The guy looked at it in his hand and couldn't help being stunned, it turned out to be the jade tablet of "Tianzi No. 2".

Thinking that his shopkeeper had a "herringbone number three" silver medal, he hid it next to his body like a treasure. He had heard about the jade medal of Tianzi size from the big shopkeeper, and it was the big owner of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce.

The guy's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly led Baiyunlou into the back hall.

In the back hall, the shopkeeper of the branch store was counting the goods, when he saw the waiter leading a handsome young man into the door, he was immediately attracted by the jade token in the waiter's hand.

After taking a closer look, he hurriedly raised his head to look at Baiyun Tower, and said excitedly, "It really is the young master."

After the shopkeeper confirmed that the jade talisman was correct, he hurriedly returned the jade plaque to Baiyunlou, and asked the staff to go to the front store to help.

Afterwards, the shopkeeper went forward and closed the door of the back hall, turned around and gave a salute to Baiyun Tower, bowed and said, "Number Three of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has seen the big boss."

Baiyunlou bowed his hand and saluted, "Feiyang's arrangements are thoughtful and considerate. This Luoshui County is a quiet corner, but it doesn't have the prosperity of the prefectural city. The shopkeeper's cultivation base is quite inferior in this small county."

"How could it be? Luoshui County has outstanding people and convenient transportation. Master Feiyang is very concerned about the branch in Luoshui County. It's a great honor for the young one to be able to work here." The shopkeeper said excitedly.

Speaking of this, the shopkeeper remembered the things he had just arrived in the morning, took out the key and opened the side door of the back hall, and came to a secret room, where a lot of things were piled on the table beside the secret room.

Baiyun Tower saw at a glance the stone platform in the middle of the secret room, which was nearly ten feet in radius, embedded with four formation disks nearly two feet in size, and it was the teleportation formation that he had refined.

The shopkeeper pointed to a pile of things on the table and said: "Most of these are gourmet snacks that Young Master Feiyang ordered from various stores and sent them over early in the morning."

"There are two other things that were sent from Kyoto, and they are these two." He pointed to the two wooden boxes that were placed aside.

Looking at the two well-carved wooden boxes, Baiyunlou murmured: "It's from the capital, who else but Junior Sister Xia."

He casually opened a wooden box, inside was a stack of fine paper, on the top page, there was a line of small characters neatly written on it: The book will be written in a few days, please give me advice.

Sure enough, it was Junior Sister Xia's handwriting, and the graceful handwriting was gradually gaining momentum, Baiyunlou couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Opening the other wooden box, it turned out to be a box of pastries, with different shapes, all kinds of strange things, but they were also delicate, it must have been made by the junior sister herself.

Baiyun Tower asked the shopkeeper to go out to do business in the store. He needed pens and inks, so he put aside the stack of copybooks filled with ink, read them carefully one by one, and made notes on the blank space of each page.

This Junior Sister Xia usually seems to be very escaped, but this time she has put a lot of heart into learning calligraphy. It is really rare that she is still practicing calligraphy after returning to the capital.

After taking the first page of the copybook, Baiyunlou replied under that line: "Pleasing to the eye, graceful and elegant."

Looking at the wooden box beside him, Bai Yunlou took a piece of pastry casually, unexpectedly, although the shape was strange, it was delicious.

The glutinous rice cakes are wrapped in sweet fruit fillings. After eating one piece, I couldn’t help but pick up another piece. When I ate it again, I couldn’t help but be amazed. The cakes have different shapes and different fruit fillings, which is interesting.

Seeing the full box of pastries, Bai Yunlou smiled slightly, picked up a pen and wrote another line of small characters on the side: The pastries are very delicious.

Baiyunlou took out the Thousand Miles Communication Talisman from his bosom, picked up a pen and wrote a few lines of small characters, and sent it to the little fat man.

After a while, there was a reply, it turned out that the little fat man was still in the Jiangnan mansion, busy with the affairs of the chamber of commerce.

This Mid-Autumn Festival has made the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce famous, and the goods in all the branches opened have been snapped up by merchants from all over the place.

However, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has already made preparations, the information is smooth, and the replenishment vehicles and horses have been deployed in an orderly manner. As the information hub, the Jiangnan Main Store has been very busy.

The Nangong family has been paying attention to the development of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. They did not expect to expand so quickly. It only took a month, and it has already caught up with the development of the Nangong family for decades.

Hearing that little Feiyang couldn't go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, Patriarch Nangong brought dozens of men, women, children, and children from the clan to the mansion in Jiangnan Mansion a few days earlier to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with Young Master Feiyang whose status had risen greatly.

Knowing the recent situation of the little fat man, Bai Yunlou felt at ease.

Afterwards, he sent a message to the little fat man, asking him to confiscate a batch of spirit fruit wine, and help to hand it over to Junior Sister Dongfang and Junior Sister Xia, two jars each, as a Mid-Autumn Festival gift.

Let the little fat man keep two jars of the rest, and distribute the rest of the fruit wine to the teachers and teachers of the academy.

As for how to transfer the fruit wine of Junior Sister Xia and Junior Dongfang, Baiyunlou didn't bother to worry about it, the little fat man should have his own way.

Take out all the remaining ten altars of spirit fruit wine from the self-knowledge sea enchantment, and Baiyunlou uses the teleportation array to transport these spirit fruit wines one by one to the main shop of Jiangnan mansion, so that the little fat man can transfer and distribute them.

The teleportation circle in the secret room was all refined by the Baiyun Building, so he was familiar with it, so he put the stack of papers full of ink back into the wooden box, and asked the little fat man to send it back to Junior Sister Xia.

In the end, Baiyun Tower wrote a letter to Junior Sister with a few words of Mid-Autumn Festival wishes, and by the way mentioned the matter that had already broken the border.

After some busy work, Baiyunlou put away the things on the side table, took the box of pastries made by Junior Sister Xia in his hand, opened the door and left the secret room.

Back in the small courtyard of the Bai family, Bai Yunlou put the wooden boxes on the stone table, and then took out the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts sent by the little fat man.

These pastries and delicacies come from all the prefectures of the Great Xia Kingdom, and they are the most famous delicacies from all over the country. Some pastries are even steaming. Baiyunlou couldn't help but tasted a few of them, and they were really delicious.

In one of the large wooden boxes, on several layers of thick lotus leaves, there are more than a dozen large herrings that have been slightly marinated. The scales have been cleaned, and seasoning herbs are stuffed in the belly of the fish.

Inside the wooden box lid, there is also a piece of paper pasted, detailing the cooking method, it can be boiled and baked, and the best baked.

This little fat man is really caring, and he still thought of sending a box of fresh ingredients over.

However, thinking that A Niang said that she would cook for herself and cook a Luoshui-style Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, then these big herrings would have to be baked tomorrow for A Niang to try.

With this in mind, Baiyunlou raised his hand and put away the big wooden box.

Looking at the various delicacies on the table, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly. These delicacies are also paid by himself, and an extra sum of money will be sent to the Charity Hall.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou felt that the Lingshi and money were worth the money, and the cakes tasted much more comfortable.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very grand festival in Daxia. Autumn is the harvest season. People who have been busy for more than half a year celebrate the harvest, have family reunions, set off river lanterns, drink tea and enjoy the moon on the night of the full moon.

Baiyunlou was no exception, as in previous years, he accompanied A Niang to the market for half a day and bought a few beautiful river lanterns.

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