Lotus Sword Gate.

Bloody and bloody.

It only lasted two or three days.

When a sword master wants to change his course and establish new rules, well, similar to Nie Wushuang's reform in his previous life, he will not encounter the situation in his previous life. The vested interest groups are too powerful and oppose the reform. In the end, the dynasty can only end. .

The rules of the extraordinary world are different, and the one with greater strength wins.

Even though Nie Wushuang had no advisers and did not take action, Shuiying also figured out the entire rules and re-established them. She no longer respected the twelve families and would always stand on the top of the pyramid of the Lotus Sword Gate.

Now, it has become a capable person.

The system adopted was based on the rules of some fairy novels that Nie Wushuang read in his previous life, and was based on the sect's contribution points.

Of course, the new system will inevitably have flaws.

Moreover, it must have the Sword Master himself in order to function. If Mizuakura, the new generation of Lotus Sword Master, leaves, problems will arise.

For Nie Wushuang, staying here no longer makes any sense.

Anyway, even though they are thousands of miles away, he can still have a close connection with Shui Ying. If he wants to summon him, he only needs to use the endless void as a transit station and arrive in an instant.

No need to say goodbye, Nie Wushuang left the Lotus Sword Gate.

They didn't go far when they received a message from Shui Ying.

The Sword Master of the South China Sea!

Shuiying received a message from the Nanhai Sword Master to the Lotus Sword Gate. The Sword Master was traveling in the north at this time, and was a guest in Baiyujing on the orders of the Purple Mansion Star Lord of the Sword Pavilion to discuss the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Next, we have to go to Chaotian Palace.

In addition, there is another message, that is, the Thunder Sword Master is sitting at the Thunder Sword Gate at this time, and he probably has something important to deal with.

The two sword masters were outside the sword pavilion.

Which one should I look for?

Just as Nie Wushuang and Ye Canglan were discussing, there was another change in the Fusangmu space. Jian Yibai and Tao Xuanyi were about to wake up.

Choosing a clearing on the hillside, Nie Wushuang released the black and white swords.

At the same time, he also pulled Ye Canglan out of the shadow space. Since the Lotus Sword Master has changed, that person should know everything that should be known. There is no need to let Ye Canglan live in the shadow space like a prisoner. .

She has a will of her own after all.

Not everything is controlled by the dharma clone in Nie Wushuang's hands.

After glancing at Jian Yibai, who was still sleeping, Nie Wushuang fell silent.

Without his natal flying sword, Jian Yibai failed to absorb the aura of swordsmanship. The aura of swordsmanship still floated in his sea of ​​consciousness, proudly never integrating with his soul. From this point of view, Jian Yibai could only stop at Tiangang in this life.

On the other side, Tao Xuanyi opened his eyes.

That bit of kendo aura has been completely integrated by her. At the same time, she also received the message that she can go to the Tianxing Sea to sharpen her skills and work hard to become the True King of Dharma.

She nodded towards Ye Canglan, and then smiled at Nie Wushuang.

She didn't speak, but walked over, held the still sleeping Jian Yibai in her arms, and looked at him quietly.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Yibai opened his eyes.

He looked at Tao Xuanyi, smiled, and said softly.

"Xuan Yi, I dreamed that I returned to my hometown, back to Xindu County, and our family members are still there, living together beautifully..."

Tao Xuanyi didn't speak, just smiled.

"Xuan Yi! I want to go home!"

Jian Yibai said.


Tao Xuanyi bit his lip and nodded.

"Let's go home!"

After that, the two stood up and bowed respectfully to Ye Canglan. He was a sword master and had taught the couple a lot, so there was no problem in saluting as their master.

As for Nie Wushuang, they still regarded him as their little brother.

Although they probably knew that this little brother was extraordinary, since Nie Wushuang wanted to hide himself, they pretended not to know.

"My husband and I have decided to return to Xindu County. There are still some grievances and karma that need to be settled. As a man, we must not leave this world with regrets while we are alive!"

Jian Yibai said to the two of them.

"Brother Jian, you are right!"

Nie Wushuang was silent for a while and then said.

"I still have some unresolved karma in the north. I am also planning to return to Qinghe County. After settling my grievances, I will go to Baiyujing. I have never been to Baiyujing in my life. I will regret it if I die in vain."

He looked at Ye Canglan.

"Lord Sword Master, let's say goodbye here!"

After cultivating the Red Emperor's Nine-Yang Golden Body for a period of time, Nie Wushuang's level was slightly higher than that of the Sword Saint Tianzun. Dharma clones like Ye Canglan and Shui Ying were able to exist far away from him, even if they were tens of thousands of miles away, the cause and effect still existed.

The troops are divided into two groups!

This was the plan discussed by Nie Wushuang and Ye Canglan.

Ye Canglan went to the Thunder Sword Sect to look for the Thunder Sword Master. He had a friendship with him and had killed enemies together. Their friendship started from the beginning.

The person Ye Canglan was most confident of persuading was the Thunder Sword Master.

Nie Wushuang went to Bai Yujing to meet with the Nanhai Sword Master and was responsible for convincing him. For the time being, the Sword Master was like the ambassador sent by Jiange to other countries, responsible for liaison, and he should not leave in a short time.

If they succeed, they will go to the Two Realms Mountain together to convince the sword master stationed in the Two Realms Mountains.

Doing so can save time.

The one in the Zi Mansion was already alert and had to speed up his pace.

"Brother Jian, Sister Tao, let's go on the road together again, heading north. What do you think?"

Nie Wushuang said to the black and white swords.

"Of course, it is our honor to be able to travel with Brother Nie!"

Jian Yibai said generously.

There is no such thing as parting, being reluctant to part, and expressing one's true feelings to each other. Nie Wushuang and Ye Canglan can communicate at any time. The distance is so short, and the so-called distance is just so short. It is ridiculous to have a long-lasting love between young people.

Then, the three of them parted.

Ye Canglan flew into the air on his sword and flew south.

Nie Wushuang and Jian Yibai rushed to the outside of Tiandu Mountain and rushed all the way to the north. It took more than ten days to get out of Tiandu Mountain.

It is a coincidence that the place where they appeared outside the mountain was Chaoyin Town.

When they got here, they naturally had to go to Chaoyin Pavilion to take a look. More than ten years have passed, and Chaoyin Pavilion has still changed.

The Pavilion Master has become Li Yunpeng.

His Bi Hai Chao Yin sword has been cultivated to perfection. The frivolous boy has become a mature and steady middle-aged uncle with a beard on his chin. His attitude towards his disciples is like his father.

The old man of the Pavilion has begun his retirement life.

Everything has changed, and nothing has changed.

Nie Wushuang and the black and white swords did not show up. They did not say hello to Li Yunpeng. It is better not to meet some people once they leave.

There is no need to let them get involved in their own karma troubles.

After staying for a short time, the three left Chao Yin Town and continued to head north. They hurried all the way. After a month, they left the territory of Tanzhou.

Another month later, they arrived at the Tongtian River.

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