Fight against foreign enemies or settle down the internal affairs?

In the end, Nie Wushuang made a decision to settle down the internal affairs first and then fight against foreign enemies.

However, to do this, it is necessary to fight quickly and decisively, to deal with the internal affairs in a very short time, and not to give the enemies outside a chance to take advantage of it.

First of all, the fence must be built well.

The ancestor of the demon clan, the scorpion spirit, is no longer restricted and does not have to stay in the prehistoric fragments. As a demon clan, his life span is indeed very long, but this demon clan great saint who lived in the same period as Huangdi can still live to this day, and his strength can be imagined.

You must know that except for Huangdi, the other four emperors are all dead, and he is equivalent to outlasting these great powers.

In short, this existence should not be underestimated.

Although there are demon clans that can appear behind the Two Realms Mountain through the endless void and come to the human world, such existence is ultimately a minority, and it is impossible for the huge demon clan army to bypass the Two Realms Mountain.

If it can be done, it is probably a fact.

Therefore, the Two Realms Mountain is still very important, and the fence must be built well to block the large army of demon clans and the scorpion spirit.

In this case, even if a small number of big monsters sneak into the human world, there is no need to worry. They can only harass. If the other party kills ordinary people, they will be retaliated by heaven and earth, and they will never dare to do so.

It is like the wars for hundreds of thousands of years have been chosen in the prehistoric world, the demiplane of the main world, a world without intelligent creatures. The reason is that heaven and earth do not allow the kind of war that can break the prehistoric world to happen to them.

It is okay to fight in the demiplane, but not in the main world.

Entering the Xuanhuang Tower and obtaining the emperor's Dharma body clone, although it is equivalent to the Yellow Emperor transferring the cause and effect, helping him to get rid of it, and his connection with this world is deeper. At the same time, there are some causes and effects with Daozu.

There are a lot of troubles!

However, these troubles are in the distant future. For the time being, they will not be a problem for Nie Wushuang.

The benefits are obvious.

The Xuanhuang Tower resolved his embarrassment of lack of energy, allowing him to have sufficient energy to embark on the great cause of conquering the world.

The existence of the Yellow Emperor's Dharma-phase clone can sit in Liangjie Mountain. This person's strength should be the strongest among the five Heavenly Emperor Dharma-phases.

With the assistance of the Dragon Clan of Longting, and the existence of the Liangjie Mountain Legion that was completely tamed by Nie Wushuang, even if the demon clan ancestor Scorpion Spirit appeared in Liangjie Mountain with the demon clan army, it should not be able to break through here in a short time.

In this way, Nie Wushuang can free up his hands to solve internal problems.

The human world must unite in the face of the upcoming catastrophe. If it is like now, the lower-class people are still like ants and are not treated as the same kind. The so-called human torrent cannot be formed at all.

The reason why the Heavenly Dao chose to abandon the human race is not only because of the Qing Emperor's perverse actions and killing, but also has something to do with the operation of this world, right?

At least, Nie Wushuang thinks so.

In addition to these benefits, Nie Wushuang has another idea. Instead of becoming the new Yellow Emperor to re-open the heaven and become the supreme existence of this world, is there any other way?

It doesn't have to be the Yellow Emperor who sits in that position!


For the time being, this is still an idea, and Nie Wushuang has not found a way to implement this idea.

Let's put it aside!

Next, the Yellow Emperor's Dharma body clone entered the Dragon Court, and the Dragon Court turned into a dragon hovering over the Liangjie Mountain.

The Xuanhuang Qi rose and hovered...

The Yellow Emperor's breath spread out. To the monsters outside the Liangjie Mountain, this breath was unfamiliar, but to the Scorpion Spirit, this breath was not unfamiliar at all, and there was some cause and effect between them.

Sensing the existence of the Yellow Emperor, will he come?

Throwing away the matter of Liangjie Mountain, Nie Wushuang temporarily ignored it. He flew in one direction. This time he flew with a sword, and used the sword escape of the White Emperor, and then disappeared quickly in the sky like a meteor.

Qilian Mountain!

The rolling Qilian Mountain!

The mountaintops are all covered with white snow, reflecting the sun, and shining with golden light from time to time.

The phoenix stood on the highest peak of the Qilian Mountains, on a piece of bluestone at the top of the mountain. The bluestone was covered with icicles and reflected the sunlight.

The phoenix's expression was sad.

This Qilian Mountain was actually not a product of the main world. It did not originally exist in the human world, but a piece of prehistoric debris.

In the third prehistoric war, the prehistoric world was shattered, and the prehistoric fragments flew out of the prehistoric world and fell on this land, forming the rolling Qilian Mountains. Don't look at it now. It is covered with snow, but it was not so hundreds of thousands of years ago.

At that time, this place was not called Qilian Mountains, but was called Flame Mountain.

At that time, the mountains that stretched for tens of thousands of miles were all flames. Not to mention mortals, even strong men like Tianzun did not dare to approach. The flames burned for tens of thousands of years until the era of Huangdi disappeared and the Black Emperor appeared before it was extinguished.

According to legend, the reason for the fire was that the fragments from the prehistoric world were stained with the blood of the phoenix.

The phoenix was suppressed by the Xuanhuang Tower and wiped out by the Yellow Emperor. It didn't even have the chance of nirvana. The blood splashed and turned into flames and fell on the fragments of the prehistoric world. It flew to the main plane. Standing here, the phoenix bird's heart was complicated.

Because she had a trace of phoenix blood in her body.

It was a very faint bloodline, and it was impossible to return to the ancestral home.

The reason why she came here was very simple. She wanted to find the breath of the phoenix. If there was any, she could swallow and merge it, and she might become the next phoenix. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of years had passed, and the flame had gone out.

She didn't know whether the Phoenix's breath was still there.

Because she couldn't sense it.

If she appeared here when the flames were still burning, she might be able to get a chance. Unfortunately, Liangjie Mountain was an indestructible barrier that prevented the demons from returning to their ancestral land, which is now called the main plane of the human world.


The phoenix sighed.

The red skirt was shining.

The next moment, she was about to reveal her true body and fly away.

However, she didn't do so. In the end, she still maintained her human appearance, and her pretty face was full of panic.

In front of her, a flickering light appeared.

The light was a flying sword, which was hovering about three feet away from her eyebrows, completely locking her.

Transformation was impossible!

Once this was done, the flying sword would definitely fly quickly.

The phoenix didn't think she could dodge this sword. She didn't notice the appearance of the flying sword before, and now she certainly couldn't dodge the attack of the flying sword.

The opponent's realm level formed a crushing situation for her.

She could only be silent and wait in despair.

Then, Nie Wushuang appeared on the top of the mountain. He did not look at the phoenix, but looked at a distant place.

The golden body of the White Emperor suddenly appeared and faced the flying bird.


"Or, die!"

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