Time flies.

Unconsciously, more than ten days have passed.

Time entered May, the sun became warmer, mosquitoes became more and more, and summer officially arrived.

In more than ten days, Nie Wushuang's image in the eyes of outsiders has almost been fixed. He is talented and has good roots. However, relying on this advantage, he does not work hard in cultivation. How will his future be?

Although he is now among the top, he will probably be caught up by others in a long time.


In addition, there is another outstanding point.

That is, he eats too much. Although he is small, his appetite is extremely amazing. At least four or five strong men who practice martial arts can eat as much as him. His stomach is only so big. I really don’t know where he put all the food?

Nie Wushuang doesn’t care about other people’s opinions.

Even in his previous life, he didn’t care about other people’s opinions of him, not to mention that he is in this world where extraordinary power belongs to individuals.

In this world, the law of the jungle that the strong prey on the weak is more obvious.

Unlike his previous life, because there is no extraordinary individual who crushes the group, this law is covered with a layer of tenderness and tenderness. After all, the people on the pyramid are a minority after all. If they are exploited too much, the people below can't survive and will overthrow everything with violence.

This world is not the case.

There is no fear of rebellion from the lower class.

The noble families, the sects, the court... are high above.

Basically, all the means of production are in the hands of the clans and sects, because they have powerful military forces.

Not afraid of resistance from the lower class, there is only one word for resistance, death!

Take Wei County as an example, there are three major forces here.

The first force naturally comes from the court, represented by the local government.

The second force is the local tyrants. After all, it is a small county. The so-called four major families can only be called tyrants, not noble families. They have manors and forts outside the city, their own troops, and tenants.

The third force is the gang sect. The Shangyang Martial Arts School where Nie Wushuang is now living is one of them. In addition to the martial arts school, it also runs an escort agency and mines outside the city, all of which are named Shangyang.

Most of the officials in the government are from local nobles and gangs.

In such a world, if poor children want to stand out.

One word, difficult!

Four words, extremely difficult!

Therefore, those apprentices who entered the martial arts school were so eager just now, just like Nie Wushuang in his previous life, the imperial examination or the college entrance examination can change their fate and allow people to cross classes. In this world, martial arts practice can also do it.

Not to mention practicing internal strength to become a martial artist, and becoming a member of the ruling class.

Even if you have abundant blood and a strong body to support your family, it is not a problem, especially when you work in a place like Shangyang Martial Arts School, basically, you can be guaranteed not to be overly oppressed and humiliated outside.

Some people also care about Nie Wushuang, such as Wei Xiaoxian.

They also persuaded him to try a little harder.

They thought he didn't understand that only hard work and practice can change fate. In fact, Nie Wushuang understood it better than anyone else, and he was more aware of the world.

In fact, he worked harder than all of them.

As long as the body has nutrition and energy, the clone is practicing, but those people can't see it.

Tiger-shaped pile, perfect.

The first twelve forms of Tiger Roaring in the Forest, entry 72/100.

This is the result of the clone's practice in more than ten days.

To a certain extent, absorbing nutrition from food and converting energy to supply the clone's practice can only be a stopgap measure. It's okay at this stage, but as the realm is improved, it's not appropriate to do so. After all, the energy provided by food is limited.

It is said that the disciples of the East Court are provided with elixirs every month.

The East Court dining hall not only has meat every day, but also provides monster meat every few days. Whether it is elixirs or monster meat, the energy that can be converted is definitely far better than ordinary meals.

Nie Wushuang also wants to take elixirs.

At their level, what they need is blood-nourishing pills.

Inside the martial arts hall, it is about one or two silver coins per pill.

Don't count on the apprentices in the West Courtyard, but you can trade privately. As long as you have money, people like Meng Gang can help you get the blood-nourishing pills. Of course, the price is slightly higher, one tael and five cents per pill.

Nie Wushuang wants to try.

He has reached an agreement with Meng Gang.

Therefore, the reward mentioned by Gu Baiyun has become important to him. Ten taels of silver can buy five or six blood-nourishing pills.

He will definitely get this silver!

At this time, Nie Wushuang was standing in the martial arts arena.

Unlike more than ten days ago, most of the apprentices in the West Courtyard have already entered the Tiger-shaped pile. At this time, the apprentices who cannot enter the Tiger-shaped pile have been eliminated and can only become pure chores.

In the past ten days, no one has been recognized by Gu Baiyun.

Today, as usual, Gu Baiyun came to the martial arts arena, walked around, took a general look, and prepared to leave.

It was very difficult to practice the twelve-style boxing stance in front of Tiger Roaring Forest to a level that satisfied him in more than ten days. This was because of the tiger-shaped stance. If the tiger-shaped stance was not practiced to the level of proficiency, it would be difficult to practice the boxing stance well.

In Gu Baiyun's opinion, someone should be able to do it in a month.

After all, in addition to boxing, standing stance is also indispensable every day. As long as you are not particularly stupid, it will be basically no problem for the tiger-shaped stance to reach the level of proficiency in a month.

"Master Gu!"

Nie Wushuang stepped out of the queue and shouted loudly.


Gu Baiyun turned around and looked at Nie Wushuang.

He had an impression that this apprentice had an amazing appetite and could conquer a whole room by himself. However, he heard that he was not very diligent in his cultivation.

God rewards hard work!

These four words hang in the study room of Gu Baiyun's home. If he hadn't been diligent, he would never have been able to develop his inner strength without being above average!

Therefore, Nie Wushuang is not on his list of concerns.

"Master Gu, I want to try..."

Nie Wushuang said.


Gu Baiyun stroked his beard and glanced at Nie Wushuang.

He looked at the apprentices who were still practicing and motioned to Yang Chong beside him to tell those people to stop.

Originally, Gu Baiyun could take Nie Wushuang to a small courtyard on one side and test it in private. However, he didn't like Nie Wushuang very much. How could a person not be diligent? Therefore, he decided to let Nie Wushuang accept his test in public.


Then don't blame him for being rude!

"Go up..."

Gu Baiyun pointed to the high platform and asked Nie Wushuang to stand on the platform and accept everyone's attention. It is impossible for a strong person to be unable to withstand this pressure.

Nie Wushuang nodded and walked up.




Not in that mood!

To him, this is an ordinary practice.

Taking a deep breath, the clone retracted into the shadow. Nie Wushuang opened his fist and squatted on the tiger-shaped pile. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed like a tiger was walking through the forest and rushing toward them. Standing in front of the high platform Some timid guys couldn't help but take a half step back.


Gu Baiyun's eyes lit up and his expression changed.


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