Chapter 568: Did you receive a bribe before he took office?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang gritted his teeth secretly, comforting himself in his heart.

What’s this frustration? It’s not something unbearable!

Just wait until the strength is strong, and then take revenge!

After thinking about it like this, Wang Mang felt much better in his aggrieved heart.

At this time, there was a wave of comments from the generals in the barracks.

The general headed slowly opened his mouth and said, “Shut up all of you!”

Hearing that, a group of controversial and noisy generals quieted down one after another.

Afterwards, their gazes also turned to the headed general.

Because how Wang Mang arranged it, he had the final say when he arrived in the barracks!

These five million celestial soldiers and generals, all have to listen to the arrangements of the generals.

Not only that, the status of the four generals is also very high.

There are only four generals under the command of Emperor Ziwei!

He is one of them, a total of 20 million celestial soldiers and generals, it can be said that he is in control!

It is much stronger than the marshal of the canopy, the naval forces in charge of the 100,000 Tianhe River, and so on.

Just kidding, one is the person in charge of the five million celestial soldiers and generals under the emperor’s command.

The status is naturally not low!


Wang Mang also quietly performed information detection.

The general’s message also surfaced.

Target: General Tianjun!

Grade: Da Luo Jinxian early stage.

Organization: Deputy second rank fairy officer.

This is obviously the message of the general in front of him.

To be honest, when he saw this guy’s information, Wang Mang couldn’t help being shocked.

Because only the Taibaijinxing who brought him to Emperor Ziwei’s command can overwhelm him.

In contrast, the great general of Luo Jinxian is even more coercive!

Thinking of Taibai Venus, Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling bitter.

When he came, he was going to be completely involved in the sect of Emperor Ziwei.

But now it’s okay, it’s not realistic to join the clan of Emperor Ziwei.

Do not! To be precise, it is completely impossible!

Because, Ziwei the Great humiliated Wang Mang so much.

The roots of the grievances between the two have been planted.

Wang Mang is not easy to bully either.

Naturally, it won’t be let alone.

After he really quit, it can be said that he really offended Ziwei and Jade Emperor.

Jade Emperor is not too dead to offend.

But if he really led the five million celestial soldiers and generals to quit, he would certainly offend the ruthless Ziwei Great Emperor. This is beyond doubt.

But when Wang Mang dared to quit, he didn’t care to offend the Ziwei Great Emperor.

At this time, the headed General Tianjun looked at Wang Mang for a moment.

He slowly said: “Your strength has reached Taiyi.”

“The captain of the day soldier is not suitable, so let’s do it!”

“How about this general who made you a promoted officer of the three heavenly soldiers?”

Hearing this, all the Jinjia generals present, and the silver generals were shocked.

Afterwards, at The next moment, a group of generals began to discourage:

“The general is not allowed!”

“Yes! How good is he? He can be promoted!”

“The general, don’t do this! This kid has offended the Great Ziwei!”

“Yeah! Great general, don’t be impulsive! How can this kid be promoted to a heavenly soldier?”

“The general, please think twice!”

“The general, please think twice!”

The reason why these generals are anxious.

The main reason is that this Heavenly Soldier has little power to be promoted.

But the power is not big, but it is stuck in the middle and lower ranks of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

For example.

This so-called Celestial Soldier was promoted to official rank.

In fact, it means mastering the middle and lower ranks in the barracks.

Just like a soldier in a previous life, each unit has a certain number of places to be promoted each year, but the competition is extremely fierce.

Although the competition is fierce, the question is whether to appoint or not. Your right to be promoted lies in the hands of the promoted officer of the heavenly soldiers.

It can be said that this is definitely a very lucrative location.

Moreover, the promotion of the Celestial Soldier is actually holding the lowest establishment and doing the most dragging things.

The official rank is not big, the power is great, even if the official rank is higher than the promotion of the heavenly soldier, the generals dare not easily offend the promoted official of the heavenly soldier.

Once you offend the Celestial Soldier’s promotion, which general will recommend the Celestial Soldier’s general in the future, don’t even think about getting the regular establishment in the barracks.

How will you cultivate cronies? The ascending channels are all stuck, and the cronies must be eccentric.

Therefore, the right of this position is not insignificant, on the contrary it is quite large!

at the same time.

Although Wang Mang didn’t know if this position was good.

But I saw a group of generals opposed him.

Needless to say, it must be in a good location.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was secretly delighted, and quickly respected the cupped hands and said: “Respect the general’s decree!”

Hearing this, the headed General Tianjun nodded in satisfaction, and cast aside the generals who were strongly opposed to it, and gave a cold snort.

In the camp of these five million heavenly soldiers and generals, he still has the final say.

The reason why he let Wang Mang take this position was because he was afraid that the other three generals would have mastered some key positions in his barracks.

Therefore, he would rather give this last position to an unknown character like Wang Mang than assign it to the generals in the barracks.

Hearing that the generals ignored their dissuasion, all the generals looked stiff and ugly, but they dared not speak.

This general is an old man under the command of the Great Ziwei, and his loyalty to the Great Ziwei is self-evident.

But they never expected that this general would actually put such an important position.

Give it to a very dissatisfied person who is the Great Emperor Ziwei.

It’s a pity that it’s done, and it’s useless for them to say anything.

At this time, the general satisfactorily cast his eyes to Wang Mang before waving his hand and saying:

“Arnold! Take our Celestial Soldier promoted officer to report.”

Hearing this, a young silver-clad general standing beside the general nodded respectfully.

After that, Wang Mang walked out of the central barracks tent with a smile.

After walking out of the tent, the young silver armored general named Arnold enthusiastically pleased:

“Fellow daoist will take care of me more in the future!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately surprised to himself, then nodded and said with a smile: “They are all brothers in the same robe, of course.”

After seeing Wang Mang’s answer, the silver armored young general suddenly said enthusiastically:

“Fellow daoist, in the new batch of appointment approval documents, there is an appointment approval document under my hand, and I also asked fellow daoist to go to the military appointment camp to help me say a few words.”

While speaking, the silver armored young general suddenly produced a jug of wine out of thin air, and handed it to Wang Mang with enthusiasm: “Fellow daoist, this is a rare fairy brewed Baiguo wine, to relieve fellow daoist’s greed.”

Good guys! It seems that this Celestial Soldier’s promotion is really a good position!

It is definitely a fat difference with a lot of oil and water!

to be honest.

This is the first time Wang Mang has accepted bribes in Heaven Court!

Oh, no, it’s a gift!

This also made Wang Mang’s eyes glaring.

He is increasingly looking forward to the upcoming promotion of the Celestial Soldier.

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