he possessed a tongue so dazzling that even famed merchants would envy, or that his outstanding looks could bewitch any woman’s heart, and some even whispered he was the hidden child of a noble, concealing vast wealth and honor.

Denise, upon hearing such rumors, couldn’t help but be amused.

Most were baseless, yet the fact that Derrick had completely persuaded Diella to come was an impressive feat in itself.

“Good day, Miss Denise. I’ve reviewed the letter you sent last time.”

However, even if Diella had been swayed by Derrick’s persuasion to enter the Roséa Salon, it hadn’t dampened her spirit.

She had promised to maintain a cordial relationship with the salon, but she had no intention of ceasing her efforts to extract Derrick from the Beltus family.

Upon her arrival at the meeting, Diella immediately drew all eyes and approached Miss Denise to greet her.

Denise, harboring no ill will towards Diella, welcomed her with a divinely beautiful smile.

“I can’t tell you how delighted I am that you’ve submitted an application to join the Roséa Salon. Having the radiant gem of the Duplain family, Miss Diella, grace our presence is a great honor for us.”

“I appreciate that. Anyway, I’ve considered the proposal you offered. Let’s have a magical duel next week, shall we?”

Diella’s manner of speaking lacked any semblance of the courtesy expected among nobility.

Ignoring Denise’s intention to start with light conversation, Diella, unconcerned with the surrounding gazes, went straight to the point.

Her approach was somewhat impolite, but from Denise’s perspective, it wasn’t unwelcome. If the other side was intent on taking Derrick away, she could only be grateful.

“That’s interesting. I’ve often heard rumors of Miss Diella’s exceptional magical prowess, and I’ve been eager to see who is superior.”

“If I win, the Beltus family must completely annul the contract regarding Derrick.”

“That decision lies with my father. You must have brought something of equal value, I presume?”

At that, Diella paused for a moment, then, crossing her arms and lifting her chin, she spoke.

“If I lose, I’ll purchase the ‘View of the Corhess Granary District’ from your estate with the Duplain family’s funds. I have obtained approval from Valerian, the next head of our family.”

At her words, Denise’s expression momentarily hardened.

The meaning of Diella’s statement wasn’t immediately clear. Indeed, those gathered around, like Aiselin and Elente, looked puzzled.

The ‘View of the Corhess Granary District’ was the name of a large painting preciously stored in the basement of Denise’s estate.

It was a landscape painting depicting the scenery of the southwestern continent’s Corhess Granary District, a famous masterpiece painted by the renowned female artist, Countess Lependor.

How could the offer to ‘purchase it’ be such a groundbreaking condition?

Before the surrounding characters could feel a sense of unease, Denise stepped forward first, smiling as she spoke.

“Indeed, it’s a good thing that our artworks are recognized for their value simply by being purchased at a fair price. Especially by the Duplain family, and not just anyone, but by Lady Diella herself, who is well-versed in watercolors. If she pays the right price for a painting, it also acknowledges my reputation for choosing it.”

Denise quickly spun a plausible reason in her head.

At Denise’s words, Diella snorted momentarily but didn’t bother to add anything more.

“Are you sure it’s okay? Paintings by Count Rephondor during his lifetime often fetch absurd amounts.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll buy it at the asking price. Although, that’s unlikely to happen.”

“Yes, if it comes to that, my father will also consider it positively.”

Denise answered with a bright smile.

After all, she just needed to bring conditions that would make the duel possible. She had no intention of winning the duel in the end.

However, the condition that Diella had proposed was shocking.

The other ladies in the salon wondered if purchasing a single painting was such a big deal, tilting their heads in curiosity, but Denise remained tense.

Still with her arms crossed, Diella snorted and turned on her heel.

“I’ll send further details in a letter.”

With that, Diella left, followed by several lower nobles.

Despite Diella’s intimidating demeanor, there were still nobles who remained, hoping to win her favor.


That day, as soon as the meeting ended and she returned to the mansion, Derrick was there to greet her.

Derrick was reviewing the day’s training schedule while waiting for Denise’s return, and his presence felt as natural as if he were family, causing Denise to sigh.

She had to admit that Derrick’s presence was becoming as natural as the air to her.

“Miss Denise, you’ve worked hard today. After dinner, we’ll delve a little deeper into the training for the two-star exploration magic…”

“Did you hear the news from the butler?”


“Lady Diella of the Duplain family has challenged me to a magical duel. If I lose, you’ll have to go to the Duplain family.”

In fact, it was just about terminating the contract with the Beltus family.

After that, it was up to Derrick to decide which family to go to, but it was clear that going to the Duplain family was the most advantageous.

Diella was someone who hung on every word Derrick said, so it was clear that staying on Diella’s side would be much more beneficial for Derrick’s status.

However, upon hearing Denise’s words, Derrick immediately went straight to the point.

“Isn’t this a situation you’ve designed, Miss Denise?”


This man, Derrick, had a keen insight in the strangest ways.

I may act like a simple human who knows only one magic spell, but once I set my mind to it and lean on my chin, I start to see through the situation, and it’s not easy to deceive me.

Indeed, Derek could easily deduce that Denise had orchestrated this situation. His conclusion came after considering her movements, her demeanor in the salon, and the peculiar lack of hostility she showed towards Diella.

Denise half-closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

Anyway, she thought it was time to sort out her stance on Derek.

“Alright, I’ll honestly admit that you’re a good teacher.”

After changing into a pretty frilled dress, Denise sat on the bed in the corner of the room. Her glossy silver-gray hair flowed out like a blanket.

The white-haired mercenary, as always, showed no emotion on his face. He became talkative when discussing magic, excited even, but even then, he maintained his composure to the end.

“At first, I struggled to adapt to your teaching methods, and my lazy ways didn’t fit at all… But, well, working hard had its meaning, too. Mastering magic was fun.”

“…It’s strange to hear you say that. I thought you’d never admit that magic could be fun.”

“I have my pride, you know? After vehemently shaking my head and refusing, it’s a bit embarrassing to suddenly admit that it’s actually kind of fun.”

Denise was a completely different person inside and outside the mansion.

Outside, she might be the most admired and beautiful lady, but inside, she was nothing more than a slothful creature.

Too proud to simply accept Derek’s genuine kindness, she struggled with it.

“Anyway, I know you’re a good teacher, but that’s all the more reason there’s nothing good for you in the Beltus family. To think you’d be my teacher, that’s not a wise decision. You should move on to the Duplain side when I give you the chance.”

“Miss Denise, you are the most beloved lady of the renowned Beltus family in Ebelstain. Everyone desires this position.”

“You know one thing but not another. Well, given the situation… And since the Duplain family seems to know everything, it’s not bad to tell you.”

Denise crossed her arms and stared at Derek quietly.

Then she snorted and said,

“You’re not as valuable as you think.”

And with that, she stood up and went down to the mansion’s basement with Derek.


“Do you know what Lady Diella set as the condition for the magic duel? If she loses, she’ll buy the painting ‘The Landscape of the Corhes Granary’ stored in the basement of this mansion.”

“…What does that mean?”

The staircase leading to Denise’s mansion basement was dark and damp.

For a basement beneath such a luxurious and antique mansion, it felt quite eerie.

Derek conjured a small light magic to illuminate the path ahead, and Denise, expressing her sincere thanks, continued down to the basement.

“Is buying a painting such a big deal?”

“You won’t understand now. But you’ll see, once you know the whole story, why my father had no choice but to accept this condition.”

As Denise and Derek descended the basement stairs, a large wooden door appeared before them.

Carved with intricate relief patterns, the words ‘Art Storage’ were engraved above the door.

As Denis pulled out the seal of the Beltus family and gathered magic into it, the door that responded to it began to slowly open.

Soon after, she made a listless expression and told Derrick to follow her inside.

The nameplate at the entrance wasn’t lying; the basement was filled with all kinds of art.

Famous paintings, large statues, small musical instruments, and even clay dolls were on display.

Seeing that each item even had a luxurious nameplate, it was clear that each was a precious object. However, there was a sense of incongruity that such items were piled up in a mansion built for a lady active in the Ebelstein social circles.

“I had no idea there was an art storage like this underground.”

“Normally, you wouldn’t find an art storage in an Ebelstein mansion where a noble lady resides. I’m not deeply versed in art like Lady Diella, so it’s strange, isn’t it?”

Denis sighed deeply and glanced around.

Hardly any servants were brought along. In this dark and damp underground storage, there was only the taciturn white-haired mercenary.

Denis, as if it didn’t matter, glided among the art pieces, showing Derrick the various precious items.

Derrick, not particularly knowledgeable in the arts, could tell even as a layman that the items seemed quite valuable.

As they went further in, a display covered by a huge curtain was revealed.

There was a simple nameplate explaining the art piece.

[ The Landscape of the Corhes Granary – Logdel Agnes Rephondor ]

“Is this it? The painting you said you’d buy as a prize if you won the duel?”

“Want to take a look?”

Denis lifted the draped curtain.

There was curiosity about what kind of painting would be the subject of such an important wager.

─However, when the curtain was lifted, the canvas revealed was completely blank.


“How about it? Do you understand the artistic perspective Count Rephondor had in his lifetime?”

“I’ve often encountered artistic expressions utilizing negative space through Miss Diella’s works… but a painting that’s nothing but empty space is hard to judge. Honestly, it just looks like a blank sheet to me.”

“Ahaha… That’s to be expected. The painting called ‘The Landscape of the Corhes Granary’ doesn’t actually exist.”

As Derrick quietly looked at Denis, she casually tied up her neatly brushed hair and sat down on the dusty display stand.

Derrick felt a sense of incongruity at her indifference to the dust on her luxurious dress.

Denis seemed to want to say something.

“It’s a painting that exists only in the ledger. Countess Rephondor was prolific, but she never painted such a picture.”


“Officially, it’s recorded that I used the family’s funds to purchase it. The amount is considerable, but after all, it’s not so unusual for a noble lady’s mansion to be adorned with expensive art. It’s a plausible excuse to say it’s an investment to enhance my artistic taste and discernment.”

At that point, Derrick asked no more questions.

Even after this, I could tell that the story to be unfolded was not one to be told to a mere commoner-born governess.

Derek held his breath for a moment, recalling the vista of Denise’s mansion.

Impressive in size, yet compared to other noble ladies’ mansions, it lacked in artworks and luxury.

I had thought it reflected Denise’s own temperament, but that wasn’t the only reason.

“Did the family divert taxes?”

“To accomplish great things, one needs funds and power independent of the Empire’s scrutiny. That means even the taxes due to the royal house need to be reduced and accounted for.”

“Is that Miss Denise’s opinion, or His Grace the Duke of Beltus?”

“Does it matter? Father and I are one family.”

Denise laughed, a hollow sound.

In short, this Ebelstein mansion where Denise resided was being used as a sort of money-laundering facility to divert taxes on behalf of the Beltus family.

Of course, Denise, the lady of the house, couldn’t have been unaware of this fact. Nor could she have refused to cooperate.

From time to time, the royal house would rummage through the ledgers for an audit, or send people to inspect the domain.

But it was unlikely they would search the basement of the mansion provided for the daughter’s social education. This Ebelstein mansion, so far removed, was indeed a blind spot for royal audits.

That vast canvas, while claiming to be a work of art, had nothing painted on it.

Finding the empty scene amusing, Denise wore an incongruous smile.

“Lady Diella must have caught a glimpse of this situation. She’s interested in art history and the activities of famous female painters.”

“…Is it alright for you to tell me this?”

“After all, Lady Diella has nothing to hide from you, right? If a person of the Duplain family knows this much, it’s no longer possible to keep it a secret. Only compromise remains.”

This dark art storage must be one of Denise’s biggest secrets.

Of course, lowering taxes through such tricks to form independent funds is something the influential nobles on the frontier do when bored. The Empire must be having headaches over it.

It’s just a matter of how skillfully it’s hidden. Neither the Duplain nor the Belmierd families can say they don’t engage in such corrupt practices. It’s just hushed up at the imperial level.

But whether that surfaces or not, and whether the high and mighty lady is directly involved in such corrupt acts, is a completely different story.

“…You said you would purchase this painting.”

How could Diella purchase a painting that doesn’t exist? But upon reflection, it’s not impossible.

After all, it was a matter between families. Making a purchase on the ledger isn’t that difficult.

Just dip the quill in ink and write a few lines in the ledger, that’s all there is to it.

Derek seemed to finally see the true intent behind Diella’s superficial words.

The story was about taking on the accounting loophole centered around this non-existent painting for the Duplain family. And on top of that, they were offering readily available cash, a rather exceptional condition.

For a family as large as the Duplains, hiding one such loophole wouldn’t be difficult. The larger and denser the forest, the more places there are to hide treasures.

Such was typically the nature of transactions between noble families.

In the empire, many cases were ultimately reduced to the level of how to conceal and pass off corrupt practices in hushed tones.

Diella was well aware of this fact, and Lady Denise also understood that she could not be free from such problems.

“Lady Diella has a keen eye. I should not take her lightly. I didn’t expect her to strike at the heart of the matter so openly.”

Young, inexperienced, and presumptuous.

Yet, the occasional glimpses of her noble perspective and the demeanor of a sovereign made it impossible for anyone to predict what kind of person Diella would grow into as she aged.

For now, the only person who could hold the reins in Ebelstein was Derek.

“In the Ebelstein social circle, those representing the names of the three great noble families are all the same. I’ve tried to teach them in various ways, but none were easy to deal with.”

“You’re right, Derek. Lady Aiselin, Lady Elente, they all know how to wield the power they hold. They’re not swayed by power; they naturally embody the art of controlling power itself.”

The prominent young ladies of the Rosea Salon were usually endowed with the love of the family head, entrusted with the full authority of the mansion, and were developing the demeanor of influential figures.

In just a few years, each one of them seemed likely to make a name for themselves.

From noble mtl dot com

However, Denise alone let out a hollow laugh and cast her gaze downward.

In that demeanor, Derek felt as if all the facets of Denise he had seen thus far were merging into one.

A girl whose goal was to maintain a life devoid of vitality, lacking ambition in everything, stingy with achievements, and content to just guard the mansion, read novels, and waste time.

Memories of a drained Denise in the Raspa Cave came to mind, speaking to Derek. Her loss of interest in magic was because she realized that no matter how hard she tried, her achievements were merely a part of the grand Belthus family.

“I’m just like a chess piece,” Denise said, as if spitting out the words.

She received the full support of the family, just like Lady Aiselin and Lady Elente, but the motivation behind that support was different.

There was not a speck of love for a daughter, no familial affection.

The cold gaze of Duke Belthus, overseeing everything in the family, did not harbor any familial love. It was merely one of the various components that made up the great Belthus family.

In fact, this was a rather common character among the high nobility.

“Are you starting to understand? Right now, I’m being adored in the Rosea Salon and treated as precious by the Belthus family, but it’s all out of necessity. In the end, if needed, I’ll either take the blame for embezzlement or be sold off in a political marriage, or they’ll use me in the most efficient way possible. That’s just the way it is.”


“It’s just that the other young ladies of the Rosea Salon are too unusual. They have strong convictions, they can sway the atmosphere of the family, and they know how to make such grand decisions… If you’re going to invest, wouldn’t it be proper to do so in that direction?”

Though she thought she was just wagging her tongue to send Derek away, there was a degree of sincerity in her words.

She had always groaned in pain during her training with Derek, but deep down, she had already come to acknowledge him.

Derek’s eyes narrowed as he quietly looked down at her, sitting with her lush silver-gray hair spread out on the display stand, subdued.

The girl sitting quietly with her head bowed already had her wings broken.

The numerous experiences of her childhood must have led her to accept the reality of the present. What followed was chronic apathy.

But she couldn’t just throw everything away.

Those without value are weeded out; that’s the cold reality of this aristocratic world. Thus, she had to become a peculiar human figure, fulfilling at least the minimum of her duties while maintaining a semblance of lack of ambition.

A bird with a broken leg.

Even if it yearns to descend to the ground and walk, it must continue to fly with its bent wings.

The end of this flight, with no end in sight, likely won’t be good. The bird itself senses this to some extent.

That’s why Denise is telling Derek. Go to the Duplain family.

Whether it becomes Aiselin or Diela, they will grasp the reins of power far more adeptly as the family’s central figure than Denise ever could. They are individuals of a different potential.

Even those two fully trust Derek. Where else could one find better conditions? It’s always wisest to stay close to power.

A high-nosed noble lady wouldn’t easily speak so openly.

Yet, in Denise’s eyes, someone like Derek belongs in such expansive waters.

Initially, the focus was on regaining her peaceful daily life, but after encountering Lady Diela, such thoughts gradually took hold.

After all, Denise herself was nothing more than a horse tamed by the Beltus family.

“How about it? You can’t refute that, can you?”

“Indeed, there’s no refuting Miss Denise’s words.”

“Good. Then, once things settle down, reach out to the Duplain side.”

As Denise let out a hollow laugh, Derek eventually responded simply, making her lengthy explanation seem pointless.

“I don’t want to.”


Faced with such a definitively empty response, Denise had to tilt her head in confusion.

Once she was certain she hadn’t misheard, Denise looked at Derek with wide eyes.

“I appreciate the consideration, but shouldn’t I be the one to decide where I stay?”

Denise wore an expression of disbelief.

To anyone looking, taking Denise as a mentor was a choice that was nothing but a loss.

At least, that’s how it appeared to Denise.

However, Derek quietly moved and sat on the display shelf next to Denise.

She couldn’t help but question his action.

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