There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1039: Giant fairy general

At the same time, a blue light broke through the gravitational field, and forcibly propped up the enchantment of the sword field on the dark core of the fairy field.

The figures of the head of the mountain and Aunt Xia fell into the sword domain, as if they fell into a pool of water, and immediately stopped the rapid fall.

Then it fell into the dark night of elves, and the gravitational force of the spiritual body was relatively smaller.

When it was falling, Anye forcibly stretched the wings transformed by Xiaguang, slowing down the speed of the fall slightly.

May Weng, who fell afterward, seemed much calmer. Although he still couldn't stop his fall, he stabilized his figure, and condensed several shields of black ice, which fell around the three of Shan Zhang.

In the middle of the fall, Xiaotian turned into a breeze and escaped, and floated directly to the side of Master Bai, only then did he reveal his true colors.

With the support of the Lanmang Sword Field, the operation of the Immortal Seal will not be affected.

Although the range of the blue light sword field triggered by the Dragon Scale Sword is smaller, it is more stable and agile.

The power of the sword field and the gravitational field in it have the same purpose, and the range and intensity can be controlled freely.

Dozens of fairy stone fragments came from a distance, seemingly not affected by the external gravitational field at all.

But as soon as Fang broke into the Lanmang Sword Domain, they all fell sharply and were crushed and shattered by the power of the Sword Domain.

The three junior sisters Chaoyang Ziyan and Huo Linger are all in the body of the soul, and they seem to have no effect, floating and landing beside Baiyunlou.

"The big guy is here, it's best not to leave the sword domain..." While speaking, Bai Yunlou raised his hand and swung his sword, cutting a bright sword light towards the crack outside the sword domain.

The piercing sword intent, which contained powerful polar magnetic power, poured into it, stirring up the air mechanism in the crack.

At this moment, the chaotic air mechanism suddenly stagnated, and a phantom of a giant palm appeared.

The giant palm manifested this time does not look like a supernatural power, it looks like a big hand protruding from the ground.

With the support of the big hand, half of the arm came out from the core of the dark fairyland.

The energy outside the Lanmang Sword domain fluctuated like a tide, and the gravitational domain vibrated violently.

Really big...

The crowd didn't hesitate at all, as soon as Fang stood firm, a series of immortal seal magical powers fell directly towards the giant palm.

As the entire thick arm stretched out, Baiyunlou also felt a strong pressure.

It's fun to be stressed...

Bai Yunlou smiled slightly, and with a shake of the dragon scale sword in his palm, dozens of bright sword lights slashed towards the phantom of the giant palm.

It's just that the phantom seemed to be fused with the Qi machine at the core of the fairyland, and the sword glow fell on it. Although it shook repeatedly and the demonic energy in the phantom was churning, it seemed to be fine.

As the sword light fell, all kinds of immortal seal supernatural powers also fell on the phantom at the same time, but they failed to smash the giant palm apart.

Even the sword light from Xia Zhaoyang's Imperial Envoy Ruyi Immortal Sword was only paused for a while, and after the shock wave on the phantom's arm spread out, it solidified a little in an instant.

The shock wave of the huge arm is exactly the same as the core of the fairyland, that is to say, unless everyone works together to smash the core of the fairyland, it is possible to really hurt this enchanted big man.

This spirit gathering thing should be the true spirit of Fang Xianyu.

Judging from his strength, he should have once been a fairy general.

Immortal general... Thinking of this, an immortal title appeared in the spiritual consciousness of Baiyun Tower.

Giant fairy general!

Although this immortal general is on duty in the fairy court of the ninth heaven, his immortal mansion is in the small fairyland of the first heaven.

Once you know what to follow, you will have a place to start.

Under the connection of mind and mind, Zi Yan also sensed her senior brother's thoughts. The two looked at each other, and the sword intent in their eyes began to condense and temper.

"Continue, don't stop, this phantom looks harmless, but it will actually consume the devil energy and the remaining devil soul." Xia Chaoyang sensed the slight change of the phantom's breath through the fairy light, and then reminded crisply.

"Chaoyang is right, be careful to follow and dodge..."

As soon as the voice of the message from the Baiyun Tower fell, the phantom with its entire shoulder sticking out had already swung its palm towards the place where everyone was standing.

This palm seemed to carry the power of a seal. Even within the Lanmang Sword Domain, everyone couldn't help but double the pressure, like a huge mountain pressing down on the top.

"Twenty feet to the left..." A simple thought reverberated in the sword field, and Baiyunlou fully operated the magic sword at the same time, and the blooming blue light sword field resisted the power of the seal.

Taking advantage of the moment when the qi mechanism recovered, Baiyun Tower jumped up and moved twenty feet to the left, and the rest of the people moved with them, and their steps became uniform.

The phantom of the giant palm fell down, and the fingertips fell just a few meters away from the crowd.

The smashed fragments on the surface of the core of the fairyland collapsed, but did not hurt anyone at all.

The giant palm was so close at hand, it was convenient for him to strike, and the Immortal Seal of Sword Gang fell all together, smashing the giant palm in vain.

After this fight, Baiyun Tower roughly saw the remaining strength of this ancient immortal general.

It's a pity that the true spirit of this immortal general died early, and the remaining immortal consciousness was completely eroded by the demonic energy.

The individual wandering spirits transformed by the broken immortal consciousness are not strong, but they can rely on the immortal general's original consciousness and supernatural powers to gather and transform into forms.

It's not that this immortal general doesn't have the immortal seal technique, but that he has integrated the immortal seal into his dharma body.

For example, with that palm just now, a phantom image of the Immortal Seal appeared in the palm.

Of course, due to the erosion of the demon soul, it manifested into the appearance of a dark magic seal.

While I was thinking, I suddenly felt a blur in front of my eyes, and the phantom actually used the power of the giant palm to prop up half of its body out of the dark ground.

While the devilish energy was rising, the true form of the phantom appeared.

Half of his body is more than 30 feet high, and with his wingspan, he can slap the ground with a radius of more than 70 His face is extremely blurred, and he has obviously lost his true self.

After protruding half of his figure, the phantom didn't say much, and immediately swung its two big arms and took pictures of everyone in turn.

Full of strength, the Qi machine surged, and the fragments burst through the air.

The Lanmang Sword Domain is like light blue bubbles on a huge wave, moving with the wind, erratic, always finding a place to set foot in the shadow of palms all over the sky.

When all the monks fled with them, they didn't stop for a moment with the immortal seal technique in their hands, and they cooperated more and more tacitly.

"Senior brother, this enchanted fairy general seems to have only the upper body..." Xia Zhaoyang said crisply while cutting out the sword light.

"Well, wait a minute, Junior Sister, you all look for opportunities to make a full-fledged attack."

When Baiyunlou replied, Chuan Nian led the crowd back several tens of feet, avoiding the palm shadows in an instant.

The figure protruding from the phantom was quite strenuous to move, and it was difficult to get the palm image far away.

"Go to mid-air..."

While speaking, Baiyun Tower stomped its feet, and the clouds and mist rose up, bringing all the monks back into the air.

Immediately, Baiyunlou concentrated on controlling the cloud and mist enchantment and the blue light sword field, sometimes approaching and sometimes far away, erratically escaping between the huge palm shadows.

This enchanted fairy general is really good, if he is a little far away, the magic power of the fairy seal will be exhausted after penetrating through the layers of fields under him.

Getting closer, the shadows of the overwhelming palms are almost suffocating.

Wandering from time to time, slowly but firmly consuming the devil energy hidden in the huge phantom, the remaining devil soul gradually lost patience and became more and more manic.

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