People (4)

“Is there a sizable labyrinth within the territory?”

The next day, as breakfast was being prepared, Derek asked the head butler, Layton. It was a sudden question.

He was a magic teacher who had come all the way from the distant southwestern grasslands to teach Lady Siern.

Following Melverot’s instructions to cooperate actively if there was anything to assist with, the head butler was answering all of his trivial questions.

“In the northern snowfields, it would be faster to find a place without a labyrinth. There’s a reason why the monster tribes are so active here.”

“I’d like to visit one place in person, can I borrow a horse?”

“That’s not too difficult, but I’m worried you might get hurt. It’s not that I doubt your skills, but the monsters in the north are often more ferocious and brutal compared to those in the southwest.”

Derek was somewhat aware of that fact.

The monsters he encountered on the way to the mansion were large and aggressive. Of course, the pinnacle of them all was none other than Lady Siern herself.

Derek said it was fine and, pushing the last piece of bread into his mouth, spoke.

“It’s fine. Thank you for your concern. By the way, there’s something I’d like to ask you, head butler.”

“Yes? You mean me?”

“Yes. Haven’t you been working at the mansion for a long time? I have a few questions about Lord Melverot.”


In the northern continent, it often snowed even in the late afternoon.

Derek had already adapted quite well to this harsh environment on his way to the mansion, but the cold was something that subtly eroded a person’s mental strength.

Sitting in the armchair by the fireplace in the main lobby, Derek quietly organized his thoughts.

The plan was set.

If the target to be taught was a demon tribe, the methods generally applicable to humans would hardly work. It was an obvious story.

If the rising urge to kill was instinctual, it could not be corrected through education and persuasion. The problem of instinct could only be solved by overlaying it with another instinct.

And Derek was a human who knew more about the instincts of the demon tribe than anyone else.

‘The plan itself won’t change much from what was initially set. As originally decided, we’ll go with the ‘battered wife strategy’…’


He had stayed up all night reading the work logs of the servants in the tower, inquired about Lady Siern’s circumstances, and grasped her preferences and daily routines.

In addition, he tried to find out as much as possible about Melverot, the owner of the mansion.

However, since the servants were unlikely to sell out their master’s secrets, it was somewhat sluggish.

Still, he finally came to a conclusion. In the end, it was a matter of pushing through with the original plan.

There was no need to drag it out. Once the plan was set, it was best to quickly solve the problem and start the groundwork for obtaining the title.

However, there was one problem.

– ‘Mr. Derek!! If you continue to control Lady Siern with violence!!!! I, I will!!! Even if I have to stake the name of Duplain!!!! I won’t stand still!!!’

The image of Lady Iselin stuttering like a creaky machine came to Derek’s mind, and he rubbed his temples in deep agony. It was a level that made him sigh.

Iselin’s acting skills were truly at a desperate level, making it harder than expected to match her.

Her noble temperament, which she exuded naturally, was good for capturing people’s hearts, but she didn’t seem very good at deceiving anyone.

‘Indeed… it seems necessary to revise the plan…’

Derek rested his chin on his hand and leaned back in his chair, pondering.

Finally, he made a big decision and got up from his seat.

Derek then strode down the hallway.

It hadn’t been long since he arrived at the Rochester mansion in the north. However, Derek had no intention of staying here for long.

Whatever he had to deal with, speed was the key.


“Lady Siern. You look good today. I was quite surprised by the heavy snowstorm late last night.”

Lady Iselin greeted Lady Siern with a bright smile.

After finishing breakfast, a refreshing feeling lingered as I stepped into the hallway. It seemed the servants had finished ventilating the place early in the morning.

Lady Sieren was striding down the hallway, attended by the servants.

Just by walking, she exuded an air of nervousness, as if she was on edge.


“Oh my, it’s a dress from Calroin Atelier. The layered fabric around the waist is beautiful. It’s truly lovely. The servants have a good eye for clothes. It’s a dress that suits Lady Sieren perfectly.”


“I heard they infuse the fabric with fragrance and even cast preservation magic on it. Indeed, Lady Sieren has a scent that can only be felt in a blooming flower garden. Not only external beauty, but also the fragrance and demeanor are something to be admired in a lady.”

As soon as Lady Sieren saw Aiselin, she took a step back and broke into a cold sweat.

These types of beings are weaker in defense than in attack. Lady Aiselin knew this very well.

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Especially Aiselin, with her appearance and elegance that could melt anyone’s heart, and her pure nature like a blank canvas. The noble elegance that only she, who grew up as a single flower during the heyday of the Duplain family, possessed, made even those unfamiliar with social culture feel a certain extraordinariness.

Seeing Aiselin approaching like the warm sunlight, Sieren took a few more steps back and shook her head.

“D-Don’t mind me! It’s just unnecessary meddling!”

Leaving Aiselin behind, she used her unique acceleration magic and disappeared with a whoosh.

Her movement was so fast that, despite the long hallway, she was almost invisible by the time she reached the end.

Lady Sieren disappeared like a bolt of lightning, leaving only the servants who attended her standing awkwardly.

Aiselin, watching this, clasped her hands together and said with a gleam in her eye,

“Oh my, she used honorifics. How delightful.”

She was a strong person in her own right.

Derek, leaving a reason that he needed to prepare for lessons, secluded himself for a while.

Occasionally, he would ride a horse to and from the labyrinth, or lock himself in his room making something, or inquire about the background of the Rochester family at the mansion.

During that time, Aiselin, feeling too uneasy to play, made every effort to get closer to Lady Sieren.

As she made these efforts, she discovered that Lady Sieren also had her own cute and charming aspects. The more she discovered Lady Sieren’s human side, the more she could intensify her efforts to get closer.

Every time they met, she would greet her with the brightest face, or if she had free time in the afternoon, she would make a beautiful flower arrangement and visit the tower, or sometimes, if she got a delicacy, she would go to share it with her.

It was not easy to reject someone who was so single-mindedly devoted to her.

Sieren tried to drive Aiselin away by getting angry or threatening her, but a smiling face is always the most troublesome.

No matter how harshly she was treated, Aiselin’s persistence, greeting her with a bright smile as if nothing had happened, was almost frightening.

Sieren, still hiding in the corner of the tower, was pondering how to scold Aiselin, who would visit again today.

‘Doesn’t she ever get tired?’

Seeing Lady Aiselin, who came with all sorts of gifts, Sieren sneered inwardly.

Even the famous Lady of the Duplain family was so unprincipled and fickle. Thinking about it that way, Aiselin’s smiling face seemed endlessly frivolous.

Sieren did not easily open her heart to anyone.

Those who took on the form of humans, no matter who they were, would all die if their carotid artery was slit once, spraying blood everywhere.

Knowing that fact better than anyone else, she began to feel that humans were nothing more than talking, moving chunks of meat.

No matter how much you empathize, the fleeting nature of humans is that they can suddenly die one day.

So, she didn’t waste her energy on unnecessary things. She was thus isolated from the world.

“There are some nice fruits in the kitchen! I thought you might not have tried them yet, so I brought some!”

Aiselin, who approached with a bright smile, looked like a different being in Sieren’s eyes.

That pure goodwill was something no one could imitate.


“It’s time to get serious.”

It was almost a week since Derek and Aiselin had arrived at the northern mansion.

Every day, Aiselin tried to connect with Lady Sieren, brushing her hair, recommending pretty dresses, and talking to her during meal times.

Just when Aiselin started to feel a bit disheartened by Sieren’s constant rejection, Derek brought up the topic first.

“Miss Aiselin, what do you think of Lady Sieren? Do you sense the peculiar traits of the demon race?”

“Hmm… Well, she does have a high wall around her heart, but she just felt like a typical teenage girl to me. When I approached her with sincerity, she seemed to open up little by little.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Today, I even brushed Lady Sieren’s hair. Of course, the servants were holding her tightly, and she glared at me fiercely, grinding her teeth….”


It felt more like taming an animal than getting close to a person.

Lady Sieren was the epitome of a graceful lady when she was still. However, as soon as anyone got close, she would grind her teeth and growl… Derek, who already had a poor impression of her, found it difficult to even have a conversation with her.

“I expected tremendous difficulties since she was influenced by the great demon Noir, but I thought there might be a solution if we approached her as people. She has some cute aspects, so I want to get close to her quickly.”

“I see…”

“Yes. Mr. Derek, you said you were preparing for the lessons. You’ve been busy around the mansion lately, what have you been preparing?”

“As I mentioned, I was trying to utilize some knowledge of the demon race. I did some exploration in the labyrinth and brought something back.”

Derek took out a small glass bottle from his chest and placed it on the table.

The flickering firelight from the main hall reflected off the glass bottle.

“…What is this?”

“It’s a mixture of water and the Floren flower, which often grows in high-level labyrinths. I spent some time getting this.”

“I see. Does it have any special effects? Perhaps it has a calming effect if consumed…? Ideally, something that wouldn’t harm Lady Sieren…”

“If consumed, it will kill.”

At that moment, Aisellin was at a loss for words.

Thinking she had misheard, she tilted her head with a smile. But Derek spoke again, as if to confirm.

“The Flonen flower is an item that slowly weakens and kills the demon race. Sometimes it grows in the labyrinth, but demons don’t come near it. If you smell it over a long period, your body will gradually weaken, and if you smell it continuously for about fifteen days, you’ll be almost in a state of near-death.”

“Wh-why did you bring such a thing?”

“Why do you think? I’ve mixed it with scented water and used transformation magic to reduce the stench, so it won’t be that noticeable if mixed with food.”

“…Are you planning to use this to weaken Lady Siern so she can’t resist?”

Aisellin looked up at Derek with an anxious expression.

Trying to control her with a substance that is almost like poison to the demon race seemed beyond inhumane and ethically problematic.

However, Derek shook his head, denying Aisellin’s words.

“If I were to take such a half-hearted approach, there are many other ways than using poison.”

“Then… why this?”

“As I said, it’s to take Lady Siern’s life.”

Aisellin was completely speechless.

She looked at Derek with a pale face. Derek’s expression remained firm and unmoving.

“Wh-what… do you mean…”

“Miss Aisellin. After hearing all the circumstances from Lord Melverot, I fell into deep anguish. It took me some time to come to a conclusion. Although I didn’t show it outwardly, I had to struggle a lot after hearing about Lady Siern’s situation.”

Derek went to the fireplace in the main hall, added a few more logs, and brushed off the ends of his pants.

The snow on the ends of his pants melted and soon dripped down as water.

“I’ve lived my life killing demons. Demons are no different from pests, and they kill people without reason. Can such monsters be rehabilitated, and even if possible, should I be the one to do it?”

“What… what are you saying… Derek?”

“I’ve already made my conclusion. What good would it do to keep alive a dangerous element that inherited the power of Noir, which brought a great disaster to humanity? So… I intend to end everything in my own way. This is also right for the greater good.”

“Derek… then you won’t be able to fulfill Lord Melverot’s request, and you’ll lose your noble title. Moreover, if Lord Melverot finds out the truth, he won’t leave you alone.”

Derek let out a small laugh. It seemed as if he was confident in his words.

“What’s more important, my noble title or completely ending Noir, who brought the northern region to a massacre?”


The greater good.

Aisellin was a morally good person. When someone like Aisellin was confronted with an impeccable greater good, they usually couldn’t say anything and would just keep their mouth shut.

Derek knew well how to deal with people like Aisellin.

“Why do you think I went through all the trouble to make this poison? I told you, the demon affected by this poison will slowly weaken and die. It will look like they just fell ill and died naturally, rather than us using some trick.”

“You’re saying… you’d go that far…?”

“Do you despise me? But there is nothing wrong with my actions.”

“But… Lady Siern… she is innocent.”

“She killed someone.”

“She was merely drawn to Noir’s blood.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that she killed.”

“But if we kill someone in return…”

“We are not killing people, but monsters.”

No further conversation took place.

Both Diela and Ellente, as well as Denis, all agreed that Derek was always right.

Indeed, there was no flaw in Derek’s words.

If there was even the slightest risk of the great disaster ‘Dawn War’ returning, it was a wise decision to deal with Siern immediately.

However, Siern’s image lingered before Aiselin’s eyes.

Occasionally, when visiting the tower room, she would sit alone, hugging her knees, looking out at the snowstorm outside the window.

Loneliness is like a part of the body. Happiness is a foreign emotion, and unhappiness is only natural.

Her personality was arrogant and her hands were rough, but it felt unreasonable to hold such a young girl fully accountable.

After all, it wasn’t her choice to be born with Noir’s blood.

She was just born that way.

Wasn’t it Derek who often said that there are no bad ladies in the world? They just haven’t been taught enough yet.

The thought that her final days, spent in the tower in loneliness, would end with her lying on a sickbed, not even knowing why… made Aiselin’s pupils tremble greatly.

Thus, Aiselin tried to say something to Derek, but not a single word came out.

Looking at Derek standing firmly, it seemed that whatever she said would be countered with a sound argument.

Sound arguments are invincible. They cannot be refuted.

Aiselin also agreed with Derek’s way of thinking. The world must be lived according to principles.

However, there were times when that alone could not move the heart.

“Although there is no distinction in the value of life, there are times when we must distinguish its weight. The servants who suffered at the hands of Lady Siern were also someone’s family, weren’t they?”


“People are more precious than monsters.”

Aiselin rubbed her face dry and slumped into the reception sofa.

Her expression had become quite pale, but she couldn’t bring herself to argue against Derek’s decision.

“I will go in.”

Derek spoke firmly and left for his room, leaving Aislin behind.

Even just seeing his back, he looked rigid and resolute. He seemed to have no intention of changing his mind.

Aislin watched Derek’s back with weary eyes, biting her lips.


Winter in the north is cold. When the sun sets, it’s natural for blizzards to rage.

In the southwest of the continent, where big cities like Ebelstein are located, the warm sunlight always shines down naturally, making one feel as if they are in paradise when walking around the noble houses.

Siern, who had overheard the words of the merchants, often dreamed of such a paradise-like grassland.

Rather than living a life treated as a monster and surrounded by the smell of blood, surely those who live there, treated as young ladies, would be much happier.

The reason someone like Aislin could possess such noble elegance must be because she had lived in such a happy paradise.

Therefore, Siern envied Aislin. Rather than being swayed by inexplicable murderous impulses, she wanted to be swayed only by the slightly heavy sense of responsibility of a noble lady.


Eventually, Siern sneered. Reaching out for a meaningless dream would only make her miserable.

Surely, she would end her life miserably here. A life stained with murder and blood.

It would be fortunate if she could see the green grass bathed in warm sunlight in the afterlife.

It was a reality she accepted so naturally, without even shedding tears.

As always, it was when she was sinking into the darkness.

– Creak

Someone opened the door and came in.

The servants should be standing guard, but she couldn’t even tell how they had sneaked in.

The person who had sneaked into the room, wearing a dark black robe and hiding their face, was… none other than Lady Aislin, whom she had just been thinking about.


Before Siern could voice her surprise, Lady Aislin quickly raised her index finger to her lips. She had come secretly, without anyone knowing.

“I have something to say.”

Without even thinking of brushing off the snowflakes that had gathered on her shoulders and head, Aislin looked at Siern with those clear eyes.


“Lady Siern. You must listen to me carefully.”

Aislin swallowed dryly and spoke.

“Derek is trying to kill you. It’s not just for show, he’s really serious.”

At the same time, Siern’s eyes trembled even more strongly.

On the other hand, Aislin’s expression was gloomy.

“Derek… I’m sorry…!! I still don’t know if Lady Sieren should die so meaninglessly…!!”

An indescribable sense of debt and guilt was surging within her heart. She was already feeling dizzy, not knowing how to ask Derek for forgiveness.

Even though she was already shedding tears in her heart, she still tried to do what she believed was right.

What on earth defines a person? Unless that is clear, one should not take a life recklessly.

Aiseline was such a person.


The moon, visible through the snowstorm, was still bright.

Derek was sitting alone in his room, reading a magic book, when he suddenly looked out the window.

He saw a girl in a thick robe pushing through the snowflakes, heading towards the spire.

As he confirmed her ebony-like hair fluttering in the wind and her clear eyes, Derek quickly drew the curtains.

Then he sat down with a satisfied smile.

After all, everything was in the palm of his hand.

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