Chapter 723 Wang Mang’s Forced Fight, Wolong Son Who Was Incomparably Shame and Anger!

This sense of crisis put a lot of pressure on Wang Mang.

Originally, Wang Mang had decided to kill Wolong Shengzi, and then hunt some more, the rest of the world’s arrogance.

After all, he couldn’t specifically kill the Tianjiao of the Eastern Heaven Realm, right?

Therefore, Wang Mang originally planned to kill the Empress of Wolong Shengzi.

Hunt down some arrogances in the southern, western, northern, and even middle heavens to gain talent.

But this growing sense of crisis completely disrupted Wang Mang’s plan.

Even Wang Mang was already impatiently trying to do it!

Because Wang Mang didn’t know who was targeting him in this crisis.

Or could other Tianjiao feel this way too?

If it was the latter, Wang Mang could still feel a little relieved.

But if it is the former, he has to be more careful.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw a crowd of Tianjiao, and stopped one after another.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became a little puzzled.

What are these guys doing?

At this time, Wang Mang heard the voices of the crowds of arrogances.

“I don’t know why, the more I enter the depths of the Million Mountain Range, I feel a kind of uneasy feeling, and it gets stronger and stronger.”

“Yeah! What is going on with me too? I thought I was the only one feeling this way!”

“I also thought that I was the only one who felt this way. If it weren’t for everyone else, I would like to stay in Zhongtian City for a while before leaving.”

“Is this crisis in the Million Mountains?”

“Anyway, we must be careful.”

After hearing the voices of the Tianjiao.

Wang Mang’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Because this shows that this sense of crisis is not only directed at him.

It is for all the tianjiao who have entered the millions of mountains.

Or it is for all Tianjiao.

Of course, Wang Mang didn’t know whether the Tianjiao of the Central Heaven Realm also had this sense of crisis.

However, Wang Mang still maintained the vigilance he should have.

At the same time, Wang Mang also began to look for opportunities to shoot.

Because, now these arrogances.

It has been two days since I entered the Million Mountain Range.

Wang Mang felt that it was time to do it.

At this point, Wang Mang began to observe the surroundings, after confirming that there was no strong one.

Wang Mang jumped out without hesitation, and shouted, “Wait!”

As Wang Mang’s voice just fell.

The East Heaven Realm Tianjiao who were about to continue on their way were startled.

The next moment, the gazes of all the arrogances all looked at Wang Mang.

After seeing Wang Mang, many Tianjiao people breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Wang Mang is the arrogant of the Eastern Heaven Realm. This is a well-known thing.

Therefore, it should not be the danger in the dark.

In addition, although Wang Mang’s strength was much stronger.

However, whether it is the holy son of Shenguang Sacred Land Zhou Botong.

Whether it was the Sacred Sword Fairy of Sacred Land, or the Sacred Sword Candidate of Sacred Land, they didn’t think Wang Mang was a big threat to them.

Because even though Wang Mang was on the list of Tianjiao, he was the same with them once, and he couldn’t reach the point of crushing them.

But only Wolong Shengzi was very bad for Wang Mang’s senses.

And, don’t know why, Wolong Shengzi found out.

Ever since Wang Mang appeared, he felt a panic.

In addition, he himself had a feast with Wang Mang, and he thought that Wang Mang would definitely die in the first battle.

As a result, Wang Mang used the heaven-defying method to resolve the crisis, not to mention, he became famous in one fell swoop.

It can be said that he was completely famous for stepping on his Wolong Shengzi’s name.

Therefore, to be honest, how could Wolong Shengzi have a good impression of Wang Mang?

Of course, Wolong Shengzi didn’t show it, but just nodded slightly towards Wang Mang.

The rest of the tianjiao respectfully said: “I have seen fellow daoist of the ten thousand demon saint.”

“The fellow daoist of the Ten Thousand Demon Saints is one of the three arrogances of the East Heaven Realm Ranking.”

“Yes! Now that we have fellow daoist fellow daoist with us, we should be much safer.”

Obviously, the arrogances were very good to Wang Mang’s senses.

This was mainly because Wang Mang himself came from the Eastern Heaven Realm just like them.

Moreover, among the crowd of arrogances present.

Most of them are from many families in the Eastern Heaven Realm.

Or the proud son of the Sacred Land forces.

At this time, Zhou Botong of Shenguang Sacred Land said with envying cupped hands:

“Fellow daoist is now on the list of arrogances and is famous all over the world, congratulations!”

Similarly, Jian Xian also actively nodded at Wang Mang’s cupped hands to show respect.

Even Zhang Tianyou, who had had a festival with him, was vying for the position of the saint son.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but nodded to Wang Mang, expressing his approval.

He also saw Wang Mang’s performance in Saint Tianshan.

It can be said that Wang Mang, the Son of Ten Thousand Demons.

Indeed, it has made Sacred Land famous.

At least in terms of reputation, Wang Mang was a very qualified son.

Therefore, Zhang Tianyou also pondered and said:

“Being able to become the Son of Ten Thousand Demons, worthy of the name, I am convinced by Zhang Tianyou.”

“I didn’t agree with you before because of your strength, which is still not enough for me to recognize.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang also nodded slightly, which was not bad for Zhang Tianyou’s senses.

Although this guy has joined the bloodthirsty ancestor line, he is still okay.

At this time, Wang Mang’s gaze suddenly looked at Wolong Shengzi, and said with a light smile:

“Wolong Saint fellow daoist, you and I used to fight, but the outcome is undivided!”

Hearing that, all the Tianjiao present were stunned.

They didn’t expect that as soon as Wang Mang appeared, he would direct the spearhead at Wolong Shengzi.

Suddenly, the eyes of many people’s Tianjiao became interesting.

As the saying goes, people who watch the excitement never think it’s a big deal, and this is the mentality of many arrogant people present.

At the same time, when Wolong Shengzi heard Wang Mang’s words, his face suddenly stiffened.

And, after feeling everyone’s gaze again.

Wolong Shengzi is full of monstrous anger in his heart.

He felt that Wang Mang was deliberately humiliating him!

Moreover, he deliberately humiliated him in public!

Suddenly, Wolong Shengzi’s face was stiff, and his body trembled slightly.

After a long silence, Wolong Shengzi clenched his fist in his sleeve and chuckled lightly:

“My fellow daoist, why bother to laugh?”

“In the last battle, fellow daoist was far stronger than me.”

“What’s more, now fellow daoist is on the list of arrogances, and I am ashamed of it!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately surprised, but he didn’t expect this guy to be quite tolerant.

But thinking of the scene where this guy used to force him to fight twice in the arena.

Wang Mang sneered in his heart, holding his hands on his back, and said with a displeased face:

“Fellow daoist, you and I are the pride of heaven, how can you be cowardly before a fight?”

“Let’s do it! I won’t bully you, you and I are still fighting Realm.”

“How about putting the fighting power on the same Realm as you?”

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