Watercolor (3)

Diela, who loved to play since she was young, would throw a ball alone in the central garden of the mansion whenever she had the chance.

When Valerian, who was working in his private office, saw Diela playing through the window, he would occasionally go down to the garden to ask how she was doing.

The girl, who would follow the ball bouncing out of the garden, would sometimes feel burdened and step back when she encountered the eldest son in the corner of the garden.

To a girl of that age, the much older eldest son would be more frightening or uncomfortable than comforting. Especially in a noble family environment where there are many formalities to observe.

Valerian was not unaware of this, so he fully understood the cold attitude of his youngest sister, who did not open her heart to him.

To Diela, Valerian was just a difficult older brother.

Therefore, even when Diela locked herself in the annex and behaved violently, he could not say a word.

It was only recently, as her debut in society approached, that Diela was able to have some conversations with Valerian.

When they occasionally met in the hallway, she would bow her head and ask how he was, or during meal times, she would talk about the taste of the food… Even that was a significant improvement.

The turning point for all these changes was when Derek, the magic teacher, visited the Duplain mansion.

He changed Diela. Valerian felt grateful for that connection once again.

– ‘…Diela?’

Once, Valerian saw Diela from afar, setting up an easel and pondering in the corner of the garden.

Determined to speak to his adolescent youngest sister, Valerian approached her from behind and called her name, causing Diela to hiccup. In that moment, the brush slipped, and the painting Diela was working on went awry.

– ‘S-sorry, Diela.’

– ‘N-no, brother.’

As he got closer to the easel, he saw that Diela was painting her former magic teacher, who was a mercenary.

The portrait seemed slightly idealized compared to the real person, but Diela did not seem to notice.

– ‘This is…’

– ‘Yes, I was painting my old teacher. I heard he would visit when the ball is held during my debutante. I thought I would give it to him as a gift…’

When Valerian quietly observed Diela’s expression, she lowered her gaze, hiding her embarrassment. It seemed she was quite embarrassed that her family had discovered the painting she wanted to give to someone special.

Unfortunately, a slip of the brush just now had left a dark blue streak across the man’s clothes in the painting.

Valerian looked regretful, as if the painstakingly painted watercolor had been ruined because of him.

– “I’m sorry, Diela. I startled you… What should we do with this precious painting…”

– “Oh, no, brother. This is no big deal.”

With that, Diela skillfully continued her brushstrokes, overlaying various colors on the mistaken streak.

After several strokes and some thoughtful adjustments, the mistake had somehow blended naturally into the shading of the painting.

Valerian was impressed by her quick thinking. He had always known about Diela’s artistic talent, but seeing it in person, it was even more outstanding than he had imagined.

– “A wrongly drawn stroke can be covered with other colors and adjusted by changing the shades.”

– “But won’t it feel different from what you originally intended? I thought the colors you had in mind were brighter than this.”

– “It’s okay. After thinking about it, if I draw it too bright and cheerful, it doesn’t match the image… And it feels like I drew it with too much excitement… It’s a bit… you know… like I’m the only one excited…”

– “…”

– “And when you overlay and draw like this, the direction changes, and a new painting emerges… That’s the charm of watercolor. That’s why I like watercolor.”

Valerian didn’t know much about art. But this tiny girl seemed to have already established her own artistic world.

– “Hmm, I like it. The arm looks a bit too thin, but… this much should be fine.”

The tiny artist, who had been looking at the painting with her arms crossed, finally smiled with satisfaction. She seemed excited at the thought of giving the painting to Derek.

A dignified man with white hair stood in the canvas, dressed as a mercenary. He was the person who had the greatest influence on Diela’s life.

This girl, who ruled like a tyrant and made all the servants around her walk on eggshells, showed a girlish side only when dealing with the man in the canvas.

Watching her like this, one could feel that the little girl who used to run out of the garden chasing a rolling ball had already grown into a fine young lady.

Respecting someone, having a crush, wanting to keep someone close… experiencing such emotions, one would find themselves grown up before they knew it.

Valerian smiled gently and looked at the canvas.

The red eyes of the man in the painting seemed to blaze like flames.


Derek’s red eyes blazed like flames.

– Clang!

Valerian swung his staff to block Derek’s sharp sword.

The sword and staff clashed, and they entered a stalemate, testing each other’s strength.

Derek knew what the staff in Valerian’s hand was. It was one of the most noble relics of the White Zone, a unique weapon rare even across the entire continent.

Although it seemed they didn’t know its value when it was discovered, Derek had memorized such famous equipment well enough.

It was a treasure hidden in the labyrinth by the five-star necromancer Rozin.

It was an item created to leave his necromancy knowledge to future generations, and it had the power to captivate people.

All wizards are hungry for growth.

This staff incites the desire to become stronger in the ears of such wizards.

If Valerian had been the one to discover this staff first and bring it to the mansion, he would not have been free from its temptation.

– Whoosh!

Ominous dark red magic began to gather around the staff.

Derek clicked his tongue and leaped back. He judged that he needed to create some distance for now.

“Did you kill Duke Duplain?”

“Yes. I killed him. If you kill a high-ranking wizard and worship the god of corpses, offering their soul, you can receive a portion of their power.”


“So I stabbed him in the heart with a ceremonial dagger. It happened in an instant. While he was signing documents with a quill during a report on this year’s tax plan, I approached my father and ended it in one stroke.”

Duke Duplain was a wizard who had reached the level of 5 stars.

However, it would have been hard for him to expect that he would be pierced through the heart by his most trusted eldest son in the middle of this Duplain mansion.

As always, he was engrossed in reviewing documents in his office, and all it took was to walk up to him and stab him with a knife. The process would have ended in an instant, almost absurdly.

Trust is such a heavy weapon. If you hand it to the wrong person, you will lose your life in an instant.

“It was all my doing. Foolishly.”

Valerian said, closing his eyes gently.

The memories of the past are still vivid in his eyes.

The deepest part of the labyrinth where many people were injured and bled.

The day he first laid eyes on a staff he found there.

The ominous sensation that ran down his spine when he first held the staff. The strange sense of lethargy that seemed to churn in his chest.

Even after returning to the mansion, he occasionally felt a cold sensation on the back of his neck when he fell asleep.

The ominous sensation he had dismissed as nothing suddenly engulfed Valerian’s mind one day.

Like a disease with a latent period, it suddenly swallowed Valerian’s consciousness, and the skull of a long-dead necromancer embraced his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

Power. What is the value of it?

How fleeting is death?

What is the way to use a person’s life meaningfully?

Is it truly taboo to command soulless corpses?

The thoughts left behind by Rozin endlessly whispered in Valerian’s ear.

Constantly inciting him about what must be sacrificed to become a great wizard.

In the distant vision, he glimpses that distant world of taboos.

──And when he comes to his senses, he finds himself staring at the sight of Duke Duplain collapsed on his office desk.

Amidst the scrolls of documents awaiting approval, a pool of blood from the old lord was expanding its territory.

The old lord, still clinging to life… trembles his pupils as he looks up at his son.

And he quietly moves his lips to say something. Valerian clearly hears his last words, but he does not fully understand them.

When he finally regains full consciousness, all that remains in front of him is a cold, lifeless corpse.

It was his father’s body.

– “Th-this… wh-what….”

With trembling hands, he covers his face. His fingertips are soaked with dark red blood.

Not even a scream escapes him. The choking sound struggles to pass through his throat, but it does not take the form of words.

He had not fully comprehended what had happened yet.

– Thud!

At that moment, someone entered the office, pushing the door open.

There were not many people who could enter the Duke’s office without even knocking. When he looked up to see who it was, it was an old sorceress in splendid royal attire.

– “…”

It was Kohella, the chief magical advisor of the royal family, a 6-star transformation mage.

She had come at Duke Duplain’s request to appraise the staff. However, what she saw when she entered the office with her two assistants was a gruesome murder scene.

Valerian, trembling and covered in blood while holding the staff, and Duke Duplain, no longer breathing, lying limp.

For a moment, her eyes widened, but as she quickly grasped the situation, her eyes narrowed again.

She closed the door, swiftly locked it, and approached with determined steps.

Lowering herself to the seated Valerian, she spoke.

– “Do not be alarmed, Prince Valerian. I believe I understand what has transpired.”

– “Th-this… this… I mean…”

– “It’s alright. Magical equipment imbued with thoughts sometimes causes such incidents. Now that things have come to this, I can reveal it. I do not harbor much hostility towards the field of magic that is persecuted for being taboo. In fact, I believe it should be actively researched.”

Even in this situation, Kohella’s calm tone made her seem like a monster wearing the skin of an old woman.

Her words were also unusual. For the chief magical advisor of the royal family to endorse taboos, it was a statement that would make royal officials widen their eyes and doubt their ears.

– “So, do not worry too much. Although Prince Valerian has committed a mistake under the influence of thoughts, it can still be rectified.”

– “Wh-what… did you… say….”

– “I will use my transformation magic to protect the Duke’s body from damage. In the meantime, you will prepare to manifest the 5-star necromancy spell ‘Resurrection’.”

By killing the Duke and offering his body in worship, Valerian’s rank as a necromancer would rise significantly.

Of course, he would not become as powerful a mage as the Duke, but he would at least be able to wield power equivalent to a 4-star mage. If he pushed further and sacrificed more mages, he might even be able to revive the Duke.

The 5-star necromancy spell ‘Resurrection’ is a spell that can revive a human who has recently died by sacrificing many corpses.

However, the higher the rank of the person to be revived, the more sacrifices are needed. To undo the death of Grand Duke Duplain, an absurd number of high-ranking wizards must be sacrificed.

One must elevate their own rank and also require the corpses to be used for the Grand Duke’s resurrection. And not just any corpses, but those of high-ranking wizards.

It must be accompanied by a massive massacre. It is not a thought that can be conceived in a sane mind.

Valerian looked up at Kohella with trembling eyes.

In the eyes of the old wizard, there was a twisted scholarly zeal and curiosity. It was an opportunity to demonstrate a 5-star spell among the forbidden necromancy spells.

That boundless curiosity, which had entered the realm of madness, was proof that this wizard was no longer sane.

Nevertheless, Valerian, who was already driven to the limit, could not shake his head at the whisper.

– ‘Prince Valerian, please steel your heart.’

Suddenly, the smell of blood rising from the corpse imprinted reality. Valerian shuddered all over, feeling nauseous.

After retching once, he tried to lift himself up again by gripping the desk with trembling hands.

The staff in his hand seemed to whisper something to him. He couldn’t understand the exact content, but he could sense the intention to swallow him again. This power, which he could not control, would continue to rampage.

In the torrent of madness, Valerian constantly ruminated.

He must gather up his mistakes.

Even as his whole mind was swept away, that goal, which he muttered blindly, was engraved in his instincts and would never be forgotten.

In the muddy stream of necromantic power that covered the surroundings, his reason was being devoured. Seeing the vast necromantic energy emanating from the staff, Kohella’s eyes sparkled with starlight.

In that chaos, Valerian repeated those words over and over again.

“I must gather up my mistakes.”

– Bang!

The crimson magic gathered in the grand main hall all at once aimed at Derek.

Derek quickly threw himself under the dining table set for the banquet.

– Whoosh!

Rolling on the floor and popping out the other side, a grotesque arm made of flesh suddenly protruded from the wall and grabbed Derek’s head.

Just as it was about to crush Derek’s head, Derek’s swift sword strike severed the wrist.

– Slash!

As the severed arm rolled on the floor, several more arms continued to climb up the wall.

It seemed that the entire mansion had been consumed by the power of necromancy.

Derek’s judgment was swift. He quickly conjured a fireball and blew away the outer wall of the main hall.

– Bang! Crash!

– Whoosh!

It was raining outside.

When one side of the main hall’s outer wall flew away and the stained glass shattered and collapsed, the rain that was raging outside began to pour into the main hall.

– Swoosh!

The carefully prepared banquet and the precious clothes of the distinguished guests were getting soaked, but this was not the time to worry about such things.

It was the moment when Derek adjusted his posture and tried to focus on Valerian.

Valerian was already right in front of Derek’s nose.

– Whack! Bang!

Valerian kicked Derek away.

Derek was thrown out and crashed into the remaining debris of the outer wall.

– Thud! Rumble!

A cloud of dust rose, but the raging rain and wind quickly restored visibility.

Derek was catching his breath, leaning against the debris of the collapsed outer wall.

The rain pouring in from beyond the outer wall soaked his body.

Droplets of water dripped helplessly from the ends of his hair to the ground.

In the meantime, he briefly wiped his face with both hands as if washing it, and then swept up his bangs.

Derek’s features, revealed under his swept-up bangs, became even more distinct.


Derek had already been advancing towards a high level, but due to his background as a commoner and his position as a teacher, he had rarely revealed his full power. There had been hardly any opportunity to do so.

‘His level is quite high. He’s not an opponent to be taken lightly.’

Facing an opponent who wielded power equivalent to a 4-star level, he was not someone who could afford to be complacent.

As a bolt of lightning struck, Derek glared at Valerian.

The sight of the man, soaking wet in the rain and glaring at him, was reminiscent of a wolf ready to pounce.

The moment Valerian narrowed his brow, Derek’s figure disappeared from sight.

– Swish!

He had to react not by sight but by sound.

Valerian drew the sword from his waist and swung it to the left. Derek’s dagger, held in a reverse grip, was already flying towards that spot.

– Clang!

One hand held a staff, the other a sword. Valerian was clad in sturdy armor.

However, Derek was in light attire, holding only a few blades. No one comes to a ball fully prepared for battle.

Nevertheless, there was a peculiar pressure in Derek’s attack.

Whether it was physical strength or sheer magical power… the strength Derek possessed was not something so easily understood.

– Crack, Thud!

Instead of pushing forward, Derek rolled on the ground, picked up a stone, and threw it towards Valerian’s head.

As Valerian quickly dodged by twisting his head, a knife and fork from the dining table flew towards him.

When he deflected them with his magic, Derek took advantage of the moment to close in on him again.

He was within striking distance.

Valerian quickly tried to cast the 2-star necromancy spell ‘Soul Absorption,’ but Derek’s figure turned into smoke and disappeared again. It was an illusion spell.

Valerian’s magic, with nowhere to go, merely sliced through the air.

– Whoosh!

As Valerian turned his gaze to locate Derek, Derek was already behind him, yanking a tablecloth off the table.

The feast on the table spilled onto the floor, and all the dishes shattered.

The outer wall crumbled, and the wind and rain howled. When Derek flung the tablecloth, it spread out in the wind, obscuring Valerian’s vision.

As Valerian quickly swung his sword to clear the tablecloth, a magical arrow struck his armor from his blind spot.

– Bang!


Valerian’s balance was thrown off, and he had to take a step back. Derek was not one to miss such an opportunity.

Derek, who had lowered his stance and slipped under the fluttering tablecloth, was gathering his magic again.

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Was it an illusion or reality? As Valerian tried to discern, his feet were stuck to the ground.

It was the 2-star combat spell ‘Shadow Bind.’ Derek had already reached the level where he could cast multiple 2-star spells simultaneously.

– Flash!

As the attack came in, Valerian’s feet were bound. This meant the attack was not an illusion.

Valerian raised his arm, protected by a gauntlet, to block the attack.

At the moment Derek’s sword struck Valerian’s armor, Derek’s figure turned into smoke and disappeared again.

‘Even binding my feet was a trick…?’

Valerian’s eyes widened as he maintained his defensive stance. Derek was already behind him.

– Whoosh

Derek was a master of duels.

The psychological warfare Derek, who had fought and brawled since his lowest days, employed was half a step faster for a nobleman who had only engaged in formal combat all his life.

As Valerian quickly turned his head to locate Derek, he was already caught by the scruff of his neck.

An enormous amount of electricity surged from Derek’s hand.

– Crackle!

It was a tremendous shock that could have knocked him unconscious in an instant. Valerian’s vision wavered as if the whole world was flickering.

– Clang!

Just before his knees gave way and he collapsed.

Valerian regained consciousness with near-superhuman focus and swung the sword in his hand towards Derek.

Derek leaped back, widening the distance.

– Slash!

– Swoosh!

The distance widened again.

Valerian, gasping for breath, and Derek, covered in scratches, faced each other once more.

Both were glaring at each other, drenched by the rain pouring in from the broken outer wall.

“Huff… Huff…”

Valerian, who had swallowed the power of necromancy whole, could handle higher levels of magic.

He thought he could easily overpower Derek, who was at best mid-level 2-star, maybe reaching 3-star.

But that was Valerian’s misjudgment.

In a simple magical duel, the one with higher magical prowess would naturally win.

But Derek’s strength was not just in his magical prowess.

Before being a man with extraordinary magical talent, he was a mercenary.

Years of accumulated combat experience had honed his senses to use magic not just as a means of formality and display, but as a tool for combat assistance.

Combined with the unique and unpredictable use of magic from the Wild School, it was impossible to predict Derek’s movements in a one-on-one duel. Derek hadn’t even used 3-star magic yet.


He was trying to overpower a higher-level magician with just his unripe potential.

Valerian couldn’t believe it.

This is the era of nobles.

Those with magical talent belong to high society, discussing dignity and formality.

It was unheard of for someone who had risen from the bottom with sheer grit to also possess talent. That was the norm of the era.

But the world is vast, and the era is long.

As countless years pass, occasionally such individuals emerge in the world.

– Swoosh!

In the pouring rain, Derek’s red eyes gleamed ominously.

Valerian sensed it instinctively.

If he let his guard down, he would die in a single blow.

Valerian closed his eyes briefly, then opened them, gripping the sword handle tightly.


– Swooosh

Beyond the rain, the Duplain mansion’s outer wall had collapsed.

Diela, who had been quietly staring out the window of the carriage, widened her eyes. The coachman driving the horses and the servant attending to Diela were equally shocked.

The mansion, which should have been filled with the sounds of a grand ball, was eerily silent, with only corpse-like monsters wandering near the garden.

The coachman shouted something and tried to turn the horses around. The horses neighed and reared up, turning their bodies, and the maid began to tremble and sweat profusely.

Amidst the chaos, Diela’s gaze remained fixed on the half-destroyed Duplain mansion.

It felt as if all the sounds of the world had vanished, leaving only a hollow sensation echoing in her ears.

Eventually, Diela snapped back to reality and shouted at the coachman to head towards the mansion immediately.

The coachman, hearing her command, looked terrified.

– Thud! Thud! Thud!

There was a sound as if something was pounding.

“Ugh, ugh….”

Aisellin woke up in a room located in the innermost section of the guest quarters. It was the safest place amidst the chaos.

She had been knocked unconscious by a sudden attack from the head maid. Despite the confusion, Aisellin managed to get up with difficulty.

It didn’t take long for her to realize that something was terribly wrong with the mansion. The ball should have been in full swing, but there was an eerie lack of any human presence.

“What, what… Why am I… here…. My body seems… fine…”

– Bang!

– Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Aisellin could gather her thoughts, the door began to pound continuously.

Startled, Aisellin swallowed dryly and quickly looked for a place to hide in the room. However, there was hardly any space to hide in the small guest waiting room.

As Aisellin tried to stand up and do something, she felt a surge of magical energy, and the doorknob broke as the door opened.

– Boom, bang!


Aisellin quickly gathered her magical energy, ready to confront whoever had broken the doorknob and entered.

However, the person who entered was a girl she knew well.

“Ah… L-Lady Ellente?”

A girl with her red hair let down and loose. Lady Ellente of the Belmiard family surveyed the situation in the room, quickly stepped inside, and closed the door again.

“Finally, I’ve found a survivor.”

Even in this chaotic situation, her calm demeanor was extraordinary.

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