Originally, May Weng did not plan to return to the Kunlun Immortal Realm in a hurry, but he did not expect that after refining the true spirit and fairy spirit, his strength would change so quickly, and he had re-formed in less than half a month.

Immediately, Mei Weng left a clone in Nanzhou to guard the ashram, and brought Xiaomeihua back to Kunlun Cave.

Before escaping into the Kunlun Immortal Realm, Mei Weng spent a lot of celestial power to help Xiao Meihua refine her dharma body, coupled with the protection of the real spirit celestial power, it really resisted the tearing force of the teleportation celestial formation.

It is also because Xiaomeihua has been baptized many times by senior sister Qingchi with divine light, and her demon body is quite strong.

Mei Weng, who returned to the Kunlun Immortal Realm, learned of the plan of Master Bai and Palace Master Ziyan, and immediately made preparations to go to the Immortal Realm.

Back then, the old master and all the elders in Kunlun gave up the true spirit to protect the fairy world.

Mei Weng, who has derived the spirit of the true spirit and immortality, is of extraordinary strength, and with the blessing of the wishful immortal light, even if he forcibly breaks into the immortal gate, it is probably not impossible.

Unlike Mayon, the strength of the elf An Ye is far from that, even if he worked hard during this period of time, he was still far from the established cultivation level.

In order to return to the small world of Jianmu as soon as possible, An Ye meditated and practiced in Lieyang Fairyland almost non-stop, and exercised his spiritual body and law body by the way.

Knowing the true nature of May Weng, An Ye's affection for him doubled, and he asked May Weng a lot about the way of demon cultivation, combined with the innate supernatural powers of the elves, he came out of his own way of practice.

During this period of time, the bodies of Baiyunlou, Chaoyang, and Ziyan basically stayed here, and when they were meditating, they could escape into the fairy gate at any time to cultivate the immortal soul dharma body in the upper realm.

It is extremely difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time even if the cultivation base has reached the level of the three of them, even if there is a massive infusion of immortal energy.

Fortunately, repairing the fairy world has little to do with cultivation. It is the purified fairy soul dharma body, and the most important thing is the understanding of the fairy way.

After solving the big problem of the meteorite from outside the sky, Baiyunlou's basic knowledge escaped back to the Fairy Queen's Palace.

In the past month, the restoration of Immortal World has not made much progress, but it has roughly figured out the direction.

After the little flower spirit transformed and woke up, she learned the current situation in the fairy world, and immediately went to the fairy court of the upper realm with her.

This was also expected, just as Ruyi Pearl escaped back to the human world, Xia Chaoyang immediately condensed his soul, and with the help of the Ruyi fairy light, he stepped into the fairy gate with the protection of the little flower spirit, and returned to the Broken Immortal Realm.

Xia Chaoyang's immortal soul circulated the Immortal Pond for Reward and Punishment, and there were no mistakes in the transmission. The powerful immortal power broke through many boundaries and directly led the little flower spirit to the Fairy Queen's Palace.

It is really extremely fast, but it is quite a waste of Xianchi's immortal power.

The celestial power that rewards and punishes the Immortal Pond is the remaining foundation of the Immortal World, but it is not endless. After being reminded by Xiao Hualing, after a few people inspected it carefully, they found that the water waves manifested in the Immortal Pond had actually decreased by a little. There is more than enough.

Consumption is too fast, especially to deal with that extraterrestrial meteorite...

During the investigation, Baiyun Tower faintly felt that this fairy pond would be of great use in the near future, and it could no longer be used up like this.

After some discussion, the right to use the fairy pond was handed over to Xia Zhaoyang, and the real executor was Xiao Hualing.

The little flower spirit was originally derived from the Immortal Pond of Reward and Punishment, and it also fits very well with the Immortal Pond, and the fairy queen left her inheritance among the other lotuses in the pool.

There are many secret things in the fairy world in these inheritances, and by the way, the little flower spirit has been given the authority to assist in the operation of the fairy pond.

In order to reduce consumption as much as possible, the Immortal Pond is mostly used for short-distance teleportation, and the method of manifesting virtual images to escape wantonly in the Immortal World is temporarily banned.

Even Ziyan's virtual image in Guanghan Palace was also withdrawn from the Immortal Pond.

In order for Senior Sister Zi Yan's Fennian Immortal Soul to continue to refine the Guanghan Token, Xiao Hualing successfully sent it back to the ground through several teleportation celestial formations, coupled with a small-scale teleportation from the celestial pond.

With the protection of the little flower spirit, the consumption of the fairy pond plummeted.

After Xiaohualing was settled, Baiyunlou and Chaoyang Huoling left the Fairy Queen's Palace together.

Returning from the West Pole Heaven to the Wusi Immortal Realm in the First Heaven through the teleportation array, he was then accurately teleported to the Fandu Immortal Realm by the little flower spirit.

Ziyan's other immortal soul also rushed from the Huafan Immortal Pond, which was the start of the restoration of the entire immortal world.

Fandu Immortal Realm is one of the Four Great Immortal Realms in Yichongtian, and it is also the most basic fairy realm.

The fairyland collapsed, except for Jiuchongtian, which was barely intact, all the other fairylands collapsed, and the Fandu fairyland was no exception.

In front of everyone's eyes was a vast continent, on which the rules of the immortal way fell apart, and there were scattered fragments of immortal stones and dust everywhere.

From the inheritance of the fairy consciousness left by the fairy queen, several people have a clear understanding of the truth of these fairylands.

These fairylands look like tall towers in the fairyland, layered on top of each other, but in fact each fairyland is extremely vast, and it cannot be measured by ten thousand miles or one hundred thousand miles.

In the eyes of all living beings in the human world, the vast starry sky is actually transformed into pieces of fairyland.

Every star that manifests may be the residence of a celestial being, or the ashram of a celestial monarch.

Today, these mansions and ashrams have all collapsed, and the stars seen in the world are actually the afterglow of the fairy world thousands of years ago.

Three years later, if the fairyland cannot be repaired, this afterglow of the stars will also dissipate.

Restoring these fairylands does not mean piecing together and refining all the scattered fairystone fragments and other things. You only need to find the broken core of the fairyland, gather them together, and the whole fairyland will re-evolve by itself~www.readwn.com~ This kind of fusion is very slow, and everyone can penetrate into it to guide the trend of fusion.

If one can comprehend the rules of the Immortal Dao on it, one will be able to get twice the result with half the effort, thereby greatly speeding up the progress of integration.

Thirty-two star domains, the cores of the thirty-two immortal domains are of different sizes, and the rules of the immortal way are also different.

Relatively speaking, Fandutian's fairyland core is the smallest in size, only tens of feet in size.

When the four of them first came to the core of the Fandu Immortal Domain, it was a little difficult to start for a while.

This situation is beyond the expectations of several people. The core of the fairyland has completely collapsed, and after tens of thousands of years of wandering, the scope of the spread is too wide.

Although the Huafan Immortal Pond collapsed, it was blocked by an invisible barrier. It was easy to find pieces and put them together, but it was much more difficult to restore the core of this fairyland.

Every piece of fairyland is extremely vast, and it is not comparable to Kunlun fairyland.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but no matter how difficult it is, you must start to do it before you can make progress.

Understand where the difficulties are, and then find countermeasures, and face the difficulties, and many impossible things will have the possibility of success.

The four of them traveled back and forth in the Immortal Realm for three months, each encountered various difficulties, and finally managed to restore the Fandu Immortal Realm.

For a seemingly simple fairyland, even Xiao Hualing helped with the power of the fairy pond, but it took more than three months in the end.

Compared with the restoration of the entire fairyland, progress can be described as slow.

However, these three months of exploration were not wasted in vain. After many attempts and deduction, several people finally found a shortcut to restore the fairy world.

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