Chapter 127 The King of Black Mountain Has Come On The Door? It was actually despised!

As soon as he finished speaking, the big black bear demon felt that he was about to suffocate.

He felt that all his strength had been emptied, and looked up at his prince in horror.

But The next moment, he was slapped away by his own king.

The figure of the Black Bear Great Demon fell more than ten meters away.

He quickly got up in fear, looked at his own king, and sat up from the ground in anger!

“What did you say? You fucking say it again?”

The black mountain king who glared at him, looked hideous and terrifying like a tiger that devoured people.

After seeing this, how dare you say it again?

Just now, his family had said that they would not beat him!

As soon as he heard this, he immediately slapped him.

Because, the black bear burst into tears and said grievances: “My lord, what the little one said is true!”

Hearing that, after a long time of anger, the Black Mountain King said cruelly: “Come over and continue talking.”

Hearing this, the big black bear demon shook his head in panic.

Where does he dare to pass now!

He just got a slap in the face!

“I call you over!”

The King of Montenegro, his tone was a bit cold.

The big black bear demon trembling all over, then bite the bullet and climbed up in fear.

The Black Mountain King said coldly: “Let’s talk! What else did he say?”

The big demon black bear had no choice but to bite the bullet and tremblingly said: “My lord, he also said… With just one finger, he can crush you to death…”

As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise rang out.

Accompanied by a scream.

I saw that the big black bear demon flew out again.

Flew out more than 20 meters this time!

The big black bear demon with a swollen nose and swollen nose couldn’t help crying: “My lord! Why are you hitting me again!”

“Didn’t you promise that you won’t hit me?”

Hearing this, the anger of the Black Mountain King glared: “Daddy said this before?”

“Why doesn’t daddy remember!”

“Furthermore! Beating is personal cursing or love.”

“Is it possible that you still want this king to hold your anger in your heart and not vent it?”

Hearing this, the black bear demon almost cried and fainted.

He couldn’t bear the love of his own king!

Moreover, even if you want to get angry, why do you want to vent to yourself!

Your sister, you can go and fight that python demon if you are angry! It’s a fart to be angry with me!

Why is it always me who gets hurt?

The black bear demon was very sad.

At this time, the Black Mountain King, who was burning with anger, slowly stood up with his huge body.

The next moment, his body turned into a two-meter-high, unusually strong black bear, and said coldly: “What an arrogant fellow!”

“It seems that it is indeed a demon king!”

“The king wants to see if you can really crush me to death with a finger!”

After angrily muttering to himself for a while, the black mountain king got up and set off.

Obviously, he was going to teach Wang Mang a good lesson!

Even the Demon King has a power gap!

In the eyes of the Black Mountain King, this giant python demon king must have just become the demon king not long ago.

It is absolutely impossible to be an own opponent, he has been the Demon King for a long time.

This guy who has just become the Giant Python Demon King can never be his own opponent!

at the same time.

Near Huanshan Reservoir.

When the sky is dark.

Wang Mang came out of the cave again.

As usual, he went to the farm and ate 10,000 pigs.

At this point, it is easy to enter 4.88 million evolution points.

This made Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction, and he left the farm contentedly after eating the pigs.

Afterwards, Wang Mang first patrolled the land area.

Wang Mang came to the reservoir again, preparing to inspect the site as usual.

Although he gave the reservoir to the old turtle to take care of it, he still wants to come and see it occasionally.

Moreover, since he handed over the reservoir to the old turtle to take care of it, he was still very comfortable with his hand shaker.

But as Wang Mang was patrolling the reservoir site, he vaguely felt a tyrannical Monster Qi.

“This breath… is not an ordinary monster!”

“Could it be that the new Demon King has come?”

Thinking of this, Wang Mang, who was originally in a happy mood, sank even more.

After that, Wang Mang hurried to the place where his breath was, and was about to go to the bank of the reservoir first.

But at this moment, Wang Mang saw that in the dark jungle in the distance, a huge monster appeared on the bank of the reservoir.

This is a super black bear over fifty meters tall. His appearance looks very strong and his aura is exceptionally sturdy!

When I saw Wang Mang on the shore of the reservoir, he couldn’t help but roared toward the open blood basin: “Hoho!”

“A fanatic, you are a fanatic, dare to speak wildly to this king!?”

At this moment, this super huge black bear was uttering words, and his voice was full of anger.

Hearing this, Wang Mang was shocked for a while, and immediately recovered.

At the same time, Wang Mang also used information detection on this guy.

The next moment, the information of this behemoth in front of him, appeared in front of Wang Mang’s eyes.

Target: King of Black Mountain.

Volume: 51 meters high and 90 tons weight!

Taoism: 3600 years!

Supernatural powers: the brute force of the earth! Furious madness! Reinforced iron bones! Get smaller at will!

After reading this guy’s information.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised!

He did not expect the strength of this guy.

It’s even stronger than the Dryad King!

Although not as big as the Dryad King, Daoxing is taller than the Dryad King!

But after thinking about it, Wang Mang was relieved.

After all, the Dryad King is a wood monster, usually larger in size.

If the animal monsters are bigger than the size, they are really hard to compare to these tree monsters.

But judging from Taoism, the strength of this Black Mountain King is even stronger!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt a pain in his head. Such a big guy could really do it himself?

This guy stood up, he was more than fifty meters tall!

And it’s still an old demon king!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt entangled for a while, but also very helpless.

To be honest, Wang Mang was a little bit imaginary when he didn’t see the new Demon King.

It can be seen that Wang Mang’s heart is even weaker when he sees the new Queen of Black Mountain.

With such a huge volume, it is completely impossible for him to win the opponent!

Moreover, this guy has a lot of supernatural powers! There are four or five things!

Maybe he doesn’t have any skills, but each of his supernatural powers is suitable for combat!

Therefore, if he really wants to fight, Wang Mang feels that it is unlikely that he wants to win the opponent!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang didn’t rush ashore anymore.

He must grasp every advantage!

If he fights in the water, he has the greatest advantage!

Even headwinds are possible!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stood upright, 30 meters high, with a huge body.

And, in the reservoir, he looked at each other with the Black Mountain King.

“Didn’t you say you want to shit daddy! Come on! Daddy is here!”

“You actually shit daddy!”

“This king is waiting for you!”

At this moment, the King of Black Mountain, standing on the shore of Huanshan Reservoir, immediately sneered.

Before he saw Wang Mang, he guessed that Wang Mang was the new Demon King, but now he found out that it really was!

Therefore, he had no worries in his heart, looked at Wang Mang with disdain, his eyes filled with disdain.

Obviously, for a new Demon King like Wang Mang, he has never failed to put in one’s eyes!

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