Chapter 313 The Ocean Overlord, the Dragon Clan, thought about leaving the earth a long time ago?

After reading this old Dragon King information.

Wang Mang couldn’t help taking a breath.

Paralyzed, he has only seen the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures of the 8900 years.

But this was the first time he saw the Demon Emperor who was Taoist in 8900!

No wonder the breath alone made Wang Mang feel so terrifying.

Because the strength gap between the two sides is too big.

Wang Mang’s Taoism is only 7,300 years old.

The strength of the Cang Dragon King patriarch is several grades stronger than Wang Mang!

Similarly, at this time, the Dragon Emperor nodded slightly after hearing his son’s words.

However, he looked at Wang Mang and chuckled lightly: “No hurry!”

“Won’t my son introduce this friend to my father?”

Hearing this, Cang Dragon King smiled and introduced: “Father, this is a good brother I handed over not long ago.”

“Father, don’t underestimate the brother of the boy! The talent and aptitude among the monster race is definitely the peerless Tianjiao level!”

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang also immediately shouted respectfully: “Junior has seen the Dragon Emperor senior!”

The Dragon Emperor nodded in satisfaction and slowly said: “Not bad, not bad!”

“Among the young monster races that the emperor knows, in the impression of the emperor, you are enough to rank in the top five.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately stunned.

Fuck, he is actually among the young monster race, can only be ranked in the top five?

So, what level of strength did the other young monsters reach?

Just thinking about it, Wang Mang was shocked.

Ma! Is the new generation of Yaozu so powerful?

Although Wang Mang was a little skeptical, after thinking about it, he felt that the Dragon Emperor didn’t have to lie to him.

Therefore, although Wang Mang had some doubts, he did not ask.

Because he has other things to do this time.

At this time, Cang Dragon King spoke again: “Father, this matter is extremely important and should not be delayed!”

Hearing this, the Dragon Emperor looked at his son in surprise, then nodded and said: “Let’s listen.”

He knew that since his son had said it, it proved that the matter was indeed serious.

After the Canglong Emperor spoke, Cang Dragon King said the matter again.

After listening, the Dragon Emperor, who hadn’t cared at all, gradually became serious.

He did not expect that a meteorite from outside the sky would actually fall to the earth!

No wonder he always felt a little uneasy a few days ago.

This is not a trivial matter. If this matter is not resolved, all creatures on the earth will not escape the damage.

Even if it’s the Mosasaurus clan!

If it is said that the extinct meteorite in the age of dinosaurs landed on the earth, they are not worried yet.

After all, they lived in the deep sea, and a 10-km meteorite hit the earth, which was enough to exterminate the age of dinosaurs, but it also had a great impact on them, but they could not reach the point of extinction.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor who had been silent for a long time spoke:

“I will immediately discuss this matter with the other overlord families of the ocean.”

“However, the emperor can’t be the master now.”

“But the emperor already knows the little friend’s intention.”

“Our marine hegemon will not sit back and watch the earth be destroyed.”

After speaking, the Dragon Emperor said solemnly:

“But don’t hope too much, this problem is very serious.”

“Our Sea Clan will also go all out!”

“Okay! The emperor has to spread the news now.”

After speaking, Wang Mang saw the Canglong Emperor leave directly.

Seeing this scene, Cang Dragon King was helpless.

He looked at Wang Mang and comforted:

“Brother Monty Python, in fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic.”

“Anyway, the sky is falling, and there are tall men who are standing against it.”

“For such a thing, we can only do our best.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was also very helpless and nodded slightly in his heart.

The idea of ​​this Dragon King is similar to his.

If the strong of the sea clan can’t help it.

Then, the earth is probably really hopeless.

At that time, Wang Mang was really at a loss.

That’s it!

If it really doesn’t work.

It is estimated that you really have to use the Summoning Strong Card.

As for whether it can summon the strong.

Wang Mang didn’t doubt it at all.

However, whether the summoned strong is good or bad is not known.

Therefore, it is not a last resort.

Wang Mang really didn’t consider using this summoning card.

But if the earth is really going to be extinct.

He might use it to give it a go.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was also about to leave, so he said to the Dragon King: “Brother, I’m going to figure out a way too, so I’ll go back first!”

Hearing this, Cang Dragon King said in a depressed tone:

“Okay! Originally, I had a good life, but I was panicked by being like you, my brother.”

“If the earth is really destroyed, it means that this is how we should be fate!”

Seeing Cang Dragon King’s depressed look, Wang Mang couldn’t help being speechless.

This guy is really calm.

If he doesn’t tell the news.

It is estimated that until the earth is destroyed.

This guy will be completely flustered, right?

At this point, Wang Mang couldn’t help asking:

“Brother Cang Dragon King, if the earth is really destroyed, what are you going to do?”

Hearing this, Cang Dragon King said helplessly: “What else can I do? Of course I am waiting to die.”

“If the earth is destroyed, even we will not be able to escape.”

“Because, once the earth is destroyed, it will escape into the universe.”

“If you can’t find the rest of the world, you will eventually die in the vast Universe.”

“Don’t think about being able to fit into the universe, because the universe is too big.”

“Without the existence of the Earthly Celestial level, it is completely dead in the vast Universe.”

“Even if the existence of the Earthly Celestial level enters the universe, most of them will die.”

“My father told me this news. The vast universe is so big that it’s almost limitless.”

“If you can’t find a new place to live, you will undoubtedly die.”

“If the earth is really going to be destroyed, it is estimated that it will only be able to hide on the surrounding planets for Life.”

“But the surrounding planets may not have True Qi, and they are less suitable for cultivation than the earth.”

After listening to Mr. Dragon King’s words, Wang Mang couldn’t help but asked in astonishment:

“Brother Cang Dragon King, have you ever thought of evacuating the earth a long time ago?”

Hearing this, Cang Dragon King nodded and said, “Yes, we thought about evacuation from the earth a long time ago.”

“As early as two million years ago, our ancestors thought about evacuation from the earth.”

“But the ancestors did not find a world suitable for survival in the surrounding area.”

“At that time, our Mosasaurus clan already had an Earthly Celestial level powerhouse.”

“That is the legendary Tier 3 powerhouse!”

“Our ancestors of the Canglong clan left a record of inheritance.”

“Since the birth of our Canglong clan, the earth is the most prosperous era, and the strongest can even reach the fourth-order pinnacle level!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but be astonished:

“Brother Cang Dragon King, what level is this so-called Tier 4 peak powerhouse?”

“Is it still above Earthly Celestial?”

Cang Dragon King was shocked, looked at Wang Mang, and said with some surprise:

“Brother Monty Python, you don’t even know?”

“Let’s tell you so!”

“Our Clan Dragon clan also has a few Silky Dragon clan bloodlines.”

“In the era of extinct dinosaurs, they also had a few silk dragon bloodlines.”

“It’s just that after years of reproduction and inheritance, the blood has become thinner and thinner!”

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