Chapter 588 is not very harmful, very insulting! The old phlegm of 1982!

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was taken aback again.

Can this be considered a task?

This system deliberately sends us energy value, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was suddenly delighted in his heart.

The four tasks are clear at a glance.

The task of first prostitution is impossible.

With so few rewards, it’s impossible for a prostitute to pay.

Therefore, task one can be eliminated!

The second task, the reward is still very small.

And what’s the use of a lesson?

Since Wang Mang wanted to make a move, he would not just give a simple lesson, but would directly eliminate the roots.

After all, the hatred between this guy and him can be said to be endless.

So the second task can also be eliminated.

It’s the task of three cutting the grass and rooting out the roots, and the rewards are not bad, not too much or too little.

Compared with the fourth task, it is indeed a bit less, but it is not bad.

Because in Wang Mang’s view, task three is the most suitable for him.

It’s best to get rid of this guy directly.

As for the fourth task, reconcile with the other party, and then join the other party’s forces?

This is basically impossible, okay!

After all, it is impossible to change to anyone.

I offended the other party to death, and now I go to find someone to reconcile.

This is so bad for being a strong immortal!

After all, the Xianzun powerhouse is also a Tier 4 peak powerhouse anyway.

It is absolutely impossible to have such a big belly.

Anyway, if it was Wang Mang, he absolutely couldn’t stand it.

Therefore, Wang Mang almost concluded that this task could not be completed.

At this point, Wang Mang silently said in his heart without hesitation:

“System I choose task three!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After hearing the system’s voice, Wang Mang was also relieved.

It’s a joy to cut the weeds and roots!

Besides, first-class forces, he can join in at will.

At this time, seeing the other person who didn’t recognize own at all, Wang Mang couldn’t help but grinned, his eyes playful: “What? Didn’t you recognize me?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Lu Guan was shocked and said in secret: Did this kid spot him?

Especially when he looked up at Wang Mang, Lu Guan’s expression suddenly became gloomy after a playful look.

He knew that Wang Mang had clearly recognized him, otherwise he would not look at him playfully.

Thinking that he had been exposed, Lu Guan was no longer hiding his nature. He looked at Wang Mang with a distorted face, gritted his teeth and said:

“You crap! If you hadn’t framed daddy, how could daddy fall to where it is today?”

“If it weren’t for you, daddy had done a good business at the back door of Shengdi Academy. He would already be able to hit Tier 5!”

“It’s all you! It ruined Daddy’s excellent opportunity to hit the Tier 5 powerhouse!”

Having said that, Lu Guan looked hideous and distorted, and his angry voice almost turned into a roar.

Because what he said was indeed true, if it hadn’t been for Wang Mang to harm him, he was still doing business at the back door of Saint Emperor Academy.

Even, maybe it has accumulated enough background.

Then, it is not impossible to successfully attack the fifth-order powerhouse!

Of course, all this is just an idealized state!

But it can also be seen, if there is no Wang Mang.

He will live very comfortably now!

As a result, Wang Mang’s frame-up made him completely mad.

After renting, he was wanted by Shengdi Academy and betrayed Shengdi Academy.

After betraying the Shengdi Academy, his life was utterly displaced and embarrassed.

In the end, he ended up in Qingmu City, always trapped in a million mountains.

Hear the sound of the other side almost roaring.

And the other party’s very bitter eyes.

Wang Mang’s heart is so dangerous!

Fortunately, he did not choose the settlement with the most rewards.

This guy is so angry with him, how can it be reconciled?

However, now Wang Mang didn’t care anymore.

Seeing that the other party hated him so much, Wang Mang couldn’t help but roll his eyes and thought in his heart.

Under Lu Guan’s gnashing gaze, Wang Mang mocked and unbridled provocation: “Do you want to kill me?”

“Let me tell you! Since I squeezed out your business, the business of my booth is so good that it is overwhelming!”

“Did you see my current Realm? This is all the credit for robbing your stall business!”

“If I hadn’t squeezed out your booth, I would have taken over the business of Medicine Pill’s booth alone, and there would be no Cultivation Base as high as today.”

Speaking of this, Wang Mang was full of emotions, and a full-fledged villain had a sense of ambition.

Similarly, Lu Guan, who had never stopped dying to Wang Mang.

After hearing the real reason why Wang Mang was so strong.

Lu Guan even wanted to slash Wang Mang with a thousand swords to relieve his hatred!

Moreover, at this moment, Lu Guan was already too angry to speak, his face turned red and twisted, and his appearance was particularly scary.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn’t help but smile to himself.

He knew that this guy was successfully angered by him again.

Then it will be easy!

He just needs to continue to provoke him.

It’s best to let this guy intolerable.

At that time, he turned around and walked outside Qingmu City, this guy will definitely catch up to kill him.

At this point, Wang Mang cast his eyes to Lu Guan with disdain, and sneered:

“How? Isn’t it terrible to kill me?”

“It’s a pity! You didn’t have a chance to kill daddy at the beginning, do you think you have a chance to kill me now?”

“As long as I want to run, do you think you have a chance to catch me?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang suddenly laughed arrogantly, and at the same time spit out sputum at Lulu Pass.

What Wang Mang didn’t expect was that he didn’t know if he vomited too accurately.

This sputum of 82 years old fell on this guy’s face accurately!

Damn it! ?

to be honest.

Wang Mang dare to swear.

He really didn’t mean it!

He didn’t even think about vomiting on the other side’s face.

But who knows, it’s such a coincidence if you use too much force!

It was such a coincidence that I just vomited on Lu Guan’s face!

Lu Guan, who was already so angry, his face instantly stiffened.

After regaining his senses, Lu Guan exploded instantly on the spot!

It can be said to be irritated by the old sputum vomited by Wang Mang!

He looked at Wang Mang with split eyes, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and he roared:

“Ahhhhh~! Little bastard! Daddy is going to kill you now!”

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