Halfway through the conversation, Baiyun Tower suddenly realized something, and couldn't help sighing: "It turns out that the thirty-two palaces below the Lingxiao Palace should correspond to the thirty-two fairylands. We restored the Fandu fairyland, corresponding to The Qi mechanism in the Immortal Palace has also stabilized."

"Then if we repair more of the Immortal Domain, the air mechanism outside the Immortal Court should be more stable..." Following the eyes of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang also felt something.

Zi Yan nodded and said: "Chaoyang is right, but according to the current repair progress, those karma may swallow the repaired fairyland again."

"Yeah, so we can only try to fix it faster..."

"Then what kind of karma, if it can be burned, it will be easy..." Huo Ling'er looked at the palace complex in the distance and muttered in a low voice.

"Forget it, don't provoke me lightly, we are just here to explore the way, if you notice something wrong, you should immediately return, everything is safe." Baiyunlou said in a deep voice, setting the tone for this trip.

Hearing this, Zi Yan couldn't help turning her head to look at her senior brother, with the corner of her mouth slightly curved.

Huo Ling'er also looked curiously at the head brother, and then called Xiaotian to continue exploring the way.

Seeing the backs of the two junior sisters, Bai Yunlou turned his head to junior sister Chaoyang and asked softly, "What's the matter... Could it be that senior brother, my temper is not stable enough?"

"Uh..., that's not true, brother is sure..." Xia Chaoyang paused for a moment, then replied with certainty.

Sensing Ziyan's undisguised thoughts, Baiyunlou smiled helplessly, and then said: "Forget it, we all have impulsive tempers, let's play by ear..."

"If you are too safe, sometimes you will miss the fate..." Headmaster Bai finally muttered to himself, and then he put away his idle thoughts, and while concentrating on sensing, he explored the way forward.

A few people carefully operated the most basic fairy law of the fairy world, soaring into the clouds, and escaped along the periphery of the fairy garden.

This escape took half a day, almost across the entire fairy courtyard, and finally came to a peripheral palace.

This place is close to Beitianmen, but Xiao Hualing dare not let everyone escape through Beitianmen, let alone use the method of teleportation in the fairy court at will.

When asked why, most of them were rumors and the like...

So speaking of it, Little Flower Spirit is the real security, and it has helped a lot in the past month or so. The short-distance teleportation that seems to be everywhere has saved a few people from many accidents.

Since Little Flower Spirit took over the Immortal Pond of Reward and Punishment, the extra souls prepared by Master Bai have hardly been worn out.

Sighing a little, Baiyunlou looked intently at the palace in front of him.

The seven palaces are connected into one piece and form a formation of their own.

A palace in the middle is calm and peaceful, and it looks very ordinary, without the slightest ostentatious appearance. It is the place that everyone intends to go to explore.

Heavenly Power Palace!

Wenqu Xingjun is in Xianting's dojo.

The palaces in these fairy courts have extraordinary fairy charms, and the laws of the immortal way inside them are criss-crossing. Even if Baiyunlou's sky eyes are fully open, it is difficult to see through them all.

Taking a closer look, Baiyunlou raised his hand to rotate the cloud and mist illusion, showing the appearance of the flow of energy in his eyes.

At this moment, the virtual image of the little flower spirit manifested behind them, and when they raised their hands, a stream of water mist fell from the void and merged into the brows of Baiyun Tower.

At the critical moment, Little Flower Spirit will not begrudge the power of the Immortal Pond.

With the help of Xianchi, Baiyunlou's spiritual perception was immediately incomparable, and he directly understood the flow of energy in Tianquan Palace.

There are many halls in the Tianquan Palace, and many halls have an aura of net extinction. These are unknown auras left after being backlashed by karma.

Baiyun Tower doesn't care about these auras, it's mainly to find the fairy decree...

"Senior brother, the main hall..." Xia Chaoyang found something abnormal in the manifested mixed energy.

"Well, this main hall is really a troublesome existence..." While speaking, Baiyun Tower manifested the main hall of Tianquan Palace more clearly.

Annihilation aura wandered around in the main hall, especially in front of a calligraphy and painting hanging in the main hall of the main hall.

What is unusual about Xia Zhaoyang's words is this calligraphy and painting.

Upright and awe-inspiring!

The four big characters in ancient style carried a majestic momentum, blocking the annihilating momentum that rushed towards them one after another.

It is worthy of being an ancient fairy thing, and the shape and meaning of the characters on it reveal the endless style of everyone in the ancient literary world.

In fact, not only the main hall has this calligraphy and painting, but the surrounding side halls also have similar fairy objects, but only this calligraphy and painting has attracted countless annihilating auras.

After watching for a while, several people saw the clue at the same time, what these auras really wanted to destroy was the portrait under the four characters.

The proud figure, standing against the wind with an ink pen in hand, with the aura of exterminating evil spirits, fits perfectly with the inscription above his head.

This portrait... actually carries a few hints of true spirit.

The fairy soul left over from ancient times!

The true spirit of immortality, which has not been completely wiped out for tens of thousands of years, is residing on the portrait.

Shocked and moved, Baiyun Tower calmed down and watched the entire Tianquan Palace again.

There is no trace of the fairy decree...

It seems that this trip is hard to gain...

Dangerous here...

Pressing down on the thought that floated up in his mind, Baiyunlou once again focused his attention on the calligraphy and painting.

Jijing's original consciousness is extremely clear, and he can see through the true nature of the true spirit on the portrait in an instant.

"The true spirit that has been reunited not long ago..." Bai Yunlou couldn't help sighing ~www.readwn.com~ Hearing the words of the senior brother, Xia Zhaoyang and Zi Yan had a realization at the same time.

It turned out that this Wenqu Xingjun was one of the surviving true immortals during the catastrophe, and the fairy queen once instructed him to explode the true spirit by himself, waiting for his fate.

Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, this shattered true spirit would reunite on its own in advance, and even attracted the annihilation aura of the entire Tianquan Palace to the front.

Anyway, try to save it...

With this thought, Baiyun Tower immediately circulated the power of the immortal soul, condensing the phantom of the sundial magic weapon.

Containing the magic weapon of the time and space avenue, combined with the basic knowledge of the extreme state, Baiyun Tower deduced it with all its strength in mind.

This time the deduction did not take a picture, but put all the mind into the derivation.

This derivation took half a stick of incense, and the power of Baiyunlou's soul was seriously exhausted. Not only Xia Chaoyang and Ziyan helped each other, but even the little flower spirit had no choice but to pour a lot into his fairy soul body. The power of Xianchi.

Waiting for Master Bai to regain his senses, Xiao Hualing breathed a sigh of relief.

After waking up, Baiyunlou nodded slightly to Xiaohualing, and then, through the illusion of clouds and mists, he manifested the derivation just now.

The Heavenly Power Palace is not allowed to enter at will, the Annihilation Qi inside is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations of the immortal souls, as long as they step into the Tianquan Palace, they will swarm up.

Because of this, all the annihilation spirits in Tianquan Palace were attracted to one place by the true spirit.

However, after many deductions, the Baiyun Tower still found the opportunity to escape into the main hall.

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