
Choi Min-sik often asks himself, if he has any merits, then the biggest merit must be caution.

The reason why he can become a Xiantian Zhenren and live to this day is that the word caution has an absolute advantage. He has survived several times because of caution. If he was a little less careful, he would have been dead now.

Even though he has reached the realm of Xiantian Zhenren, with the existence of the soul lamp that holds the spirit, it is not so easy to capsize. Choi Min-sik still maintains a cautious style of doing things and never takes risks. This is why he gave up the task in front of the mountain gate of the Sword-asking Sect.

It was also because he turned around and left the moment he saw Nie Wushuang, without a trace of curiosity.

Some things do not need to be tried. The boy seems harmless and his cultivation level is not high. However, his appearance here is a problem, which means that things are not happening as he imagined.

It is better to leave early!

Cui Minzhi's reaction was incredibly fast. To be honest, Nie Wushuang didn't expect it. In his opinion, the other party, a Xiantian Zhenren, would most likely come forward to test him if he found himself blocking the way, or at least say something.

Turn around and leave?


Decisive enough!

However, since he had come here, had met the other party and revealed his true face, he would definitely not let this guy leave.

It's just a little more thought and effort!

With the thought, Nie Wushuang flew up like a breeze. On the Daqingyan, his figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Land flying technique?


Nie Wushuang didn't know this method of Xiantian Zhenren. The light body skills below Xiantian were not as fast as land flying, so it was better not to use it. If he used it, it would be a joke.

He used the escape technique from the second world.

Sword escape!

The real sword escape is to fly with the sword, penetrate the endless void, which is equivalent to superimposing the space distance, and one sword can cross thousands of mountains and rivers.

There is no endless void in this world, only the real world.

There are also magic skills to escape through the real world, but this kind of magic is very powerful and profound. Even Yangshen Zhenjun cannot control part of it, let alone Xiantian Zhenren. Naturally, pseudo-Xiantian like Nie Wushuang cannot do it.

Therefore, most of the means of sword escape, well, the more advanced means are not feasible.

However, it is feasible to break through the air and escape in the real world as a sword.

If a sword master from the Sword Pavilion travels to this world, it will not be able to achieve the above level. It is easier said than done to use the body as a sword. It is impossible without that level and realm.

The rules have changed, and the sword master has to bow his head when he comes here.

However, Nie Wushuang is not included.

Here, Nie Wushuang cannot transform into Baidi, but because his body and mind are all integrated together, he can change according to his will.

Although Baidi could not become a complete body, he could perfectly simulate Baidi's aura.

So, now he is a sword, a sword formed after perfectly simulating Baidi's aura, and it is no longer a problem to use his body as a sword.

If he can achieve this level, there will be no problem with sword escape.

Using the body as a sword is the most important thing. As long as it can be achieved, it can also escape in the real world like a sword.

Like light and lightning!

Absolutely no problem!

Cui Minzhi's land flying technique is very powerful, and the flying speed is good, but it can't be compared with Nie Wushuang's sword escape.

After flying over several hills, Cui Minzhi stopped.

On the top of the tree in front, Nie Wushuang stood in the wind and blocked him. At this time, there were clouds and mist passing through the forest. They stood on the treetops, just like standing on the sea of ​​clouds, looking at each other silently.

Cui Minzhi took a deep breath.

This time, he did not choose to turn around and run away.

It is obvious that the other party knows a faster body method. Even if he escapes, he will inevitably be caught up in the end.

The option of running away is just a futile effort.

In this deserted place, there is no reinforcement to rely on, and all I can do is to face the challenge head-on.

The bravest will win when two meet on a narrow road!

That's all!

Without any probing or dialogue, Cui Minzhi took action, and once he took action, he used all his strength without hiding it at all.

At this time, only a pig head would hide his strength.

Cui Minzhi is not a sword cultivator, but from the Five Elements Sect. The Tianjian Sect has sword cultivator sects such as the Wenjian Sect, and there are also sects that use the five elements of magic. Well, this sect is the Five Elements Sect near the county city.

The immortal sect is actually based on the five elements of Taoism, and sword cultivation is just an exception.

If you want to live forever, the five elements of Taoism are stronger than sword cultivation. However, when it comes to eliminating demons and defending the way, sword cultivation is more sharp.

Even if the boy opposite does not have the breath of a congenital real person, Cui Minzhi dare not be negligent in the slightest.

With a wave of his hand, several small flags flew out.

Small flags danced in the air, representing gold, wood, water, fire and earth, forming a small five-element formation.

This five-element formation separated the inner and outer world.

Nie Wushuang and Cui Minzhi were inside, and the space of several dozen feet was inside. After that, Cui Minzhi's Yin God just hovered between his eyebrows.

With the isolation of the five-element formation, the Yin God was not punished by heaven.

In an instant, this space of several dozen feet became Cui Minzhi's domain field. Within the domain field, all the induction changes followed his mind. At this moment, he was respected in the five-element formation, like a god.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent should take action.

Although Cui Minzhi's movements were fast, it still took time to set up the formation or control the domain field with the Yin God. Even if the time was not long, just a few breaths, as long as the opponent had fought with Xiantian, he would most likely destroy it at this time.

When Xiantian and Xiantian fought, the most tense moment was the first moment of fighting.

Whoever could form the domain field before the other party would take the initiative. No one would stand on the treetop like Nie Wushuang, waiting for the other party to take action.

Did the other party not know this method?

Or was he self-righteous?

In any case, this was a good thing for him.

After the domain field was released, Cui Minzhi's uneasy heart returned to normal a little. He took a deep breath, and the Yin God's breath spread in the domain field.

Like a tide, it flowed towards Nie Wushuang from all directions.

The next moment, it was erosion and contamination, and even distortion...

In the end, in the domain field controlled by himself, the opponent will have hallucinations. Even if he has a strong will and does not indulge in illusions, he cannot correctly control space and time. There will inevitably be errors in his actions. In this case, how can he fight himself?

Everything seems normal!

For some reason, Choi Min-sik still has some palpitations.

The uneasiness that was suppressed before emerged from his heart again.

Things will not go so smoothly!

He always feels that things will not go so smoothly!

Sure enough...

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