Night falls.

Shuangxi Town, Yunlai Inn.

Jian Yibai and Tao Xuanyi entered the inn and chose to stay here. At this time, they were different from when they took revenge on the Zhao family. At that time, one of them was dressed in black and the other in white, each with a long sword.

The typical black and white swords look from more than ten years ago.

Now, the two of them have changed their shapes. One is a martial artist Jianghu Ke wearing a bamboo hat and a raincoat. He has a horizontal sword on his waist. Well, this is just a scabbard, and it still contains a long sword.

Tao Xuanyi was dressed in blue and had a big belly, pretending to be a pregnant woman.

Although they can't simulate other people's aura at will like Nie Wushuang, the aura of the soul is always their own, but their skills in disguise are very good. More than ten years ago, they were able to cause such a big storm and still be able to do so. This hand is crucial to escape from Xindu County.


The two of them have many paths similar to this status.

When registering in the store, I am not afraid of being known.

From Berlin to the county town to visit relatives, for the sake of the unborn child, the chances of Xindu County City are definitely better than those in remote Berlin County.

This reason is absolutely unquestionable.

Nie Wushuang lowered his head and sat on the roof of the inn, crossing his legs and looking at the blood moon above his head.

At this time, with a small pot of wine and some braised vegetables or fennel, beans and peanuts to drink, it is more like a wanderer playing in the mortal world.

Thinking together, Nie Wushuang raised his hand and made a move.

A Dharma True Lord appeared beside him, and the shadow of the fuso tree swayed slightly.

There was also a gourd of fine wine in front of him, as well as several food boxes containing delicacies brought from mortal restaurants.

The hibiscus wood space has its own world of ice and snow, and there will be no problem no matter how long the food and wine are stored.

While drinking some wine and nibbling chicken feet, Nie Wushuang felt that he was alone.

In my previous life, I wanted to be such a hero when I was very young, rising up and coming back again.

Kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace behind in a thousand miles!

The night rain in the rivers and lakes has been a lamp for ten years, and the light of a sword has chilled forty states!

However, the previous life was a world of only illusions. Individuals were too weak and lived in a collective cage. They could only imagine being extraordinary and free.

I traveled here and came to this extraordinary world.

Only then did I realize that the extraordinary world was just a bigger cage.

Otherworldly? free?

does not exist!

However, now, Nie Wushuang can barely do it. Since he can do it, then it seems that it is not too much to go wild, right?

Sighing, the next moment, Nie Wushuang took off with his sword.

The True Monarch of Dharma remained where he was, and the shadow of the Fuso tree swayed slightly, swallowing up the entire Shuangxi Town.

Those who are asleep are still sleeping, and those who are awake are still unaware and are still doing what they should do.

Tao Xuanyi, who had half-stepped into the True Lord, frowned slightly.

She felt something was wrong, so she immediately let out her spiritual thoughts, extended them a thousand feet or so, and then brought them back, but didn't find anything unusual.

Next, he just kept smiling and listened to Jian Yibai and other charlatans bragging about things in Berlin County and the Feng family in Shuangxi Town.

These people already know that the Black and White Swords came back specifically to seek revenge on the Zhao family and destroy the Zhao family.

A direct descendant of the Feng family is the Disha Zhenren. Because he does not regard ordinary people as human beings, he has formed a conflict with the black and white swords.

That direct descendant was stationed in Shuangxi Town and accepted the post of mayor.

These charlatans are betting on whether the Black and White Swords will come to Shuangxi Town to cause trouble for that one.

Some people say yes!

After all, the black and white swords are the true knights.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will still come.

Two Tiangangs and seven or eight earth evil spirits of the Zhao family were also killed by the black and white swords. They would not be afraid of the person named Feng, even if there was a Dharma True Lord standing behind him.

Some people say no!

The black and white swords killed the Zhao family and stirred up a hornet's nest. The whole family in Xindu County will take action, so many Dharma Masters.

If the black and white swords don't escape from Xindu County as soon as possible, they will only die.

They are not stupid, they must be on their way to escape.

After chatting for a while, Jian Yibai and Tao Xuanyi returned to the room. After that, Jian Yibai climbed out of the window of the room.

He hung upside down in front of the window and smiled at Tao Xuanyi.

"Madam, if you leave for your husband, then come back..."

After that, his figure disappeared.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he appeared in front of a house in the town. As soon as his figure fell down, the entire house suddenly shone with colorful arcs of light.

"What a thief, you are indeed here!"

On the small building in the middle of the house, a middle-aged man was shirtless, shaking a folding fan and laughing towards Jian Yibai in the glare.

Jian Yibai was silent and his face was ashen.

This array is a pure reporting array, with no lethality at all, and no murderous intent contained within it.

Jian Yibai was unprepared and barged in.

"Go to hell!"

He snorted coldly.

The long sword flew through the air, and his body turned into a white rainbow, shooting towards that person.

That person was his target, a villain who did not treat ordinary people as human beings and hunted them for fun. Now, he should have become an abandoned son of his family.

Use this as bait to lure yourself and Tao Xuanyi into a trap.


"Kill me, and you two lunatics will be buried with me, and the whole Shuangxi Town will be buried with me. Damn it, we are all cultivators, but you are standing up for ordinary people. Those ants are just weeds. If you kill them, they will grow naturally in the ground. You have eaten too much!"

"Damn it, lunatic!"

"Let's die together, lunatic!"

The Feng family cursed viciously.

He did not make a move, allowing Jian Yibai's sword to pierce through him. At the moment of piercing, a strange smile appeared on his face.

The essence of the magic circle is that as long as he dies, blood will splash on the center of the magic circle under him, that is, the chair.

Then the Dharma Real Lord broke through the air and appeared directly in front of the murderer.

Now, he just wanted to take a closer look at Jian Yibai's face before he died.

When the Dharma Real Lord teleported in, he saw how panicked he was, how frightened and uneasy he was...


Nothing happened!

He looked lonely!


He looked puzzled and surprised!

Before he could figure out why, Jian Yibai beheaded him with a sword.

After that, Jian Yibai turned around and left, flying across the roofs of the town like a big bird. He didn't know what he would encounter with Tao Xuanyi, and he was panicking.

More than ten miles outside Shuangxi Town.

Huang Zhongxuan, Sun Nanpu and others stood respectfully aside, facing a high platform. On the high platform, an old woman with white hair and chicken skin sat on a chair, and in front of her, a woman in colorful clothes was circling and dancing.


The old woman had her eyes closed, but suddenly opened them at this moment.

"The aura of the magic circle has dissipated..."

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