Chapter 628 Massive Immortal Stones! Have you met the basic conditions for the fifth-order impact?

Wang Mang suddenly smiled with anger, and immediately said coldly:

“Good good! This seat will make you perfect!”

“Which seat will cut you thousands of times every day.”

“Anyway, you have reached Tier 4, you can’t die if you want to, it will be long enough to torture.”

“This seat wants you to survive but not to die!”

“Don’t worry! There are so many ways to torture people!”

“I want to see how hard your bones are!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Yang Jingze’s face suddenly changed drastically.

He is indeed not afraid of death, but if it is torture, he absolutely can’t stand it.

Not to mention the endless torture!

Especially when I think of it, Wang Mang uses various methods of torture every day.

Just thinking about it, he couldn’t help his scalp numb, only feeling his heart trembling.

The next moment, Yang Jingze’s face suddenly became resolute, and he was about to blew himself up on the spot.

But Wang Mang obviously guessed the other party’s thoughts, and immediately used his Qi machine to lock this guy instantly.

Afterwards, Wang Mang couldn’t help but sneered:

“Why? Scared? I want to blew myself now? It’s too late!”

“You have no chance to die in front of this seat!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Yang Jingze finally panicked.

He looked at Wang Mang angrily, gritted his teeth and said: “Kill me if you have the ability!”

The corner of Wang Mang’s mouth rose slightly, and he reached out his hand and said indifferently:

“You! Get me some feces to feed him!”

Wang Mang’s words stunned the thin middle-aged man.

He never expected that Wang Mang would humiliate Young Master Yang in this way.

Sure enough, Yang Jingze panicked when he heard Wang Mang wanted to feed him feces.

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, but Wang Mang wants to humiliate him, and also wants to torture him!

In fright, he couldn’t help it even more, and said with grief and anger:

“Stop! I say! I say!”

“But you must swear not to kill me!”

Seeing that the other party is softened.

Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction:

“Very good! That’s right!”

“Your condition, I have agreed.”

“As long as you tell the Yang family’s immortal stone treasure, this seat will naturally let you go.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Yang Jingze felt much better now.

But at this time, the Yang family crowd in the distance heard a burst of anger:

“Yang Jingze, you are greedy for life and fear of death, and you are not worthy to be the young master of the Yang family!”

“Yes! You beast who is afraid of life and death! You betrayed the Yang family and stolen a life, are you worthy of the Yang family?”

“A beast! A beast that is inferior to a pig and a dog! Yang Jingze, the ancestor will not let you go!”

Suddenly, these Yang family members became angry and screamed at Yang Jingze.

It can be said that all ugly words were scolded.

This also made Yang Jingze look very ugly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang frowned slightly, and was about to order the Emperor Shadow Corps to kill.

At this time, Yang Jingze suddenly gritted his teeth and said: “Senior, come with me!”

After speaking, Yang Jingze walked towards the depths of the Yang family mansion.

Wang Mang suddenly nodded in satisfaction.

He likes people who know the current affairs!

Soon, under the leadership of Yang Jingze.

Wang Mang and An Lan came to an inconspicuous miscellaneous room.

This room looks like it is used to pile up debris.

Can walk into this utility room.

Under Wang Mang’s surprised gaze.

Yang Jingze opened a secret compartment.

The next moment!


The secret path of the agency has appeared!

An underground passage appeared in front of Wang Mang!

After seeing this passage, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up.

When this underground passage appeared.

Wang Mang was able to feel the immortal energy that came to his face was very rich!

This proves that there are definitely a lot of good things under this channel!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately pushed Yang Jingze and said coldly: “Lead the way ahead!”

Yang Jingze immediately walked into the underground passage stunned.

After entering the underground passage, Wang Mang saw a scene that shocked him!

This is a huge storage place with many things!

There are weapons and treasures, as well as mountains of celestial stones, and even Medicine Pill.

In addition, there are pill recipe and pill refining furnace, as well as various talisman papers and so on.

“This…this Yang family is too rich!”

At this moment, An Lan’s shocked exclamation sound came from behind him.

Obviously, after he had just entered, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

The piles of celestial stones alone are several times more than the number of celestial stones found in the Supreme Cemetery last time!

Wang Mang was not much better either.

Although he was prepared, he knew that the Yang family’s background was very rich.

But looking at the piles of immortal stones, Wang Mang still felt extremely shocked.

The next moment, Wang Mang couldn’t help taking the lead in putting away these immortal stones.

Just when Wang Mang was about to continue to collect the rest.

An Lan walked up and said quickly: “Master, give me these talisman papers!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded after thinking about it.

Among these rune papers, there are various kinds of rune papers, and most of them are fifth-order rune papers.

It should be worthwhile to think about it, but the first time An Lan spoke to him, Wang Mang couldn’t refuse it, wasn’t it?

Moreover, Wang Mang knew that Anlan cultivation also needed a lot of materials.

With a thought at this point, Wang Mang simply waved his hand:

“Take all these things away!”

“You also need a lot of resources for cultivation!”

“This seat only needs immortal stone!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, An Lan opened his eyebrows and smiled briefly: “Thank you, Lord!”

After speaking, An Lan put away the rest of the storage room unceremoniously.

Moreover, An Lan was not inferior to Wang Mang, scraping away all the things that might be treasures in the entire basement!

After half an hour.

Both Wang Mang and An Lan were sure that there was no other treasure in the basement.

Only then did Wang Mang lift Yang Jingze with satisfaction, and left the underground passage with An Lan.

After returning to the Yang family mansion, Wang Mang gave an order:

“Kill all of these Yang family members for me!”

As Wang Mang’s voice just fell, the members of the Emperor Shadow Corps once again attacked the Yang Family.

Suddenly, there were screams and screams endlessly!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged thin man was panicked. He looked at it uneasy and said, “Senior, you said you wouldn’t kill me.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang rolled his eyes, and the thin middle-aged man, who was almost scared, suddenly smiled indifferently;

“Don’t worry, you idiot, you don’t have much loyalty to the Yang family when you want to come here, so I’m naturally talking about it.”

After that, Wang Mang rolled his eyes and raised the corner of Yang Jingze’s mouth, “Don’t worry, I will let you go.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, Yang Jingze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He betrayed the Yang family now.

If Wang Mang regrets not letting him go.

He was also helpless.

It can be seen from the current situation.

The credibility of this senior is obviously very good!

After half an hour.

Thousands of people in Yang’s mansion all died tragically!

At the same time, in Wang Mang’s mind, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 15 million energy points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the fairy-level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the fairy-level blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The basic conditions for the energy value required for the fifth-order impact have been met! 】

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