There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1037: Everyone gets a fairy treasure

As the fairy light receded, a silver-white spot of light was left between An Ye's eyebrows, revealing a faint radiance.

The light spot between Shan Chang's eyebrows is golden, only the size of a little finger, but extremely round.

The light spot between Xia Shigu's eyebrows contained the true meaning of Zi Lei, so that light spot manifested a dense purple.

Sensing that the three of them were about to form a fairy seal, Xia Zhaoyang first used the power of the fairy pond sent by the little flower spirit to find the little fairy position that he had just discussed.

The timing was just right, as soon as the head of the mountain and the others woke up, the three celestial rays directly pierced through the air, escaping into the spot between the eyebrows that the three of them had just congealed.

A ray of sunlight penetrated into the center of Dark Ye's eyebrows, a ray of golden light penetrated into the center of Shan Zhang's eyebrows, and a ray of lightning penetrated into the center of Aunt Xia's eyebrows.

As the fairy light penetrated in, dense mist was generated around the three of them.

This mist can actually cover the eye of the sky, Baiyun Tower sensed it carefully, it turned out that it was transformed by the immortal power of the reward and punishment immortal pond.

When the fog cleared, the clothes of the three of them changed.

The elf Anye has been trained in Huafan Immortal Pond, her extremely conspicuous pointed ears have been restrained, and her face has become more and more similar to that of a female fairy of the human race.

After obtaining the fairy position, An Ye was rewarded and punished with a colorful dress from Immortal Pond, wearing it as if she was wearing a glow.

As soon as the fairy clothes were worn, she transformed into a little fairy of Caixia.

In addition to Xia Yi, An Ye also got a crystal clear flying shuttle. When the scorching sun shines on it, it can refract colorful rays of light. Feeling its breath, it should be a lower-grade fairy treasure.

No matter how low the grade is, it is still a magic weapon of the fairy family, at least it has the power of the acquired spirit treasure.

Xia Zhaoyang sighed that a little fairy had such a harvest.

"The little fairy in the Vega Palace has such a demeanor, I don't know what kind of celestial figure the Vega Lord will be..."

"The Weaver Maid Immortal Mansion is in the East Pole, and we will find out when the time comes..." Baiyunlou replied casually, then turned to look at the head of the mountain and Aunt Xia.

The head of the mountain changed into a Taoist robe, got a golden light whisk..., and stepped on a pair of gold-plated cloud-climbing boots.

This outfit directly made the head of the mountain radiant, and turned into a 40-year-old Taoist monk.

The guarding fairy in Jinde Zhenjun's mansion is not extraordinary. The head of the mountain flicked the dust whisk in his hand, and the golden light around his body flickered. With a touch of his toes, he stepped straight into the air, turning into golden light, and flew quickly within the enchantment of the fairy pond. After going around for a week, it reappeared.

The golden light escaping method was hidden in the newly obtained cloud climbing boots, which made the mountain chief very happy, and the weakness of the previous escaping method was also made up for now.

Aunt Xia also got a set of Ziqing Immortal Clothes, on which there were faint flashes of lightning, but the most conspicuous thing was a double-sided lightning magic mirror held in her palm.

In the electro-optical mirror, the spirit treasure lightning shield has been stored and stored in it. From the happy expression of Aunt Xia, it can be seen that this newly acquired fairy treasure is very suitable.

Seeing Mei Weng's curious expression, Xia Chaoyang stood up and explained a few words.

The three of An Ye got the position of Xiaoxian, and Xianchi gave them fairy clothes and fairy treasures, just to protect Xiaoxian.

The items bestowed by each fairy mansion are different, but they are standard suits, and the grade is difficult to advance.

However, Mei Weng directly obtained the position of Shangxian and possessed the cultivation base of a celestial immortal. The immortal clothes and condensed immortal seal washed out by the Huafan Immortal Pond are not only more powerful, but can also transform as the cultivation base of the Shangxian increases.

As a little fairy, it is not impossible to make progress, as long as you have some insights in the fairy way, condense the real fairy seal, and after you improve your cultivation base, it will be a matter of course for you to obtain the position of high fairy.

In any case, the four of them gained a lot from entering the Immortal Realm this time. In addition to greatly increasing their strength, they also won the immortal position, so there is no need to worry about breaking into the Broken Immortal Realm.

When the preparations were complete, Xia Chaoyang greeted them with telegrams, and the little flower spirit responded by running the fairy pond, teleporting everyone to a dilapidated fairyland in an instant.

The fairy dog ​​Xiaotian was also teleported in front of everyone.

The first heaven in Guxian Realm, Yulong Immortal Realm.

The place where everyone appeared was a dark star fragment tens of feet in size, and its shape was extremely irregular.

"It turned out to be the core fragment of the fairyland... Fellow Daoist Hualing has a heart." Seeing the natural texture on the star fragment, Baiyunlou recognized its true shape at a glance.

"Well, I've been looking for it for quite a while now..." The virtual image of Little Flower Spirit manifested and danced lightly in front of everyone.

"Little Hualing, anyway, your avatar is light and light, and this time you are with my sister and me, so it's good to have a company..." Xia Zhaoyang stretched out his hand to greet Xiaohualing.

The little flower spirit nodded in response, and flew onto the little master's shoulder.

"It's a surprise that the core of this fairyland is so big. Maybe it won't take long for this Yulong fairyland to be repaired..." Xia Chaoyang looked at the star fragment under his feet and said with emotion.

Withdrawing his thoughts from the core fragments below, Baiyunlou nodded and replied: "Yes, it is rare to find such a large fragment, but the core of Yulong Immortal Territory is not small, and this fragment is less than a part of its body. become."

At this time, Aunt Xia answered the question and asked: "Yunlou, that is to say, I will wander around to find the core fragments of the fairyland with the same breath, and bring them back..."

"Exactly, today's fairyland is full of dangers. Not only are there wandering spirits with unknown supernatural powers, but there are also space cracks everywhere. Auntie, you are newcomers, you can follow us for a while to adapt."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower walked to the side of Shan Chang and invited him to go with him.

Xia Zhaoyang brought Xiao Hualing to his aunt's side.

May Weng stood behind his palace lord, obviously not the slightest bit aware of being an immortal.

Huo Ling'er called An Ye aside, and carefully instructed her After a while, everyone dispersed and left.

Xiaotian carefully sniffed the breath of the core of this fairyland, then found a direction and fled towards Yufeng.

The fairyland is vast and boundless. If there is no auxiliary teleportation from the fairy pond or a powerful magical ability to escape from the sky, even if it takes time and effort to find the boundary, it will be difficult to break through the spatial barriers between the fairylands.

But everyone is just looking for the core fragments, and there is no need to really escape to the border of the fairyland.

With the participation of Shan Zhang and others, the progress of the search has been greatly increased. After only half a month, 20% of the cores of the fairyland have been collected.

According to the previous experience of exploring in the Fandu Immortal Domain, Baiyunlou Chuannian recalled everyone, and worked together to try to operate the remaining energy in the core of the Immortal Domain.

Relying on extreme spiritual consciousness and understanding of chaotic qi, Baiyun Tower coordinated in the middle and finally pushed the complex qi mechanism on it.

At the beginning, this method worked extremely smoothly. As the invisible shock wave spread out, pieces of core fragments and even dust in the fairyland were brought back.

After these fragments were refined and fused, the shock wave became farther and farther away, and more and more core fragments were brought back.

Thirty percent, forty percent, sixth floor...

As a few days passed, it finally stagnated at around 70%.

Half a day later, the Baiyun Tower stopped running, jumped up, and looked into the distance.

In that direction, in an extremely distant place, a piece of debris has been sensed, which should be quite large, but it cannot be brought back by the shock wave.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

After a little thought, Baiyunlou decided to go and have a look in person.

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