How is it possible?

You know, when Nie Wushuang was still at the level of Tianzun, he was able to summon Ye Canglan, who was far away in Tiandu Mountain, through the shadow space. Now, his strength is far stronger than that time, and he is still above the Daluo Jinxian. He can be said to be one of the top few people in the world.

In theory, his cause and effect rules will be even stronger.

As his Dharma image, Ye Canglan cannot fail to receive his thoughts, unless someone blocks the cause and effect between him and Ye Canglan.

It is very difficult to achieve this level!

Because Nie Wushuang has his own cause and effect, he can cover the rules of this world, and there is no fusion between them.

After all, he is also an extraterritorial demon, to this world.


Even if he is a transcendent saint, he cannot be immortal. The world is always running, and there is nothing constant.

During this period, Nie Wushuang participated in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky, did many things, and refined the four emperors into his own Dharma images.

Especially the Green Emperor, the Heavenly Dao paid a favor and allowed Buddhism to participate in this world of great struggle, inviting the Buddha to take action. The Phoenix Bird was originally prepared to be left to the demon clan, and the body of the Green Emperor was given to the other party as a gift from heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, it was intercepted by Nie Wushuang.

For Nie Wushuang, this is a good thing. With one more Green Emperor Dharma Image, all he needs is the Yellow Emperor to assemble the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor and summon the dragon...

Summoning the dragon is of course a joke.

However, with the Green Emperor Dharma Image, Nie Wushuang's strength will be even stronger, much stronger than the Daluo Jinxian level.

After all, the Green Emperor swallowed two-fifths of the origin of the Great Dao, and his strength is still above the other three Heavenly Emperors.

Don't look at the fact that he was slapped away by the Buddha with all his consciousness.

It would not work if other Heavenly Emperors went up. At the beginning, the White Emperor was in his prime, but he still couldn't pass the Buddha's level.

Nie Wushuang intercepted and obtained the Green Emperor Dharma Image.

To some extent, it means that he has received the gift of heaven and earth instead of the phoenix, and has also taken over the cause and effect of heaven.

Yes, the phoenix was originally the son of heaven who was chosen by heaven to respond to the calamity.

As the son of heaven who responded to the calamity, there are bound to be benefits. Now, this benefit has been swallowed by Nie Wushuang. Nie Wushuang has replaced the phoenix and become the son of heaven who responded to the calamity. He needs to fight against Buddhism, against the demonic calamity, including against the demons who want to return to the center of the world...

In the endless void, there are some evil gods from outside the sky ready to move.

In short, Nie Wushuang has taken over a mess. It is a good thing that the four emperors have become Dharma images, but it can also be said to be a bad thing.

He has taken over the cause and effect of this world.

The cause and effect line between him and this world has been established. He is deeply trapped in the operating rules of this world. It is very difficult to transcend, just like the Five Elements Emperors in the past, who were firmly bound and difficult to get out.

Even as strong as the Red Emperor, he could only suffer the Five Decays and hide in the underworld. The Black Emperor was the worst, imprisoning himself in the long river of time in the past. The White Emperor abandoned the origin of the Great Dao and went to the Sea of ​​Bitterness with a sword, just to take a gamble, but failed.

As for the Green Emperor, he made such a huge layout and calculated everything, but ended up losing his life!

Four of the Five Elements Heavenly Emperors suffered miserably, only the Yellow Emperor was missing, and even the former Shenlong clan did not say a word about it. It is unknown whether he passed the Sea of ​​Bitterness, sank in the reincarnation, or completely perished.

It is hard to say!

In short, these Heavenly Emperors did not have a good end. Even if they sat majestically on the Nine Heavens, so what?

Tens of thousands of years is a calamity!

No one can escape the calamity!

What if it were me?

Accidentally picking up the body of the Green Emperor and gaining an extra Dharma image, Nie Wushuang was still immersed in ecstasy at first.

Later, when he changed his plan and had the desire to change this world, he wanted to use tens of millions of Dharma bodies to completely change this world, and he wanted to obtain energy and control this world. He had already had a close connection with this world.

When he was in the Fusang wood space, he was still unaware of it.

After coming out, he did not go through the endless void, but used the sword escape all the way south, releasing those Dharma bodies along the way to slay demons and monsters, and trying to control the place while obtaining energy. Nie Wushuang finally felt something was wrong.

Especially now!

When he couldn't pull Ye Canglan to his side through the shadow space, he knew that he was too deeply connected with this world and could no longer completely block the cause and effect of this world.

If there was no powerful existence to interfere, Nie Wushuang would still be able to pull the Dharma body back to the shadow space and appear in front of him.

For the shadow space, the rules of this world do not exist and have no effect on it.

If, this rule just flows quietly like water.

However, once a powerful person uses this rule to interfere with it, the ability of the shadow space will be limited.

This kind of thing will happen now!

What to do?

Let Ye Canglan fend for himself?

With his current strength, as long as he has enough energy, he can create a Dharma image like Tianzun Sword Saint at will.

Sacrificing one Ye Canglan is nothing.

If he goes to rescue Ye Canglan, what if he falls into the trap of those powerful people? There are two or three big figures like the previous Qing Emperor surrounding him?

Now, he only has the Golden Body of the White Emperor by his side.

What if, at the critical moment, he is stopped by someone's spell and cannot pull Qing Emperor, Red Emperor, and Black Emperor back to save him, isn't it dangerous?

These thoughts flashed through Nie Wushuang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Finally, like the wind blowing through the mountains, it quickly disappeared without a trace.

If Ye Canglan was in trouble, he couldn't help but save him. If he didn't save him, wouldn't he be the same as those people he hated the most?

In that case, wouldn't the so-called transformation of the world be empty talk?

It's just a high-sounding excuse for one's own selfish desires!

Ye Canglan hasn't fallen yet. After all, as his own Dharma body, if he falls, Nie Wushuang will definitely feel it.

Now, she should be trapped in a strange space.

It's like a powerful magic circle, or a strange domain or something.

So, Nie Wushuang couldn't pull her back with the power of the rules of the shadow space. If he wanted to save her, he had to go there himself.

Where exactly is it?

This couldn't be hidden from him. After all, Ye Canglan was his Dharma body, and that little causal connection still existed.

Just like the coordinates of the navigation system, Nie Wushuang had a clear control. Now, he just needed to rush to that place.

That place was near Liangjie Mountain.

The next moment, Nie Wushuang released all the Dharma clones in the shadow space and asked them to rush to the areas they were responsible for.

After that, he escaped into the endless void and rushed towards Liangjie Mountain.

Saving people is like putting out a fire!

No one knows what will happen if you delay a step!

Although the sword escape is fast, it is still not as good as rushing in the endless void!

However, there is a problem with rushing in the endless void, that is, it is easy to get into trouble.

Look, trouble is here!

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