Just as Xia Zhaoyang guessed, the little fat man and Luo Li arrived under the sacred tree just as they fell in the green hills.

After some preparations, Luo Li even cast an illusion to cover them up, and then recited an oath together under the holy tree, and they became Taoist couples.

It seems that this holy tree is really a bit magical. With the recitation of the oath, the auras of the two are naturally fused and connected under the holy tree.

The two people on the cloud head were very pleased to see, and secretly sent blessings to the little fat man.

Knowing Luo Li's temperament, the two did not show up to disturb each other, and after watching for a while, they left together.

Then the two went to Daxia Palace along the way, but also did not show up, standing in the middle of the sky and watching secretly.

The main reason is that the group of dolls below are too entangled. Princess Chaoyang is worried that if this goes on, she will not be able to get away within half a day.

The two finally returned to the small courtyard of Bai's house, and they called Luo Yucaiwei, who was watching Luo Yucaiwei in mid-air, to get down from the clouds, and they went to the front courtyard together.

It was already late at this time, but the small courtyard of the Bai family was brightly lit, and the two little children were still full of energy, lying on the table in the backyard and joining pieces of wood, big and small, having a great time playing.

Father and Mother were both accompanying each other in the backyard, one was watching with the post newspaper of the day, and the other was watching with great interest the two little children playing with the pile of wood.

On the stone table beside the fish pond, koi are boiling lingonberry syrup, stirring the aroma gently, attracting the concerned eyes of the two children from time to time.

A cloud of mist descended, and the four of them appeared in the front yard.

"Aniang, we're back..." Baiyunlou called casually.

Hearing the movement, two children who were playing in the backyard were the first to run out. Seeing the four of them, it was a lively scene.

Although Bai Ziwen was overjoyed, he was not reserved, and saluted the four of them in a dignified manner.

Xiao Xiaoyu is a lot of pestering people, as soon as she meets Caiwei, she throws herself into Caiwei's arms, lingering and not wanting to come down, as if she hasn't seen her for a long time.

Everyone returned to the backyard together, chatting casually while tasting the syrup cooked by the koi.

After drinking the sugar water, Xia Chaoyang couldn't stay idle, and with great interest, he pulled the two little children to assemble wooden blocks, and had a great time playing.

I heard that several people have to go back in less than half an hour, Auntie and father know that there must be something important to do, so they will not stay with each other.

The old man is so impatient, he urged a few people to leave just after a stick of incense, saying that the important matter should not be delayed, and the two little children will take care of it properly.

A few people had no choice but to set off, Xiao Ziwen was fine, but something happened to Xiao Xiaoyu, Lai Caiwei didn't want to get down in her arms.

In the end, it was Xiao Ziwen who came forward to persuade him, and even took out a jar of Xuanling Liquid, which attracted Xiao Xiaoyu.

It's just that Xiao Xiaoyu's day of cutting off the mysterious spirit liquid has to be considered in the long run, but the head of Bai Da also said that before the hair is tied, the mysterious spirit liquid can be taken all the time, there is no need to cut it off at the age of one or two.

Hearing this, Caiwei felt relieved, and stepped onto the cloud heads of her brothers and sisters, and they fled back to Qingyunmen together.

Back at the Wenxin Pavilion, Baiyunlou unexpectedly sensed that the fluctuations in time and space outside the magic weapon Liuhua had calmed down.

Looking left and right, he found that all the monks who had escaped from the Liuhua Realm before were all present, and then Baiyun Tower stopped waiting, and greeted everyone, and when they were ready, they immediately activated the magic weapon and supernatural power to restore everyone's original consciousness. Pulled into the Liuhua world.

As everyone regained their senses in the realm of cultivation, their original consciousness returned to the Dharma body, and they immediately noticed the abnormality of the breath around them.

Demonic energy filled the air, and demonic thoughts abounded.

Everyone immediately guarded their minds and looked around to investigate.

This place was originally a blessed place in the middle of the realm of cultivation, but unexpectedly it was attacked by demon energy.

When they left, the entire realm of cultivation was still peaceful and peaceful. It was only a month or so before Liuhua Realm, and the demonic energy of the Sinking Realm spread here. It's really amazing.

It's useless to think too much, everyone started to contact the fellow Taoists here, in order to find out the situation as soon as possible, so that they can deal with it.

As the thought was sent out, not long after, several figures flashed out on the teleportation circle not far away, it was Xiaojing Baizhan, Huo Linger, Huo Tong and others.

"Brother Sect Leader, you guys are back..." When Xiao Jing sighed, Huo Ling'er and Huo Tong set up a fireworks light curtain to block out the demonic energy in the sky.

Baiyunlou looked curiously, and raised his finger to condense a real fire, really ready to pierce it into the demonic energy in the sky.

"Brother Bai, wait a moment..."

After calling Senior Brother Bai, Huo Tong went on to say: "It's nothing to ignite these devilish energy, but what's extremely strange is that when a piece of devilish energy is ignited here, the entire range of devilish energy will spread to the east boundary correspondingly." the size of."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou quickly put away the real fire, turned his head and probed to sense it.

"This devilish energy has already covered nearly half of the realm of cultivation. Could it be that you two created it..."

Hearing that Senior Brother Bai directly asked about the key point, Huotong hurriedly replied: "This..., I didn't know at first, and it's not just me and Senior Sister Huoling, Lanzhi and Xiaoxi also contributed a lot. ..."

"The matter has come to this point, we can only discuss it in the long term, Xiao Jing, tell me about the current situation." Knowing the reason for the spread of demon energy, Baiyunlou did not get entangled in this matter, and turned to Xiao Jing to inquire.

Xiao Jing nodded slightly, and then briefly described the information collected so far.

First of all, this demonic energy is indeed a big trouble, especially since it has spread to this point, covering nearly half of the cultivation domain, and the cultivation sects within it are protected by a large formation, but they can persist for a while.

Now that more than a month has passed, ordinary humans and ordinary birds and beasts in the demonic energy have gradually become enchanted~www.readwn.com~ Many monsters have followed the trend of the spreading demonic energy, breaking into the realm of cultivation from the sinking realm, sensing Seeing the existence of fresh blood food, each of them looked crazy. Many villages close to the Sinking Domain have been poisoned by monsters for more than a month.

Sensing the invasion of monsters, a group of monks and demon cultivators took action one after another.

It's just that the territory connecting the two domains is thousands of miles away. At that time, many monks returned to the human world, and the number of monks who could make a move was also limited, so it was difficult to take care of it for a while.

Huo Ling'er and the others attacked with all their strength at the boundary wall, killing countless monsters.

Huo Tong has recently obtained the complete exercise of Lord Shenjun, and he feels that he has gained a lot. When he caught up with the invasion of monsters with boundless magic energy, he suddenly felt that he had a chance to show his skills. Burn out a large piece of demonic energy.

It was also after that shot that everyone noticed the temper of the devil's energy, so Huo Ling'er and the others restrained themselves a lot. Even if they used real fire to destroy the monsters, they would try to only target the monster itself and not affect a large number of monsters. gas.

This restraint, the result ushered in the counterattack of the monster.

Huo Ling'er and the others shot with all their strength before, killing monsters and demon cultivators extremely quickly, and did not notice anything unusual for a while, but after a little restraint, many demon cultivators mixed in and began to attack monks and creatures in the realm of comprehension.


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