Value (6)

Most wizards were often consumed by the desire to become stronger.

As it was a field where one could feel the progress with each step, the sense of growth was more exhilarating than any pleasure, often leading people into a state of ecstasy. Once they tasted it, they would reach out for higher realms as if bewitched.


From noble mtl dot com

The desire for achievement transcended age and status.

The Grand Duke of Duplain, who hailed from the most noble family, was no exception.

However, one cannot always aim upwards forever.

After striving for higher realms over long years, one would eventually have to face a ceiling.

Despite years of effort, the Grand Duke of Duplain could not reach the level of a 6-star wizard.

The 6-star level was an extraordinary realm that only those chosen by the heavens among countless human geniuses could reach.

Though he was aware of this, the fact that there was no further room for achievement as a wizard sometimes left him feeling empty.

‘You’re hitting the nail on the head. Indeed, it’s a staff that makes you want to grab it tightly just by looking at it.’

The warehouse of the Duplain family.

The expression of Duke Duplain, who was quietly staring at the staff Valerian had brought from the White Zone with his hands behind his back, was not very good.

Occasionally, weapons imbued with magic had a ‘demonic nature’ embedded in them.

It’s when a certain will or ego is embedded in the magical weapon itself, or when a certain aura that confuses people’s minds manifests.

The staff Valerian brought was like that. Seeing his serious expression while reporting, I wondered what kind of item it was, but I never imagined it would be such a wicked thing.

‘It’s the staff of Rozin that I’ve only heard about in rumors. Is it the relic of Rozin, a 5-star summoning mage from before the war era… But, Rozin is famous for redefining the basics of summoning magic, so what is this ominous aura of necromancy?’

Rozin’s staff looked like twisted, withered wood.

An aura of necromancy was swirling around it, making it look like a relic of a necromancer rather than a summoning mage to anyone who saw it.

Necromancy is a representative taboo, so just handling it would bring scrutiny from the imperial family.

The certain will embedded in the staff seemed to whisper to Duke Duplain.

It was tempting him, saying that if he held it, he could reach the level of a 6-star mage, and that he should use its power to rise higher.

It wasn’t the first time Duke Duplain had seen an item imbued with a demonic nature. He was not a person to be swayed by such vicious whispers.

After roughly suppressing the aura embedded in the staff by emitting his own magic, he called the head maid, Katarina, and said,

“We need to send a letter to the imperial family. Rather than holding onto it and making an enemy of the imperial family, it’s better to report it and transfer the authority to dispose of this staff to them.”

“I will send a courier immediately. What should the content of the letter be?”

“Tell them to dispatch the chief magic advisor.”

He intended to call the most experienced magic advisor of the imperial family, who was practically the highest authority in the empire’s magic field, to the Duplain mansion.

6-star transformation mage, Kohella Deinalt Elvester.

The old fox of the imperial family who held the history of the empire’s magic, the oldest member of the Lontel Society, which was full of experts in the field of alchemy, the greatest transformation mage produced by the Elvester count family, the oldest rival of Drest Wolftail… Her career was full of the word ‘greatest’.

Among them, the title that represented her the most was only one. The longest-serving magic advisor of the imperial family.

She was such a great mage that even the emperor would seek her advice personally. Only someone like her could tell how to dispose of this staff.


The magic training ground, which was as clean as new, was one of the most meticulously crafted places in Diela’s mansion.

Diela had a significant ambition for achievements in magic, and since Derek, she had been honing her skills alone without particularly taking in a magic teacher.

In line with Diela’s will, who was always immersed in magic, the servants decided to equip the magic training environment to the highest level in Ebelstein.

The result was this place. It was a facility much cleaner and better equipped than the magic training ground next to the noble district square.

Standing on the training platform and fixing her attire, Diela frowned as she made eye contact with Denis, who was standing on the opposite side and smiling gently.

It was Diela’s mansion, Diela’s magic training ground, and the surroundings were filled with Diela’s servants.

In fact, everything was set up for Diela in this place where the magic training was to take place. It was an environment that could be somewhat uncomfortable for the opponent.

However, Denise was calmly gathering her magical power without a hint of concern.

‘She has no fear of defeat at all. Truly… Was the letter she sent back then filled with nothing but sincerity?’

Diela was confused.

Denise had said she would deliberately lose the duel, so it didn’t matter what conditions were set for the bet.

If her true intention was to give up Derek, it would be a welcome event for Diela. Denise’s claim that their interests aligned was not an empty statement.

However, Diela did not let her guard down.

The servants, the ladies of the Rosea Salon, and the numerous rumors circulating around the noble quarters all said the same thing. Denise was a benevolent, elegant, and mature lady as she appeared.

But Diela never dismissed the thought that all of it could be a facade, a trap laid out to crush the arrogant Diela’s pride.

To some, it might seem excessive, but Diela was not one to trust people easily.

It took her over ten years to open her heart to the members of the Duplain family. It was almost impossible for an outsider to gain Diela’s complete trust.

“I hope it will be a good duel. It is a great honor for me to compete against Lady Diela, who is known for her free-spirited use of magic and high level of magical prowess.”

“Yes, me too.”

Diela, gathering her magical power, answered perfunctorily and shook her head.

In any case, it would be resolved once they clashed. Diela was confident when it came to magical duels.

No matter what, she just had to avoid losing.

– Whaaack!

– Ding!

As the servant rang the bell adorned with beautiful roses, tension spread across the platform.

It was the sound announcing the start of the magical duel between the two ladies. Although it was a simple practice duel, it was a duel with great rewards and the pride of both families at stake.

Diela wanted Derek.

In her childhood, she wanted to learn once more from the teacher who had shown her the path of magic during her wandering days.

She was a genius wild mage born into the Duplain family, the heart of the Order School.

Despite her paradoxical origins, she had honed her magic in her own way. Derek, too, must have reached a much higher level compared to their childhood, so she could learn even more. Just imagining it made her heart race.

Moreover, Derek was an outstanding individual as an aide.

He was not bound by status, always saw the essence of matters, and did not hesitate to speak frankly.

In the icy social circles of Ebelstein, having someone like Derek by her side would be an unparalleled weapon.

“I won’t drag this out.”

Therefore, Diela gathered her magical power with all her heart, intending to end the duel swiftly.

The first magic she manifested was specialized in ice magic imbued with cold.

The wild magic she had researched alone in the annex was mainly related to plants, and under Derek’s influence, she gradually began to open her eyes to illusion magic.

Despite being much younger than the other noble ladies, she had become so proficient in magic that few could match her.

– Whooosh!

Massive ice spears shot up around Diela.

They were larger, twisted, and sharply honed compared to when she first manifested them.

Soon, enormous thorny brambles rose from the ground, rushing to entangle her opponent, while all sorts of confusing spells that made it difficult to detect magical energy began to cover the training ground.

‘Of course, she’s using multiple incantations. And she’s so young.’

Denise marveled at Diela, who was unleashing all sorts of magic in that brief moment.

He had heard that the much younger girl magician had honed her skills entirely on her own after Derek left.

It was rare for someone so young to be able to perform such a high level of multiple incantations.

Denise quickly stepped back, spun around in a large circle, and adjusted her stance. Her skirt spread out like petals, and her magical energy was released in an instant.

She couldn’t counter all of Diela’s numerous magical displays.

To be honest, she had no intention of countering them in the first place.

– Crash! Boom! Thud! Thump!

Countless spells collided, and Denise’s protective magic manifested, making it seem like the duel was over.

However, as the dust settled, Denise emerged unscathed.

Still holding the hem of her dress with an elegant smile, she hadn’t been hit by a single spell.


Diela frowned.

Denise had chosen to evade all of Diela’s magic rather than defend against it.

Evading all those spells was a reckless endeavor. It was like trying to walk through a downpour without getting a single drop of water on your clothes.

Yet, there she was, calmly adjusting her posture, with even the hem of her dress perfectly intact.

It was as if she had predicted where each spell would pass. This made it seem like Diela was wasting her magical energy.

‘She’s incredibly skilled at detecting magic, isn’t she? Did she practice magic detection all day long?’

Denise was said to be unmatched among her peers in detection magic.

Even the magical senses she had honed to the extreme with Derek over the past few months didn’t falter amidst the chaotic spells.

Watching her composed demeanor, it felt as if the duel hadn’t even begun.


Diela swallowed dryly.

She suddenly realized that this Denise was also Derek’s disciple.

She was now facing a magician personally taught by Derek.

Derek, who had begun to make a name for himself in the Ebelstein social circles, was also known for his students.

It was said that if he decided to teach, he could hone one’s magical senses to the point where even a first-class magic spell couldn’t touch them.

In reality, Derek pushed people to their limits, driving their magic to the extreme, and if one didn’t keep their wits about them, they would be utterly exhausted. He was a tough teacher who didn’t go easy on anyone, even noble ladies.

As for Lady Denise, who had endured Derek’s training for months, she seemed to instantly grasp the flow of any magic that Diela cast.

Her expression, still smiling gently, was full of composure.

‘You can’t even touch her with ordinary methods.’

Diela had to think for a moment.

Soon, Denise’s counterattack would come. After dodging once, Diela needed to use a more advanced confusion spell to block Denise’s evasive maneuvers.

The magical exchanges repeated several times.

Each time, Denise evaded Diela’s magic with graceful movements, each action as elegant and beautiful as a dancer’s.

“Huff… Huff…”

On the other hand, Diela, who had no choice but to waste her magic unilaterally, began to run out of breath.

Even the confusion spells were all countered, and the ice spears were shattered by magic arrows or evaded as if she predicted their paths.

The thorn bushes rising from the ground and the walls of flames couldn’t even touch Denise’s hair, wasting only Diela’s magic.

Meanwhile, Denise established the exchanges using only a few simple spells without manifesting any large-scale magic.

It was as if a skilled dagger-wielder was effortlessly controlling a warrior with a greatsword.

Diela gritted her teeth and glared at Denise, but Denise still only showed a noble smile with her beautiful appearance.

Diela ground her teeth.

Indeed, Denise had honed her magical senses to the extreme under Derek’s tutelage, but she wasn’t the only noble lady who had received his teachings.

– Whoosh!

When Diela extended her foot and stomped on the platform, a chill began to spread from there, covering the area.

Without even a simple incantation, she began to freeze the entire platform.

The sudden explosion of magic forced Denise to step back and observe the situation.

– Whooosh!

The way of handling magic in a free and unrestrained manner was characteristic of the wild school wizards.

It required sacrificing some firepower or performance, but it produced results that the opponent couldn’t predict at all.

Before long, the platform was covered in ice.

It was to restrict Denise’s evasive maneuvers by changing the environment itself.


As Denise scanned the surroundings with a serious look, Diela stomped her foot once more.

– Thud!

– Crackle!

Countless ice pillars shot up around her tiny feet, advancing towards Denise and engulfing her.

Denise quickly manifested her magic to create a protective shield. She succeeded in blocking Diela’s magic, but the impact left her almost falling backward.

“Can’t dodge this time, can you?”

Diela’s blonde hair, covered in chilling magic, floated in the air.

At some point, even the formal honorifics were abandoned. Diela was completely enraged, only thinking about knocking Denise down.

“It’s funny to see you desperately dodging magic after all that talk about giving up. Were you playing the lady in the Ebelstein social circle with such petty tricks?”

It was a blatant provocation. To say such outrageous things to the young lady of the Beltus family, the nearby servants all held their breath.

Denise paused, lost in thought. She didn’t feel particularly wronged, as she was the one who had changed her words like flipping a palm.

“Huff… Huff… Grr…”

White steam puffed out from Diela’s mouth. Though summer was just around the corner, the training ground was filled with the chill of midwinter.

Diela might look like the most adorable girl in the world when she kept her mouth shut, but she always gritted her teeth and glared at her opponent like this.

Seeing Diela growling like that, most nobles would lose their nerve.

But someone like Denise wasn’t easily intimidated by Diela’s demeanor.

– Thud!

– Crackle!

Every time Diela stomped the ground, a procession of ice pillars rose to engulf Denise.

Denise quickly manifested flame arrows to melt the surrounding ice while deploying protective magic to defend against the spells. However, unlike when she efficiently dodged, the consumption of her magic power had greatly increased.

With each exchange of attacks, Diela gradually closed the distance.

At close range, predictive and exploratory magic were meaningless. She intended to end the duel by getting right in Denise’s face.

“I knew from the beginning that you were only this capable. I accepted the duel knowing everything.”

Diela, covered in chilling magic, approached with determined steps, truly the queen of winter.

The power of the ice pillars flying towards her grew more destructive with each strike.

Diela’s magic, engulfed in rage, seemed to pierce the sky.

“I don’t care how petty and despicable the young lady of the Beltus family is. I didn’t come to Ebelstein to play social games and find comfort.”

Diela’s glaring eyes were like a beast that had spotted its prey in a snowy field.

The swirling cold made those facing her shiver in fear.

“So, I don’t care if you play power games at the Rosea Salon… Just hand over Derek.”

Just leave Derek and go. Then I won’t care what you do.

After informing Dennis of the fact, she exuded her magical power.


Dennis was quietly staring at Diela.

Her elegant silver-gray hair fluttered in the aftermath of the magical power emanating from Diela’s body.

It was clear why this girl named Diela was so desperate to take Derek away.

Surely, this girl seemed to be longing for the time when she was under Derek’s tutelage. In fact, Derek was the type of person who would nonchalantly invade someone else’s life, change its direction to the right one as he pleased, and then leave without even taking credit.

A strange and enigmatic man.

Seeing Dennis, who had been sitting down, feeling weary of magic, he tried to push her up, even if it meant pushing her back.

The internal affairs of a high-ranking noble family are like an irresistible natural disaster.

But that man, who wore an indifferent expression as if such things were no problem at all, was indeed someone who knew how to play with people’s hearts.

If you underestimate a drizzle, you’ll end up soaked to the skin.

Dennis found herself naturally accepting the gesture of that man who was pulling her wrist. A self-mocking smile emerged, but she didn’t particularly feel humiliated.

Sitting in a dimly lit art storage room, every time the deep-hearted white-haired boy, who even brought up the contents of Dennis’s own embarrassing draft novel, flickered before her eyes, she couldn’t help but think.

It would feel quite empty without this man─she thought.


Therefore, Dennis smiled in front of Diela.

It was not the polite and graceful smile typical of noble ladies that she had shown so far.

“Ahaha… Hahaha… Ahahaha.”

In a way, that candid and somewhat meaningful smile seemed to be mocking Diela.

Her eyes, as cold as Diela’s icy gaze, gleamed, creating a sense of intimidation that was at odds with her always angelic and benevolent impression.

Even Diela, who exuded a fierce aura, momentarily stopped in her tracks.

A small lioness baring her teeth at Dennis, demanding she leave Derek behind.

Looking at such an opponent, Dennis spoke without erasing her smile.

“I don’t want to.”

Eventually, the thread that had been holding Diela’s reason snapped.

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