Something happened!

During the time when he entered the chessboard, something must have happened, so this unexpected thing just happened.

Nie Wushuang frowned slightly.

Some things seem to need to be re-examined.

Through the conversation between Gourd Taoist and the Sword Demon, they should be brothers who have cultivated to the level of Dharma Real Lord and embarked on different paths. One continued to study along the path of Sword Pavilion, and the other embarked on the path of Sword Demon.

Although the paths are different, each has its own achievements.

It's just that because there is a grudge between them, so in this secret realm far away from the real world, the two used the strange chessboard as a battlefield, the swordsman and the sword slave as chess pieces, and fought each other to determine the winner and settle the grudge.

This is Nie Wushuang's initial cognition.

Now it seems that he should have been misled by the content of their conversation. Perhaps things are not that simple.

There is more than grudge between them, perhaps there is also cause and effect.

Otherwise, the Sword Demon would not have proposed to go down in person, and even if he proposed, Gourd Taoist should have refused.

After all, he is now in the upper hand.

Why does he have to play in person when he has a useful chess piece?

What is the matter with this weird chessboard?

Who of the two found it?

Or was it originally here?

The two people use people as chess pieces, and the reason for the chess game may not be that simple.

If these two people join the game, they may be able to find some clues and affect Nie Wushuang's plan to control the weird chessboard.

However, if they can get rid of it and leave, it is not a pity that they cannot control the weird chessboard.

However, things did not develop in this way.

"You all follow me into the game..."

The gourd Taoist glanced at Nie Wushuang and others casually, and said lightly. Although his tone was relaxed, it was full of a will that could not be disobeyed.


This was the first thought that came to everyone's mind.

Two great men personally entered the game to fight. No matter from which angle, cannon fodder disciples like Nie Wushuang had no qualifications to get involved. Not only did they not play a role, but they were a burden.

This is a matter that is out in the open.

In this case, why did the Taoist gourd make such a decision?

"Senior, I am also an old horse who knows the way. Why don't you let me help you alone? My brothers and sisters have limited cultivation. They can't help you. Instead, they will become a burden. Why don't you let them stay out of it?"

Nie Wushuang said to the Taoist gourd with a serious expression.

Su Yujin stood beside him. When he spoke, he gently pulled the corner of his clothes, indicating that he should not talk nonsense and not contradict each other.

In the eyes of these great powers, they are all ants.

If ants displease the great powers, they will only be crushed.

"Don't worry, they can help..."

Seeing that Nie Wushuang was still talking, the Taoist gourd changed his face in an instant and said sternly.

"Don't say anything more. I know what to do and what not to do. It's not your turn to speak nonsense!"

Nie Wushuang raised his hand and touched the hair hanging down in front of his ears.

He smiled and stopped talking.

Su Yujin, who was standing by, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the four of them followed the Taoist Gourd Master to the edge of the chessboard. Four flying swords flew out of the gourd under the Taoist Master, rolled up the four people, and came to the sky above the chessboard together, floating on the side of the white grid.

On the opposite side, the black-clothed sword demon also made a move.

Suddenly, the whole person turned into a black cloud, flew over the chessboard, and floated on the side of the black grid.

Then, the black cloud fell and fell towards the chessboard.

On the Taoist Gourd Master's side, the gourd under his body suddenly spread out and turned into countless flying swords, flying towards the chessboard below.

Nie Wushuang and others seemed to have become one of the flying swords, following the fall.

Each other, the mind is connected.

Even if the five senses and the consciousness cannot perceive each other, they can't break the connection. This kind of mind connection is based on the powerful consciousness of the Taoist Gourd Master. He is like a signal relay station.

Although Nie Wushuang and the other four were able to communicate with each other through their spiritual thoughts.

However, the content of their spiritual communication could not be hidden from Gourd Taoist.

At the same time, a ball of clear light rose from the bottom of the chessboard, but compared with the previous one, the attitude of this clear light was very different.

It was obvious that the clear light refused the actions of beings like Gourd Taoist and Sword Demon to enter the chessboard.

It represented the strange attitude of the chessboard.

There was a will hidden in the clear light.

There was a violent energy surging, like magma spewing from the bottom of a volcano, facing the black cloud and the flying sword, entangled with each other, and consumed each other.

Nie Wushuang and others were swept up by the flying sword and fell into this kind of fight.

They were illuminated by the light of the clear light and were hurt.

This damage was not aimed at the body, but at their souls, just like every thought was pierced with a silver needle, and the soul was like a hedgehog.

Of course, this level of damage was useless to Nie Wushuang.

It was worse than scratching an itch.

However, for Su Yujin and Jian Yibai, this kind of damage was enough for them to deal with it with all their strength.

However, Qingguang could not deal with them with all his strength.

They were just fish in the pond that were affected by the fire at the city gate.

Therefore, they tried their best to stick to their self-awareness and finally survived, and broke into the chessboard space with the gourd Taoist.

Moreover, he never lost his self-awareness like Nie Wushuang did at the beginning.

They can still clearly maintain their self-awareness, and there is no so-called mystery in the womb.

The space they descended into was also different from the spaces Nie Wushuang had experienced before.

It's more real here, no different from the real world.

The most important thing is that there is a very strong original flavor flowing here.

This kind of aura can only be sensed by Nie Wushuang and Taoist Calabash. Su Yujin and Jian Yibai are still missing something.

They looked around with blank eyes.


How to describe it?

"Qixia Sword Sect!"

Su Yujin opened her eyes wide with a look of surprise.

Everything in her sight looked so familiar. It was the Qixia Sword Sect where she had lived for more than ten years.

Every plant and tree is vividly visible.

Even the marks carved on the big tree with a carving knife when she was a child are there. On that big tree, each mark represents her height in each year.

In the eyes of the Black and White Swords, the world in front of them is completely different.

In Tao Xuanyi's eyes, this is a valley full of singing birds and fragrant flowers. It is also the place where she and Jian Yibai first met.

In Jian Yibai's eyes, this place is a busy city.

That year, when he was seventeen years old, he committed murder for the first time, assassinating a bully who was running rampant in the countryside on a busy street.

He still remembered the feeling of the blood spurting from the bully falling on his face.

Hot and hot!

Just like his heart at that time!

In Nie Wushuang's eyes, this was another scene!

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