"I am a simple person. If no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. If someone offends me..."

Speaking of this, Nie Wushuang, who was sitting on the big bunk bed, pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupils shrank, and his eyes became extremely sharp. Every word seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth.

"I will definitely offend someone!"

Four guys stood in front of the bed.

One was like a pig head, one covered his nose, and the other two had their hands hanging down, as obedient as quails.

"If you don't accept it, just make a big deal!"

Nie Wushuang snorted coldly.

"I came from the street and will go back to the street. You are all locals. The martial arts hall has given you a resettlement fee. If you are expelled from the martial arts hall and violate the contract, the resettlement fee will be doubled. At that time, how can you face your family?"

He supported himself on the edge of the bed and jumped down.

The four guys couldn't help but take a half step back.

"Get out of here!"

They hurriedly dodged to both sides.

Nie Wushuang clapped his hands and walked out.

"Brother Qiang, what should we do?"

The young man who had not taken action before looked at the boss who was beaten into a pig's head timidly and asked weakly.

Zhou Qiang stared at him fiercely.

However, his eyes were swollen as if he had been stung by a wasp, so his eyes were not fierce, and even made people want to laugh.

To be honest, compared with Nie Wushuang, he hated these two companions who did not dare to help more.

After taking two deep breaths, he resisted the urge to punch his companions and said in a muffled voice.

"Don't worry, just wait and see!"

"That kid is a martial artist at first glance, and his moves are fast and fierce. Wait until I learn the skills, and then come to take revenge!"


Nie Wushuang originally wanted to walk around the martial arts hall, check the terrain and so on, and if there was any emergency, he would know where to run.

However, his plan failed.

He couldn't even walk out of the courtyard gate.

At the gate of the courtyard, there were two martial arts disciples in gray clothes guarding him and not allowing him to go out. For the time being, the newly recruited apprentices could only stay in the courtyard and could not wander around.

As long as they did not go out, the two men did not care what they did.

More and more apprentices entered the courtyard, and soon, there was a lot of noise.

Nie Wushuang looked around and found that there were six rooms in the whole courtyard. Each room was a large bunk bed. There were about fourteen or fifteen people living in one room, which meant that there were nearly one hundred young apprentices. According to his observation, these young people basically came from poor families, or they were street kids found from the streets like him.

In short, they had no background.

In his previous life, Nie Wushuang liked to read books, especially miscellaneous books.

He knew that in the ancient society where technology was not developed, those families with poorer financial conditions would often send the second or third child in the family to shops as apprentices, doing odd jobs for three years, helping for two years, and serving for five years. During this period, they were at the disposal of the master.

Even if they were beaten to death, they could only think that they were unlucky.


Meng Gang, holding a wooden stick, strode into the courtyard and shouted loudly.

"You bastards, those in the same room, line up, don't squeeze, don't make a mess, and those who don't obey will be punished with sticks!"

In addition to him, several gray-clothed warriors came in, all of whom were martial arts school disciples.

"Zhou Qiang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Qiang, who looked like a pig, was so eye-catching in the crowd that he naturally couldn't escape Meng Gang's sight.

"I accidentally fell down."

Zhou Qiang said in a muffled voice.

"Fell down?"

Meng Gang laughed.

"You met a tough guy..."

It was obvious that he didn't believe Zhou Qiang's words at all, but he didn't investigate further and soon stopped laughing.

A middle-aged man in green clothes walked slowly into the courtyard.

He looked to be in his early forties, not tall, with a sallow complexion, and looked ordinary, but his eyes were particularly eye-catching. His eyes were small, slightly squinting, and his eyes moved, but like lightning, making people dare not look directly at him.

Meng Gang bowed his head and shouted loudly.

"Master Gu, hello!"

The gray-clothed warriors were also like this, with a respectful demeanor, bowing their heads in unison to greet the middle-aged man in green.

"Little guys, salute Master Gu and say hello!"

Meng Gang shouted loudly.

"Master Gu, hello!"

In the crowd, Nie Wushuang followed suit, imitating Meng Gang and other gray-clothed warriors, bowing and greeting Gu Baiyun.

Gu Baiyun had a blank expression and cold eyes.

His sight swept across the faces of the teenagers one by one. There were dozens of people, and everyone felt that he was looking at them. Most of them couldn't stand the gaze and couldn't help but bow their heads. Some people mustered up the courage and tried to look at him, trembling all over and blushing.

Nie Wushuang was not afraid of this gaze.

It was just a meaningless performance.

He bowed his head and blended into the crowd.

"Apprentices, once you enter our Shangyang Martial Arts School, you have embarked on the road of martial arts practice. This road is like a thousand troops fighting for a single-plank bridge. If you are not strong enough or your steps are not fast enough, you will be squeezed off the single-plank bridge by others and there will be no way back! But..."

"But once you can cross the single-plank bridge, your future will be bright!"

"You must know that in our Great Yan Dynasty, the royal family and the aristocratic clans share the world. As a martial artist, as long as you can practice internal strength and step over that threshold, you can become a superior person, and you can eat and drink well, not to mention..."

"Even if you fail, you can learn a few moves, at least like these useless people around you, guarding the courtyard, running errands, escorting, and at least you can support yourself and your family..."

Gu Baiyun did not scream at the top of his lungs, just like talking normally.

The voice echoed in my ears very clearly, clearly and distinctly.

"Apprentices, you have no background, no family, and your family can't even support you. If you want to stop being poor, to get rich, and to change your fate, you only need to do two things, one is to work hard, and the other is to be obedient..."

"Now, the opportunity is in front of you. It's up to you to grab it or not!"

After that, Gu Baiyun looked around at everyone.

The apprentices drank this chicken soup, and each of them was like chicken blood, with a flushed face and high spirits, and they couldn't wait to start practicing.

"Meng Gang, Liu Qing, you teach them to stand first, eat a full meal in the evening, and then teach them the boxing frame tomorrow..."

Then, Gu Baiyun turned around and walked out of the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

"Farewell, Master Gu..."

Meng Gang and other gray-clothed warriors bowed to Gu Baiyun, and stood up only after Gu Baiyun disappeared at the gate.

After that, Meng Gang and Liu Qing took the apprentices to the martial arts field in the west courtyard.

"Tiger-shaped stance!"

Warrior Liu Qing stood in the center of the martial arts arena, standing slowly, with his arms and claws stretched forward, his feet crouching one in front of the other, his body slightly undulating, up and down, and at a glance, he looked like a human-shaped tiger lurking in the grass to hunt.

Aside, Meng Gang introduced this stance method.

"Tiger-shaped stance is the foundation of the Tiger Roaring in the Forest boxing method. If the stance method is not good, the boxing stance will be unstable. If the boxing stance is unstable, the foundation will not be solid. In other words, no matter what you practice in the future, it will be a fancy posture and you will not be able to fight in real combat at all..."

"Pay attention to Master Liu's posture, combined with breathing, everyone follow..."

The apprentices also imitated Liu Qing's movements and postures and posed the tiger-shaped stance. However, it is easy to watch people, but difficult to learn from them. Liu Qing easily posed the tiger-shaped stance, but the apprentices worked hard but did not know how to do it. Most of them did not look like that at first glance.

But there are a few guys who are talented and stand in the stance in a way that looks like a real person.

"What kind of stance are you standing on?"

"Are you a tiger? You are talking nonsense. You are obviously a lazy cat..."

Meng Gang walked among the apprentices, occasionally instructing those who were standing in the wrong posture. However, this guy had a bad temper and was not very patient. When he was teaching, he also punched and kicked, and used foul language.

Meng Gang's voice was incessant in his ears, which was quite annoying.

Nie Wushuang was standing in the tiger-shaped stance, looking to one side, and seemed a little absent-minded.

As far as his sight could reach, the clone was also standing in the stance. He looked at the clone as if he was looking at himself in the mirror.


There were still some differences.

The clone stood much better than him, just like Liu Qing who was standing in the tiger-shaped stance on the stage. No, it was even more standard than Liu Qing, and the posture was more suitable for his body shape.

At the same time, a line of data appeared on the panel in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Tiger-shaped stance, entry, 1/100..."

After a while, the number jumped from 1 to 2.

At the same time, a feeling was generated in his mind.

A sudden inspiration came to Nie Wushuang, who changed his posture and stood in the same posture as his clone.

Moreover, his breathing rhythm also changed naturally.

At this time, looking at the clone was like looking in a mirror.

Between each other, inside and outside the mirror.

So that's it!

Nie Wushuang grinned at the clone.

The clone still had no expression, just looking at him quietly.

With a thought, the panel in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped out and hung three feet outside the left eye.

Like the clone, only Nie Wushuang could see it, and everyone else turned a blind eye.

Meng Gang passed through the panel without noticing.

He glanced at Nie Wushuang.

Not finding anything wrong, he continued to move forward.

Nie Wushuang stared at the panel, and the data on it jumped again.

Tiger-shaped pile, entry level, 4/100.

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