Chapter 755: The Enemy Who Came Into The Trouble Should Not Be Underestimated! Sacred Land is waiting for you! Kill a god emperor to prove himself?

After listening to the examples given by the three ancestors one by one.

Wang Mang was stupid.

Good guys!

Is he so good?

Unknowingly killed so many people?

However, Wang Mang carefully calculated the number of Tianjiao.

Damn it! He really only killed a lot more!

But after listening to the intuitive data given to him by the three ancestors.

Wang Mang also realized something.

Could the crisis of Sacred Land this time have something to do with you?

After thinking about it like this, Wang Mang was inadvertently surprised.

Because after he thought about it, it seemed that this possibility was extremely high.

After all, Sacred Land has always remained unmoved.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly raised his head, looked at the three ancestors, and asked carefully:

“Old ancestors, what do you mean is that this matter has something to do with me?”

Hearing this, the three ancestors looked at each other.

All of a sudden, they were speechless.

They even wanted to say to Wang Mang:

The paralyzed one is not related to you, but also related to us?

After all, they are the pillars of Sacred Land, and they basically won’t stand up enemies for Sacred Land.

After Wang Mang joined the Sacred Land, he made Sacred Land a lot of enemies, and it was painful and happy.

Because Wang Mang also brought great benefits to Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Land, as well as great fame and great troubles.

For example, the three of them have received news recently.

Many forces in the Eastern Heaven Realm, led by Wolong Sacred Land and the Western Heaven Realm Buddhism Sacred Land, formed a great force.

What is the formation of this force? Of course it is for Sacred Land!

After all, at a glance, these forces were the forces that Wang Mang had offended.

As for Wolong, Sacred Land did not offend? Is this possible?

Not long ago, Wang Mang chased and killed the son of Wolong, and snatched the mask of the emperor!

At this time, the three ancestors are not talking nonsense.

Tell Wang Mang the matter directly.

After listening, Wang Mang became even more helpless.

The source of this incident is really him!

Moreover, this force against Sacred Land is also very powerful.

On the bright side, there are two superb Sacred Land leaders, and the rest are countless.

At this time, the dark ancestor spoke again:

“Let’s put it this way! According to the information we got.”

“Buddhist Tianzang Buddha and The Underworld Buddha are also drawn together, two powerful men in the Western Heaven Realm Divine Emperor Realm.”

“On the Wolong Sacred Land side, all three ancestors who didn’t hesitate were dispatched.”

“Unless you return the Saint Emperor mask, otherwise Wolong Sacred Land will never give up.”

“But this is obviously impossible, after our calculations.”

“This time they may dispatch as many as 10 god emperors!”

After hearing this, Wang Mang fell into silence again.

He also did not expect that the people who offended these days, the combined forces behind them, would have gathered 10 Divine Emperor Realm existences!

Moreover, he is also ready to directly attack Sacred Land!

No wonder task three rewards 50 billion energy points!

This is so special, it turned out to be 10 god emperor realm powerhouses!

No wonder it gives 50 billion energy value!

Fortunately, I didn’t take task three, otherwise, it would be impossible to complete.

Because at the moment Sacred Land is thinking about how to deal with the incoming enemy.

Similarly, Wang Mang was thinking about this issue.

There are 10 powerhouses in the divine emperor realm, Wang Mang thinks that he is big.

Even if he counts himself, Sacred Land still has six powerhouses in the Divine Emperor Realm!

Is it four dozen ten? This is obviously impractical!

What’s more, there are still ten existences of uncertain strength!

At this moment, the dark ancestor slowly spoke to Wang Mang:

“For foreign aid, just leave it to us old guys.”

“At that time, after the war starts, you can hold one or two of them!”

After hearing this, Wang Mang didn’t hesitate immediately, cupped hands and said, “The three ancestors don’t worry.”

“If the three daddy let Junior kill it, it might be a little difficult.”

“But when the power gap is not big, it’s okay to hold down the opponent.”

Hearing that, the bloodthirsty ancestors and gods and demons ancestors nodded helplessly and waved to Wang Mang:

“Go down! Don’t leave Sacred Land these days.”

“Otherwise, if the enemy seizes the opportunity, he may attack you.”

“Until the immediate problem is not solved, don’t leave Sacred Land.”

Wang Mang nodded, and then the cupped hands left.

He knew the three ancestors, but he was not alarmist.

If Buddhism and Wolong Sacred Land collude.

It is not impossible for Buddhism to attack Wang Mang again!

Even though he is confident, even if his opponent is in the Divine Emperor Realm, don’t even think about killing him.

But Wang Mang also decided to stop talking about it again, first to solve the problem this time.

When the time came to be stronger, he was thinking of a way to solve this Buddhist monk in the West Heaven Realm!

When it comes to Buddhism in the West Heaven Realm, Wang Mang itches his teeth with hatred. These three Buddhism dogs are really lingering.

The paralyzed person, if it were not for his lack of strength, Wang Mang would not want to choke these three old miscellaneous hairs to death now.

It didn’t take long before Wang Mang returned to the hall of gods and demons that belonged to him.

It is worth mentioning that.

After entering the Hall of Gods and Demons.

Wang Mang discovered that An Lan hadn’t come back yet?

Is this dog thing missing?

After thinking about it carefully.

Wang Mang really didn’t know, when he lost this guy!

Looks like you got separated from this guy the last time you fought in the arena of Wolong City?

“Fine! This guy shouldn’t die.”

Wang Mang shook his head, and was not taking care of An Lan.

Now An Lan and Emperor Wu Shi are basically no longer by his side.

But the strength of the two really didn’t have much effect on Wang Mang now.

Unless, they can chase Wang Mang’s footsteps with the heaven-defying Ascension strength.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Wang Mang would be ignored and banished.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected! Give the host the following task choices! 】

[Mission First: Now it has become the existence of God Emperor level combat power! Confidence is the pinnacle! No need to prove yourself to anyone! 】

【Task time: You can get it by choosing. 】

[Task reward: 1 billion energy value! Xian-level blind box X1! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! 】

[Task 2: Now it has become a god emperor-level existence! Confidence is the pinnacle! Kill a strong man in the Divine Emperor Realm and prove yourself extraordinary! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 5 billion energy value! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! 】

[Task 3: Now it has become a god emperor-level existence! Swallow the mountains and rivers yourself! Kill a middle stage powerhouse in the Divine Emperor Realm, and prove yourself powerful! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 10 billion energy value! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! 】

[Task 4: Now it has become a god emperor level existence! Suppress the world! Kill a late stage powerhouse in the Divine Emperor Realm and shock the Saint Emperor Continent! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 3 free evolution opportunities! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! 】

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