Chapter 368 Random Lottery Begins! Surprised! Did you draw the magic card?

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

[Reminder Host: Random Lottery Opportunities and Designated Lottery Opportunities! There is a big difference in value! 】

[But random lottery chances can also be exchanged for designated lottery chances, the ratio is: 3 random lottery chances = 1 designated lottery chance! 】

[Reminder Host: The ratio of random lottery chances to designated lottery chances is not fixed, and the system reserves the final right of interpretation! 】

【Ding! Does the host use 3 random lucky draw opportunities to redeem 1 designated lucky draw opportunity? 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was speechless at once.

He didn’t expect the difference in this ratio to be too great!

Moreover, listen to the meaning of the system, this exchange ratio, it has the final say!

However, Wang Mang was really reluctant, and used three random chances to exchange for a designated lottery chance.

Although Wang Mang also knew that the system’s designated lottery opportunities were indeed much more precious than random lottery opportunities.

But the problem is that if you have a random chance to draw a lottery, you might be lucky. What if you get a new template?

Even if he can’t get a template, maybe he is lucky, but he can get something else?

That’s it!

I don’t believe that you can’t get a template!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

“System! Use random chance to draw!”

The next moment, a Feng Shui compass appeared in Wang Mang’s mind.

But when he saw the prize on Feng Shui compass, Wang Mang was completely stunned.

The nine prizes are:

[Template: Star Python! 】

[Template: Taixuzu Jiulong! 】

[Template: Six-winged black dragon! 】

[Template: Eight-winged Swallowing Python! 】

[100 billion evolution value! 】

[66.6 billion evolution value! 】

[10 billion evolution value! 】

[Mind card: Emperor Netherworld (Heaven and Earth)! 】

[Xianpai: Emperor Zhenwu (Heaven and Earth)! 】

[God card: Wuyue Mountain God (Heaven and Earth)! 】

After watching the prizes.

This is why Wang Mang was shocked.

Because these prizes are all good things!

Except for the hottest chicken, it has an evolution value of 10 billion!

In addition, whether it is a template or a magic card!

It can be said that basically good things occupy almost eight things!

This is simply the case that one’s luck will not be too bad.

He can definitely get good things!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang almost couldn’t help crying.

These Earthly Celestial powerhouses, in order to compete for a card of the underworld, played very hard.

But the result? In Wang Mang’s random lottery, the top fairy card appeared!

Emperor Zhenwu immortal card! This position is super high! Even in the traditional fairy tales.

The position of Emperor Zhenwu is also a transcendent existence!

As for the Great Emperor Nether, don’t talk about it, just listen to the name and you will know that it is very leathery!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is even more looking forward to this draw!

If you can get him something good!

It’s also very good!

If you don’t give him a template, you can give him a brand!

In Wang Mang’s expectation.

Fortunately, Feng Shui compass started to spin quickly!

Similarly, Wang Mang was even more nervous and looking forward to it.

One minute later.

The speed of the system’s rotation finally slowed down.

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtained the magic card: Wuyueshan magic card! 】

【Ding! Does the host accept to be the God of Five Mountains? 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

He didn’t expect that he won the magic card!

Damn it! Is this lucky?

God of Wuyue Mountain!

This is definitely not a small role!

You know, the Five Mountains God refers to the five famous mountains!

Such a mountain god is definitely much higher than the land lords!

Even if Wang Mang doesn’t understand the tradition and the outline of the fairy god system, he can still guess it!

The next moment, a golden sign, appeared in front of Wang Mang’s eyes.

After seeing the golden sign in front of him, Wang Mang suddenly grasped it with excitement.

Moreover, as Wang Mang injected his own strength, this frontal message immediately showed the clergy.

[Position: Wuyue Mountain God].

[Requirements: Earthly Celestial].

[Level: sixth rank priesthood].

[Rights: Control and guard the Five Sacred Mountains! Five sacred mountains can be moved arbitrarily, and five landlords can be commissioned to guard the five sacred mountains. 】

[Benefit 1: After becoming the God of Five Mountains, Transcends Tribulation is not required before the host’s strength has not reached the fourth level! 】

[Benefit 2: After becoming the god of the five sacred mountains, you can move and control the five sacred mountains at will. Among the five sacred mountains, the combat power is blessed by 50%, and the combat power within the five sacred mountains is blessed by 20%. 】

[Benefit Three: You can grant rewards to five of the Nine-Rank priesthoods! Like the five land masters! Or five small mountain gods! 】

[Benefit 4: If you are killed by a strong enemy, the opponent will receive a very heavy backlash! In this world, the host’s lucky value is +200! 】

[Benefit 5: You can set up a statue to build a temple to be worshiped by the people, be enshrined by the people, and gain the power of faith! 】

Wang Mang couldn’t help being stunned after watching these five mountain gods.

Is this the power of the magical card of the Wuyue Mountain God?

It can be said that the benefits are much stronger than the land master!

Moreover, this thing even has combat power blessing!

Damn it! This is very heaven-defying!

As long as he is among the five famous mountains, his combat power can be blessed by 50%!

At this point, Wang Mang couldn’t be more surprised.

These immortal cards for blessing the earth are not there at all!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was very pleased and excited.

However, Wang Mang, who seemed to think of something, suddenly looked a little helpless.

Only then did he remember when he was in the Everest Mountains.

He has heard the black dragon Daoist say.

Now the famous mountains have been divided by the strong Earthly Celestial.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that even the realm of black and white impermanence ghosts and gods is just standing on Mount Everest.

But can Mount Everest be regarded as a famous mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains?

Not at all!

The five mountains are Dongyue Mount Tai, Nanyue Hengshan, Xiyue Huashan, Beiyue Hengshan, and Zhongyue Chongshan.

Therefore, Wang Mang worried that all the five mountains had been occupied.

At that time, the so-called Five Sacred Mountain God of himself is really just a name.

But the problem is that these five mountain gods have great powers!

It was beyond Wang Mang’s expectation that he was able to grant five princes to the land.

Five Lords of the Land! It is equivalent to five Earthly Celestial powerhouses, five celestial cards!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became a little tangled and depressed.

He felt that even if he accepted the priesthood of the Five Sacred Mountain Gods, he might not be able to become a true Five Sacred Mountain God.

But how powerful is this brand! And the priesthood is high!

At this point, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and said:

“System! I accept the identity of Wuyue Mountain God!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully accepted the position of Wuyue Mountain God! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get lucky value +200 (only in this world)! 】

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