The Most Noble and Impoverished (4)

“Lord Melverot of the North is known to every magician, but his family relationships are not as well known, are they?”

Denis, who was crossing the Elfontain Hall in the Ebelstein noble district, spoke indifferently to Derek, who was following her at a moderate distance.

“Lord Melverot, isn’t he the only combat-type magician among the known 6-star magicians?”

“Yes. He’s famous for various things. The head of the Logost Count family, the owner of the 5-star magic wand ‘Dawn,’ the nephew of the greatest magician Robenkheim, the conqueror of the North, the sword of the royal family… He has many titles.”

Currently, there are only four 6-star magicians alive on this continent.

Lord Melverot, the conqueror of the North, Chief Magical Advisor Kohella of the central royal family, Pine of the southeastern granary region’s minor baron family, and Drest Wolfte, a commoner from the southwest. Only four exist on this vast continent, making it an almost unreachable realm.

Among them, the most famous 6-star magician, Lord Melverot, is known as the hero of heroes who killed countless monsters and led the Dawn War to victory.

Despite the rough cultural environment of the North, he loved art, cultivated refinement, and held pride as a warrior, making him a true great man of this era.

It was said that anyone who walked the path of magic wanted to meet him at least once… So when he heard that the royal family had directly requested to meet Derek, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“You know the atmosphere of the North well, Derek. It’s the place closest to the battlefield with the monsters, so bloodshed and death are common. To have ruled like a king and made a name for himself as a war hero in such a place means he’s no ordinary person.”

“Well, that’s true, but why is his family relationship not well known?”

“What else? It’s because there’s no one worth mentioning publicly. Except for the countess and sons, his only daughter, Lady Siern, is truly unmanageable.”

Derek’s contract period is coming to an end.

Denis could easily predict that the Beltus family would no longer try to keep Derek.

Denis wanted to keep Derek a little longer, but she knew well that if Lord Melverot of the North extended his hand to Derek, there was nothing she could do.

Therefore, Denis thought she should take the opportunity to warn Derek.

“You wouldn’t know as a commoner, but the noble ladies who have attended even one northern event roughly know. She’s not just a troublemaker. It’s a bit vulgar, but she’s more like a lunatic… or a madwoman… It’s hard to describe her otherwise.”


“Why do you think Lord Melverot, the most renowned magic teacher, wants to see you personally? He’s searching for someone who can handle his daughter.”

The Elfontain Hall corridor was filled with noble ladies returning to their quarters after the meeting.

Lady Denis continued to talk to Derek, taking advantage of the gaps in the crowd, while energetically greeting her followers with a benevolent smile.

“If possible, you should think of a way to refuse Sir Melverot’s proposal. I strongly advise against becoming Lady Siern’s tutor.”

“Is it that bad? Is she arrogant, or does she have a tendency to oppress people… I’ve experienced that a lot.”

“If it were just that, would I be worried, Derek?”

Derek, who had already taught Diela and even had filth thrown at him.

He was inherently strong-minded, a person who would fulfill his duties without batting an eye even if he were insulted.

“There is no evidence, but the rumors are rampant. Torturing and killing servants, bathing in blood, pulling out the nails of innocent estate residents with a euphoric smile…”


“I told you. She’s either a lunatic or a psycho. Derek, while it’s important to elevate your name as a magic tutor, it’s best to avoid someone with that level of mental illness.”

“Can she maintain her status while doing such things? No matter how much authority there is between nobles and commoners, if she engages in purposeless torture or murder, the empire wouldn’t stand idly by.”

“That’s why I said ‘rumors.’ She must have her own way of covering things up or hiding her crimes. She’s already famous in the north as the ‘Bloodstained Lady,’ isn’t that terrifying just from the rumors?”

It’s not right to judge people based on rumors.

However, where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.

A well-known noble lady often has a certain level of insight into people’s nature.

Those who have seen Lady Siern, Sir Melverot’s only daughter, seem to have all detected the madness underlying her demeanor.

It might be too blunt to say, but she’s just a crazy woman.

It would be unfortunate if you got involved and ended up being falsely accused, tortured, or even killed. That’s why Lady Drinis is speaking so seriously.

“The north is a remote place, and there are frequent battles with the demon tribes, so casualties are common. In such a rough place, hiding deaths isn’t that difficult.”


“So, Derek. Don’t take unnecessary risks.”

Drinis was speaking with a serious expression. She was genuinely concerned for Derek.

Feeling her concern, Derek didn’t argue with her.

However, he couldn’t help but wonder what conditions Sir Melverot would offer when scouting someone.

That was Derek’s honest opinion.

Of course, he didn’t express this outwardly, but Drinis suddenly stopped walking, put her hands on her hips, and stared at Derek. With a dissatisfied look, she squinted her eyes and pouted her lips, then hit the nail on the head.

“You look like you’re thinking about listening to Sir Melverot’s proposal carefully.”

“You’re sharp at times like this.”

“It’s not the first time. Sigh. Anyway, did you help with the situation at Duplain?”

“They said there wasn’t much to help with. They’ve already received a lot of help.”

“Lady Aiselin said that?”

“Yes. Although the mansion didn’t look very comfortable, they seemed to be holding up well.”

“Hmm… I see…”

Lady Denise brushed her platinum hair once and glanced around.

There was no one around the two people who had come to the corner of the Elfontine Hall. Most of the people had already left after the meeting was over.

Denise tapped her chin once and approached Derek with a slightly tense expression.

“D-Derek… This is my personal advice… If possible, it’s better to keep some distance from Lady Aiseline…”


“Don’t ask why. Just do as I say, it’s for your own good…”

As Derek stared at her silently, Lady Denise coughed a few times and then stepped back.

Noble ladies are supposed to be perfect, noble, and beautiful in every way, but if there is one weak point, it is their sense of relationships between men and women.

Even if someone like Denise is an exception, it was not uncommon for someone like Aiseline, who grew up like a flower in a greenhouse, to not realize her own feelings.

Denise, who had become a self-proclaimed expert by devouring all kinds of romance novels, knew this well. Someone like Aiseline couldn’t properly distinguish between goodwill and affection. This was rather a good thing.

No matter how much the family had declined, a noble is still a noble. If a commoner man from the slums got involved with a noble lady, it would only lead to an unhappy ending for both.

So, it’s better to nip it in the bud. When someone like Denise, who has a good sense of these things, notices it, it’s best to take action quickly.

“There’s no good in getting close to a fallen noble lady, right?”

“I don’t judge people based on that. Isn’t Lady Aiseline a good person?”

“Ugh… If you put it that way, I have nothing to say… Anyway, I don’t give advice without a reason.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Anyone can see that you’re just letting it go in one ear and out the other…”

Lady Denise scratched her head with a troubled expression.

It was nice to handle things moderately and have a comfortable daily life, but since Derek appeared, the dynamics of the Rosea Salon seemed to be shaking.

“Then I have to go to the cultural center to meet the people from the imperial family. I’m sorry I can’t escort you to the end.”

“No, it’s fine. I didn’t hire you to be a personal secretary in the first place… The imperial letter is much more prestigious and important, so go ahead. See you at the mansion later.”

Lady Denise sighed with a weary face and got into the carriage.

If you’re too perceptive and quick-witted, there are many things that bother you.

People need to be somewhat oblivious.

She realized that fact all too well today.


Derek was crossing the opposite corridor, trying to leave the Elfontine Hall.

Since the meeting of the Rosea Salon had ended a long time ago, there were hardly any people except for the servants managing the corridor.

Being surrounded by all kinds of noble ladies was not very pleasant. Recently, there had been quite a few people eyeing Derek eagerly.

It was probably because they knew that the contract with the Beltus family was about to end.

In a world where having a capable magic teacher could make the head of a family ride out personally, it was inevitable that interest would be drawn to Derek, who was about to become free.

Still, everyone was busy with their own schedules. It was unlikely that anyone would remain long after the meeting had ended. Therefore, Derek was crossing the corridor with a more relaxed mind.

– Swish.

Derek had developed keen senses. After spending a long time navigating labyrinths and living as a mercenary, one had to hone their senses to avoid frequent life-threatening situations.


He had felt someone following him for a while now, causing him to turn around several times while walking.

Then, he saw the hem of a dress swish around the corner of the corridor. Judging by the navy blue skirt, it was undoubtedly Lady Aisellin.

‘…What is this?’

In short, Lady Aisellin was tailing him.

If she had business with him, she could just speak to him. Although there was a wall of status between Aisellin and Derek, they had known each other for a long time and had some level of conversation.

Nevertheless, there must have been a reason why she was trying to confirm his whereabouts without speaking to him.

Understanding Aisellin’s situation to some extent, Derek decided to pretend not to notice and continue walking. After all, he had to meet someone from the royal family and discuss matters regarding Sir Melverot. He would also be commended for his contributions during the Duplain disaster.

As he continued walking for a while, he could still feel Lady Aisellin following him, hiding here and there.


Eventually, Derek stroked his chin once and quickly turned around, approaching her swiftly.


As Derek quickly closed the distance, Lady Aisellin, startled, almost fell.

She quickly grabbed the display case in the corner of the corridor to maintain her balance, her pupils spinning as she swallowed her breath.

“Lady Aisellin. Do you have something to say?”

“D-Derek. Did you know I was following you?”

“I just realized.”

To avoid embarrassing her, Derek mixed in a bit of a lie.

“Oh, I see. Actually, I wanted to ask you something about the geography of the commercial district. I was just wondering how to approach you.”

“…You can just call me. Why worry about that…?”

“Well, you see… You’re busy, aren’t you? I heard you were summoned by the royal family, and you have personal matters too… So I was trying to figure out how to ask you briefly…”

Aisellin’s speech was oddly rambling. Derek immediately noticed that Aisellin was uncomfortable with him.

“You don’t need to be so concerned about me. Even if my status has diminished a bit, aren’t you the eldest daughter of the Duplain duchy? It’s absurd for a noble lady to be wary of a mercenary from the slums.”

“Still, I need to maintain basic manners. And I need to prepare myself… clear my throat… practice my speech… plan how to handle unexpected turns in the conversation…”

Seeing her fidgeting and tapping her fingertips for no reason, her usual noble and graceful demeanor seemed to fade away.

The image that the nobles of Ebelstein had of Lady Aiselin was that of a flower blooming on a cliff.

Seeing her unable to make proper eye contact and babbling incoherently, one would be wide-eyed, wondering who she was.

Derek felt the same way.

The sight of her, who reigned as the most noble lady in the Rosea Salon, fidgeting like this was unlike her.

Derek organized his thoughts upon seeing Aiselin’s change.

Ah…! Lady Aiselin must be completely smitten with me, so embarrassed that she can’t show her usual bold self─── he did not entertain such a narcissistic thought.

In fact, it was only natural.

Having grown up as the flower of an aristocratic family, she must have often seen handsome men and reliable gentlemen who were well-groomed and raised.

Her family member, Valerian, was a handsome man who stole the hearts of maids, and Raig was a reliable and trustworthy man even in the eyes of other men.

It would be too much like seeing the world as a fairy tale to imagine that a noble lady, whose standards had been raised so high, would fall for a mercenary who grew up eating discarded food from the slums.

As a realist, Derek thought such a thing was unlikely to happen, so he had to consider other possibilities while watching the unconfident and fidgety Aiselin.

The only difference between the always noble Aiselin and the current Aiselin was the change in her family’s background.

The situation of her family, which was greatly shaken, had also significantly damaged her once noble and graceful self-esteem.

Although she showed a lively and bold temperament, it might be difficult for her to exude the same noble grace as before. It is hard to maintain self-esteem amidst overflowing slander and gossip.

Therefore, she couldn’t help but fidget even when speaking to a passing mercenary.

It was inevitable to feel pity for her. Derek thought Aiselin was a straightforward and upright person.

“Lady Aiselin.”

There was nothing Derek could do for her. He could only convey his opinion with conviction.

Derek approached her and placed his arms on her shoulders. It was a rude action considering their status difference, but there were no eyes watching, and he knew Aiselin would understand.

Looking into her eyes, Derek spoke with a confident tone.

“There is no need to let your self-esteem be diminished. The background of the Duplain family must have been a great strength for you, but you are a valuable person even without it, aren’t you?”

“Uh… Uh… De, Derek. You’re… too close…”

Aiselin tried to say something in a voice as small as a mosquito’s, but she couldn’t push him away, overwhelmed by Derek’s spirit.

Seizing the moment, Derek raised his voice and spoke more firmly.

“Lady Aiselin, you are beautiful and valuable even without the background of your family. Please keep that in mind.”

“Huh, huh…”

Aiselin’s whole body fidgeted, her ears turning red.

With even the fine hairs on her forearms standing on end, she could only twist her toes awkwardly, unable to utter a word.

From noble mtl dot com

“Don’t you know what people say? Lady Aiselin is like a noble lily. So don’t lose heart. I will always support you.”

“A, a lily… a lily… a, lily…”

“I was a bit rude.”

Derek quickly lowered his arm and apologized politely. After all, it was somewhat impolite to touch the body of a noble lady without permission.

“I sincerely apologize. As you know, I have been summoned by the royal family, so I must move quickly. If your business is lengthy, I will make time to visit you separately. Have a good afternoon.”

Derek bowed and hurried down the corridor with brisk steps.

Aiselin stood there, her cheeks flushed, unable to even notice the stray hairs sticking out, utterly dumbfounded.

Unable to regain her senses from the sudden shock… she held her cheeks for a long time, trembling.

Eventually, she just hiccuped once, giggling.


The first thing Derek saw as he moved towards the reception room of the cultural center was the royal family’s magic advisor, Roen.

“So, you are Derek. I’ve heard about you.”

Emperor Gatrell had nine magic advisors under his command, each overseeing different fields and methods of magic research, centered around the chief magic advisor, Kohella.

The research group consisted of two combat mages, three transformation mages, two illusion mages, one summoning mage, and one exploration mage. They often conducted various magical experiments under the emperor’s name… most of which yielded results and frequently discovered new talents, making them quite influential within the royal family.

Roen was a third-class combat mage. Although his level was low for a royal magic advisor, he maintained his position due to his scholarly zeal, diligence, keen eye, and achievements.

He appeared relatively young, but in reality, he was a middle-aged man over forty. With considerable experience, he immediately recognized Derek as an extraordinary individual.

“Your fists are calloused, and your forearms are full of small muscles. I thought a high-level mage might be a scholarly type, but it seems your life has been quite eventful.”

“No, I’m just a mercenary who rolled around on the streets.”

“Modest. Modesty is the favorite tool of beasts to hide their fangs.”

The middle-aged mage, wearing thick leather gloves on both arms, chuckled and sank into a large sofa in the corner of the reception room.

“A distinguished guest will be arriving soon. It is an honor to see them even once in a lifetime. Be careful not to be disrespectful.”

“…Is Sir Melverot coming in person?”

“You’re quick-witted. It’s a secret visit, so don’t make a fuss… Well, before that, I have some instructions from the royal family, so let’s settle that first.”

Roen smiled faintly, resting his chin on his hand.

“Which do you prefer, a wand or a staff?”

Derek is a mercenary skilled in controlling his emotions.

Even so, his eyes widened in surprise.

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