Mingde Zhenjun rushed out of the chains of the magic circle space in a slightly embarrassed manner. As Yangshen Zhenjun, his character must be first-class. If his character is not good, he can't reach this level now. However, at this moment, he still can't hide his emotions.

His face is slightly exasperated.

And his heart is full of frustration.

In his opinion, Wang Zhonghai blocked him for such a long time, which was enough for Fang Zhenren, the traitor, to take action. In the entire flying boat, except for himself, Fang Zhenren's strength is the strongest, and none of the others are innate.

The flying boat is damaged and collapsed, which will inevitably form energy waves.

Without his care and no time to rescue, those guys will most likely not escape the scouring of the energy wave. Even if they survive by chance, they will not be able to escape Fang Zhenren's pursuit. If they are not innate, they are all ants. Cheng Lijun is probably in danger.

Now, all he can do is to catch up, kill Wang Zhonghai, and avenge his fellow disciples.

However, even if he killed this guy, the seedlings of the sect's revival were strangled, and he would most likely still be in big trouble and take the blame.

He might enter the Cliff of Repentance and be in seclusion.

At least fifty years, it is hard to say whether he can survive these fifty years.

Just as Master Mingde was about to chase in the direction of Wang Zhonghai's flight, he saw Cheng Lijun and Nie Wushuang below the sea of ​​clouds in the corner of his eye. The two were floating hand in hand and falling to the ground.

What is a desperate situation?

This is a desperate situation!

At that moment, Master Mingde seemed to have come back to life from the brink of death. He cut off the vague connection between him and Wang Zhonghai, and the flying sword flew out of his body, turning into a ball of light, wrapping him and falling rapidly towards the ground.

Nie Wushuang and Cheng Lijun were about a thousand feet away from the Mangcang Mountain below, and Master Mingde was also more than a thousand feet away from the two of them. However, Master Yangshen's sword cultivation sword escape speed was extremely fast, and he soon caught up with the two.

At this time, they were still more than 500 feet away from the ground.

Seeing the sword light falling from the sky from afar, Cheng Lijun and Nie Wushuang smiled at each other, and then the sword light swept them in.

Yangshen Zhenjun's flying sword actually also contains some mustard seed space laws, so Mingde Zhenjun can use the flying sword to wrap others to fly.

Of course, compared with flying alone, the speed is much slower, and the time to persist will be greatly shortened.

Mingde Zhenjun can only bring five people. If there are more than five people, let alone flying with a sword, even staying in the air will take a lot of effort. As for taking Nie Wushuang and Cheng Lijun, it is still easy.

Flying in the sword light of others' flying swords is much less comfortable than flying in a flying boat.

If riding a flying boat is like riding an airplane, flying wrapped in someone else's flying sword is almost the same, but one is a passenger plane and the other is a fighter. The two are completely different, even warriors will feel dizzy.

If the strength is slightly weaker, and the mind is insufficient, it may even vomit.

Mingde Zhenjun seemed to know that he couldn't go on like this. He flew forward for a short distance, found a mountain road, and landed.

Looking at Nie Wushuang and Cheng Lijun, Mingde Zhenjun hesitated to speak.

Everyone died, only these two people were alive, no matter from which angle it is a miracle.

It wouldn't be strange if Cheng Lijun survived.

Such a genius is equivalent to the son of the Tao, with the blessing of heaven, and will have good luck, just like the protagonist of the novel, no matter what he does, no matter what danger he encounters, there is a plug-in to help.

If everyone died, only Cheng Lijun was alive, Mingde Zhenjun would not be surprised.

He has lived for nearly three hundred years, and he has been to the seven countries of the Central Plains for training. How talented and beautiful those proud children of heaven are, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine.

But Nie Wushuang is also alive?

This is a bit strange!

This kid is only in the Zhoutian Qihai realm, and he has only been in the Zhoutian Qihai for a short time. How can he survive?

Master Mingde did not ask.

Verbal communication is unreliable, and the answers obtained are often lies.

As Master Yangshen, facing a warrior in the Zhoutian Qihai realm is like an adult facing a baby. There is no such thing as treating each other with courtesy.

After landing, Master Mingde took action.

The Yangshen aura quietly penetrated into Nie Wushuang's sea of ​​consciousness. Of course, this was what he thought was quiet, and he did it after hiding it from Cheng Lijun. After entering the sea of ​​consciousness, it went towards the soul.

Soul-searching technique!

This is a small magical power, a method from the side door.

When traveling in the Central Plains, Mingde, who was still a Xiantian Zhenren at the time, learned this little trick from a Jianghu magician.

It is not a good thing to be the one whose soul is searched.

If there is a huge difference in strength, like now, a Yangshen Zhenjun attacks a warrior in the Zhoutian Qihai realm, and the warrior has no idea that his soul is being searched, and all the memories of the past few days will be obtained by Yangshen Zhenjun.

It's like opening his diary.

Of course, the consequences are far more serious than opening a diary.

At that time, the soul seemed to be unharmed, but in fact, the core had been moved and affected by the breath of Yangshen Zhenjun. It's okay at this stage, but if you are lucky enough to open your mind and see the truth, there will be problems when you step into the innate stage.

Because the mind is no longer pure, there is spiritual pollution.

After entering the real world, if the spirit is polluted, let alone capturing the true spirit emitted by the starlight, it is a problem whether you can get close to the starlight.

There are also some spiritual creations in the real world.

For example, evil gods like Xuanyin Great God will also have projections in the real world. Such beings like souls that have been polluted by the spirit the most.

If they are targeted by the other party, it will be difficult to deal with!

Therefore, some practitioners will suddenly go astray and evil spirits enter their bodies when they cross the threshold of innateness. The most fundamental reason is that they have suffered from spiritual pollution before, but at that time, their cultivation was low and they did not know it.

Mingde Zhenjun’s method is very skillful, and Cheng Lijun did not feel anything.

She was still wondering why Mingde Zhenjun did not ask herself and Nie Wushuang.

To be honest, Nie Wushuang can completely keep the enemy away from thousands of miles away. It is not impossible to seal the acupoints to prevent Mingde Zhenjun’s Yang Shen aura from penetrating into his sea of ​​consciousness, but doing so will expose him completely.

He had to take action.

He might be able to kill a Yang Shen Zhenjun.

However, doing so is meaningless. It is impossible to enter Tianjianmen, and he does not know how to face Cheng Lijun.

So, he let Mingde Zhenjun’s Yang Shen aura penetrate into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The Black Emperor's formless incarnation operated, forming a virtual soul, pulling in the Yang spirit of Master Mingde.

So, he was given an answer.

Master Mingde also saw how Nie Wushuang survived by chance and how he reunited with Cheng Lijun.

The two fell to the ground holding hands.

So, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid has a causal connection with Cheng Lijun, and is also affected by Cheng Lijun's luck, so he was so lucky just now, right?

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