Chapter 636 Summoning the subordinates of the fifth-tier powerhouse? Another Tier 5 Supreme appeared?

After reading personal information.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

good! very good!

To be honest, Wang Mang couldn’t possibly start to attack Tier 5 now!

But after thinking about it, Wang Mang felt that he had better summon a Tier 5 powerhouse to protect him from the law.

After all, in the world of Journey to the West, every fifth-tier strong breakthrough is estimated to attract a lot of people’s attention.

There is a fifth-order powerhouse who protects the law, is it better than nothing?

In addition, Wang Mang needs a Tier 5 powerhouse to help him in the Journey to the West.

At that time, he will have An Lan on the Saint Emperor Continent, and there will be strong players in the Journey to the West, and he will be more like a fish in water.

Therefore, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: “System! Use the summoning card of the fifth-order powerhouse!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the summoning card of Tier 5 powerhouse! 】

【Ding! Please exclude the two subordinates who do not want to summon the host! 】

[Objective 1: Dark Giant Mora! 】

[Realm: Level five. 】

[Character: unknown. 】

[Origin: From the top big world, a giant who is silent in the dark world. 】

[Famous saying: born in the dark, will eventually return to the dark! 】

[Goal 2: God of Blessing! 】

[Realm: Level five. 】

[Character: unknown. 】

[Origin: from the top god-tier spiritual world, a member of the gods! 】

[Famous saying: When you believe in God, God will surely bless you! 】

[Goal 3: Wild Heavenly Emperor! 】

[Realm: Level five. 】

[Character: unknown. 】

[Origin: From the top Fantasy world. 】

[Famous saying: The enemy who is defeated in my hands will never be regarded as an opponent by me. I will give you time to catch up until you can’t see it in the distance! 】

[Objective 4: Emperor Wu Shi. 】

[Realm: Level five. 】

[Character: arrogant. 】

[Origin: From the top Fantasy world. 】

[Famous saying: Who is the front at the end of the fairy road? 】

[Objective 5: Dugu Emperor. 】

[Realm: The fifth-order supreme. 】

[Character: unknown. 】

[Origin: unknown. 】

[Famous saying: Who is invincible in the heavens and all realms? The fifth-order emperor alone! 】

[Objective 6: Unknown. 】

[Realm: Unknown. 】

[Origin: unknown. 】

[Famous quote: unknown. 】

After watching the six summoning targets.

No, it should be said that there are five, and one is unknown.

If these six subordinates really let Wang Mang choose one.

Then Wang Mang wanted to choose Dugudi the most.

Because, among these five goals, Dugudi is the strongest.

Why do you say that?

Because the Realm of Emperor Dugu is the fifth-order supreme!

The fifth-tier supreme is comparable to the Saint Emperor Continent, the master of the supreme cemetery, and the same first-level existence!

Moreover, Wang Mang knew what the supreme represented in the fifth rank!

Supreme means that in the fifth rank, basically no one can suppress him.

Such an existence, even in the heavens and worlds, is an extremely terrifying existence.

At least in the Realm of Tier 5, the Supreme Being is the highest being.

How powerful is the one who can become the fifth-tier supreme at the fifth-tier?

The future breakthrough 6th level is basically a certainty!


Of course Wang Mang wanted Dugudi.

This was also the first time Wang Mang wanted to summon a subordinate target so strongly.

Because of the words of Emperor Dugu, it means that he can walk sideways in the fifth rank!

Even in the Saint Emperor Continent and Journey to the West, Wang Mang could almost walk sideways!

After pondering for a while, Wang Mang muttered silently in his heart: “System! I choose to exclude Target 1 and Target 2!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully choose the target that you don’t want to summon! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder host! The summoned target men will appear within three days! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was even more in a good mood.

If it’s the system father, just summon Emperor Dugudi to be his subordinate.

With a Tier 5 Supreme as his subordinate, Wang Mang can take off on the spot!

As for the rest of the goals, Wang Mang knew even if he didn’t have to guess, he couldn’t compare to Dugu Emperor.

Even if other target men are stronger than Dugu Emperor, Wang Mang still likes Dugu Emperor.

Because Dugudi’s potential is too great.

Among the fifth-order, no one has the potential talent, dare to say that it is bigger than the fifth-order supreme.

Even the heavens and the realms are like this!

Because it can be called the supreme existence in the fifth level.

Talent has basically reached the highest level.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally liked the fifth-order supreme more.

After all, even if Wang Mang broke through the fifth-order immortal emperor.

He is just a peerless Tianjiao in the fifth rank.

Therefore, it is normal for Wang Mang to want Dugudi even more.

After all, this Dugu Emperor is a fifth-order supreme recognized by the system.

Similarly, he is also very much looking forward to, what will the strength of the Tier 5 powerhouse summoned this time reach?

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Wang Mang adjusted his own state in Closed Door Training.

Because, he will attack the existence of the five classes next, so he will naturally adjust the state to the best.

Moreover, Wang Mang also had a general understanding of Tier 5.

According to the system, it is.

It is very difficult to break through the fifth level!

Because, if it is said that Tier 4 has already passed the single-plank bridge by the Wanjun.

Then, the so-called fifth-order, the difficulty is hundreds of times greater than the fourth-order.

Among the heavens and all realms, there are millions of fourth-order existences that can produce a fifth-order one.

If the impact Realm fails, it will be severely injured and dying, or the soul will fly and annihilate the true spirit!

All in all, wanting to hit the fifth rank is also extremely dangerous.

What makes Wang Mang’s scalp numb is that this success rate has reached one in a million!

The probability of this is too low.

Fortunately, Wang Mang got three fifth-order treasures.

Sufficient success rate Ascension reached the point of 30%.

These three treasures are what is needed to impact the fifth-order powerhouse.

They are: Sand of Time, Karma Line, Life Stone.

It was these Sanyo things that allowed Wang Mang to have a 30% success rate!

Otherwise, the probability of Wang Mang’s breakthrough to the fifth level is one in a million!

Maybe even lower!

Because his 30% success rate is only possible with the help of the system.

At this moment, outside the door of Closed Door Training, a voice came:

“Enlighten General Longwei, there is a super power outside, saying that he is here to take refuge in the general.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, his face full of joy.

Because, if he expected it well, obviously the strong man he had summoned appeared.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stood up excitedly and couldn’t wait to walk outside the Closed Door Training area.

He wanted to know whether the strong man he had summoned could be Emperor Dugu?

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