Marriage Proposal (1)

The original reason for debuting in social circles was to maintain cultural, artistic, and magical exchanges with various high-ranking people, and to cultivate and refine oneself.

However, those were just superficial reasons, and the real reason why young women gathered in one place to show off their beautiful appearances and manners was often to secure a good marriage proposal.

Especially for lower nobles or those with ambiguous status, the only intention was to catch a good nobleman and achieve social ascension.

Such people were more focused on attending balls and banquets to have more contact with noblemen, rather than spending time discussing philosophical discourses or elevating their magical prowess in cultural centers.

If they managed to catch a man from a ducal family and get married, that was a life-changing event, so families often pushed their daughters in various ways. That was essentially how social circles worked.

There was an unbridgeable gap between high-ranking territorial nobles and lower nobles.

There were almost no marriage proposals between the two, so the eyes of powerful noblemen naturally turned to the top of the Ebelstein social circle, rather than lower nobles obsessed with marriage proposals.

The people at the top were clearly defined.

They were Aiseline of Duplain, Elente of Belmiard, and Drnis of Beltus.

If one could take any of the three, even a weak noble from the outskirts could quickly rise to power.

Therefore, from peripheral nobles to powerful noblemen, they often wrote passionate letters or sent expensive fresh flowers as gifts to the three of the Rozea Salon to make a good impression.

The competition was so fierce that the daily routine of a dedicated maid started with clearing away letters full of flirtatious words and organizing the flowers that had arrived at the mansion entrance to plant them in the garden.

That was how many marriage proposals poured in for the daughters of powerful families.

There were also many lower noble daughters in the Ebelstein social circle who were obsessed with marriage proposals.

And when one reaches the position of the top three in the Rosea Salon, countless noblemen would throw flirtatious glances.

Knowing these two facts, it was not difficult to predict what would happen next.

“Duplain is no longer a family that deserves to sit at the top of the Rosea Salon.”

Denise thought that what was bound to come had finally come.

It was said during a late afternoon meeting at the Elfontaine Hall.

When Duplain’s name was soaring high, such words would have been considered blasphemy, but none of the young ladies present at the salon meeting could refute it.

The story of the faltering Duplain family had already gone beyond rumors and become an established fact.

Iselin leaving for the north to earn money, and Diela going around various noble families to borrow money were both well-known.

They had already lost all the dignity that a top powerful family should have.

Even if a rich family falls, it is said to last for three generations, but at least in the noble social circle where justification and dignity dominate, they could no longer raise their voices.

Therefore, it was considered unreasonable for the Duplain family to hold one of the three coveted positions in the Rosea Salon.

“So, I think we should choose someone to take that position instead of the Duplain family.”

Elenete, who was sitting quietly at one side of the refreshment table, frowned, and Denise, who was listening from the opposite end, also sighed.

The speaker was Trisha, the daughter of the Viscount of Renouel.

Her beautiful wavy hair was lovely, but the occasional freckles marred her elegant atmosphere.

She was a person who had a strong desire to rise to a higher status by catching a good marriage proposal rather than focusing on academics and self-cultivation.

‘It’s an obvious story even without hearing it.’

Denise felt she could understand Trisha’s intentions without listening to the end.

She wanted to remove Duplain from the top three and take that position herself. The reason was obvious.

Denise was already sick and tired of the characteristics of young ladies who were obsessed with marriage proposals.

They thought that Iselin, Elenete, and Denise had risen to that position solely because of the family’s prestige.

They believed that if they could somehow push Duplain out and borrow a bit of the family’s name value, they too could rise to a position where they would receive all kinds of flirtatious glances from noblemen.

“Is there anyone who disagrees with me?”

Trisha, standing at the podium with her hands on her hips, wore a triumphant expression.

The Viscount of Renouel, who stood behind her, was strong despite his rank.

If Duplain were to fall, one of the three families—Renouel, Pellobel, or Logwalz—would take that position. She seemed ready to jump into that competition.

‘None of them can compare to Belmiord or Beltus in power, but it seems inevitable that Duplain will fall.’

Denise watched the situation with her arms crossed. A sideways glance at Elenete showed that she felt the same.

In the end, the decision-making among the nobles was most influenced by the battle for justification.

“…No, one of you will oppose it.”

As Trisha said that, the public’s gaze turned to one side.

Diela, who was sitting at the end of the meeting place drinking black tea, received that gaze.

‘…So, this is how it comes out.’

Diela put down her black tea and stared quietly at the podium for a moment.

Everyone who knew her personality swallowed dryly.

As the first disciple of Derek and the youngest of the Duplain family, she was known for her fiery temperament.

If there was something she didn’t like, she would charge at Lady Denise of the Beltus family, the family’s treasure, without hesitation.

But that was only possible because of the name Duplain.

Even if she was a lady of a family struggling to pay the servants’ wages, she couldn’t show the same majesty as before.

“That’s an interesting statement, Lady Trisha. It’s as if you consider the Duplain family a toothless tiger.”

“Isn’t it?”

The tone was openly challenging. Some ladies who still had a fear of Diela held their breath.

But Trisha just crossed her arms and smiled arrogantly.

“History flows. If it’s time to quietly disappear into the background, then it should just disappear quietly.”

“Even if Sir Marcus of the Renwell Viscount family is said to be powerful, I wonder if that authority is enough to be rude to a duke’s family.”

Rumors had been circulating for quite some time that the Renwell Viscount family would be granted a larger territory in the capital.

Duplain was a falling star, and Renwell was a rising sun. Everyone present knew that fact.

But Diela was still Diela.

She wouldn’t cause a disturbance by recklessly using magic at the meeting, but she wouldn’t stay still either.

Sitting with her arms crossed in the tense meeting, Diela raised her eyes and said,

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re saying.”


Everyone present was inwardly shocked.

Even Trisha, who had openly made hostile remarks, was equally surprised. She had expected Diela to raise her voice before coming to this meeting.

But Diela spoke calmly in a subdued voice.

“I’ll admit that the name Duplain doesn’t carry the same weight as it used to. However, considering it a toothless tiger might be Lady Trisha’s arrogance.”

Diela, who stood up with her hands on the table, said with her eyes gleaming,

“If the power of Duplain ever returns, be prepared to have your arm torn off by its teeth.”


“Please remember that the name of the Viscount of Renouel is firmly engraved in the mind of this Diela Catherine Duplain.”

Even while acknowledging the decline of authority, the young lion raised its eyes, which even felt murderous.

Although Duplain already knew that he was staggering, seeing Diela’s spirit made it seem as if she would rise again and bite the neck of the Viscount of Renouel.

What power does a noble family have when they have lost their head, have no proper successor, and have almost lost their territory and privileges?

Nevertheless, looking at Diela, it seemed that the wounded lion would rise again someday.

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Trisha, who had tried to sneer, swallowed dryly for a moment at Diela’s spirit.

A single drop of cold sweat running down her cheek was a bonus.

– Thud

Crossing the front gate of Elfontaine Hall, Diela looked up at the sky where the sun had risen.

As she twisted the ends of her blonde hair, revealing her discomfort, the young ladies around her all swallowed dryly and stepped back.


Sighing as if lamenting, Diela shaded the sunlight with her fingertips and quietly soliloquized.

‘This is a mess. It feels even more uncomfortable because this happened while my sister is away.’

Aiseline, who had left for the north with Derek, would return soon.

When she returns to Ebelstein and sees that there is no seat at the head of the Rosea Salon, what will she think? From Diela’s perspective, it was quite uncomfortable.

‘I miss Derek too…’

Diela felt as if she had been left alone.

There was much to do, no way to see, and the situation was only getting worse.

This incident would not work out well for Derek either.

All three people who sat at the head of the Rosea Salon were either Derek’s disciples or related to him.

However, with Duplain stepping down from that position, whoever took over would likely have no connection to Derek.

‘It seems they are running around trying to receive a title, but this is a bad situation.’

To rise to the position vacated by Duplain, one had to have not only the family’s prestige but also an overwhelmingly outstanding aspect.

At least in the current Ebelstein social circle, there are not many families that can aim for that position.

If Lady Trisha really takes that seat, it is unknown what impact it will have on Derek.

‘The possibility of someone favorable to Derek sitting in that seat seems extremely low…’

It was a time full of bad news.


“Yesterday, Lady Siern called me Aiseline’s sister again. It was the 8th time. Now it seems she naturally calls me sister, and what should I say… my heart is overflowing… What is this feeling… love…?”

As for Aiselin, she already exuded the aura of a stray cat collector, feeling a thrill from earning the trust of the lost Lady Siern.

The next morning, she came to find Derek and boasted so proudly that the still half-asleep Derek scratched his tousled hair and sighed.

“Oh my… I came too early, didn’t I? I want to boast to someone… but there’s no one else to tell but you, Derek…”

“No, it’s fine. It’s about time to get up anyway, and I wanted to discuss the schedule.”

Derek shook his head and opened the door to his private room, inviting Aiselin in and stretching once.

He sat opposite Aiselin, who was seated at the table, and casually took out some tea.

“Let’s return to Ebelstein by next week.”


“Yes. Lady Siern hasn’t attacked anyone with her killing instinct for the past few weeks, has she? Once she starts controlling her killing instinct to some extent, there’s not much more to teach her about the magical aspects.”

Since Derek wasn’t particularly skilled at making tea, Aiselin naturally took out the teapot and began making tea herself.

In fact, it was something she could have asked a maid to do, but since becoming a fallen noble, Aiselin had taken on many tasks herself.

From the perspective of a commoner without a title, it was quite an uncomfortable situation, and Derek had repeatedly told her it wasn’t necessary, but Aiselin didn’t listen.

“If we want to debut Lady Siern in Ebelstein’s social circles, we have to take her there first.”

“Still, if Noir’s blood goes on a rampage again, it could turn into a big problem.”

“We just have to stay vigilant. Fortunately, I’m a mercenary stationed in Ebelstein, and Miss Aiselin, you frequent those social circles, so you can keep an eye on things.”

Derek sat opposite her, brushing off his clothes and pressing down the ends of his tousled hair. Seeing this, Aiselin chuckled.

“…Is there a problem?”

“No. It’s just that you always keep yourself so neat, Derek, but seeing you so relaxed like this is refreshing.”

“Due to my job, I often deal with nobles, so it’s unavoidable. When I’m doing mercenary work, I often look even more disheveled than this.”

When he and Felinne went on hunts for days, it was common not to wash or change clothes for days.

In fact, this level of dishevelment wasn’t enough to be considered untidy.

“If Duplain’s prestige were still intact, you wouldn’t be able to treat me so casually, Derek.”

“Even now, I try to show you the proper respect as a noble. I don’t change my attitude based on the family’s prestige.”

“Well, I feel like I’ve become quite comfortable with you, Derek. Unconsciously, the gap in our statuses has narrowed a lot compared to before. It naturally shows in everything.”

“If I’ve been disrespectful, I apologize.”

“No, on the contrary, I feel good about it. Sometimes, falling down can be a good thing in this regard.”

It might be too positive a view, but maintaining such a mindset, even in small matters, is beneficial in a precarious situation.

Derek nodded appropriately to Aiselin’s words.

“I can’t deny your words, Derek. You don’t change your attitude based on the family’s prestige, but… hmm… there’s no guarantee that the people of the Rosea Salon will do the same.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You said we should go back to Ebelstein, right? If we do go back… there’s a high chance that my seat at the top of the Rosea Salon will no longer be mine.”

At those words, Derek was momentarily at a loss for words.

For a noble lady, being demoted in status and expelled from the top seat is a shocking event.

The sense of status is much stronger when it falls than the joy when it rises. That’s the way of the world; the sense of loss is always more intense.

“Who do you think will take that seat?”

The people in the salon will decide after considering the family’s prestige, magical achievements, culture, and dignity.

“At this point, I think it might be Lady Trisha of the Renouel Viscount family or Lady Prim of the Pelobel Count family… but then again, who knows.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Soon, a person like a storm will debut in the Ebelstein social circle.”


Those words were undeniably true.

Derek’s new disciple, Siern Alayna Rochester, was none other than the daughter of Lord Melverot.

She was the young lady of the Rochester Duke family, capable of wielding 3-star magic at this young age, and had received direct cultural education from Aiselin.

When wandering the snowy plains, it was not apparent, but when dressed in a pretty frilled dress and sitting demurely, she looked like a beautiful and petite bisque doll.

Although the single strand of white hair falling between her brows gave her a somewhat gloomy impression, it was safe to say that there was hardly anyone who could match Siern in overall aspects.

Derek and Aiselin had been working tirelessly this month to shape her into a proper person, and most of her flaws had been improved.

If she were to sit at the top of the Rosea Salon, she would support Duplain and Derek more than anyone else.

“However, sometimes I do feel a bit of a strange vibe…”

“Is that so?”

Aiselin, who spent a lot of time with Siern, had many emotional exchanges with her.

However, Aiselin sometimes felt an inexplicable chill or goosebumps when looking at Siern.

Siern is human. Aiselin affirmed this fact more strongly than anyone else.

However, sometimes when talking with Siern, there were moments when human logic and reasoning did not apply.

Once, while bathing with Aiselin, she said something strange while in her arms.

– ‘Sister Aiselin. What is your relationship with Derek, the magic teacher?’

– ‘What, me? Well, we just know each other from the social circle…’

– ‘Is that so…?’

– ‘Yes, that’s right… Why? Are you curious about Derek?’

– ‘Yes… He’s quite popular in the Ebelstein social circle… I’m worried that he won’t properly look after my condition or magic when we return to Ebelstein…’

– “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Derek is a very responsible person.”

Although Aiseline assured her, Sierne, who was blowing bubbles, still spoke with a dissatisfied expression.

– “But I would really prefer if he only looked after me… What should I do to make that happen…”

– “Is there really a way? Just work hard… and try to keep up with the lessons, isn’t that all you need to do?”

– “I can’t help but feel anxious. There are more… certain ways, you know. Like locking him up in a tower… or tying him up…”

– “Do you really think such… scary thoughts?”

– “No, it’s just a joke… And actually, I almost live locked up in a tower myself…”

The very idea of tying someone up or locking them away, spoken so naturally, was enough to make anyone shudder.

Anyway, if you only look at her appearance, she is just a cute and adorable girl. It’s just that her way of thinking has become a bit savage from being locked up in a tower during her stormy adolescence.

Aiseline laughed it off, but when she came back to Derek, she felt a sense of foreboding again.



“Just in case, be careful.”


Derek could only look at Aiseline with puzzled eyes as he sipped his tea.


“Yes. Before debuting in society, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to show Sierne the noble circles of Ebelstein. Allow her to accompany you.”

As always, Lord Melverot did not bother to make eye contact with those reporting to him.

Without even glancing at them, he just stared out the window, maintaining his arrogant posture, barely listening.

Aiseline and Derek conveyed Sierne’s situation and confirmed that the conditions were sufficient for her to accompany them to Ebelstein.

There were still some dangerous aspects, but they were manageable if the two of them were careful.

“If Lady Sierne debuts in the Ebelstein social circles, it will be like a great storm, attracting a lot of attention. Lady Sierne is worth that much.”

“It’s good to give compliments, but attention doesn’t always work in a positive way.”

“That’s… true, but…”

Aiseline, well aware of the bleak atmosphere of the Ebelstein social circles, couldn’t argue with Melverot’s words.

“On the way back, make sure to visit the Rodelen estate. You can quickly look around if you pass through the Duke of Beltus’ territory.”

The Rodelen estate was the land Derek would be responsible for if he were granted a title.

It was so small that it was almost embarrassing to call it an estate, and most of it was vineyards, so there was nothing to see except for the delicious wine.

Nevertheless, it was the place Derek would be responsible for if he were granted a title.

“I heard there is a mansion, but it’s old and shabby, so it’s not much. Just be grateful it exists.”

“I am just grateful.”

“I have informed the management personnel on the estate about your appointment, so there shouldn’t be any major issues with the handover. However, the problem lies in the conferment of the title itself.”

Melverot, resting his chin on his hand and crossing his legs, sighed deeply as if he had a headache.

“I expected the central nobles to respond lukewarmly, but the Grand Duke of Beltus in the southwest of the continent has expressed his opposition.”

Duplain and Belmiord were not expected to oppose Derrick’s conferment of the title, but Beltus was completely different.

Especially since the Rodellen estate, where Derrick would settle, bordered the territory of the Duke of Beltus. It was inevitable that they would respond more sensitively compared to other families.

“This is a problem I need to solve, so you don’t need to worry too much about it. However, there is another issue that you need to address yourself.”

“What is it?”

“The fact that you are an orphan.”

Melverot delivered the blunt statement.

It was a sharp remark that made Iselin flinch, but Derrick was not particularly shaken by the fact. It was an obvious truth.

“If you want to receive the title and claim to be the head of a noble family, you need to have a family and a household. However, you are only known by the name Derrick, without a surname that symbolizes a family. Moreover, you have no connections whatsoever.”

“Is that a significant problem in receiving the title?”

“Of course, it is. If the formal requirements are not met, the procedure cannot proceed, can it?”

No matter what anyone said, the current era was a bloodline society. The existence or non-existence of a family was an important criterion in determining disqualification in the process of conferring a title.

If you want to consider magical bloodlines, political stability, succession of responsibilities and duties, economic foundation, education, reliability, and reputation, you ultimately have to examine the family and household to which the person belongs.

Therefore, it was like reaching for the stars for an orphan like Derrick to enter the closed aristocratic society.

“Although they won’t be overly meticulous in conferring a minor barony on the outskirts, you still need to meet the minimum formal requirements.”

“Then, can I just choose my own surname?”

“That alone is not enough.”

Iselin thought that Siern’s debut in the social circles would be a bombshell for Ebelstein.

However, the reality was even more than that.

An even bigger bombshell seemed to be about to drop on Ebelstein’s social circles.

“Find an appropriate partner. Even if it’s just for formality, form a household and prove that you belong to it.”

─That was Derrick’s marriage proposal.

Iselin’s eyes widened like a full moon as she listened to the conversation between the two.

As she looked at Derrick, who was sweating profusely, Derrick was also deep in thought, resting his chin on his hand.


It was the first time in her life that Iselin had seen Derrick sweat.

She couldn’t predict what would happen if this news reached Ebelstein.

Sadly, I was scheduled to depart next week.

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