Chapter 362: The Immortal Position of Immortal Brand! Accept the immortal position and become an orthodox immortal god recognized by heaven and earth?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the fairy card with its own lucky value +100! (Only the current world of heaven and earth)]

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang’s heart was immediately exasperated.

After the mission of this fairy card was completed, the harvest was much richer than he had imagined!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt better.

But at this moment, the unpleasant curses in his ears made Wang Mang come back to his senses:

“You are really beasts! Pigs and dogs are better! Miscellaneous! Dogs are better! You beasts!”

“Give back my heirloom! Old man, I’m fighting with you!”

At this moment, after seeing Wang Mang holding a fairy card, the old man rushed towards Wang Mang like crazy.

Fortunately, at this moment, he was immediately stopped by the quick-eyed old Wu.

However, the old man still yelled at them again, his face twisted and hideous, his eyes spiteful.

Seeing the old man’s eyes and his gaffe, Wang Mang frowned.

He could see that this old man would not give up easily.

As soon as possible, this old man could not pose the slightest threat to him, even hard to be him To put in one’s eyes.

But the old man’s attitude and cursing words made Wang Mang very upset.

“I’ll ask you one last time, what kind of compensation do you want?” Wang Mang suppressed his anger and coldly asked.

Lao Jiang was furious and roared: “I’m going to your mother, give me the heirloom!”

Looks like this is completely out of talk!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately used his supernatural powers to control the soul!

The next moment, the old man Jiang, who was roaring in anger, suddenly changed his expression and knelt on the ground respectfully.

Under the stunned gaze of Old Wu, Old Man Jiang said with respect and enthusiasm: “Respected great master.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and indifferently ordered: “Go! Jump off the top of the building and make atonement!”

Hearing this, Old Man Jiang nodded enthusiastically and respectfully, then immediately stood up and walked towards the roof.

In this scene, Old Man Wu felt his scalp numb and his face was shocked: “This…”

“Don’t worry about him! This is a punishment for him!” Wang Mang waved his hand, his expression indifferent.

“Yes! Lord Guardian.” Old man Wu nodded respectfully.

In his opinion, this Lao Jiang is completely self-inflicted, and he is ignorant of current affairs!

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and then prepared to leave.

But Wang Mang immediately thought of something, and said to Old Wu:

“You go to the Wang’s Patriarch and tell him that I asked you to find him.”

“In the future, as long as the Wang family is still there, you can go to the Wang family to ask for Life.”

“If someone from the Wang family asks you true or false, you can just report the word Wang Mang.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Old Wu was overjoyed and said, “Thank you, Lord Patronus!”

In his opinion, the members of the Wang family are now a super power in the prefecture and Guizhou province, with strong strength.

And, most importantly, it is the direct force of Lord Patronus.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is blessed in Guizhou Province.

In the eyes of Old Man Wu, the world is very dangerous today, but in comparison.

There is a patron saint in Guizhou Province, at least it is safer than other places!

Moreover, looking at the meaning of Lord Patronus, it is obvious that he is also sheltered!

This is what Lao Wu is most happy about.

Wang Mang, who nodded slightly, left here with Old Wu.

After arriving outside the community, they parted ways.

Later, Wang Mang couldn’t wait to take out this fairy card again.

Earlier, Wang Mang had no time to look carefully at this fairy card.

I saw that there was a black and white Tai Chi pattern in the center of the front of this immortal plate.

In addition, there are a few words written under the pattern.

However, these fonts cannot be captured with the naked eye under normal circumstances.

This is because Wang Mang subconsciously passed his own power into this fairy card.

These small fonts just emerged:

Xianzhi: Land Master.

Requirements: Earthly Celestial.

After reading this row of small fonts.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

He didn’t expect that this turned out to be the lowest level of immortal position, Lord Earth!

Among the gods and gods in myths and legends, Di Gong should be regarded as the most inconspicuous.

Because the position of the landlord, or the strength requirement, is indeed not high!

Only the Earthly Celestial level is required to completely replace the orthodox landlord.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained the Land Gongxian card. Does it accept the status of Land Gongxian? 】

[Benefit 1: After accepting the identity of the landlord, within a thousand miles, when someone calls you, you can respond to the call. 】

[Benefit 2: After accepting the status of the landlord, the host can get his own lucky value +100 (as far as the world can be used)! 】

[Benefit three: After accepting the status of the Lord of the Land, the host will get help from this side of heaven and earth to be partial! 】

[Benefit four: After accepting the status of the earth public, the host can build the earth temple like a god, and enjoy the power of faith brought by the incense! 】

[Benefit 5: After accepting the apprentice palace status, if the host is beheaded when facing a powerful enemy, the opponent will suffer a certain amount of backlash! 】

After listening to the system’s voice, Wang Mang suddenly fell into contemplation.

Originally, Wang Mang was also looking forward to this immortal brand.

But the problem is that the position of this fairy brand is too low!

It was just a landlord, which made Wang Mang a little secretly regretful.

Because what Wang Mang wanted was a powerful, immortal brand.

The immortal position of this Lord of the Land also did not meet Wang Mang’s expectations.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Mang hesitated.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not rashly choose to accept the fairy card.

On the contrary, Wang Mang couldn’t help asking in his heart: “System! If I get a higher immortal card in the future, can I replace it?”

Then the voice of the system sounded:

[Review reminds the host, yes! As long as the host finds a fairy card that is higher than the land public fairy position, it can replace the new fairy card! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this can be replaced, Wang Mang is afraid that he cannot be replaced.

If it cannot be replaced.

Wang Mang would rather not accept immortal cards, but give them to his family.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: “Accept!”

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully accepted the status of the landlord! 】

【Ding! After reaching the host road, you can directly become Earthly Celestial without Transcends Tribulation! 】

[Note: For those who do not have the blessing of heaven and earth, all of them must Transcends Tribulation except Heavenly and Mortal Treasures! 】

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