Chapter 357 He and I have been brothers for decades, and we have a deep relationship, so we need to add more money!

After hearing the young man’s words, Wang Mang was stunned.

He didn’t expect that this young man already had a goal?

And, is it a brother he knew?

Damn it!

Sure enough, he is a good brother!

When there was such a good thing, I thought of the own brother for the first time!

Good guys! Sure enough, he is a good brother!

At least in this respect, the young man in front of him is simply more righteous than Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang was very curious. Does the goal he found really met the requirements?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang hurriedly asked, “Tell me what’s the situation with your brother?”

After all, this guy can cheat his own brother, what is it to Wang Mang?

Anyway, as long as you have a suitable goal, you can complete the task by yourself!

Hearing this, the young man asked proudly: “Which did you agree to my request?”

Wang Mang nodded slightly and said, “Talk about the situation, as long as it’s really possible, it’s not impossible.”

Hearing this, the young man said with emotion: “In fact, speaking of my brother, alas, it is also very pitiful.”

“His parents went early since he was a child, and then he went out of society. He was abducted to MLM at the age of 15, escaped at the age of 18, and broke his leg at the age of 20.”

“When he was 22 years old, he was setting up a street stall on the side of the road, and his other leg was also broken.”

“Originally, according to the compensation money, Wu You is enough for food and clothing.”

“But who had thought that, by coincidence, it has caught up with this fucking era, and the money is no longer useful.”

“Now he has joined Beggar Sect and basically makes a living by begging.”

Speaking of this, the young man was full of emotion.

But after listening, Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

Damn it! This is too miserable!

Entered MLM at the age of 15, broke his leg at the age of 20, and was broken another leg at the age of 22. I was compensated, and it just happened to catch up with the big changes in the times?

To be honest, even after Wang Mang listened, he couldn’t bear to look straight.

This is really a bit too miserable, and this is too much coincidence.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help asking: “Why are you sure he is willing to live broadcast?”

Hearing this, the young man nodded immediately and said: “Absolutely! He is now better off than life!”

“In Beggar Sect, the food is even hotter than the dog, and it’s crowded out. I told me more than once that if you want to die, forget it, it’s a hundred!”

After hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but nodded secretly.

In this case, this guy’s brother really fits the group goal he is looking for.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded immediately and said, “I can promise you your request. Similarly, you have to help me persuade him.”

“Can you go find him now? If you can, I’ll finalize it sooner.”

Hearing this, the young man nodded confidently: “Follow me! I know where his house lives!”

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately followed the young man behind him.

Under the leadership of the young man, Wang Mang came to a dilapidated urban village, which was very dilapidated.

To be honest, Wang Mang never expected that this seemingly prosperous city would have such a run-down village in the city.

After walking into the village in the city, Wang Mang saw many houses with big words written on them.

At this time, the young man said with emotion: “If there were no major changes in this era, this guy would definitely be a multi-millionaire.”

“Because, at that time, he bought the house here and bought several sets with compensation.”

“As a result, you have seen it too, the times have changed!”

After hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless, and he couldn’t help but sympathize with this guy.

I’m afraid it’s not possessed by the broom star!

Otherwise, how could all the unlucky things happen?

Soon, under the leadership of the young man.

Wang Mang came to a stinking and crude street.

The streets here are densely packed with houses and smelly everywhere. It’s not a place for people to stay!

Because, not far from the city is a large garbage dump, the taste will be known!

“This is it!”

Behind a dilapidated building near the garbage dump, the young man stopped, clutching his nose and said in pain.

“Hurry up and lead the way! This smell feels like it’s sending me away!” Wang Mang was directly blocked by the smell.

Under the leadership of the young man, Wang Mang entered the building, and he saw a man who had lost two legs in the building, struggling to clean up the dilapidated waste.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was suddenly surprised, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

Because these dilapidated waste products, even if the times are about to change drastically, they are still worth a bit of money.

Because even if the world collapses, new channels will be derived. Those who buy waste products must have channels to use waste products.

It’s like, these scrap irons must be recycled in the past.

After all, even if the world collapses, iron cannot become worthless.

As long as weapons are not eliminated, iron will not be eliminated. The main material of weapons is iron!

Scrap iron is also iron, which can naturally be reused.

Moreover, Wang Mang knew that the prices of weapons and materials were extremely high now.

It can be said that the iron market is very huge. From here, it is certain that iron will not be eliminated.

Unless one day, there will be no Rivers and Lakes and no fighting, and people will no longer have weapons.

But this is completely impossible! Where there are people, there are circles, as well as Rivers and Lakes. This is inevitable.

For this reason, Wang Mang could understand the reason only after a little thought.

At this moment.

The young man walked up with a smile:

“Brother Liu, brother, I came to see you.”

“How’s your brother doing?”

Hearing that, the young man who was so stinky and was picking up the junk, raised his head to look at the young man, his face full of self-deprecating:

“Brother? Look at me!? Now I can’t afford your brother! You are now a full member of the Black Dragon Gang.”

“When I asked you to help me enter the Black Dragon Gang, why didn’t you want to speak, so you were ashamed to say that I was your brother?”

“Are you so kind? It looks like me, you haven’t been here for almost two months, right?”

Hearing this, the young man suddenly smiled awkwardly: “Old Liu, isn’t this busy? I’m coming to see you now!”

“Furthermore, we are young! We have known each other since we were young!”

“I’ve been a good brother all my life, can I forget you if there is a good thing?”

“Brother I have brought you a chance this time! It’s up to you whether you can grasp this chance!”

“At that time, brothers will be developed, don’t forget me, brother!”

It is a pity that in the face of the touching words of the young man, the young man who has lost his legs has a sneer on his face.

Seeing this scene, the young man also had a thick-skinned face, and smiled at the legless young man:

“Brother, wait a moment for me, I will definitely not harm you this time!”

After speaking, the young man beckoned to Wang Mang for a hundred years and walked outside.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little confused, but he still walked outside.

After coming outside, the young man looked at Wang Mang with a sad face and said:

“Brother! This is not easy! You can see his attitude.”

“And, to be honest, he is also my brother who has grown up for decades!”


Hearing this, Wang Mang’s eyes suddenly became cold, and he said sensibly, “So, are you playing tricks with me?”

“You promised me swearly before you came, but now you want to tell me that you can’t handle it?”

The young man shook his head quickly and explained with a sad face: “Brother! Don’t get excited!”

“I really didn’t expect that he would not recognize me as a brother at all!”

“Moreover, his current attitude is very difficult!”

“But, I’m still sure to get him!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s expression eased a lot.

Afterwards, Wang Mang asked angrily:

“What then? What are you trying to say?”

Upon seeing this, the young man sighed in embarrassment:

“Actually, I mean…”

“I and him have been brothers for decades, and our relationship is very deep.”

“You have to add more money…”

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