The drizzle was like silk, moistening the bamboo leaves.

Gathering along the leaves, the crystal water drops fell on the huge package at Nie Wushuang's feet, sliding down the smooth fur and soaking into the ground.

The luggage made of animal skins contains many things.

Bedding, a change of clothes, enough food for a month, and some dried meat, most of which are ordinary, and there are also three piles of monster meat dried. In addition, there are 90 blood-nourishing pills given by Wanxing, which is enough Nie Wushuang used it for a month.

Standing in front of the door, Nie Wushuang turned around.

Under the eaves, the copper bell was still ringing unhurriedly, every three breaths, without any confusion.

Wan Xing looked at Nie Wushuang.

He smiled in encouragement.

However, the smile quickly dissipated in the rain and became slightly bitter.

Then, Nie Wushuang pushed open the Taoist temple door, walked in with his luggage, turned around and closed the Taoist temple door.

The copper bell under the eaves suddenly stopped ringing.

The bamboo forest became quiet except for the rustling sound of rain.

Wan Xing did not leave, still staring at the Taoist temple in trance.

Behind him, Gu Yang crossed his arms over his chest with an equally solemn expression.

Only martial arts masters like them know the secrets of this place. They are the most important secrets of Shangyang Martial Arts School that are related to life and death.

This place is not only accessible to Qi and Blood Realm warriors under the age of seventeen, but only such people can participate in the trial. They must be sent in every month, and the number of people varies. Of course, the more the better.

No matter what, you can't have none.

Even like now, Nie Wushuang can go in alone.

If not, the consequences will be serious, so serious that many people will die.

They only learned this rule at a great cost.

This Taoist temple is a treasure, a forbidden place, a source of hope, and a beacon of death.

This bamboo forest was originally a formation, and the Taoist temple had existed in this formation for who knows how many years.

A few years ago, an iron ore was discovered nearby.

Generally speaking, things like iron ore should be left to the blacksmith shop.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry, and mining for blacksmithing is natural.

The blacksmith shop only needs to pay the government a sum of money and pay taxes every year.

However, this iron mine was discovered by the disciples of Shangyang Martial Arts School.

That man was originally from a blacksmithing family and owned a small iron shop, but he became a victim in the process of Monopoly expansion of the Forge. The shop closed down and the old father died in tears. He had a grudge against the Forge.

At that time, the then magistrate of Wei County was at odds with the county magistrate.

The county magistrate has a close relationship with Duobingpu, and the county magistrate is supported by Shangyang Martial Arts School and others.

After some fighting, the iron mine was handed over to Shangyang Martial Arts School for development by the county magistrate.

The Forging Shop monopolized the iron production in Wei County, including weapons.

Forces such as Shangyang Martial Arts School, which had a bad relationship with him, had to spend a lot of money to buy weapons from other places. With their own iron mines and some blacksmiths, they could forge their own weapons and at least be self-sufficient.

In short, the mine was opened.

Of course, the Forging Shop cannot give up.

After several years, Shangyang Martial Arts Hall was still unable to be self-sufficient in weapons, and had to replenish them with supplies from other places.

In this way, it is inevitable to be exhausted.

Last year, Xu Yue, the master of the Grand Pavilion, personally sat here and presided over the mining and forging.

Once, the mine near the bamboo forest collapsed, leaking the feng shui, and the formation based on the mountain's earth energy also lost its effect, and the Taoist temple revealed its true form.

Xu Yue was also here at that time.

He entered the Taoist temple with a dozen people.

In the Taoist temple, he saw a fundamental map of divine will.

Martial arts practice, qi and blood, bone forging, and organ refining, these three processes are the warrior stage.

Even warriors in the Zang-Refining Realm are simply physically strong and far superior to ordinary people, but they still cannot exceed the limits of the human body.

Only by developing inner strength can one become a martial artist.

The strength and speed of martial arts masters exceed the limits of human beings, and they can be said to be non-human existences. In Wei County, people at this level are at the top of the pyramid. Of course, due to different talents and skills, martial arts masters with internal strength also have higher levels. The difference is lower.

Above the inner strength martial artist, there is the divine will martial artist.

Both are martial arts masters, but they are worlds apart.

One god is equivalent to ten powers.

Only when one has mastered divine will can one be truly extraordinary.

If you want to practice divine will, you cannot do without visualization diagrams.

There are two types of visualizations.

Most of them are powerful, with their own divine will as the core, imprinted on spiritual items, and passed down from generation to generation as sect inheritance.

A very small number of them come from heaven and earth, and are enlightened by extremely talented practitioners by chance.

The first type is mostly inherited in an orderly manner and is the secret treasure of the sect.

The second type is even rarer and exists in legends.

There is not a single divine martial artist in the entire Wei County.

Such beings would not hang out in such a small pool, and there was no basis for generating divine martial artists in this place.

No force has a visualization diagram.

If someone from a certain force becomes a divine martial artist, they will definitely be able to unify Wei County.

It won't be like now, with several forces equally matched, attacking and defending each other, and in a stalemate.

In Xu Yue's view, this was the favor of heaven, the opportunity given to him by God, and luck.

However, misfortune brings blessing.

Danger often comes with opportunity and vice versa.

Visualization pictures are not so easy to visualize. The so-called ownerless visualization pictures do not exist at all. After all, the visualization pictures are drawn by the powerful, and they also contain the divine will of the powerful and have unpredictable power.

The disciples of the sect need the assistance of the magic circle and the presence of the master to visualize the divine will.

Even so, it is still not without danger.

Even those big sects and families, with so many protective measures, have many disciples who go astray when visualizing the divine will.

Otherwise, divine will martial artists would not be so rare.

Xu Yue did not understand this truth. After all, he had never been in a sect. The three masters of their halls practiced family kung fu. In order to fight against other families and other forces, they just formed Shangyang Martial Arts Hall.

Seeing the visualization picture, he was ecstatic.

He started to practice as soon as possible.

Then, he was injured by the divine will in the visualization picture.

Every day, there was a lot of time when he would lose his mind and fall into a state of madness, so he could only lock himself in the mine.

After a period of time and after paying a heavy price, they had some understanding of the Taoist temple.

This place is probably the inheritance place of a sect that has been destroyed.

The magic array should be a kind of prohibition, which prevents this place from being washed away by time. Everything is sealed. When the magic array is broken and the seal is unlocked, the inheritance land will start to operate. It requires a Qi and Blood Realm warrior under the age of seventeen to come and accept the trial.

Only after passing the final trial can the visualization map be unlocked.

At that time, the visualization of this map will not be hurt by the will of God.

If, you can't pass the trial?

One word:


This is the reason why the West Courtyard recruits apprentices.

It is also the reason why Meng Gang and others recruited a large number of rootless and bottomless vagrants to embezzle the resettlement funds but were ignored by the people above.

Because they need this kind of people, who die cleanly and will not leave any trouble.

Allowing the people below to embezzle is just a cover-up to avoid suspicion from other forces.

All along, no matter which force recruits disciples, they recruit people who know their roots and backgrounds. However, if too many local apprentices die, this matter will most likely not be covered up, and they can only recruit rootless and bottomless vagrants.

Some time ago, many local apprentices died.

We can't continue like this, otherwise, the truth will be exposed.

In Wei County, no force wants to see a divine martial artist appear in Shangyang Martial Arts Hall, even the allies of Shangyang Martial Arts Hall can't be happy about it.

Sighing, Wan Xing turned around.

"Third Hall Master, don't worry, this kid may be able to succeed..."

Gu Yang said on the side.

"Let's hope!"

Wan Xing sighed again.

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