Chapter 279 Wang Mang is dumbfounded! Coming from the Empire: We are here to invite you to become our beast!

At this time, after finishing Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, the old man proudly said to him:

“My son! Do you want me to show you the legendary Taoism, daddy?”

After hearing what the old man said, Wang Mang hadn’t spoken yet, but Uncle Yang beside him admired:

“A Mang! Your dad is amazing now. The Daoshu is pure and pure, and he is able to walk like flying, very powerful.”

Seeing the eyes of Uncle Yang worshiping, the king’s father was very proud, and he looked like he enjoyed the worship of others very much.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help being a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he still nodded and laughed: “Okay, let’s just watch the performance of the old man.”

Hearing that, the king’s father was very energetic, immediately hand-seals his hands, and cast several spells in succession, all of which were simple spells.

Later, Wang Mang saw that his father had begun to use martial arts again, yes, it was indeed martial arts!

Look at the old man from the family, he has cultivated martial arts as well as martial arts!

Moreover, some martial arts Wang Mang hadn’t seen him at all. If his father hadn’t called out several martial arts names, Wang Mang wouldn’t recognize him.

However, Wang Mang couldn’t help but nodded secretly when he saw his father’s display of power.

It seems that the old man from the family is really painstakingly dedicated to the cultivation method!

Don’t say it, my dad really succeeded, and he has entered the ranks of cultivation.

While the old man was still performing martial arts, the phone suddenly rang.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang looked at his father with some surprise.

The old man also put away his moves, took out his cell phone suspiciously, and then connected.

A few minutes later, the old man hung up the phone with a serious face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was a little surprised, and immediately asked: “What’s the matter, daddy?”

The king’s face solemnly said: “I was called by someone from the Red Empire.”

“The people of the Red Empire seem to want to talk to you personally.”

Having said this, the royal father muttered to himself very suspiciously: “It’s strange, how do they know that you are in contact with me?”

“However, they still don’t know that you are my son, they just know that you are in contact with me.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was not surprised by this.

It can be said that he was not surprised by the connection between himself and his father after being discovered by the Red Empire.

Don’t underestimate the power of the Red Empire, satellites can capture the active traces of their monster race at any time.

At this time, the prince looked at Wang Mang and asked, “My son! Do you want to see you?”

“Although the whole world is in chaos now, don’t offend the empire before disaster strikes!”

When talking about this, the prince slowly explained:

“My son, don’t you know how messy it is these days! The sea frequently erupts with many huge monsters in the sea.”

“All over the world, there have also been reports of the existence of a large number of monsters, and there are damn vampires. Daddy can’t believe it.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang said in surprise: “Father, is it already so messy outside now?”

The king’s face was solemn and nodded and said: “It’s more than chaos! Now the food outside is arguing to a sky-high price!”

“The crime rate is more than a hundred times higher than before!”

“All kinds of forces are beginning to appear.”

“These forces are either supported by business leaders or political leaders.”

“Now the Red Empire is vying for power, and the people are starting to mess up.”

Having said this, the king’s father was full of emotion, and he did not expect that one day, the world would be in chaos.

He thought that the world might happen, a third world war, but never thought that it would be messy!

After listening to his father’s words, Wang Mang was also very shocked. He didn’t expect it to become so exaggerated outside.

This hasn’t started a big change in the world, why is it messed up outside.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang began to consult his father again, the current state of society.

Wang Mang was taken aback by the results he learned, and it was even more exaggerated than he had imagined.

For example, in the current state of the world, a large number of private armed forces have emerged.

Moreover, not only are food prices skyrocketing, but war supplies have also skyrocketed.

For example, all kinds of thermal weapons have begun to increase.

Also, even in the Red Empire, many forces have emerged.

The number of these forces was so large that the Red Empire couldn’t suppress them.

In addition, large areas of resignation began to appear, and the world entered a state of chaos.

Although, there are still two months before the world has changed, and not much has happened.

However, since the sun and the moon were in the same sky in the sky, and the sea monster and monster incident broke out.

The situation has become increasingly uncontrollable.

Moreover, the situation in the Red Empire is pretty good.

For example, the Star Stripe Nation has now fallen into a state of separatism.

Each of their big states began to be out of control, just like the emperors of the earth.

All in all, the world has begun to surging in secret.

Those business tycoons, or political tycoons who have learned important news in advance, are already preparing to follow suit.

At present, there is only one who doesn’t know anything, and the ignorant people still live as usual.

After roughly understanding the status quo of the world today.

Wang Mang pondered for a while, then slowly nodded and said, “Father, you go and tell them, let them come and talk to me!”

The king’s father was a little surprised: “It’s decided? Will it be dangerous to you?”

Facing his father’s worries, Wang Mang confidently said, “Don’t worry, father.”

“Now, your son, I, fly to the world and escape omnipotence. There will be no danger.”

Hearing the confident words of his son, the king’s father nodded in satisfaction and said:

“If it’s a good thing, if you can negotiate terms, remember to ask for more benefits.”

“Now the outside world is almost messed up, your father, I have to prepare early.”

Wang Mang nodded, and then the old man called the people from the Red Empire.

Two hours later, Wang Mang heard the sound of a helicopter coming from outside the cave.

Wang Mang suddenly said: “Daddy, wait a while, I’ll go out and have a look.”

After speaking, Wang Mang swung his body and came to the outside of the cave.

Later, Wang Mang saw several helicopters above the jungle not far from the cave.

Afterwards, there were more than twenty heavily armed men supporting a middle-aged burly man in military uniform.

The middle-aged man, after looking at Wang Mang for a while, smiled and said, “This is the Demon King of our province, right!”

Facing the middle-aged burly man’s question, Wang Mang looked at it for a while and nodded slightly as a response.

Because, this guy in front of him felt a little familiar, as if he was from the armed forces department of Guizhou Province.

If you look at the number of stars on his shoulder, he is indeed a big man.

“Let’s talk inside!”

After speaking, Wang Mang went back into the cave.

Hearing this, the middle-aged burly man followed behind him after taking a step.

After entering the cave, the burly man randomly found a place to sit down.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang asked him, “Tell me what I came for!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man slowly said: “I am here today on behalf of the Red Empire to invite you to become our beast…”

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