Chapter 384 Choose one of the two, take the task, and kill the old man in a month and a half!

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was even more speechless.

He did not expect that the system would also agree with the proposal of the Lord of The Underworld on the 18th floor.

There was a corresponding task!

The key is that the reward for this task is still very generous.

How rich is it?

It was so rich that Wang Mang’s heart was moved when he saw it!

The task is not to face the earth public.

This certainly cannot solve the problem.

Because if he refused, he would not be able to pass the eighteenth level of The Underworld Lord at the moment.

At that time, even the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor will be offended!

Therefore, task one can basically be eliminated.

This task is totally unrealistic, and it is not in the interest.

As for task two?

Let Wang Mang eat six half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures and vomit it twice?

Did he vomit out what Wang Mang ate?


The dog king ate it and vomited it out.

But Wang Mang basically never vomited out what he ate!

Therefore, task two can basically be eliminated.

Then the answer in Wang Mang’s heart was obvious.

That’s right, it’s task three.

This task is the most difficult.

This task rewards the most.

Similarly, it was also a task that Wang Mang had to choose.

Fortunately, the rewards given by the system this time are large enough.

Moreover, there is no time limit.

Therefore, in Wang Mang’s view, it is still very good.

Of course, Wang Mang did not easily take over the task.

He must first discuss the time with the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said in a determined tone:

“Master of The Underworld, you also know that my strength is too far away.”

“So, Lord of The Underworld, you must give me enough time!”

“Otherwise, I’m really not sure to kill the old landlord! At least I have to be Earthly Celestial.”

After speaking, Wang Mang looked pitifully at the Lord of The Underworld.

The Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor was not surprised by Wang Mang’s final choice.

He roughly understood Wang Mang’s character from the mouth of the dog, and he was determined by Wang Mang’s choice.

Of course, Wang Mang wanted too much time, he couldn’t give it.

Therefore, the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, after looking at Wang Mang for a while, slowly said:

“I will give you one month!”

“According to the speed of your strength Ascension.”

“In less than a month, you will be able to reach Earthly Celestial.”

After hearing the words of the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

Wang Mang almost couldn’t help crying.

How optimistic about the Lord of the Eighteenth Floor The Underworld!

But what Wang Mang didn’t know was that the Lord of The Underworld on the 18th floor really liked him.

Because his Ascension speed is too fast, but the eighteenth floor The Underworld master knows his strength not long ago.

Because of this, the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor would conclude in one word that Wang Mang must be able to breakthrough Earthly Celestial within a month.

Because, Wang Mang’s current strength, basically judged by his aura, is no longer weaker than any pseudo Earthly Celestial.

Even if it is stronger or weaker than the aura, Wang Mang’s strength is even more terrifying than many pseudo-Earthly Celestial powerhouses.

Therefore, the face of Wang Mang has been selling badly, and the master of The Underworld on the 18th floor said indifferently:

“For one and a half months, if I didn’t see the old Duke Die die, then you and Liangzi of this seat will have forged!”

Speaking of this, the lord of The Underworld on the 18th floor threw the dog emperor to Wang Mang’s side with his hand, saying meaningfully:

“Good for yourself, you don’t need to put the words of this seat to put in one’s eyes.”

“You can ignore it. This seat only gives you one and a half months.”

“Within a month and a half, the old landlord died and the grievances were wiped out.”

“If you are not dead, you are ready to be killed by this seat, or be prepared to kill this seat!”

As soon as the voice fell, the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor turned into a cloud of black mist, which caused gusts of cloudy wind to sweep away.

Looking at the eighteenth floor of The Underworld Lord who disappeared in the sky in just a few moments, Wang Mang felt even more terrified.

Because, Wang Mang predicted that this guy’s speed had reached a terrifying level of 50,000 kilometers per hour.

It can be said that Wang Mang has also seen how fast the master of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor is among the strong.

Even, Wang Mang couldn’t help but think about the conspiracy theory, is this the master of the eighteenth floor The Underworld just waiting for the dog king to steal something?

Then he cut his own Hu, so he can come to the door, right?

After all, this is too suspicious.

The eighteenth floor, the master of The Underworld, since he can catch the king of dogs.

So it doesn’t make sense to let the dog king escape from the underworld in the first place!

At this moment, the dog emperor’s angry voice came: “Don’t guess.”

“If it hadn’t been for the daddy space shifter to run out, he wouldn’t be able to catch daddy!”

Hearing that, Wang Mang turned the huge snake’s head and looked at the ugly dog ​​emperor who looked like eating shit.

“What the hell is going on? I saved your life, don’t you tell me?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the dog king sneered:

“All the benefits of daddy have been taken away by you, will you save my life?”

“If you didn’t snatch my benefits, I would just return the treasure directly. Will it be caught?”

“Without the benefits of daddy, your current strength will Ascension so much?”

After hearing the words of the dog king, Wang Mang was very upset.

But he was really speechless and hard to refute.

Because what the emperor said is indeed the truth.

If there is no six half fairy Heavenly and Mortal Treasures provided by the King of Dogs.

His strength will not reach such a strong point now.

However, Wang Mang could see it.

This dog king has a lot of resentment towards own!

Do you want to be him?

This thought suddenly appeared in Wang Mang’s mind.

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang gave up this idea again.

After all, he still has a bottom line to be a demon.

He took advantage of others and killed him.

Wang Mang really couldn’t do such a wicked thing.

If he didn’t know him, Wang Mang might still be able to do it.

The point is that the dog king is one of the two monsters who are more familiar with him.

The other demon is naturally the bear demon king.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said solemnly:

“Now you are also saved. Isn’t this the consequence that I have to bear?”

“Now you can go! We are completely wiped out.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the dog emperor gritted his teeth and sneered:

“Now that I have eaten it and wiped it out, I feel that I have no use value. Are you ready to kick me?”

The words of the dog king instantly stunned Wang Mang, and said in a wrong tone:

“The question is, isn’t the danger now gone?”

“What are you staying for?”

Hearing this, the dog king’s eyes rolled straight, and he sneered:

“I will stay and wait for you to be killed.”

“I didn’t see you die, daddy was puzzled!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but yelled:

“Although Daddy is no longer a human being, you are a real dog!”

“How far to die, don’t force me to kill you!”

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