Just when Nie Wushuang punched the visualization map and the sun entered the ancestral orifice at the center of his eyebrows, a purple-red light spread from the backyard of the Taoist temple in all directions, crossed the temple wall, and continued to spread outward, barely surrounding the entire backyard of the villa before being recovered.

It flashed and disappeared, and the speed was extremely fast.

No one in the entire villa noticed it.

The apprentices and disciples in the front yard lived together, and the backyard was a restricted area for them.

Tie Zhonghai, Gu Baiyun and other instructors were busy arranging so many people and dealing with trivial matters. They were exhausted and unable to be distracted.

Naturally, they would not notice it.

In the backyard of the villa, the disciples who knew the secrets of the Taoist temple had been thrown into the Taoist temple. Several insiders were not on the ground at this time, but in the underground mine in the backyard. They gathered together to discuss the hero conference two days later.

It is necessary to act according to the plan, and every step cannot be wrong.

Otherwise, the entire Shangyang Martial Arts Hall will be gone.

When the red light flashed, naturally, they knew nothing.


At that moment, Xu Yue, who was originally speaking, suddenly felt empty in his mind, and his voice got stuck in his throat. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

The whole person seemed to be?

It seemed to suddenly become relaxed.

During this period, in order to suppress the mania in his heart and to maintain his own rationality, he shouldered a heavy pressure, and his whole body was fighting against the loss of control. Every moment, every moment, the string in his heart was always tight.

Now, the string suddenly broke.

It's not out of control!


How to say it?

It's like a sudden enlightenment!

Suddenly, I found out why I should suppress those evil thoughts?

That's also part of myself!

As long as I have the confidence to become stronger and determine the path to take, then everything outside of my body can be abandoned and sacrificed. The so-called benevolence and morality are just shackles that bind myself. Why should I surrender to them?

On the road of practice, everything can be thrown away!

Suddenly I figured it out!

I figured it out!

The thoughts are clear.

People will feel relaxed.

Similarly, Wan Xing and others also had some changes.

This change was like spring breeze and autumn rain, moistening things silently.

They did not notice it at all, just took it for granted.

For example.

Take Wan Xing for example.

In the past, to some extent, he was dissatisfied with Xu Yue's plan.

He did not like Xu Yue's way of doing things, thinking it was too evil, too ruthless, too cold-blooded...

In order to silence him, all the backyard disciples were thrown into the Taoist temple to feed the weird; all the Qi and Blood Realm apprentices under the age of seventeen were thrown into the Taoist temple for trials to eliminate the weird aura...

All these things, he felt too extreme.

Even for the visualization map, it was a bit too much.

However, he had always obeyed Xu Yue's instructions and had developed a habit, and he could not say no to Xu Yue.

Although he followed orders, there was still a hurdle in his heart.

Now, this hurdle suddenly disappeared.

Somehow, he felt that Xu Yue was right.

Born in this world, if you want to become stronger and not be trampled by others, then you can only trample on others first.

Weakness is the original sin!

Some time ago, Xu Yue often instilled this truth in him.

On the surface, he nodded, but in fact he sneered in his heart.

What about now?

Wan Xing accepted it completely and was full of joy.

The strange thing is that he didn't feel the slightest sense of disobedience about this change.

Similarly, Gu Yang and Lu Pingnan also changed a little. They originally recognized Xu Yue's truth and always followed this rule. Now, they think that the saying "If you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth" is more correct than ever.

This is the truth!

So, they also have different thoughts in their hearts.

In the past, they all agreed that they and others should line up behind Xu Yue and the three museum owners to observe the visualization map, but now, they no longer think so.


Three words emerged in his mind.

Bright and lingering for a long time.


The sun fell on the courtyard.

A mosquito was buzzing in a clump of weeds.

Nie Wushuang squatted down, staring at the mosquito closely, his eyes following its figure, and then he saw it lying on the courtyard wall.


He remembered that the Taoist temple was extremely clean, without snakes, insects, rats or ants.

Once a living being enters, there is only one ending, death!



The next moment, Nie Wushuang rushed forward a few steps, came to the front door, stretched out his hand and put it on the door bolt.

At that time, he had a feeling.

That is, he could open this door and walk out.

Hesitated for a while, he retracted his hand and did not do so.

Why go out?

At this stage, he is still in the Qi and Blood Realm.

Although there is Taiyi's killer move, it is a pity that the number of times it can be used is limited. If it is against an enemy, I am afraid that it can only be used once or twice in a short period of time. This is because he has an immune clone, so he can transfer the damage.

If there is no immune clone, even one backlash cannot be tolerated.

Therefore, Taiyi must be cultivated to the state of great perfection.

At that point, the harm of backlash can be reduced.

Similarly, only then can the main body use Taiyi to temper the body more effectively, and the backlash obtained will be less.

The world of gods and strange things is full of dangers.

Weakness is the original sin!

In this case, we should concentrate on hard training.

While people outside feel that Taoist temples can only be entered but not exited, the right choice is to stay inside and practice more.

Jade Jinwan is still there.

The medicinal properties of this elixir, specially designed for Neijin martial artists to practice, are very strong and create a lot of energy. Maybe this elixir can push Taiyi to the state of great perfection.

So, Nie Wushuang turned around and walked back.

In the courtyard, figures of martial arts clones appeared in all directions, flashing in red light.

On the panel, the data changes from time to time.

Taiyi, Dacheng, 66/100

Cultivation has a clone, and the main body only needs to accept enlightenment and changes, and there is time to explore the changes in the Taoist temple.

Enter the third quiet house.

Look carefully at the visualization pictures hanging on the wall.

The Great Sun, which contains the inheritance of the Great Sun Golden Crow Sect, is already in my own sea of ​​consciousness. Now, what is going on with the Great Sun on this visualization map?

On the surface, there is no difference between the two.

If you feel it carefully, the feeling is different.



"Hee hee hee……"

Suddenly, there was laughter from behind.

Nie Wushuang turned around suddenly and saw a figure flashing outside the door.

He hurriedly turned around and chased out, but there was nothing in his sight.


Nie Wushuang frowned.

Something seemed wrong, something was getting out of control.


In the front hall, there was a sudden loud noise, as if something heavy fell to the ground.

Nie Wushuang hurriedly walked through the backyard and entered the main hall.

The hall was still empty.

However, my ears were filled with all kinds of sounds.

There were footsteps, breathing, shouts when exerting force, the sound of heavy objects moving on the ground, and the sound of fighting that seemed to come from very far away.

I thought I had arrived at nine o'clock on time, but in fact, it was not, sweat.

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