The Most Noble and Impoverished (2)

After that, when Derek returned to the Duplain mansion after almost a fortnight, it had changed quite a bit. To be precise, it looked more miserable.

There was no way they could have restored the half-destroyed mansion in such a short time.

In a hurry, they used tents to cover the broken ceilings, and the completely shattered west wing was left as it was or used to store items that could withstand the rain.

The scorched garden was filled with external workers and servants who had brought camping equipment to stay, and the relatively intact rooms were used to house the seriously injured or unconscious patients.

The mansion itself looked like a patched-up old garment.

That was Derek’s impression.

– ‘It seems that the Beltus family has no reason to help Duplain… So I decided to personally allocate some funds for the mansion’s operation. It’s not a large amount, but… considering the bond we’ve formed at the Rozea Salon, I can offer that much help.’

– ‘In a way, it could be an opportunity to showcase my humane side to the public, right? To generously help the family of Lady Diela, who used to growl at me… In the grand scheme of things, it’s my victory. Hehehe.’

Lady Denise, who crossed her arms and displayed a proud smile, was wrapping her good deed in a boastful manner, but it seemed she genuinely wanted to help.

She also asked Derek to lend a helping hand to the Duplain family if they requested assistance, as long as it didn’t interfere too much with his own life.

“It’s, it’s a bit chaotic, right? If you go through the garden and reach the backyard of the mansion, it will be a bit quieter.”

Aiselin, who had entered the mansion’s entrance with Derek, spoke awkwardly.

Considering she had come to Derek’s residence to borrow money, she must have been in a desperate situation. However, she seemed to be maintaining her composure somehow even in this situation.

She is a strong-willed person. Although he knew that, it was surprising that she could remain calm even in this situation where her immediate family had died, and the family was in ruins with the responsibility on her shoulders.

“There are more people than I expected.”

“Half of the surviving servants stayed at the mansion. The other half left, but considering the bond we had, I introduced them to other families or gave them a few gold coins.”

“Isn’t the financial situation already tight?”

“After disposing of what could be disposed of immediately, I found some leeway. But after taking care of everyone I needed to… it seems we’ll have to tighten our belts a bit…”

Following Iselin to the backyard of the mansion, there were several large tents set up. Compared to other places, it was a relatively comfortable environment, but no matter how you looked at it, it was almost like homelessness compared to the luxurious mansion.

Entering one of the tents, there was a simple table and a few household items.

Wondering if this was where Iselin lived, I glanced around, and Iselin spoke with her chest puffed out.

“The room has gotten a bit smaller, hasn’t it? But I don’t think the snug space is all that bad.”


“At times like this, it’s okay to sympathize openly, Mr. Derek.”


Iselin smiled with a hum and spoke confidently.

“After about fifteen days, most of the urgent matters have been sorted out, and it’s time to accept what needs to be accepted!”

“Accept? What do you mean?”

“The fact that I’ve become a fallen noblewoman!”

Speaking in such a loud voice without a care, Derek was at a loss for how to respond.

Iselin didn’t hide her confident demeanor despite Derek’s reaction.

“I still have many immature aspects, so I often get confused when big things happen. But I recover quickly.”

“Even so, you must have some heartache, so isn’t it okay to take some time to recover?”

“As you can see, it’s not the situation for that, and at times like this, we need to look at the situation positively.”

Is there really anything positive to see in this situation?

As Derek looked at her with a peculiar expression, Iselin rolled up her sleeves and spoke with a determined look.

“In fact, the environment so far has been too luxurious and perfect. Isn’t that right? Living in the continent’s top family, with a respectable father and a gentle family, living happily and being envied by everyone, living in luxury is not normal. In a way, I’ve finally become closer to normal.”

“It’s surprising that you can say that.”

“Isn’t it true? Mr. Derek, you came from the slums and rose from the bottom with nothing. Compared to that, I, who was born with so much, can’t just be the heroine of trials. In a way, I still have a lot left.”

Iselin counted on her fingers, organizing the tasks and remaining items.

“Anyway, after disposing of all the assets in the mansion and sending away the people who need to be sent away… there won’t be no money at all. We’ll have to tighten our belts for now, though.”

“Is there nothing done about taxes or donations?”

“I can handle this year’s taxes through proper procedures, but… I don’t think other families will stay still. They won’t leave a staggering noble alone. I should be prepared to give up the control of the granary area north of the Theol River or the coastal villages.”

There were plenty of people ready to take control of the golden lands under various pretexts.

A noble without authority had limits on the size of the territory they could hold.

“Even if we block it as much as we can… the territory handled by the Duke of Duplain will be reduced to less than half. The remaining territory will be mountainous areas, dead mining zones, or empty grasslands. Considering that, we should be prepared to lose not just half, but 70 to 80 percent of the tax revenue…”

“Still, it seems the family line will be maintained,”

“Yes. However, if we want to maintain the duke’s title, the taxes going to the imperial family are enormous. On top of that, if we want to take care of the household members… I wonder if we can manage the food expenses for the next quarter…”

Aiselin had a dizzy expression, as if she was losing her mind.

Regardless of how bravely she accepted reality, reality was always chaotic.

Most importantly, the central figure of the family, Duke Duplain, was no longer there.

The first heir, Valerian, was also gone, and the next in line, Raig, was in a coma.

In the tumultuous affairs of the world, it is not unusual for people to die and leave.

However, those who are left behind must become stronger.

Finally, it was time for Aiselin to test her inner strength.

“Still… I didn’t expect it to be to the point where we can’t even eat.”

“In fact, I could instruct the servants to set aside some food, but… even the servants’ meals are not plentiful… They are all loyalists who stayed with the family in this situation, so it feels wrong for me to eat well alone…”


“Can I come by occasionally to get a meal?”

Just the other week, she had come to Derek’s place out of the blue, bowing her head and asking to borrow money.

At that time, she still had some noble authority left, blushing with embarrassment, but within ten days, she had reached the point where she could confidently ask for food.

Reality indeed makes people stronger, and Aiselin’s adaptability was astonishing.

“That’s not a big burden, but… I can’t prepare food that suits the taste of a duke’s daughter at home.”

“It’s okay. I’m not that picky.”

Aiselin said, looking embarrassed.

“And, I’ve studied a lot. I’ve tried picking wild herbs from the hills behind the mansion and boiling them… The texture is surprisingly unique and not too bad. If you trim the stems of nightshade flowers and boil them with the roots, they taste surprisingly sweet. Isn’t that interesting?”

“Wild plants can be poisonous, so you have to be careful.”

“Katarina tried them first and confirmed they were safe. She seems to have some knowledge in that area.”


It was hard to tell whether this girl was impoverished or noble.

Indeed, every time I saw Aiselin, she seemed to become more resourceful.

When she was the cherished flower of the Duplain family, she always exuded an unattainable noble elegance, but recently, she often rolled up her sleeves and gave orders to the servants, actively participating in the field.

She was even directly overseeing the mansion’s restoration work, often with dust on the hem of her dress.

“I’ve also learned ways to save water when doing laundry, conserve candles at night, and reduce ink consumption when using quill pens. Enduring financial hardship is certainly not easy.”

“Do you personally get involved in such things?”

“We have to save wherever we can. For the time being, there are too many expenses for the mansion. Once the magical books in the library and the artworks in the warehouse are sold, we might have some leeway. Then we can clear the mansion’s debris and procure daily necessities.”

Aisellin nodded proudly, humming.

She felt proud of herself for enduring this harsh life.

‘Surely, she will become a great person.’

A person’s life is like a rolling wave, with ups and downs, and the rise and fall of fortunes are inevitable.

Just because you fall and stumble now, if you only despair, nothing will come of it. Everyone knows this fact, but whether they can actually do it is a completely different matter.

“I’ve sold almost all my clothes, so I end up wearing similar outfits every time we meet. Normally, not putting effort into dressing up is considered a great fault, but given the situation, please understand.”

“As you know, I don’t care about such things. But still, you have quite a lot of clothes, don’t you?”

“At least enough to participate in salon activities.”

“Do you plan to continue attending the salon?”

“I must.”

Aisellin was now the only focal point left in the Duplain family. The moment she lost her authority, the Duplain family would sink completely.

Therefore, she had to continue interacting with the salon people, seek out those who could help, and maintain her own authority as much as possible.

The fallen noblewoman is thrown into the heart of Ebelstein’s social circle.

It’s not hard to imagine how cold reality will feel on her skin.

The fortunate thing is that she has always been a person of benevolent character who tried not to make enemies.

It’s a great relief that she has no accumulated karma.

From noble mtl dot com

“Anyway, since I’ve come to the Duplain mansion today, please let me know if there’s anything I can help with. The Beltus family also said they could lend a hand where appropriate.”

“Oh, no. Most things are sorted out now, and the servants have finished dividing the roles. You’ve already helped a lot, Mr. Derrick, so I can’t ask you to help with physical work as well.”

Aisellin sat on the worn-out bed.

It was a tent decorated as luxuriously as possible, but it was still a tent.

Compared to such a splendid private room, it was a very simple sight.

Derrick quietly watched Aisellin sitting on the bed.

After all, the reason he visited the Duplain mansion today was because Aisellin had called him separately.

He thought there would be something more to help with, so he had come prepared. But Aisellin said there wasn’t much to help with, which puzzled him.

“I didn’t call you to ask for help… I just wanted to tell you about the current situation of the mansion. I’m fine. Even though there are some tight spots, I can endure. That’s all I wanted to say.”

“To me?”

“Yes, during the disaster at the mansion and the recovery, you helped in many ways, Mr. Derrick. So… I thought I should at least show some courtesy.”

Aisellin made a hollow expression, then managed to smile again with difficulty.

“As you can see, the mansion is in a terrible state. Compared to the other mansions you’ve visited, it’s nothing, and it only evokes a sense of melancholy.”


“Still, this is the mansion I’ve lived in since my childhood. I need to repay the retainers and servants who have stayed with me, trusting only in me. Although it is falling apart like this, and it’s not a view that can be called beautiful even as a compliment…”

Aiselin briefly rested her knees and fidgeted with her hands, then soon spoke with a faint smile and a warm voice.

“I just wanted to let you know, Derek. I thought I should tell you that I’m okay.”

Derek quietly looked at Aiselin.

She wasn’t the type to hide her true feelings slyly or to beat around the bush. However, that didn’t mean she was always an honest person either.

Derek pondered for a moment, then pulled a wooden chair from the corner of the tent and sat in front of her.

He stared at Aiselin for a while, then finally spoke slowly.

“I know you’re not okay.”

At those words, Aiselin’s eyebrows twitched and trembled.

She tried to smile and ask what he meant by that, but seeing Derek’s expression, her smile turned into a bitter one.

“In a situation where it’s natural not to be okay, it’s okay to say you’re not okay. I may not be able to offer much help, but if there’s anything you need, please contact me. I don’t usually work for free, but I’m not very good at negotiating prices.”


“Then, you should rest when you can, so I’ll be going now.”

With that, Derek politely bowed to Aiselin and left the tent.

He could have offered long-winded emotional comfort, but his firm and clear focus on the present was very much like Derek.

Even in that firm tone, there was certainly comfort for Aiselin. She felt a strange sense of stability from Derek’s demeanor.

As she looked up at the Duplain mansion, feeling the warm midday breeze, it still looked terrible.

The half-destroyed building was covered here and there with tents. It seemed like it would take a lot of money and time to fully restore the mansion.

But if they tackled it one step at a time, it would all be done someday.


Aiselin lay alone in the tent.

She had spent the whole day checking the mansion’s condition, handling family affairs, preparing to return to the salon, and informing Derek of the situation.

Even after he left, she kept ruminating over the conversation they had.


Most of it was necessary, but in truth, it wasn’t really necessary to inform Derek of the mansion’s situation in such detail.

Derek had helped a lot with various things, but after all, he was an outsider to the family. She could repay what she borrowed or received later with hard work.

Despite that, why did she feel the need to inform Derek in such detail, even bringing him along?

Even though it was something she did herself, Aiselin was questioning herself.

‘Was my judgment momentarily clouded?’

It is said that the more exhausting and difficult it is, the more people instinctively seek someone to lean on.

It’s only natural to seek someone to lean on emotionally when you’re burdened with so much on your shoulders.

‘I must be really exhausted.’

Aiselin closed her eyes and took a rare moment of rest. Even then, what came to mind was a man who had wiped her blood on a rainy night at the Duplain mansion.

Even in a situation where everyone was trembling with fear, the boy who maintained his composure until the end had a reassuring presence.

If he could maintain his rationality even in such a catastrophe, he would surely always make the right choices in both big and small crises.

Realizing this, her perspective on Derek inevitably changed a bit.

Whenever she closed her eyes, the boy from that rainy night often came to mind. Even when she didn’t need to think about the boy, she often wondered how he would have acted.

She must be really tired. With that thought, she was about to fall asleep.

– Swoosh

The sound of the tent entrance being pulled open was followed by a familiar voice.

“Aiselin, sister. I just came back from Ebelstein. The Ront family sent some people, and I’m wondering if we should involve them in the mansion restoration… Huh? Aiselin, sister?”

“Huh…? Diela?”

As Diela entered the tent, dusting off her frilled dress covered in dust, she stammered, sweating coldly.

“Why is your face like that? Do you have a fever?”

“Me, me…? Fever?”

“You’ve been overworking yourself lately. I won’t bring up the mansion restoration work today. Just rest.”

With a puzzled expression, Diela stepped out of the tent again.

Aiselin quickly got up and looked at the mirror in the corner of the room.

A girl with a flushed face up to her ears was looking back at her with a puzzled expression.


‘Derek’s contract period is about to end… Can I keep him?’

That night, as always, Denice was quietly writing at her desk when she suddenly had that thought.

The reason Grand Duke Beltus had held onto Derek so tightly was because many young ladies from the three great families wanted him.

However, with the Duplain family faltering and the Belmiard family also letting go, the necessity for the Beltus family to keep Derek was gradually weakening.

Derek’s value had already skyrocketed. Unless he was truly indispensable, it was uncertain whether the Beltus family would continue to keep him.

Many people would react sensitively if Derek’s affiliation changed. Not wanting to create such a situation, Denice had to start thinking about what to do.

It was then.

– Creak

“Lady Denice.”


“Y-you were writing. Should I come back later?”

“N-no, it’s fine. What is it?”

“A letter has arrived. It was supposed to be reported tomorrow morning, but it’s a bit unusual.”

Denise quickly put the quill pen back in the drawer, regained her composure, and spoke.


“It’s a letter sent directly from the royal family. Officially, it was sent to the Beltus family, but… the exact recipient is a bit peculiar.”

“Who is the recipient?”

“It’s addressed to Mr. Derek.”


Denise was engulfed in a sense of foreboding.

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