"Junior Brother Nie."

Jiang Xunyun walked towards Nie Wushuang with a smile on his face.

If the mountain doesn't come, it's me. I'll go to the mountain. If you don't say hello to me, you are not polite at all. As a senior brother, I should be more generous and take the initiative to say hello to you.

Everyone luckily survived and ended up in the same place again.

What a fate!

Yes, this is the persona Jiang Xunyun gave himself.

So, he walked towards Nie Wushuang with a smile.

Nie Wushuang raised his head. That breath had been captured, analyzed, and devoured. It would take some time to convert, and more breath would be needed. There was no way to look forward to it for the time being, so he could only throw it aside and put it aside. aside.

"Senior Brother Jiang..."

Nie Wushuang also had a smile on his face.

"Junior Brother Nie, how did you survive?"

A hint of doubt appeared on Jiang Xunyun's face.

He didn't think that Nie Wushuang could survive the impact of the energy wave with his own strength. In his opinion, the other party must have a protective treasure on his body, but he didn't know if it was a disposable item like his own protective magic weapon, or A sharper magic weapon or something like that.

If it is a magic weapon, then...

However, most likely not. You must know that being able to activate a magic weapon and use it requires a lot of true energy. Only practitioners at the level of Xiantian or above can use it. If he were in the realm of enlightenment and seeing the truth, even if a magic weapon was handed over to him, He couldn't activate it either.

Only a very small number of magic weapons can operate automatically, and even ordinary people can use them.

However, that type of magic weapon does not even exist in the Tianjian Sect. It only exists in the large sects in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Some important figures, well, the sect's hopeful seedlings like Cheng Lijun, have integrated magic weapons into their souls since they were young. , to protect yourself.

Could the Nie Wushuang in front of him be that kind of existence?



Jiang Xunyun shook his head secretly in his heart.

"I don't know either!"

Nie Wushuang smiled and spread his hands.

"Maybe it's luck!"

Finally, he concluded.


There was a loud noise in the void.

The floating iceberg beneath their feet shook slightly.

Nie Wushuang turned his head and looked to one side, only to see a ball of light circling between the icebergs. The aura of True Monarch Yang Shen was vigorous. However, he could not break through the iceberg formation. In the sky, there was heavy goose feather snow. To be precise, it's not snowflakes, but ice shards.

Moreover, this ice slag is not white, but seems to be fused with many pollutants. It is gray-black ice slag. These ice slags slow down the speed of the light.

There is a strange aura in the ice slag.

Well, that aura is the same as the aura of the Xuanbing Great God in the magic circle.

When looking over there, Nie Wushuang's spiritual thoughts had quietly broken through the iceberg formation. Although he could not take the aura of the Great God Xuanbing as his own and transform it into his own rules, he had to It is easy to leave the control of the magic circle quietly.

All he needs to do is simulate, and the magic circle will treat him as the same kind.

Divine thoughts were submerged in the ice slag, and Nie Wushuang knew that this so-called ice slag was a magical power cast by a person, which used the altar to attract the aura of the Xuanbing Great God hidden somewhere in the endless void. This It was to invite the gods, a magical power that he had rarely been exposed to before.

In the second world, there are also sacrifices to invite gods.

Such as Huangquan or something.

However, there is still a difference from the magical power in front of me, and it is essentially the same thing.


Now, Nie Wushuang needs to be exposed to all kinds of new things. Of course, while sensing, he has not forgotten to pick up the wool.

Incorporate the aura of the Great God Xuan Bing into the sea of ​​consciousness little by little.

The speed was not fast, it could be said to be slow, bit by bit, not all drawn into the sea of ​​consciousness in one breath. He was worried that if he was too eager, he would attract the attention of the great god.

Now is not the time to deal with those big shots.

It can only be moved bit by bit like ants moving.

"Don't worry, True Lord Mingde will definitely win and rescue us..."

Jiang Xunyun's voice lingered in his ears.

"Oh, that's good."

Nie Wushuang responded casually.


There was a crisp sword cry.

A bright sword light.

Jiang Xunyun drew his sword out of its sheath, and the long sword drew a streak of white light, and fell towards Nie Wushuang on one side without any hesitation. The sword's light was like lightning.


On the battlefield of True Lord Yangshen, it is normal for an unknown soldier to die.

Jiang Xunyun had to do this. Nie Wushuang and Cheng Lijun were his inner demons. Now was the best opportunity. It was only him and Nie Wushuang and no one else.

I can't kill you Cheng Lijun, so I can't kill your little follower?

He knew that Cheng Lijun and Nie Wushuang had a very good relationship. If Cheng Lijun had not insisted on taking Nie Wushuang with him, Nie Wushuang would not be on the flying boat.

In other words, Nie Wushuang is Cheng Lijun's weakness.

Once Nie Wushuang is killed, Cheng Lijun will also feel sad, which is equivalent to having one more inner demon. It may not matter now, but when there is a breakthrough in the future, this will be a flaw.

He has offended the other party, and the other party seems to have no intention of making peace.

In this case, if you seize the opportunity, you must make a deadly move. If you let Nie Wushuang go today, if everyone is lucky enough to survive, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity to make a move in the future.

Therefore, Jiang Xunyun took action!

Maybe, Nie Wushuang has a magic weapon to protect him.

However, this possibility is very small. He can't let it go just because of this guess. If so, he will never be able to take action in this life.

This inner demon will be difficult to eliminate.

It's not good to throw the baby out with the bathwater!


Nie Wushuang sighed in his heart.

After landing on the floating iceberg and seeing Jiang Xunyun, he thought that there was a high possibility that this person would attack him, more than 50%.

As expected...

Why bother?

Why do you have to seek death?

The sword light fell and cut Nie Wushuang.

Jiang Xunyun raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of a grim smile, and couldn't help but say out loud.

"Boy, you can't blame anyone, you can only blame your bad luck..."

The voice stopped abruptly.


What he saw before was indeed an illusion. He watched his sword cut Nie Wushuang, but in fact, it was a residual image, a residual image left on his retina.

The sword that he thought would kill him fell into the air.

A few steps away, Nie Wushuang stood there, turned his head and looked at himself, with a trace of pity and disdain in his eyes.

What's going on?

Jiang Xunyun was a little confused.

Then, there was a bright light in front of him.

Everything in the field of vision turned into a bright light.

The light flickered, and then the world spun.

Darkness fell.


Nie Wushuang drew his sword back into the sheath, without even looking at Jiang Xunyun who was beheaded by his sword, he turned his head and continued to look at the battlefield.

Mingde Zhenjun and the unknown enemy were fighting fiercely.

In a short time, it was afraid that the winner would not be determined.

Suddenly, Nie Wushuang frowned.

He turned his head and looked to the other side.

The causal line between him and Cheng Lijun was trembling slightly.

Is this, dangerous?

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