"Senior brother, do you think this big man can really regain his senses?" Looking at the phantom that became more and more solid, Xia Zhaoyang asked the senior brother softly with some curiosity.

After concentrating on watching for a while, Baiyunlou slightly shook his head and sighed: "There are too few true spirits left, and most of them have been corroded by demon souls..."

As Master Bai said, although the phantom has solidified a lot, its face is still blurred.

Phantoms are easy to gather, but true spirits are hard to recover.

When everyone was feeling emotional about it, the phantom suddenly raised its big palm and patted the crowd in mid-air.

"You big man, we're here to save you..." Xia Zhaoyang scolded softly, raised his hand and pulled out a vine, instantly wrapping Xuying's palm firmly.

Flowers bloomed on the green vines, and the big palm exploded, causing wandering spirits to scatter.


Immortal General Xu Ying roared a word of the immortal family, and was about to take another giant palm again, when suddenly a bright green light fell on his head.

The huge phantom trembled immediately, and the wandering spirits that had been scattered just now were forcibly gathered back by the powerful force of rules.

Not only that, but the phantom's figure and face gradually became clear.

Dressed in the battle armor of a fairy general, wearing a heroic battle helmet, a huge battle ax appeared in his palm.

After a while, Xian Jiang opened his eyes, and this time he was finally a little more agile.

The immortal general, who had recovered a little bit of basic knowledge, finally calmed down a bit.

He looked blankly at the core of the dark fairyland under his feet, then turned his head to look at the people who were hiding in mid-air, and then asked a question.

"Brother, he's asking me who I'm waiting for..." Xia Zhaoyang whispered secretly.

Baiyunlou nodded slightly when he heard the words, and his thoughts moved, and he immediately had a solution.

"Little Hualing, borrow your fairy power to give this fellow Taoist a ride..."

While speaking, Baiyunlou stepped towards the Giant Spirit Immortal General, and as a mighty immortal power fell, his figure suddenly swelled.

While his figure skyrocketed, his appearance and attire also changed accordingly.

Wearing a gilded battle armor, holding a nine-story pagoda in his hand, the fairy light on it is shining brightly, and his bearing is extraordinary.

"..." The Giant Immortal General seemed to be taken aback for a moment, with an extremely respectful look on his face, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground, exclaiming an inexplicable fairy sound in his mouth.

"Speak the words of the mortal world..." Bai Yunlou gave a light drink.

The Giant Immortal General looked up in doubt, and after a while, he still spoke the words of the mortal human race unskillfully: "Yes..., Heaven... Heavenly King... Your Excellency."

Too lazy to chatter with this person, Baiyunlou pointed to the Giant Spirit Immortal General to send in a thought, and when he finished receiving the thought, he said: "This is the end of the matter, don't delay any longer, lest such a trace of true spirit will be completely dispersed..."

The giant fairy general, who roughly knew the cause and effect, immediately prostrated himself on the ground again.

"Sin will... ten thousand deaths..."

"Needless to say, the core of this fairyland is due to you, so you will send it back. If you can protect this fairyland in the future, it will be considered as worthwhile..."

The virtual image of the Heavenly King incarnated by Baiyun Tower vibrated the void with sound, and easily retracted the remaining Dao Slaying Sword Intent.

"Follow the Heavenly King's order!" Sensing the familiar aura, the Giant Spirit Immortal lifted up his spirits, and with a flash of his body, he smoothly merged into the core of the fairyland.

After a while, the giant spirit fairy will appear from the other side, pushing the core of the fairyland with all its strength to escape quickly in the void.

The direction of escape this time is naturally towards the core body.

The mid-empty Baiyun Building then put away the dharma image and called everyone to come down and rest.

In the vast Yulong Immortal Territory, it was dark and deep, and a piece of black star fragments more than a hundred feet fled swiftly.

The virtual image of the giant spirit pushed behind him has already collapsed, leaving only a group of wandering spirits still persisting.

On top of the star fragments, a long tree appeared, with several plates of fairy fruits and a pot of spiritual tea placed on it.

Shan Chang and the others sat around the two sides of the long table, tasting fairy fruits and tea, and they were used to sneaking in while they were busy.

Xia Chaoyang poured a cup of spiritual tea for his senior brother, and said with some sighs: "I thought this big man could hold on..."

After taking a slow sip of the spiritual tea, Baiyunlou replied with a smile: "Isn't there still a trace of obsession..."

"Birth and death reincarnation, ethereal and uncertain, but all in one thought." Dongfang Ziyan looked at the shimmering light far away in the sky, and said quietly.

"Forget it, brother, I've had enough rest."

While speaking, Baiyunlou stood up, stretched his waist, and the chaotic energy around his body swam around, sinking into the core of the fairyland with his thoughts.

The mixed breath within it gradually began to move according to a certain rhythm.

A moment later, the entire core fragment seemed to be grabbed by a big hand, and the speed increased suddenly.

In just half a cup of tea, he has already crossed the Small Banxian Realm and arrived at the core body.

There was a loud bang, one large and one small cores collided in one place, and the gravel flew through the air, causing the entire fairyland to shake.

The Giant Spirit Immortal integrates the remaining true spirit into the core of the fairyland, whether it completely dissipates or regenerates, it can only depend on its own good fortune.

When the gravel collapsed and flew, Baiyunlou and the others had already escaped and got up, dodging the void shock waves caused by the collision, and only fell down after their aura stabilized a bit.

More than 90% of the main body is gathered, and the rest will be easy to handle.

Relying on the fairy formation deduced during this period of time, everyone showed their magical powers and poured various energy into the core of the fairyland.

Afterwards, Master Bai was in the middle to mediate, and with the help of a huge energy mechanism, the core of the fairyland was completely pushed into operation.

Powerful fluctuations swept across the entire fairyland, and countless remaining fragments and dust escaped from every corner~www.readwn.com~ In the end, the core of the fairyland was completely completed, arousing the energy like a tide, and the remaining demon soul and devil energy had nowhere to escape Okay, completely crushed and dissipated.

After being broken and then erected, fairy mountains and fairy mansions were reassembled and manifested, and fairy mist and fairy light were born.

Pieces of sunlight fell from the fairy court, illuminating the entire fairyland.

An Ye sensed the opportunity, flew up, and fled towards the glow that manifested in the void.

Looking at the figure escaping into the glow in the dark night, Baiyunlou laughed loudly and said: "Fellow daoists, at this time, the fairyland has been initially established, and the fairy mansion has reappeared. There are many opportunities, and the nearby fairy gates have reappeared. You can use this to go to several great fairy mansions. If you are interested, you may wish to take a stroll, and return to this place to meet after a day and night.”

"I really want to open my eyes, haha..." Shan Chang laughed, and invited Mei Weng and Nishang Xiaoxian to go together.

Huo Ling'er was worried that these people were not familiar with the rules of the fairy world, so she also left with her.

Looking at the figures of Shan Zhang and the others leaving, Baiyunlou murmured softly: "It is urgent to restore the fairyland, but it is not in a hurry... Chaoyang, there are so many people this time, why didn't you follow me to see..."

Hearing senior brother asking about this, Xia Chaoyang frowned, and replied with a smile: "This is Yulong Immortal Realm, there are only a few fairy mansions, it won't be too late to go shopping when I have free time..., Senior Brother Guan made a move today." , quite emotional..."

"Sentimental? Isn't it sentimental?" Baiyunlou asked with a bit of a joke.

"Forget about comprehension, senior brother, you know me, and the comprehension aptitude has already broken through to the state of forgetfulness..."

Junior Sister Chaoyang's self-deprecating words made Baiyunlou laugh freely, and even Ziyan beside her couldn't help smiling.

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