In the volumes preserved from ancient times, the characters written on them are ancient and ancient, dignified and majestic, with flowing clouds and flowing water between twists and turns.

Every word seems to be sealed for a period of time.

Looking at these handwritings, Baiyun Tower seems to have seen a glorious history.

No wonder it can block the annihilation of breath and the tempering of ten thousand years of time.

Sighing for a while, Baiyunlou calmed down, used the power of the soul to hold up the volume, and raised his hand, and an ink pen manifested.

As the pen was being written, the aura of grandeur came out along with the stroke of the pen, and Bai Yunlou wrote four large characters in the void.

Upright and awe-inspiring!

Although it is not an ancient style, it also writes with extraordinary momentum and unity of form and spirit.

The ink characters in the mid-air were condensed and did not disperse, and the aura of grandeur radiated from it floated out, touched the ancient scroll, and immediately caused it to tremble.

True resonance.

Suddenly, four ink characters were thrown into the scroll, leaving ink marks at the end of the scroll.

It seems to be approved by it...

Baiyunlou suddenly felt lightened, and the tome, which weighed more than a thousand tons, returned to its normal weight.

Looking at the tome floating in mid-air, Baiyunlou didn't show any contempt, rolled it up solemnly, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Go, next..."

After a while, Baiyun Tower once again harvested a picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and a blue stone tablet.

The map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains was also rolled up and held in his palm, and the blue stone tablet engraved with endless years was temporarily swallowed by Xiaotian after being imprinted by Baiyun Tower.

Although it was recognized by these immortals, it still could not be refined.

The size of the stone tablet is too conspicuous, but fortunately Xiaotian can hold immortal objects in his belly, and temporarily storing the stone tablet in it will not have any impact, but it cannot be too far away from the head of Bai Da.


Afterwards, Baiyunlou took Xiaotian to take the set of pens, inks, papers and inkstones from the side hall, and then stepped into the main hall of Wenqu.

As if sensing a familiar atmosphere, the calligraphy and painting on the main hall of the main hall fluctuated for a while, and a virtual image gradually condensed in front of the portrait.

Looking at his figure, he is no different from the person in the portrait.

With a handsome appearance and a proud figure, he stands holding a ink pen, and when his eyes are opened, a celestial light bursts out.

"Wait..." As soon as he woke up, the manifested phantom true spirit sipped directly out of his mouth.

"I don't know if it's Senior Wenqu Xianjun?" Baiyunlou stepped forward and asked respectfully. When saluting, he was still holding two volumes of a book and a painting in both hands.

"You can't be a fairy, just a little star..." As if sensing Baiyunlou's sincerity, the manifested real spirit directly recognized his identity.

It really is Wenqu Xingjun!

At this moment, two figures floated in from outside the hall, revealing the immortal soul dharma bodies of Zi Yan and Huo Ling'er.

Zi Yan is holding a jade ruyi in one hand, and there are several objects with celestial light floating behind her.

Huo Ling'er on the side was holding an ancient book, and seemed to be struggling.

Wenqu Xingjun frowned slightly, and was about to make an inquiry when there was another noise outside the hall.

"Senior brother, it's already halfway through the cup of tea..." With a clear voice of calling, Xia Zhaoyang brought the little flower spirit and jumped in front of them.

Quite similar to Zi Yan, Xia Chaoyang was holding a roll of jade, followed by several fairy objects, but these fairy objects were not floating in the air, but were bound by a fairy vine and dragged into the hall.

Little Hualing was not much better, she was pulling a piece of tortoise shell with the power of the fairy pond, and it didn't look easy.

"Wait..." The situation in front of him seemed unacceptable to Mr. Wenqu Xing, and he was about to ask aloud.

"Senior, are you Wenqu Xingjun? I have seen Senior Wen... I never thought that Mr. Wen would be so young."

Xia Zhaoyang threw Qingteng aside casually, and stepped forward to salute very seriously.

Before Master Xingjun could reply, Xia Chaoyang greeted him very familiarly: "Old Wen, time is running short, those bad breaths will turn back later, to make a long story short..."

"Now that the fairyland has passed away for ten thousand years, the fairy queen ordered me to restore the fairyland as soon as possible, but there is not enough manpower, and I urgently need a blank fairy decree..."

In a few words, Xia Chaoyang had explained the cause and effect clearly.

Wenqu Xingjun also seemed to be a clear-minded Shangxian, and nodded slightly when he heard the words, but his face did not soften.

"This Xingjun is just a fairy called Wenqu, not a surname Wen..." Looking down at the string of fairy things on the green vine, Xingjun frowned again: "The fairy queen... even if it is the fairy queen, you can't do it." To despise the remaining fairy treasures of fellow Taoists..."

Between the words, there is awe-inspiring style.

"Don't dare to be negligent, isn't this a matter of urgency? In less than half a cup of tea, this junior only got the approval of this senior..." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang bowed and held up the contiguous jade books in his hand.

At the same time, the ivy behind him turned into an iron wooden table, supporting several immortal objects.

Under the heavy pressure, the case table reveals the wishful fairy light.

Seeing this, the little flower spirit immediately dodged down, put the pulled ancient tortoise shell on the table together, and then flew behind the little master, as if she was very afraid of Lord Xingjun in front of her.

"Ruyi fairy light..., you are..." Wen Qu Xingjun looked at the fairy light shining on the iron wooden table, and then at Xia Chaoyang who was bowing in salute, his expression softened.

" is your literary talent?"

Hearing Xing Jun's question suddenly, Xia Zhaoyang was speechless, and replied casually: "Old Time is running out, this matter..."

At this moment, Qingyue's ethereal voice came to mind behind him: "If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky and rush to the sea and never return. If you don't see it..."

After reciting Banque's poems, Baiyun Tower stopped.

Hearing this half-que poem, Wenqu Xingjun's eyes bloomed, and he put away the ink pen in his hand, stroked his beard and nodded, as if savoring the charm of the poem.

Immediately Ziyan continued to speak, and read another poem: "When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky for wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is it..."

After reading half of the poems, Zi Yan also stopped.

At this time, Xia Chaoyang didn't say much anymore, and prepared to recite a poem casually.

It's just that in a hurry, I couldn't find a suitable poem, so I raised my eyes and glanced at the four characters behind Xingjun, and my eyes lit up.

"Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifolds, the lower part is the river and the mountain, and the upper part is the sun and stars..."

The Haoran Sutra that has been recited countless times is finally the most fluent.

While reciting, Xia Chaoyang unknowingly reveals the aura of the Queen of the East China Sea, the air around her body floats, and the fairy light harmonizes with it.

Not only that, but the four characters "righteousness and awe-inspiring" behind Xingjun suddenly became full of aura, filling the entire hall.

The same is true of Wenqu Xingjun, with the awe-inspiring righteousness coming out of his body, and the manifested virtual image is a bit solidified.

Seeing this change, Xia Zhaoyang simply put aside the matter of annihilation, and recited the Haoran Sutra in its entirety.

"Sure enough, they are all members of my generation. It is true that this way is not alone, haha..." Wenqu Xingjun laughed freely, and then turned his head to look at Huo Ling'er who was holding the big ancient book, his eyes were full of anticipation.

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