Chapter 694 Wang Mang is a little flustered! Instigation from the system, Tier 5 Supreme Experience Card?

What horrified Wang Mang even more.

The breath of this phantom is obviously only the power of the Holy Emperor Third Stage Heaven.

But it has the coercion almost comparable to that of a god emperor!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress Wang Mang, and it would be difficult to even move the bullet!

At this moment, Wang Mang finally knew, Wolong’s trump card!

This guy’s top god-tier pass is a summoning top god-tier pass!

Moreover, the phantom image summoned by the Wolong Son is absolutely terrifying!

In fact, Wang Mang really guessed right!

When Wolong Shengzi saw the phantom he had summoned.

He himself was stunned!

Because he never expected that he would summon the fifth-order supreme phantom!

The fifth-order supreme phantom!

This is something he never expected!

And this fifth-order juvenile supreme phantom.

The strength that was once in the Holy Emperor Third Stage is still invincible!

Because, the fifth-order young supreme, in the Saint Emperor Third Stage Realm, is still invincible!

This is why, this phantom is so terrifying!

Thinking of this, Ao Tianhen couldn’t help laughing: “My Son of Ten Thousand Demons, heaven will kill you!”

“Since I learned this magical power, I have never summoned a supreme phantom, but you met it today!”

Yes, Aotianhen didn’t lie, it was indeed the first time he summoned the Supreme phantom!

At this moment, he is simply invincible!

Because the supreme phantom he summoned is too powerful!

Among Tier 5, no one has ever been able to compete with the Supreme!

Even if it was just a phantom, Wang Mang was not able to contend!

Because of this, Wang Mang is not certain to die. What is it?

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang’s face was very ugly.

Under this terrifying coercion, he did feel that it was very difficult for him to even move, let alone an angry counterattack.

Under the fright and anger, Wang Mang became a little flustered.

Because this aura is too strong, so strong that it can’t be contended at all.

Obviously it was only the Holy Emperor Third Stage Sky, but the aura was no doubt the same as that of the God Emperor.

This proves that this phantom possesses the strength of a god emperor!

Think of Wolong Shengzi’s words again.

Wang Mang’s desire to die is gone!

This is too fucking unlucky, right?

This guy summoned the Supreme phantom for the first time.

and. I happened to be hit by him again!

At this moment.


There was a loud noise!

I saw that the enchantment on the battlefield could not withstand the pressure and exploded completely.

The horrible breath swept away, making the entire Wolong City as the center, rippling away like a terrifying storm!

boom! boom! boom!

Where this horrible aura swept through, all was a mess!

Even the sky became pitch black like ink, and the wind was surging.

at the same time.

The entire arena retreated in panic.

Likewise, everyone was in shock.

All his eyes were fixed on the stalwart figure in the arena.

The expressions in his eyes were full of horror and awe.

Because it’s been too long since the Supreme has appeared!

Don’t talk about the fifth-tier supreme in the Saint Emperor Continent!

Even the fifth-order myth Tianjiao hasn’t appeared for a long time.

But now he has been summoned out of a supreme phantom!

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion!

“Is this the fifth-order supreme?”

“It’s too powerful! Even the battlefield enchantment arranged by the god emperor strong is shattered!”

“Oh my God! Did you reach the god emperor just by your breath?”

“It’s terrible! How can I fight this? The son of Sacred Land is definitely dead!”

“Is this the supreme? Just breath is already suffocating!”

“Even the god emperor is not so terrible, right?”

Obviously, so some people were stunned by this supreme phantom!

Similarly, the Wolong Saint Child who summoned this supreme phantom also stared at the supreme phantom.

Because he is too far away from becoming the fifth-order supreme!

at the same time.

Wang Mang was also unwilling.

Especially with this supreme coming towards him.

Wang Mang felt like a knife cut all over, with terrifying coercion, as if to crush his body!

Moreover, Wang Mang suspected that if this supreme phantom was approaching a little, he would explode and die before he did it!

Therefore, there are only two choices before Wang Mang.

Either use the wrath of the gods and demons to fight this supreme phantom.

Either, run away immediately!

It is impossible to cast the wrath of gods and demons.

Already, once the wrath of the gods and demons is displayed.

The price Wang Mang paid was too great!

He must Ascension to the god emperor level existence!

In other words, he needs at least Ascension 10 small Realm!

Otherwise, it is simply not enough to compete with this supreme phantom!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was about to give up.

Because the wrath of the gods and demons is not worth it!

The next moment, as Wang Mang thought silently in his heart, the colorful teleportation stone already appeared in his hand.

Just as Wang Mang was about to cast the colorful teleportation stone and ran away.

Then the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected, and the host is given the following task choices! 】

[Task first: Facing the supreme phantom, choose to avoid the edge for the time being! 】

[Task time: You can get it by choosing! 】

[Task reward: 500 million energy value! Advanced blind box X1! 】

[Task 2: Facing the supreme phantom, choose to compete with it! 】

【Task time: You can get it by choosing. 】

[Task reward: 1 billion energy value! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! 】

[Task 3: Face the Supreme phantom, defeat it and break it up! 】

【Task time: You can get it by choosing. 】

[Task Reward: Tier 5 Supreme Experience Card X1! 1 billion energy value! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Talent worth 10 points! 】

[Note: You can choose to get the task reward first. If the host cannot complete the task, the reward will be doubled and deducted! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

This task appeared too suddenly!

The point is, this system is so special that he encourages him to fight against the Supreme phantom!

Now this supreme phantom, Wang Mang estimated that his strength should be in the fourth stage of the god emperor!

God Emperor Fourth Stage God! This is the equivalent of Sage Fourth Stage!

As a result, the system actually encouraged him to fight with Sage?

This system… is too worthy of yourself, right?

But the only thing that made Wang Mang’s eyes bright was.

The rewards are also very generous!

Don’t say task one and task two.

But the reward for task three is really rich!

Tier 5 Extreme Experience Card!

Doesn’t this mean that after using the Supreme Experience Card.

He can also have the strength of the fifth-order supreme?

Moreover, the system still rewards him first.

Let him fight with this supreme phantom first?

This can be said to be a steady profit without a loss!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang’s eyes lit up and his heart moved.

The next moment, Wang Mang had a decision in his heart.

Once he has used the fifth-order supreme experience card.

At that time, he must also have supreme combat power.

In the case where everyone is supreme combat power.

What if the other party is a supreme phantom?

Who is afraid of whom!

That’s it!

This is the end of my thought.

Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

“System! I choose task three!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 1 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the Xianwang level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain the fairy king class blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a Tier 5 Supreme Experience Card! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 10 talent points! 】

【Ding! Accumulate to meet the evolutionary conditions, does it begin to evolve? 】

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