People (6)

“Lady Aiselin, I told you. I will use any means necessary for my goal.”


“What is this? Why did we come all the way to the north? Didn’t we come here to cooperate and work well together? But now, you’re deceiving me, hindering the plan, and wasting time. If you continue to do such unreasonable things, I will have no choice but to take a hard stance.”

He is a Grim Reaper.

With hair as white as snow and red eyes peeking through, he looks like a monster who has come to take a person’s life.

Even the demons who smell the blood on his body, let alone ordinary humans, are sometimes engulfed in fear.

People who have no hesitation in taking lives induce an inexplicable sense of terror.

Derek was such a person.

– Bang!

Aisellin, who had jumped up from her seat, quickly sent Siern behind her and took a defensive stance.

Derek is now a person who harbors murderous intent towards Siern.

Even if they try to persuade him later, for now, it was necessary to separate Siern from Derek.

It was already discovered that Siern and Aisellin were in collusion.

Derek is not a person who easily gets angry, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t punish.

“D-Don’t come any closer, Mr. Derek.”

Derek raised both arms and said.

“Please don’t be too wary of me. How could a mere commoner like me lay a hand on the young lady of the Duplain family?”

“…I know. Mr. Derek is not someone who would harm me. But… please, just this once, consider Lady Siern’s situation.”

“I’ve already told you several times. My policy will not change.”

Siern’s whole body began to tremble. It was a violent shiver, enough to make her teeth chatter.

Derek is someone who has killed demons all his life. His presence is pure terror to low-level demons.

Just feeling his murderous intent would make one’s survival instincts start to wriggle.

In fact, Siern felt an overwhelming urge to break the window and escape into the vast snowy field.

“Since it has come to this, I will have to enforce my will, even if I have to use force. If Miss Aisellin doesn’t step aside, she might get caught up and get hurt or even lose her life.”

“I-I am… the young lady of the Duplain duchy. Even if our family is faltering, if you harm me… Mr. Derek, you won’t be safe either… So please… stop…”

Aisellin’s almost pleading appearance was etched into Siern’s eyes.

She truly wanted to save Siern. Even if it meant defying that terrifying being, she didn’t want Siern to follow the same path as Diela.

Aisellin’s will, as hot as molten lava, burned in her eyes.

However, the opponent was a demon who seemed to have crawled up from hell.

“Then Miss Aisellin will also have to get caught up in this.”

“W-What? If you do such a thing….”

“Miss Aisellin. You have heard Sir Melverot’s words, haven’t you? The north is frequented by demons, and many people get attacked, resulting in many casualties. It’s a place with little human traffic, so only the heavens would know what happens here.”

“Derek…! Wh-what are you saying…!”

“The snow falling on this snowy field seems to cover any murderer’s sins equally. The one who benefited the most from it is Lady Sieren, whom Miss Aiselin has hidden behind her back, isn’t it?”

Sieren’s eyes trembled greatly. Aiselin was the same.

“It’s time to pay for those sins. Miss Aiselin, please do not defend that heinous murderer. Otherwise, the silence of the snowy field will target not one, but two people.”

With that, Derek pulled out a cane from behind his back.

Derek, who handles a 4-star magic weapon, cannot be matched even if Aiselin and Sieren attack together.

Since there is no way to defeat that madman, the most efficient way is to run away.

Sieren had an extremely developed animalistic sense.

– Bang! Crash!

Even before Derek finished speaking, the magic chant was already over.

The magic from Sieren’s hand shattered the window, and the curtains fluttered as the cold winter wind rushed in.

– Whoosh!

Sieren quickly ran and stepped on the window frame with movements full of fear.

The pajama dress with lots of frills fluttered in the wind along with her blue hair. It was the moment she tried to escape towards the snowy field.

Looking back, there were Aiselin and Derek.

Sieren couldn’t know what Derek would do to Aiselin, who betrayed her.

However, that was none of Sieren’s concern. Her own survival was important.

Aiselin herself said it. There was no need to care for or trust her. Whatever harm Derek did to Aiselin, it was none of Sieren’s business.

As Sieren gritted her teeth and tried to leap out of the window, she met Aiselin’s eyes.

Aiselin’s lips moved.

Go quickly.

As soon as she read the meaning, Sieren instinctively activated acceleration magic. Just as she was about to run alone into the vast snowy field, she turned back into the room and grabbed Aiselin’s arm.

– Thud!

Sieren is a master of transformation magic. She was skilled at temporarily reducing the weight of objects, adjusting inertia, or speeding things up.

As soon as she grabbed Aiselin, she quickly dashed out of the snowy field.

– Thud! Thud!

– Thud!

She would think about the aftermath later. For now, escaping Derek’s grasp was important.

Drawing a long parabola in the night sky, the two girls barely landed on the snowy field outside the mansion.

– Thud, thud


With a small scream, Aiselin barely managed to roll on the snow-covered ground.

Siern also rolled several times on the snow before finally regaining her balance.

In the distance, she could see the spire they had fled from.

For a brief escape, they had come a long way. The magic power was almost depleted from casting transformation magic while carrying Aiselin, but there was no time to regret it.

“We have to run! Quickly! That man uses mysterious magic to detect where I’m heading every time I use acceleration magic!”

Indeed, Derek, who had appeared through the broken window, was staring straight at Siern.

Seeing those red eyes, it was hard to tell who the murderer was. If a murderer is someone who harbors the intent to kill, then no matter what anyone says, that man is also a murderer.

Even if she didn’t care about herself, the thought of innocent Aiselin getting caught up and dying left a bitter taste.

Siern grabbed Aiselin’s wrist and ran across the snowfield. They had to shake him off before he closed the distance any further.

However, Aiselin couldn’t keep up with Siern’s speed. Upon closer inspection, she was wearing indoor slippers.


“Go ahead, Lady Siern. If Mr. Derek catches up, I’ll try to persuade him sincerely again.”

“What kind of nonsense is that! Didn’t you see that man? Do you think he can be persuaded?! Why do you always think about the other person even after getting beaten up every time? Why are you so frustrating…!”

“I can’t keep up anyway, Lady Siern.”

Siern was used to running barefoot across the snowfield while casting various transformation spells, but Aiselin was not.

In fact, Aiselin’s feet were swollen and red from the cold and injuries. Siern’s expression twisted.

There were only two choices. Leave her behind or stay here.

Aiselin was telling her to run. She kept saying frustrating things about trying to understand that uncontrollable monster.

It was impossible to understand what made this girl trust Derek so much.

Staying here would be a pointless death.

Nevertheless, Siern’s steps wouldn’t move easily.

The thought of leaving Aiselin here… was hard to accept. It was truly strange.

Even though she had repeatedly said she didn’t trust Aiselin, the girl’s unwavering expression of single-hearted trust kept coming to mind.

Even in her staggering state, this girl’s noble appearance, maintaining her resolve, evoked admiration.

And then, a possibility arose.

From noble mtl dot com

All those people who had called Siern a monster, trembling in fear that she might kill them at any moment… Those who had pointed fingers and left her might fundamentally be different from this girl.

This time, it might really be different. This elegant and dignified girl might embrace her like the warm sun.

Even with such thoughts, what filled her mind were the blood-soaked wolf corpses.

When she came to her senses, she found herself in the middle of the snowfield, having killed beasts and monsters, looking up at the sky without any emotional disturbance.

Sometimes, humans also became the target of that murderous instinct.

Just killing. That’s all. The sense of slaughter that rises without any reason does not choose its target.

Therefore, Derek is right.

It is beneficial for a human like Siern to disappear from this world. That Derek fellow always said the right things.


Siern quietly lowered her posture and spoke to Aiselin, who was sitting down and gasping for breath.

“If I can just escape to the snowy plains, I won’t be easily caught. Anyway, I used to wander outside the mansion when I was bored, so the servants won’t care much.”

“…Huff… Huff…”

“So, I’ll run away. You… sell me to that man. Tell him that I tried to kill you, and say that it is indeed right for a human like Siern to disappear from this world. If you beg for forgiveness like that… he might at least forgive you. If you trust that man so much, do it.”


Siern let go of Aiselin’s wrist, which she had been holding tightly.

“That man is right. I might end up killing you. Don’t defend someone like me. Don’t do something so stupid, just act in your own best interest.”

“…No… Huff… Huff…”

Even though Siern had given up everything and said this, Aiselin gritted her teeth and shook her head.

She was a pitiful sight, covered in snow and mud, but her resolute expression was infinitely noble.

With great difficulty, Aiselin stood up and grasped Siern’s hands once more.

Her hands were cold from the severe cold, but to Siern, they felt so warm.

“There is no one in this world who deserves to die. Lady Siern. Even if all the world’s creatures define you as a monster, never forget that you are human.”


“Things like instincts are all meaningless. There are so many people who go against their instincts and live rationally. You can definitely change. I will help you. So please, don’t give up, and don’t abandon your humanity. We are human.”

Lady Siern looked at Aiselin with trembling eyes.

Even as an uncontrollable monster chased after them, she desperately shouted, refusing to deny Siern’s humanity.

“You can do it. Lady Siern. Trust me, I… can definitely help you.”

The whole world defined her as a monster, but Aiselin saw her human side until the end.

Siern Alayna Rochester is human.

As she repeatedly emphasized that fact, believing in her, and sending her trust…

Siern… just nodded.

– Thud!

– Splat! Splat!

And then, blood splattered.

“You managed to escape to the edge of the snowy field on your own.”

It happened in an instant.

For a moment, a surge of magical energy was felt, and Lady Aiselin’s eyes trembled greatly.

Then, blood splattered, and a protruding blade was seen.

The smell of blood. Lady Siern had smelled that cruel scent countless times.

Even the scent of blood from a noble saint like Aiselin seemed to have a floral fragrance. Was it safflower, or perhaps balsam? It was a scent she had smelled from a flower that had been given as a gift once.

At that moment, as the girl who had been so noble was about to open her mouth to leave her last words.

Once again, the magical energy surged, and the girl lost consciousness and was thrown into the middle of the snowy field.

– Crackle! Snap!

– Drip, drip.

Red liquid was flowing down Derek’s blade.

“What, what, what… what is…”

The scene unfolding before Lady Siern’s eyes, as she fell backward, was unbelievable.

The boy standing in the blizzard was the very embodiment of a massacre demon who had torn apart countless monsters.

In front of him, Aiselin, buried in the snow without even a twitch, came into view.

──The red blood was dyeing the snow around her.

Just by looking at the amount of blood spreading, the instinct to take her to a healer immediately surged.

However, Derek merely shook off his sword without any expression of emotion.

With those terrifying eyes, he looked down at Siern in silence. The meaning in his gaze was obvious.

“You, you, you…”

“The snowy field is indeed nice. It will bury all deaths equally.”

“She… she defended you until the end. She believed in your human heart… until the very end…”

“Did she?”

Derek’s voice was still cold.

He quietly looked down at the spreading flow of blood, then looked back at Lady Siern and spoke.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. She’s dead.”

The mercenary in the blizzard.

Derek’s dry voice settled over the snowy field.


“Is there a problem?”

“You… you… don’t you feel anything when you see her corpse…?”

“…She was quite a useful person.”

A moment of silence passed.

For a long time… in Siern’s mind, Aiselin’s steadfast eyes lingered.

As soon as that recollection ended, an unimaginable amount of magical power erupted from Siern’s body.


The blizzard began to rage, covering the entire area.

In Siern’s eyes, a blazing fire was swirling.

The source of that turbulent emotion was unknown, but at least one goal was clearly imprinted in his mind.


Kill Derek right here and now.

That cry, filled with rage, echoed throughout the snowy field.

Derek responded with a leisurely expression, raising his staff.

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