Chapter 612 Displaying the Wrath of Gods and Demons! Like a great demon!

In this way, Wang Mang can definitely gain a lot of energy!

After all, these guys are all Tier 5 powerhouses!

It’s impossible to be worthless at all, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but get a little excited.

As long as he kills enough!

Maybe the price paid this time to cast the wrath of the gods and demons can be made up for.

Oh my god!

Damn it!

My Wang Mang is indeed a genius!

This method can be thought of!

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang admired his own ingenuity a little.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Wang Mang still didn’t do it.

He is still watching and waiting for the time to come!

Because once Wang Mang’s wrath of the gods and demons is displayed, there is also a time limit.

But how long this time limit lasts is unknown to Wang Mang.

Therefore, Wang Mang’s ideal hands-on time is actually the last day!

Because this is the safest time!

In addition, looking at the current situation, these people will only get more and more jealous.

Therefore, Wang Mang didn’t worry about these people slipping away at all.

When he comes, as long as he suppresses all the victors among these people, victory is at your fingertips!

With this thought, Wang Mang’s mentality was extremely relaxed, and he secretly said:

“Fight! It’s best to fight as hard as possible!”

“Anyway, the final winner must be me!”

The feeling of being at ease and having everything under control made Wang Mang very fascinated.

It’s like, these people in front of me are all Monkey Monkeys, and they are destined to be unable to escape his Wuzhishan!

But to Wang Mang’s relief, the battle really became more and more fierce as time went by.

At the moment, just in the open area nearby, several immortal emperor-level powerhouses have already lain down.

It is estimated that if we fight until tomorrow, it is unknown whether the last ten are left.

But Wang Mang was naturally happy to hear about this.

In addition, what surprised Wang Mang most was this outstanding young man in white clothes.

The combat power is too special!

Even in the face of the four middle-stage powerhouses of the four immortal emperors, he is still able to fall into the wind as soon as possible, but there is no life threatening situation.

On the contrary, he was originally a strong man in the middle stage of the five immortal emperors, but was killed by him, so only four were left.

But after this Peerless Tianjiao killed a strong man in the middle stage of the immortal emperor, he also made the four strong men of the middle stage of the immortal emperor have to be more cautious.

Therefore, this led to the fact that this peerless Tianjiao fell into a disadvantage for a while.

However, this has nothing to do with Wang Mang. If this peerless Tianjiao is dead, he will be able to use the wrath of the gods and demons at that time, and he will be able to pay less.

After all, this peerless realm of Tianjiao obviously only has the Xiandi Third Stage days, but the combat power is fully reached the Xiandi Fifth Stage days!

This is also the reason why the other party can become a peerless Tianjiao!

All in all, Wang Mang is really envious of such a guy.

For example, if only within Tier 4, Wang Mang has the confidence to leapfrog the two small Realms to suppress the enemy.

But in the fifth rank, Wang Mang had no such confidence.

Among Tier 4, even if Wang Mang was not a peerless Tianjiao, he was not much different.

But in the case of Tier 5, Wang Mang would not dare to say that he was a peerless arrogant.

Similarly, An Lan was at the level of Wang Mang at the fifth level.

Although it has not reached the peerless Tianjiao, it is not much worse.

In a blink of an eye.

Another day passed.

In this time of day.

Wang Mang saw it with his own eyes.

Originally dozens of immortal emperor-level powerhouses, now only 15 immortal emperor-level powerhouses are left to fight.

Among them, the four immortal emperors, intermediate powerhouses, still have no winners and losers from the peerless Tianjiao.

In addition, the remaining ten immortal emperor-level powerhouses are obviously only the Realm of the immortal emperor’s Third Stage, but the combat power is probably not weaker than the immortal emperor’s Fourth Stage.

This cliff is also among the best in the same Realm.

After all, there are nearly two hundred immortal emperor early stage powerhouses.

The results of it?

Most of them are dead.

But they still survived.

It can be seen from here that these guys are not simple.

This is actually quite normal. If they don’t have the skills, how can they survive to the end?

Of course, except for those who choose to hide.

The guy hiding is relying on his ability to hide and seek.

But these people really survived by their ability.

However, they were not so lucky afterwards.

Because this is the last day of fifteen days.

Similarly, Wang Mang had to endure for so long, and he was going to make a move!

This is the end of my thought.

Wang Mang hardly hesitated before displaying the wrath of the gods and demons!

The next moment, after casting the wrath of the gods and demons!

Wang Mang felt his whole body and began to burn.

Not only that, but Wang Mang felt as if he had endless power all over his body.

This power swelled crazily in the body, as if it could burst him at any time.

But strangely, this power seemed to know where Wang Mang’s limit was.

When Wang Mang felt that his body was about to explode, the speed of this huge force slowed down again.

This also led to the rapid expansion of Wang Mang’s strength!

Originally, he was only the Realm of Xianzun’s pinnacle, and he broke through the fifth stage in just a few moments!

Xiandi First Stage day!

Celestial Emperor First Stage at the top of the sky!

Xiandi Second Stage day!

Xiandi Second Stage, the peak of the sky!

Xiandi Third Stage day!

Xiandi Fourth Stage Day!

Celestial Emperor Fifth Stage day!

Until Wang Mang’s Realm reached the peak of the fairy emperor Fifth Stage.

Wang Mang’s strength did not continue to soar.

On the contrary, this endless force was completely exhausted when Ascension reached the peak of the Celestial Emperor Fifth Stage.

at the same time.

Great changes have taken place in Wang Mang’s whole body.

Even he didn’t even notice that his current appearance was totally different from the original one.

I saw that Wang Mang was full of vast aura, filled with a faint black aura, and his eyes were blood red.

He has long hair in a shawl, which has turned into red hair, fluttering in a mess with the wind.

Not only that, he originally wore a white robe, but he has already turned into a black robe.

At this moment, Wang Mang felt like a great demon from The Underworld!

Especially the aura that exudes from his whole body is very evil and weird.

He just stood proudly in the air, but he gave people a great feeling of oppression and palpitations!

At the same time, when Wang Mang’s aura soared and reached the peak of the fairy emperor Fifth Stage.

The immortal emperor powerhouses who were still fighting in the originally empty place stopped one after another.

They looked suspiciously at Wang Mang.

Because Wang Mang appeared too weird.

They didn’t even notice when Wang Mang appeared!

However, Wang Mang exudes a terrifying atmosphere all over his body.

However, all the people present have heard of it!

Because, Wang Mang who displays the wrath of gods and demons.

At this moment, his breath is too strong!

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